FSC-0017 FidoNet(tm) Standards Committee Archive Philosophy and Document Naming March 30, 1988 Date: Tue 29 Mar 88 20:13 From: Randy Bush To: Chuck Venter Subj: Re: This echo AREA:NET_DEV ... What is intended by this document registry o Starting a document archive with a naming convention based on the current one, FSC-nnnn.ARC. o The first few documents are the current FSC001 & 2, but using the new naming convention. o Grabbing the dozen documents which detail the current FidoNet technology (MYFSC001, N_YOOHOO, ...) , or provide well-documented proposals for changes, arranging them in date order without prejudice and issuing them numbers. The ongoing plan is o Similarly to the NIC, when a document is revised, it is given a new number, and states what documents it obsoletes. Many have said that this should have been done with FSC001. o Occasional documents will provide bibliographies of the archive. o Occasional documents will give advice as to which subset of the registry represents the currently accepted standard. o Contributions hungrily accepted. Send text. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Naming Convention 1. Document names begin with "FSC-nnnn". 2. Documents are numbered sequentially from 0001, with new document numbers being assigned to new drafts. 3. Extensions are a) .ARC - The distributed ARChive file b) .TXT - ASCII text file for screen or printer c) .DOC - ASCII text file for screen or printer d) .CHT - ASCII chart, may be wide or long or both -30-