(last update September 28, 1999) changes: Minor additions to echo purpose (section 1) and modification of spoiler warning (section 2) 1) This echo is for polite discussion of the TV show, Babylon 5 and related books, TV movies and the related series, Crusade. Other JMS projects such as the comic series "Rising Stars" are allowed. Users are requested to keep within shouting range of th e topic. Note - while I suppose comparisons to other shows (notably Star Trek) are inevitable, this is NOT the Trek Bashing echo. Keep it polite, guys. (Even when replying to trolls. Drives 'em NUTZ.) 2) Don't put spoilers (surprise plot elements etc.) in subject lines. No spoiler warnings are required. However, since Crusade has not reached all the places this echo goes, feel free to use them if you wish. To include a spoiler warning prefix the information you are warning about by the phrase "spoiler warning for [name of episode or whatever]" followed by about 24 blank lines. 3) Crossposting of messages related to the topic is permitted. Please don't post entire articles from magazines and the like without getting the author's permission first. And check with me before crossposting FAQs to make sure only one person posts that particular FAQ. 4) This is meant as a discussion echo for the show itself; fanfic is not banned, but should not involve anything that might conceivably happen on the show. As William Rotsler said about costume contest entries, short is good, funny is good, short and fun ny is best - if it'll run more than one post please check with me first. Long items should be made available for f'req or the like; just tell people where to look for them. Filksongs are fine though if you want detailed discussion you'll have better res ults over on the FILK echo. (Which is also on the backbone, so your sysop can get it where they get this echo.) 5) Those failing to follow the rules will be warned both in the echo and via netmail - repeated infractions can get you tossed out of the echo temporarily or permanently. Moderator rulings once made should not be discussed in the echo. Take it to netmai l/email. 6) As always, if someone comes up with a new and improved way to aggravate all and sundry the Moderator reserves the right to make a rule to fit the occasion. Ye EchoIvanova Has Spoken... :-> kay.shapero@salata.com Kay Shapero at 1:102/524