BLUE WAVE SUPPORT CONFERENCE GUIDELINES Last Revised on March 30, 1998 --- MODERATOR --- Gary Gilmore - 1:2410/400 This is the Blue Wave Support Conference (BLUEWAVE), devoted to discussions about, and support of, the Blue Wave offline mail system and related products. We like to think of it as the electronic version of a users group", a place people can gather to discuss their experiences (and problems) with Blue Wave and related products. To participate here, the following simple guidelines should be kept in mind: 1. BE POLITE. (This should speak for itself.) Discussion and debate is allowed, but behavior which could be classified even remotely as sub-human is not. If you feel you must behave in a boorish manner, we suggest you use NetMail (where you can be boorish to your heart's content). 2. STAY ON-TOPIC. Generally, anything which is not in the galactic vicinity of Blue Wave, or products related to Blue Wave, is regarded as off-topic. (Occasional deviations will be tolerated, of course, but we discourage them since they add to the traffic flow without adding anything useful to the discussion.) Entering into "Off-Topic Land" will get you a pretty nasty slap on the wrist, with even more pain to follow if it persists. :-) 3. NO DISCUSSION OF ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES, particularly discussions which encourage it. If you're not sure what constitutes an illegal activity, we'll be more than happy to inform you. :-) 4. AVOID ONE-ON-ONE CHIT-CHAT. Even though this conference is being carried on the FidoNet backbone, it still costs SysOps money (usually in the form of telephone bills) to bring it in. Therefore, help us out by keeping idle chatter to NetMail or voice. 5. PLEASE USE YOUR REAL NAME. This is a support echo and it's more professional to deal with a real person, as opposed to "Snoopy", "|