(linux-user.rul) 1. This echo is for Linux users to get help and help others. 2. When posting asking for help send to 'All'. Be sure to include full info about what you are running, the base system (hardware) and as much information about the problems as possible 3. Use the subject part of the header to briefly note your prob. 4. If answering someones post with a problem be sure to include as much info he/she might need to solve it. No smart answers such as 'RTFM' 5. General rule for answer type posts; stay on topic ! No chatty type replys. Do not butt in on a thread with comments like 'I don't have that I will have to fiddle around and look for it' etc, etc. 6. Absolutly no flaming. Adher to Fidonet Policy 4 rules. 7. If one wants to complain about another poster complain to the moderator by netmail or E-mail. 8. Messages published in this echo may be included in the "LINUX-USER.FAQ', which will be released in the UTILLNX file echo. 9. This is an international echo, all posts must be in English, with full user name. Msg's from a handle must include the users name in body of msg. 10. Sig's limited to 3 lines. 11. No commercial advertising. New products and software announcements may be made but limited to basic info and only once each 90 days. * | Warren Hrach, San Diego, CA 92107 | * * | warren11@home.com Linux & BBBS on an AMD K5 | * * | BBS at (619}224-4878 | *