====================================== | MEAL-MASTER CONFERENCE RULES | ====================================== 1. The MEAL-MASTER conference is for the discussion of the Meal-Master recipe program, as well as related utilities. This area is not meant for the exchange of Meal-Master (or other format) recipes. Recipes may be posted here however, if it is necessary to help demonstrate a particular situation encountered while using Meal-Master or related utilities. This conference is gated between Fidonet and an Internet mailing list. 2. If using an alias or handle, messages must be signed with a real name. Netmail/Email the Moderator if that is a problem for you. 3. High ASCII characters are not allowed. Stick to just standard characters found on your keyboard which do not require the ALT or CTRL keys to type. 4.a. Off-topic discussions will be kept to a minimum. Please use Netmail/Email or the appropriate conference for any topics not related to Meal-Master. b. No personal attacks, name-calling or other flames will be tolerated. Same goes for profanity, illegal activities and advertisements. If you do happen to see such a message here, see rule number 5.a (below). 5.a. Please leave the moderating to the Moderator. Off-topic messages can and do happen, and the Moderator *will* take care of them, BY PRIVATE NET/E-MAIL IF APPROPRIATE. If 2 or 3 or 10 people respond to an off-topic message, it will only serve to increase the expense for MANY sysops and users who pay to receive this conference. b. The rules and decisions of the Moderator are not to be debated in this echo. Questions, suggestions or criticism, however, will always be quite welcome via NetMail. c. The Moderator reserves the right to add, rescind or modify any rule at any time as she deems necessary. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = In Other Words: Be polite, use common sense, and type unto others as you would have them type unto you. Karen Mintzias Meal-Master Conference Moderator