The SecureMail Echo Conference What it is: This is a continuing conference on the operation of the SecureMail routing system. This conference is restricted to those who are actively engaged in the operation of SecureMail, and those who participate as guests. The conference moderator moderates rather than controls the conference, and is a participant in the conference rather than the director of it. The Moderator will be listed in the current issue of the international ELIST. The Echo tag is: SECUREMAIL The rules... 1. Be not EXCESSIVELY annoying. 2. Be not easily annoyed, and if annoyed, get over it! Enough rules, here are some guidelines... This is a public conference. The restrictions placed upon the distribution of this echo have not been put into effect to provide a secret or subversive environment, and it shall not be used for such purposes. All communications entered into this conference are to be done as if they were posted for anyone to view. If you have a desire to make statements which you would not do openly in public, take it to NetMail! The discussion of subjects applicable to our operation is encouraged, brief discussions of subjects loosely associated may be tolerated, the discussion of irrelevant subjects should be conducted elsewhere. Routing changes and map corrections should be made in this Echo as soon as practicable for all concerned. Changes in functional hierarchy will be posted here. Dave Nemeth, Moderator