Text 803, 230 rader
Skriven 2007-07-22 16:15:02 av Htick (2:236/150)
Ärende: New Files Received
>Area : GFD.APP.ARC : GFD APP: Packers and UnPackers
WPIVIEW.ZIP 232878 WPIView Version 1.0.5. (c) 2006-2007 copyrighted
FREEWARE by Herwig Bauernfeind. Utility to inspect a
WarpIN archive in a ZIP-shell like way before actually
installing it (see changes and readme)
232878 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : GFD.APP.EDIT : GFD APP: Editors of all kinds (Text,
NEPMD113.ZIP 3887656 Netlabs EPM Distribution (NEPMD) V1.13. This package
contains support files for the Enhanced Editor (EPM)
including macro and REXX support, additional macros,
extended syntax highlighting support, extended
recompile support and much more. Installed files of
EPM coming with OS/2 Warp 4 or eComStation are not
removed! Either the EPM V6.03b coming with your OS/2
Warp 4 or eComStation or the EPM BBS package must be
installed, otherwise this package is useless! This
package was compiled by the Netlabs EPM Distribution
Project Team. WarpIN package. The WPI file shows
almost all features of the upcoming second NEPMD
release, but the docs are still at the V1.00 level.
3887656 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : GFD.APP.FILE : GFD APP: File- and Disk-Manager
PMSEARCH.ZIP 62583 PMSearch Version 1.0. Copyright (c) 2007. G.
Priessnitz. All rights reserved. PM file and directory
search using file attributes and * ? filters. File
search by attribute type (archive, hidden, read-only
and system). These bits can be set or clear as well as
* and ? queries in file text search parameters.
Directory name search by attributes and text query.
Results can be displayed in details mode, either in
human readable form or YYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS form.
REEN_086.ZIP 228414 Rename Enhancer Version 0.8.6. Batch renaming a group
of files. The utility is intended to simplify process
of renaming or copying a group of files. The basic
purpose of the program to order archives of files
using batch operations. For formation of names of
files can use the information from EXIF and ID3v1,
ID3v1.1, ID3v2.2, ID3v2.3, ID3v2.4 tags. Comes in
English, French, Russian languages. Copyright (C)
2003-2007 Alexander Tebenihin.
REENW086.ZIP 227658 Rename Enhancer Version 0.8.6. Batch renaming a group
of files. The utility is intended to simplify process
of renaming or copying a group of files. The basic
purpose of the program to order archives of files
using batch operations. For formation of names of
files can use the information from EXIF and ID3v1,
ID3v1.1, ID3v2.2, ID3v2.3, ID3v2.4 tags. Comes in
English, French, Russian languages. Copyright (C)
2003-2007 Alexander Tebenihin. WarpIN archive.
518655 bytes in 3 file(s)
>Area : GFD.APP.GFX : GFD APP: Graphical Applications
GOTCH177.ZIP 519766 GOTCHA! 1.77- OS/2 screen capture utility.
Captures either windows, window interiors,
parts of the screen or the whole desktop and
save them to disk or clipboard as a picture
(bitmap format). Serial capture and batch
mode options. Written by Thorsten Thielen
<thth@c2226.de> Free software under the GPL.
WWW: "http://www.c2226.de/programs/gotcha/".
519766 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : GFD.APP.JAVA : GFD OS/2 APP: Java-Applikationen
LIMEWIRE.ZIP 8926142 LimeWire 4.12.15. LimeWire is a file sharing program
running on the Gnutella Network. It is open standard
software running on an open protocol, free for the
public to use. LimeWire allows you to share any file
such as .mp3s, .avis, jpgs, tiffs, etc. Limewire is
written in Java, and will run on OS/2, Windows,
Macintosh, Linux, Sun, and other computing platforms.
RISK1091.ZIP 4596991 Risk This is a java version of the classic
RISK board game, with a simple map format, network
play, 1 player, hotseat, 5 user interfaces and many
more features, it works in all OSs that run java 1.4
or higher.
SMARTSVN.ZIP 4612618 SmartSVN version 3.0. The Smart Subversion-Client.
SmartSVN is an innovative multi-platform client for
Subversionexternal link, the designated successor of
CVS. SmartSVN has powerful features like built-in File
Compare/Merge, Change Report or Tag and Branch
handling, which make your daily work with Subversion
as easy as possible.
SNPBCK44.ZIP 123503 Snap Backup Version 4.4. Snap Backup is The One-Click
Backup Utility that makes it simple to protect your
important work. Snap Backup is for individual computer
users who need a simple and convenient way to backup
their valuable files, and it's free. Snap Backup is
100% Java and designed to run on any computer with
Java. Copyright (c) 2006 Center Key Software.
18259254 bytes in 4 file(s)
>Area : GFD.APP.MISC : GFD APP: All other stuff than those
PDFM20B4.ZIP 1032179 PDFMergeNX Version 2.0.beta.4. (c) 2004-2007
copyrighted FREEWARE by Herwig Bauernfeind. PDFMergeNX
is a simple tool for doing everyday things with PDF
documents and PostScript files. It can be used to
merge PDF/PS[/TIF/FAX/JPEG files, split PDF/PS files
into single pages, print PDF/PS files, view PDF/PS
files (builtin Mini-PDF/PS-Viewer), compare (text)
content of 2 PDF/PS files, extract PS files from PDF
files, add bookmarks, add and update PDF metadata,
rearrange pages, flip pages upside down, set document
information such as title, subject, author, keywords,
load/save listfiles to add sets of PDF/PS files at
PMDIGEST.ZIP 71295 PMDigest Version 1.0. Copyright (c) 2007. G.
Priessnitz. All rights reserved. Calculates md5 and
sha256 sums.
1103474 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : GFD.NET.TCP : GFD NET: TCP/IP For OS/2 2.x
DYNDNS10.ZIP 23193 DYNDNSUPD V1.0. Written by David Azarewicz. Gets the
external IP address, checks it against the given host,
and updates dyndns.org if necessary. Information on
the last 4 hosts are saved in OS2.INI. This is a
single execution updater, not a stay-resident looping
program. It is intended to be executed once daily as
needed and is not intended to be included in a program
loop. This program will not permit DNS or IP lookups
more frequently than 10 minutes. To prevent a host
timeout, a host update will be performed after 28 days
even if not necessary.
FTPBOX02.ZIP 51818 FTPBox/2 Version 0.02. Simple FTP client based on
RexxFTP API. Author Miles Kuperus. Additional
requirements: VROBJ.DLL.
LIGHT051.ZIP 2361971 Lightning version 0.5.1 XPI LibC05 or LibC063 (built
by Walter Meinl, 6/30/2007). Lightning brings the
Sunbird calendar to the popular email client, Mozilla
Thunderbird. Since it's an extension, Lightning is
tightly integrated with Thunderbird, allowing it to
easily perform email-related calendaring tasks.
2436982 bytes in 3 file(s)
>Area : GFD.NET.WWW : GFD OS/2 NET: HTTP-Server, Browser and Tools
ENIG0952.ZIP 1631383 Enigmail Version 0.95.2 (for Seamonkey 1.1.x,
Thunderbird 2.0.x) XPI LibC05 or LibC063 (built by
Walter Meinl, updated 7/4/2007). Enigmail is an
extension to the mail client of Mozilla / Netscape and
Mozilla Thunderbird which allows users to access the
authentication and encryption features provided by
GnuPG. Enigmail is open source and dually-licensed
under the GNU General Public License and the Mozilla
Public License.
1631383 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : GFD.SYS.PRNT : GFD OS/2 SYS: Printer Drivers
EREDM091.ZIP 269347 eRedMan Version 0.9.1. (c) 2004-2007 copyrighted
FREEWARE by Herwig Bauernfeind. Utility to manage the
redirection of pipes. Useful together with GhostScript
and ePDF. (see changes and readme.txt)
269347 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD SYS: Miscellaneous Tools for the ....
CPMAP_11.ZIP 70227 ULS Codepage Map version 1.1. Copyright (c) Alex
Taylor. PM program for displaying OS/2 codepage
tables. CPMAP is a graphical program that can display
a complete character map of any OS/2 codepage
(including ones that are not normally displayable).
Can also be useful for debugging certain kinds of
fonts. CPMAP can be used as sample code for
demonstrating the Unicode APIs. Full source is
included, under a BSD-style license.
70227 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : GFD.WPS.TOOL : GFD WPS: Tools for the WPS
FPOS080.ZIP 90100 FPos version 0.80. (C) Copyright 2004 R. L. Walsh. All
rights reserved. An open-source project licensed under
the Mozilla Public License. FPos is a tool to clean up
a forgotten corner of os2.ini. Did you ever wonder why
checkini reports "folder position for non-folder
object"? Have you ever wondered what all those entries
in PM_Workplace: FolderPos are for? FPos identifies
what they do and lets you delete them once you realize
what a useless waste of space most of them are. v0.80
is a maintenance update that improves stability and
reliability using the latest version of the Remote
Workplace Server dlls (RWS08, included).
OO110.ZIP 79927 'oo' - a WPS commandline tool. Version 1.10. (C)
Copyright 2004 R. L. Walsh. All rights reserved. An
open-source project licensed under the Mozilla Public
License. Work with _any_ WPS object from a prompt or
script. Use 'oo' from a commandline or script to:
locate, open, & list objects, assign setup strings,
even "drop" files on program objects. v1.10 adds new
commands that make it a complete replacement for
REXX's WPS functions. Beside being able to do more
than REXX can, 'oo' is also more versatile: you can
give it the path to any kind of object, not just files
or folders.
RWS080.ZIP 353673 Remote Workplace Server Beta version 0.80. (c)
Copyright 2004-2007 R. L. Walsh. All rights reserved.
Invoke WPS object methods from any program. Remote
Workplace Server v0.80 enables programs to call any
object method in the WPS process without using SOM or
DSOM. This package is developers who wish to use RWS08
in their apps. It contains the necessary headers &
lib, along with the source code for RWS08 and several
apps that use it: FPos, Iconomize, OO, and RwsTest.
523700 bytes in 3 file(s)
>Total 29453322 bytes in 21 file(s)
* Origin: The KOFO BBS High Service (2:236/150)