Text 1390, 256 rader
Skriven 2005-03-12 07:00:49 av Vince Coen (2:257/609)
Ärende: New Files at Air Applewood, UK
System name Air Applewood BBS
Sysop Vince Coen
Location Roydon, Essex, UK
Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System
Network aka 2:257/609@fidonet
Running MBSE BBS v0.71.2 on GNU/Linux-i386
Announced On or after 06:00 Local
Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
Inet 01279-792300 115200 CM,XA,V42,IBN
Modem 01279-792300 56 kbits CM,XA,V32B,V42B,V34,X2C,V90
Area GFD.APP.JAVA - OS/2 Java Apps
ZIRKELDE.ZIP 4552 Kb. C.a.R. Version for Java Version 3.7 by R.
Grothmann. C.a.R., a program, that simulates
school geometry constructions with a pair of
compasses and a straightedge (ruler). The
program uses Java, and runs on almost any modern
platform. Moreover, constructions and
assignments can be published in the Net. The
interface uses modern standards. The interface
runs in English, German, Italian, Spanish,
Portuguese, Brazilian and Danish. There are
numerous examples and demos. The mathematical
routines are stable and logically correct. The
program is freeware, and the source is available
and free by the GNU General Public License.
German Documentation.
ZIRKELEN.ZIP 1272 Kb. C.a.R. Version for Java Version 3.7 by R.
Grothmann. C.a.R., a program, that simulates
school geometry constructions with a pair of
compasses and a straightedge (ruler). The
program uses Java, and runs on almost any modern
platform. Moreover, constructions and
assignments can be published in the Net. The
interface uses modern standards. The interface
runs in English, German, Italian, Spanish,
Portuguese, Brazilian and Danish. There are
numerous examples and demos. The mathematical
routines are stable and logically correct. The
program is freeware, and the source is available
and free by the GNU General Public License.
English Documentation.
JABR17B2.ZIP 2225 Kb. JabRef Version 1.7b2. JabRef is a graphical
frontend to manage BibTeX databases, the
standard LaTeX bibliography reference format.
JabRef is build to be platform independant
(requires Java >= 1.4.2). It merges and extends
the functionalities of BibKeeper (Morten O.
Alver) and JBibtexManager (Nizar Batada).
ZIRKEL37.ZIP 1078 Kb. C.a.R. Version for Java Version 3.7 by R.
Grothmann. C.a.R., a program, that simulates
school geometry constructions with a pair of
compasses and a straightedge (ruler). The
program uses Java, and runs on almost any modern
platform. Moreover, constructions and
assignments can be published in the Net. The
interface uses modern standards. The interface
runs in English, German, Italian, Spanish,
Portuguese, Brazilian and Danish. There are
numerous examples and demos. The mathematical
routines are stable and logically correct. The
program is freeware, and the source is available
and free by the GNU General Public License.
RAWVW160.ZIP 1633 Kb. RawView version 1.6.0 public BETA 1. RawView is
an extremely small Java program which allows you
to view a variety of raw-files from digital
cameras and batch convert the images to JPEGs.
Requires Java version 1.4.1. Support for Canon
1D, Canon 1D mark II, Canon 1Ds, Canon 10D,
Canon 300D, Canon D30, Canon D60, Canon G5,
Canon Pro1, Canon S45, Nikon D1, Nikon D1h,
Nikon D2h, Nikon D70, Nikon 8700, Minolta DiMAGE
5, Minolta DiMAGE A1, Minolta DiMAGE A2, Olympus
E-1, Olympus E-10, Olympus E-20, Olympus C-8080,
Pentax *ist D, Kodak DCS 14n, Kodak DCS SLR/c,
Kodak DCS SLR/n.
5 files, 10760 KBytes.
Area GFD.DEV.XMPL - OS/2 Samples with sources
FASTIOA1.ZIP 68 Kb. FastioA$ Device Driver for direct port I/O.
Based on Holger Veits EDM/2 fastio driver.
Modified for use with watcom. Includes watcom
project files and example program.
1 file, 68 KBytes.
Area GFD.NET.TCP - OS/2 Tcp/ip related (Ftp/Mail)
REXXMAIL.ZIP 1823 Kb. RexxMail An e-mail client with a difference.
Build 20050308.113052. Copyright (c) 2001, 2003
Marcus de Geus. RexxMail is an object-oriented
WPS e-mail client, written in REXX, which uses
the standard WPS user interface. Extensive range
of functions and options with full command-line
access. Released under the terms of the GNU
General Public License. Includes the CWMailFile
class by Chris Wohlgemuth. Includes the
Ns2RxMl.CMD Netscape address book conversion
program by Michael DeBusk. Includes the uudecode
program by Boris ?. Includes the munpack program
by John G. Myers, ported to OS/2 by Jochen
Friedrich. Includes the mmencode program by
Nathaniel S. Borenstein.
PMM_TBRD.ZIP 15 Kb. Migrate mail from PMMail to Thunderbird. Two
Rexx scripts, one to copy all of your PMMail
mail folders to Thunderbird mail folders
(requires some manual post-processing), and one
to migrate your address books.
2 files, 1838 KBytes.
Area GFD.SYS.DRV - OS/2 Misc. Device Drivers
USBECD00.ZIP 8 Kb. USB 1.1 Expanded Control Driver. Provides a
device driver to directly control classless usb
devices attached to an OS/2 system. It has been
specifically designed to ease the development
and test of simple homemade usb devices under
OS/2. Made in Holland by Wim Brul.
1 file, 8 KBytes.
Area GFD.SYS.TOOL - OS/2 Tools for the system administrator
UPDCD249.ZIP 1322 Kb. UpdCD 2.49 beta 6. Refresh OS/2 or eCS CD-ROM's
with fixpaks and updates. Update OS/2
installation CD-ROM with fixpaks. This program
can be used to incorporate fixpaks and updates
into an OS/2 Warp 3/4, WSeB, MCP/ACP and/or eCS
installation CD-ROM.
1 file, 1322 KBytes.
Area I-BINKD - Weekly BINKD.TXT includable by BINKD
BINKD.TXT 66 Kb. BinkD-compatible list of nodes extracted Z1
Nodelist 2005/070
EXCEPT.TXT 47 Kb. Exceptions noted during processing of Z1
Nodelist 2005/070
2 files, 113 KBytes.
Area LINUXNET.DIFF - LinuxNet Nodediffs
LN_DIFF.Z70 0 Kb. This Weekly Linuxnet diff file
1 file, 0 KBytes.
Area LINUXNET.NODE - LN: Nodelists
LINUXNET.Z70 7 Kb. Weekly LinuxNet Nodelist file
1 file, 7 KBytes.
Area NLISTZIP - NodeLists
NODELIST.Z70 266 Kb. Zip'd Fidonet Nodelist
Magic request: NLISTZIP
1 file, 266 KBytes.
Area NODEDIFF - UK Fidonet Nodediffs
NODEDIFF.A70 10 Kb. Fidonet NODEDIFF day-070 ARC
1 file, 10 KBytes.
Area NODEDIZZ - UK Nodediffs
NODEDIFF.Z70 7 Kb. Fidonet NODEDIFF day-070 ZIP
1 file, 7 KBytes.
Area AVDAT - Anti-virus Sig updates (McAfee, F-Prot)
DEF3FP.ZIP 2370 Kb. Anti-Virus Definition Updates for F-Prot,
F-Secure & FSAV v4.03 or greater. Latest
Signature and Macro Defs from Frisk.
from ftp://ftp.f-prot.com/pub/
DAT4NAI.ZIP 4983 Kb. Virus Definition Data Files by Network
Associates, Inc. Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
(4444) 03/10/2005
2 files, 7353 KBytes.
Area AVNAV - Norton Anti-Virus Sig updates
DAT6NAV.ZIP 4774 Kb. Norton Anti-Virus Signature Definitions
Update for NAVC/NAVDX Command-line Scanner:
VIRSCAN?.DATs, VIRSCAN.INF plus Text files.
for manual updates. {Note File ZDONE.DAT
must be copied LAST : for OS/2 Warp Use
\INCOMING for Windows platforms.
1 file, 4774 KBytes.
Area VIR_SPY - Anti virus Spy
DEFSREF.ZIP 408 Kb. Ad-Aware SE Reference File
SE1R29 05.03.2005
1 file, 408 KBytes.
Area WIN_MISC - Misc
MDESK10.ZIP 948 Kb. ModernDesktop v1.0 helps you customize your
desktop with 3D or 2D animated scenes just
like ScreenSaver does. If you are tired of
static wallpaper,you should try
ModernDesktop . The expereience will be
really amazing. Standard Features: Three
free scenes are provided, PolyScene,
FireworkScene, & DolphinScene. Any
ScreenSaver can be showed as wallpaper if it
can be previewed. All the screensavers in
system directory will be added to the
scenelist automatically and can't be
deleted. Programming interface is provided.
More features listed in readme.txt file.
Shareware. Greenfoxsoft
1 file, 948 KBytes.
22 new files, together 27882 KBytes of fresh stuff.
With the complements
of Vince Coen.
... ... It takes a long time to understand nothing.
--- MBSE BBS v0.71.2 (GNU/Linux-i386)
* Origin: Air Applewood, Linux Gateway for Essex (2:257/609)