Text 2520, 810 rader
Skriven 2005-01-15 23:11:50 av The KOFO BBS (2:236/150)
Ärende: New Files Received
>Area : ADV_BAS : Basic Language Related Files
STREE21.ZIP 62663 Stree v2.1a directory display utility.
Includes VB 1.0 BASIC source,
compatible with BC7 BASIC.
Public Domain 1999-2004.
Author: Erik Jon Oredson
Email: eoredson@yahoo.com
Urls: www.simtel.net www.filegate.net
STREE25.ZIP 62928 Stree v2.5a directory display utility.
Includes VB 1.0 BASIC source,
compatible with BC7 BASIC.
Public Domain 1999-2004.
Author: Erik Jon Oredson
Email: eoredson@yahoo.com
Urls: www.simtel.net www.filegate.net
125591 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : ADV_C : C/C++ Language Related
CUTWAV.ZIP 46306 CutWav will copy any section of sound from
an uncompressed .WAV file (whole seconds
only) to a new .WAV file (FOO.WAV).
DOS/Wins Command-line utility, PD Freeware,
with C source.
46306 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : AFTNGED : R50: GoldEd Editor
AFTNGED.RUL 7187 Rules of aFtnGed (Russian and english version)
57012 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : ARGUS : ADN: Win95/NT GUI FidoNet FTN Mailer
RB041231.RAR 1087774 Radius 4.010-2004/12/31. Binaries. [Final
RB041231.RAR 1087774 Radius 4.010-2004/12/31. Binaries. [Final
RS041231.RAR 1219666 Radius 4.010-2004/12/31. Sources. [Final
3395214 bytes in 3 file(s)
>Area : AVDAT : AV: Anti-Virus Signature updates
dat4nai.zip 4598237 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates,
Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
(4419) 01/12/2005
def3fp.zip 2202724 Anti-Virus Definition Updates for F-Prot,
F-Secure & FSAV v4.03 or greater. Latest
Signature and Macro Defs from Frisk.
from ftp://ftp.f-prot.com/pub/
def3fp.zip 2198267 Anti-Virus Definition Updates for F-Prot,
F-Secure & FSAV v4.03 or greater. Latest
Signature and Macro Defs from Frisk.
from ftp://ftp.f-prot.com/pub/
8999228 bytes in 3 file(s)
>Area : AVNAV : AV: Norton Anti-Virus
dat6nav.zip 4514052 Norton Anti-Virus Signature Definitions
Update for NAVC/NAVDX Command-line Scanner:
VIRSCAN?.DATs, VIRSCAN.INF plus Text files.
for manual updates. {Note File ZDONE.DAT
must be copied LAST : for OS/2 Warp Use
\INCOMING for Windows platforms.
dat6nav.zip 4497063 Norton Anti-Virus Signature Definitions
Update for NAVC/NAVDX Command-line Scanner:
VIRSCAN?.DATs, VIRSCAN.INF plus Text files.
for manual updates. {Note File ZDONE.DAT
must be copied LAST : for OS/2 Warp Use
\INCOMING for Windows platforms.
9011115 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : BFDS : BFDS: DOS Batch File Utillities and DOS
bfdslist.zip 71858 Master Files Listing for the BFDS (Batch File
Distribution System) the Files Support arm
of the International BATPOWER echo (learn
all about BATch File Programming).
71858 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
nodediff.l14 3869 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file l014
3869 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
nodediff.z14 3950 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file z014
3950 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : DK-POINT : Dansk Pointliste for Region 23.
dk-point.lzh 19406 Den Danske Pointliste for Region 23 i FidoNet.
DK-POINT.INF, indeholdt i DK
19406 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : DKP-DIFF : Dansk PoitListe for Region 23
dkp-diff.l14 847 Den Danske Pointliste for Region 23 i FidoNet
(diff-fil). DK-POINT.INF inde
847 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : ECHOSTAT : ADM:Echomail traffic and flow statistics from various mail
mh4000.zip 49982 Weekly Echomail and System Stats For 1:229/4000
49982 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
fnewsm02.zip 9993 FIDONEWS 10 Jan 2005 Vol 22 No 02
The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
* Murphy strikes as usual
* Fidonet Related Websites
* FIDONet Software References
* Nodelist Stats
* How to Submit an Article
* Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
9993 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : FILM_PIC : FP: Miscellanous & Various film pic from around the world
ONG_BAK.EXE 1048576 Ong Bak: The Thai Warrior (1/6)
ONG_BAK.R00 1048576 Ong Bak: The Thai Warrior (2/6)
ONG_BAK.R01 1048576 Ong Bak: The Thai Warrior (3/6)
ONG_BAK.R02 1048576 Ong Bak: The Thai Warrior (4/6)
ONG_BAK.R03 1048576 Ong Bak: The Thai Warrior (5/6)
ONG_BAK.R04 662917 Ong Bak: The Thai Warrior (6/6)
SINCITY.EXE 1048576 Sin City (1/6)
SINCITY.R00 1048576 Sin City (2/6)
SINCITY.R01 1048576 Sin City (3/6)
SINCITY.R02 1048576 Sin City (4/6)
10100101 bytes in 10 file(s)
>Area : FTSC : SDS: FidoNet Technical Standards
ftscprod.010 17073 FTSC Product Codes (2005-01-15)
17073 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
i-argus.z14 17411 Argus TCP/IP auxiliary nodes file: 2005-01-14
Generated at 3:712/848 from NODELIST.014
17411 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
justalst.014 24176 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
Justalst.z14 8243 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
32419 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
ln_diff.z14 435 This Weekly Linuxnet diff file
435 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
linuxnet.z14 7270 Weekly LinuxNet Nodelist file
7270 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : LORDFILE : CAM: Program releases for classic LORd.
klbank10.zip 108343 Kiteria's LORD Bank v1.00 LORD IGM
-- By Donald Tidmore
** Officially released Jan. 11, 2005.
This IGM provides players with a place
to store Gold AND Gems without worry
about other players stealing from them.
Also, gold/gems kept in the IGM can not
be taken away from you after you kill
the Red Dragon in LORD.
Limits: The Gems bank account is limited
to 1 Million. The Gold bank account is
limited to Two Billion. Visits per Day
are limited to 10, maximum. The Visits
per Day field can be set between 1 and
10 by the end-user/sysop.
3rd stage work, at later date, will be
to allow IGM users to transfer Gold and
Gems from their IGM bank accounts to
another player's IGM bank account.
Tested under LORD v4.07 beta.
The IGM will remember your deposits and
withdrawals of Gold and Gems during the
current day. It protects Gold and Gems
Bank balances between visits and between
Email: donald.tidmore@usa.net,
or ktidmore@bellsouth.net
or gtidmore@hiwaay.net
Fidonet: 1:123/450 - Donald Tidmore
WWW: www.fidotel.com/public/camelot/
108343 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
ap050110.zip 390023 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
ap050111.zip 380712 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
ap050112.zip 579901 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
ap050113.zip 1372171 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
ap050114.zip 38935 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
ap050115.zip 49395 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
2811137 bytes in 6 file(s)
>Area : NGPOD : NASA: National Geopraphic Pictures of the Day
ng050109.zip 164516 National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
ng050110.zip 169459 National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
ng050111.zip 165118 National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
ng050112.zip 190357 National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
ng050113.zip 96195 National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
ng050114.zip 211091 National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
996736 bytes in 6 file(s)
>Area : NODEDIFF : Fido ADM: Current Fidonet WW Nodediff in ARC format
NODEDIFF.Z14 3481 Fidonet NODEDIFF day-014 ZIP
3481 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
nodelist.z14 277898 FidoNet nodelist for day 014
277898 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : OS2-DIFF : OS2net: NodeDiff, NodeList
os2list.z14 16419 OS2NET nodelist for day number 014
16419 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : OSEINOAA : NASA: Weather Maps
oi050110.jpg 270389 (725x774x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the Day
oi050111.jpg 269498 (725x774x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the Day
oi050112.jpg 209679 (725x623x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the Day
oi050113.jpg 210461 (725x623x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the Day
oi050114.jpg 210296 (725x623x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the Day
oi050115.jpg 210663 (725x623x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the Day
1380986 bytes in 6 file(s)
>Area : PASNDIFF : PAS Pascal-Net DIFF-files
Pasndiff.z14 439 The weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff file
439 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : PASNLIST : PAS Pascal-Net Nodelists
Pasnlist.z14 8035 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist file
By Pacalnet.org of Gert Koefoed Andersen.
8035 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : PASPOINT : PAS Pascal-Net Pointlist
Paspoint.z14 1897 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
By Pascalnet.org of Gert Koefoed Andersen.
1897 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : RELAYNET : RelayNet(tm) Nodelist Distribution
Rime.z14 4660 Weekly RelayNet(tm) Nodelist
4660 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : STN_DK : STN: Danish Nodelist Segments
net7045.z21 1084 The weekly Sysop TchNet N7045 segment nodelist
Stn7045.j21 931 The weekly STN7045 nodelist in ARJ
Stn7045.l21 854 The weekly STN7045 nodelist in LHA
stn7045.r21 885 The weekly STN7045 nodelist in RAR
stn7045.z21 1067 Weekly STN Net7045 Nodelist file
stn7045.z21 1067 Weekly Sysop TechNet 7045 nodelist (ZIP)
Stn_e045.l21 869 The weekly STN7045 nodelist in LHA
stn_e045.r21 900 The weekly STN7045 nodelist in RAR
Stn_e045.z21 1087 The weekly STN7045 nodelist in ARJ
stn_e045.z21 1087 This weekly STN 7045 segment nodelist
9831 bytes in 10 file(s)
>Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
Stnlist.z14 10132 This Weekly STNnet Nodelist
10132 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : VIR_AVP : VirNet: AVP AntiVirus Updates and Shareware
DAILY.ZIP 16319 AVP 3.0 Daily Update for DOS, Win 3.xx,
Win9x, NT, OS/2, Novell and Linux
DAILY.ZIP 41505 AVP 3.0 Daily Update for DOS, Win 3.xx,
Win9x, NT, OS/2, Novell and Linux
DAILY.ZIP 18134 AVP 3.0 Daily Update for DOS, Win 3.xx,
Win9x, NT, OS/2, Novell and Linux
DAILY.ZIP 51075 AVP 3.0 Daily Update for DOS, Win 3.xx,
Win9x, NT, OS/2, Novell and Linux
127033 bytes in 4 file(s)
>Area : VIR_FP : VirNet: F-Prot AntiVirus updates and shareware
FP-DEF.ZIP 1939563 Signaturdateien SIGN.DEF und SIGN2.DEF
fuer F-PROT, F-STOPW und FSAV.
Signaturen vom 11.1.2005 23:44 Uhr
1939563 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : VIR_NAI : Latest AntiVirus Signtures files from NAI
dat-4419.tar 5324800 -- description missing --
dat-4419.zip 4610356 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates,
Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
(4419) 01/12/2005
9935156 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : VIR_NAV : Norton AntiVirus Signature updates
0110i32.zip 6004701 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.10.2005
Creation Day 01.10.2005
Release Day 01.10.2005
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0110i321.zip 893810 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.10.2005
Creation Day 01.10.2005
Release Day 01.10.2005
Disc 1 of 5.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0110i322.zip 1148116 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.10.2005
Creation Day 01.10.2005
Release Day 01.10.2005
Disc 2 of 5.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0110i323.zip 1341527 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.10.2005
Creation Day 01.10.2005
Release Day 01.10.2005
Disk 3 of 5.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0110i324.zip 1319899 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.10.2005
Creation Day 01.10.2005
Release Day 01.10.2005
disk 4 of 5.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0110i325.zip 1302733 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.10.2005
Creation Day 01.10.2005
Release Day 01.10.2005
disk 5 of 5.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0110x86.zip 8935152 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 16-bit 386
Virus Definations Day 01.10.2005
Creation Day 01.10.2005
Release Day 01.10.2005
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0111i32.zip 6007249 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.11.2005
Creation Day 01.11.2005
Release Day 01.11.2005
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0111i321.zip 893810 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.11.2005
Creation Day 01.11.2005
Release Day 01.11.2005
Disc 1 of 5.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0111i322.zip 1148399 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.11.2005
Creation Day 01.11.2005
Release Day 01.11.2005
Disc 2 of 5.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0111i323.zip 1342160 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.11.2005
Creation Day 01.11.2005
Release Day 01.11.2005
Disk 3 of 5.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0111i324.zip 1320515 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.11.2005
Creation Day 01.11.2005
Release Day 01.11.2005
disk 4 of 5.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0111i325.zip 1303729 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.11.2005
Creation Day 01.11.2005
Release Day 01.11.2005
disk 5 of 5.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0111x86.zip 8937050 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 16-bit 386
Virus Definations Day 01.11.2005
Creation Day 01.11.2005
Release Day 01.11.2005
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0111x86.zip 8937050 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 16-bit 386
Virus Definations Day 01.11.2005
Creation Day 01.11.2005
Release Day 01.11.2005
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0112i32.zip 6019166 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.12.2005
Creation Day 01.12.2005
Release Day 01.12.2005
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0112i321.zip 893731 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.12.2005
Creation Day 01.12.2005
Release Day 01.12.2005
Disc 1 of 5.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0112i322.zip 1149002 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.12.2005
Creation Day 01.12.2005
Release Day 01.12.2005
Disc 2 of 5.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0112i323.zip 1344153 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.12.2005
Creation Day 01.12.2005
Release Day 01.12.2005
Disk 3 of 5.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0112i324.zip 1320285 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.12.2005
Creation Day 01.12.2005
Release Day 01.12.2005
disk 4 of 5.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0112i325.zip 1313383 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.12.2005
Creation Day 01.12.2005
Release Day 01.12.2005
disk 5 of 5.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0112x86.zip 8950200 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 16-bit 386
Virus Definations Day 01.12.2005
Creation Day 01.12.2005
Release Day 01.12.2005
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0113i32.zip 6025683 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.13.2005
Creation Day 01.13.2005
Release Day 01.13.2005
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0113i321.zip 893593 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.13.2005
Creation Day 01.13.2005
Release Day 01.13.2005
Disc 1 of 5.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0113i322.zip 1150617 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.13.2005
Creation Day 01.13.2005
Release Day 01.13.2005
Disc 2 of 5.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0113i323.zip 1346463 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.13.2005
Creation Day 01.13.2005
Release Day 01.13.2005
Disk 3 of 5.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0113i324.zip 1320828 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.13.2005
Creation Day 01.13.2005
Release Day 01.13.2005
disk 4 of 5.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0113i325.zip 1315495 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.13.2005
Creation Day 01.13.2005
Release Day 01.13.2005
disk 5 of 5.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0113x86.zip 8957185 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 16-bit 386
Virus Definations Day 01.13.2005
Creation Day 01.13.2005
Release Day 01.13.2005
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0114i32.zip 6031184 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.14.2005
Creation Day 01.14.2005
Release Day 01.14.2005
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0114i321.zip 893475 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.14.2005
Creation Day 01.14.2005
Release Day 01.14.2005
Disc 1 of 5.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0114i322.zip 1151532 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.14.2005
Creation Day 01.14.2005
Release Day 01.14.2005
Disc 2 of 5.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0114i323.zip 1348767 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.14.2005
Creation Day 01.14.2005
Release Day 01.14.2005
Disk 3 of 5.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0114i324.zip 1321351 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.14.2005
Creation Day 01.14.2005
Release Day 01.14.2005
disk 4 of 5.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0114i325.zip 1317397 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 01.14.2005
Creation Day 01.14.2005
Release Day 01.14.2005
disk 5 of 5.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0114x86.zip 8963953 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 16-bit 386
Virus Definations Day 01.14.2005
Creation Day 01.14.2005
Release Day 01.14.2005
(tm) Symantec Corp.
113863343 bytes in 36 file(s)
>Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
VIRNODES.A14 29600 VirNet Nodelist Day #014
29600 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
VIR_DIFF.A14 457 VirNet Nodediff Day #014
457 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : VIR_ROSE : VirNet: ROSE AntiVirus Updates and Shareware
CRCHK452.ZIP 199660 ___ ___ _ _
/ __|_ _ / __| |_ ___ __| |__ 4.52
| (__| '_| (__| ' \/ -_) _| / /
\___|_| \___|_||_\___\__|_\_\
CrCheck: CRC-32 Antivirus/Integrity
-=[ 11-Jan-2005 ]=----------------------
CrCheck: Generates and validates CRC
checksums (32 bit). Antivirus program,
VERY fast. Wildcards, creation,
verification and saving of checksum
files supported. PGP and batchfile
support included! German and English
versions included.
-=[ Antivirus ]=-----------=[o1/o1]=----
D2HTM301.ZIP 214515 Directory to HTML (c) by ROSE SWE
---=[ Freeware ]=------------------------
Dir2html: Creates a HTML file (webpage)
of the files in the current directory.
Create within a second a complete download
webpage of your files! W3C 3.2 complaint.
With INI file for customizing the output.
Source code included!
Long File Name (LFN) support for Win32
and support for 4DOS descript.ion files
included. Of each file is a MD5 hash
calculated, so users can check if the
downloaded files was corrupted.
Windows32, Dos16 and Linux versions
included. See index.html as an example!
DizExtr4Desc - extracts File_ID.Diz from
ZIP archives and adds them to descript.ion
md5dir: Recursive MD5 hash creation
Visit: http://come.to/rose_swe/
MSCAN697.ZIP 452031 +------- MemScan/QMS by ROSE SWE --------+
I (approx. 5500 viruses) for the system I
I memory. # Normal and heuristic mode I
I selectable (this is currently a uniq I
I feature)! # Freeware from ROSE! # With I
I 'activ virus bait' tester and TestBoot
+------» Mo 10. Jan. 2005 ---
866206 bytes in 3 file(s)
>Area : VIR_SPY : VirNet: SpyWare AntiVirus Updates and Shareware
DEFSREF.ZIP 413550 Ad-Aware SE Reference File
SE1R25 11.01.2005
413550 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : WIN_GAME : WIN_FDN: Windows 3.x Games
3d_Chess.zip 3510971 3dChess by tlkgames.com. Discover again the
most popular game of strategy in the world.
3D Chess Unlimited is a chess game in 3D. It
includes a 2 players mode on the local
computer or over an IP network and the
monitoring of each player moves. Ideal to
learn and to improve one's skill.
3dBckgmn.zip 3016977 A stylish 3D Backgammon to play on the
internet. A combination of luck and strategy
game, Backgammon can be played under
hundreds of codified variants some of them
dating from the high antiquity. This
superbly designed 3D version offers an
intuitive interface, the capacity of setting
the level of the adversary while playing
against the computer or against another
player, local or on a LAN. You can rollback
a move or save a game for replay. It is very
easy to install and uninstall the game.
LAdmiral.zip 17795568 Lost Admiral Returns 1.14 Fast paced
strategy naval game with missions. Enriched
with multi-objective special missions using
chess-like mix of battleship, destroyer,
submarine, carrier, and other ships in
turn-based action. e-mail: info@fogstone.com
Req: Win98, ME,NT 3.x,NT4.x,Windows2000,
WinXP, Windows2003.
24323516 bytes in 3 file(s)
>Area : WIN_INT : WIN_FDN: Internet & Web Related
aitmdi.zip 1098410 Advanced Internet Tool is powerfull download
client with built in FTP client, Scheduler,
HTML links extractor and downloads manager.
AIT can concurently download/upload
unlimited number of files both from HTTP and
FTP servers. Uploads/Downloads are bullet
proof, start them and forget about them, If
connection is broken ait will automaticaly
resume your downloads. Built in scheduler
can remind you about your events,play your
favorite music files. Limitations: reminder
about registration
inb145.zip 833685 hexilesoft inBookmarks version 1.45 final
inBookmarks is a powerful bookmark solution.
It allows you to store, organize, comment
and check you Internet pages. It has many
powerful facilities that replace and
compliment the browser's bookmark management
systems. It also supports drag & drop
operations. You get capability to import and
export bookmarks to text & HTML files and
your favorite browsers. inBookmarks supports
all major Windows browsers.
telstar.zip 646421 TelStar telnet client for Windows 95 & up.Supports &
displays visual attrib
2578516 bytes in 3 file(s)
>Area : WIN_MISC : WIN_FDN: Misc.
engravng.zip 413902 Engraving Screensaver makes your desktop
look like an engraving. All elements at
your screen including windows and icons will
be amazing relief. Also some light effects
will stroll over your monitor and show and
illuminate part of desktop. You can adjust
the number of lights and their color.
413902 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : XOFCELIST : R50: Current R50 Russian Echo list
echo50.lst 92273 Official R50 Echolist
echo50.na 49334 Official R50 Echolist.na
141607 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
fe000758.zip 4967 Current 2:5020/758 fileecho list
fe000758.zip 4967 Current 2:5020/758 fileecho list
fecho50.lst 8596 ‘¯¨á®ª ä ©«íå, ¯p¨ïâëå ¡¥ª¡® 50 p¥£¨®
18530 bytes in 3 file(s)
>Area : XOFCHUBLST : R50: The Current R50 Hub list file echo
ECH00400.ZIP 62796 echoareas available on 2:5020/400
ECH01003.ZIP 15138 echolist of 2:5080/1003
ECH04441.ZIP 18726 /4441 Echolist
96660 bytes in 3 file(s)
>Area : XPNTZ2SEGS : Backbone: Zone 2 Points list
R23PNT.Z14 5080 Point list from Denmark (R23). For information contact
2:237/10 aka kaare@n
5080 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : Z2-DIFF : Backbone: Zone 2 - Weekly Z2-DIFF
Z2-DIFF.Z14 3586 Fidonet Z2-DIFF for this week (ZIP)
3586 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : Z2-LIST : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Z2-LIST
Z2-LIST.Z14 244745 Weekly Zone 2 Nodelist
244745 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
ZYX_LIST.A14 13733 ZyxelNet Nodelist Day #014
ZYX_LIST.A14 13733 ZyxelNet Nodelist Day #014
ZYX_LIST.A14 13733 ZyxelNet Nodelist Day #014
41199 bytes in 3 file(s)
>Total 192641323 bytes in 143 file(s)
--- **==>> Htick v1.4.0/Hpt v1.4.0/Snapi v2.4.0/GoldEDW32+
* Origin: The KOFO BBS High Service (2:236/150)