Tillbaka till svenska Fidonet
English   Information   Debug  
4DOS   0/134
ALLFIX_FILE   0/1313
ALLFIX_FILE_OLD1   6046/7997
ALT_DOS   0/152
AMIGA   0/331
ANIME   0/15
ARGUS   0/924
ASCII_ART   0/340
ASIAN_LINK   0/651
AUDIO   0/92
BABYLON5   0/17862
BAG   135
BATPOWER   0/361
BBSLAW   0/109
BBS_ADS   0/5290
BIBLE   0/3563
BINKD   0/1119
BINKLEY   0/215
BLUEWAVE   0/2173
CBM   0/46
CDROM   0/20
COMICS   0/15
CONSPRCY   0/899
COOKING   35154
COOKING_OLD1   0/24719
COOKING_OLD2   0/40862
COOKING_OLD3   0/37489
COOKING_OLD4   0/35496
C_ECHO   0/189
DOORGAMES   0/2085
duplikat   6002
ECHOLIST   0/18295
EC_SUPPORT   0/318
ENET.SOFT   0/11701
ENET.SYSOP   34002
EVOLUTION   0/1335
FDECHO   0/217
FIDONEWS   24248
FIDONEWS_OLD1   0/49742
FIDONEWS_OLD2   0/35949
FIDONEWS_OLD3   0/30874
FIDONEWS_OLD4   0/37224
FIDO_SYSOP   12853
FIDO_UTIL   0/180
FILEFIND   0/209
FILEGATE   0/212
FILM   0/18
FN_SYSOP   41780
FN_SYSOP_OLD1   71952
FTP_FIDO   0/2
FTSC_PUBLIC   0/13873
FUNNY   0/4886
GET_INFO   105
GOLDED   0/408
HAM   0/16105
HOLYSMOKE   0/6791
HUB203   466
HUB_100   264
HUB_400   39
HUMOR   0/29
IC   0/2851
INTERNET   0/424
JAMNNTPD   0/233
LAN   0/16
LINUXHELP   0/1155
LINUX   0/22144
LINUX_BBS   0/957
mail   18.68
mail_fore_ok   249
MENSA   0/341
MONTE   0/992
MUFFIN   0/783
MUSIC   0/321
N203_STAT   938
N203_SYSCHAT   313
NET203   321
NET204   69
NET_DEV   0/10
NORD.ADMIN   0/101
NORD.CHAT   0/2572
NORD.PROG   0/32
NORD   0/453
OS2BBS   0/787
OS2DOSBBS   0/580
OS2HW   0/42
OS2INET   0/37
OS2LAN   0/134
OS2PROG   0/36
OS2REXX   0/113
OS2USER-L   207
OS2   0/4804
OSDEBATE   0/18996
PASCAL   0/490
PERL   0/457
PHP   0/45
POINTS   0/405
POLITICS   0/29554
POL_INC   0/14731
PSION   103
R20_ADMIN   1129
R20_CHAT   0/893
R20_DEPP   0/3
R20_DEV   399
R20_ECHO2   1434
R20_ECHOPRES   0/35
R20_ESTAT   0/719
R20_FIDONET   0/248
R20_FILEFIND   0/24
R20_FILEFOUND   0/22
R20_HIFI   0/3
R20_INFO2   3324
R20_INTERNET   0/12940
R20_INTRESSE   0/60
R20_INTR_KOM   0/99
R20_KOM_DEV   112
R20_KONTROLL   0/13360
R20_KORSET   0/18
R20_MODERATOR   0/1852
R20_NC   76
R20_NET200   245
R20_REC2NEC   534
R20_SFOSM   0/341
R20_SF   0/108
R20_SQUISH   107
R20_TEST   2
RAR   0/9
RA_MULTI   106
RA_UTIL   0/162
REGCON.EUR   0/2063
REGCON   0/13
SCIENCE   0/1206
SF   0/239
SIMPSONS   0/169
STATS_OLD1   0/2539.065
STATS_OLD2   0/2530
STATS_OLD3   0/2395.095
STATS_OLD4   0/1692.25
SURVIVOR   0/495
SYSOP   0/84
TAGLINES   0/112
TEAMOS2   0/4530
TECH   0/2617
TEST.444   0/105
TREK   0/755
TUB   0/290
UFO   0/40
UNIX   0/1316
VATICAN   0/2740
VIRUS   0/378
VIRUS_INFO   0/201
WIN2000   0/101
WIN32   0/30
WIN95   0/4291
WIN95_OLD1   0/70272
WINDOWS   0/1517
WWB_SYSOP   0/419
WWB_TECH   0/810
ZEC   4

Möte ALLFIX_FILE_OLD1, 7997 texter
 lista första sista föregående nästa
Text 2529, 927 rader
Skriven 2005-02-03 19:35:16 av The KOFO BBS (2:236/150)
Ärende: New Files Received
>Area : AVDAT : AV: Anti-Virus Signature updates
 def3fp.zip     2297475 Anti-Virus Definition Updates for F-Prot,
                         F-Secure & FSAV v4.03 or greater. Latest
                         Signature and Macro Defs from Frisk.
                         from ftp://ftp.f-prot.com/pub/
 2297475 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : AVWIN95 : AV: Anti-Virus software for Win95
 sting249.zip    968528 McAfee AVERT Stinger v2.4.9.2 FREEware stand-
                         alone utility used to Detect and Remove
                         specific virii (as of Jan 31st 2005). See
                         file STINGER.TXT for changes. This version
                         detects & cleans all known variants of Pate,
                         BackDoor-AQJ/CEB/CFB, Exploit-DComRpc, Mumu,
                         IPCScan, IRC/Flood, NTServiceLoader, Dumaru,
                         PWS-Narod & SinCom, BugBear, Sober, Blaster,
                         Deborm, Elkern, Fizzer, Yaha, Klez, LovGate,
                         Swen, Anig, MyDoom, MiMail, DoomJuice, Zafi,
                         MoFei, Nachi, Nimda, SdBot, SirCam, FunLove,
                         NetSky, SQLSlammer, Lirva, Sasser, Bat/Mumu,
                         SoBig, Bagle, Korgo, ZinDOS & Exploit-Lsass.
                         To Scan & Clean under Windows (32-bit) just
                         Execute. Windows ME/XP users should first
                         read DSysRest.Txt, enclosed.
 968528 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
 fnewsm05.zip     10720 FIDONEWS    31 Jan 2005    Vol 22 No 05
                        The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
                        * Orphan works
                        * Fidonet Related Websites
                        * FIDONet Software References
                        * Nodelist Stats
                        * How to Submit an Article
                        * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
 10720 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : GFD.APP.FILE : GFD APP: File- and Disk-Manager
 DO-OS2.ZIP       40199 DO 1.10 for OS/2 and eCS
                        Freeware                      January 2005
                        Do.exe replaces a handful of old Freeware
                        exe programs which do not run properly anymore
                        because of integer overflow. do.exe also works
                        if the results are larger than 2 or 4 GB.
                        Do.exe runs through subdirectories.
                        Implemented functions:
                        disk size, disk space, which, text search,
                        file list, wait, changing file date/time,
                        modify filenames to upper/lowercase and more.
                        Martin Vieregg, info at hypermake.de
 REEN_067.ZIP    145885 Rename Enhancer Version 0.6.7. Batch renaming a group 
                        of files. Copyright 
 REEN_WPI.ZIP    179152 Rename Enhancer Version 0.6.7. Batch renaming a group 
                        of files. Copyright 
 365236 bytes in 3 file(s)

>Area : GFD.APP.GAME : GFD APP: Games -->> 
 SDLIN080.ZIP   1756976 SDLInvaders Version 0.8.0. SDLInvaders is a simple 
                        clone of the famous gam 
 1756976 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : GFD.APP.GFX : GFD APP: Graphical Applications
 D70RD014.ZIP   1519603 EXIF reader and JPEG extractor for Nikon D70. Ver 
                        0.14. Reads EXIF data fr 
 1519603 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : GFD.APP.JAVA : GFD OS/2 APP: Java-Applikationen
 BORG142.ZIP    3878433 BORG version 1.4.2. BORG is a calendar and task 
                        tracking system written in 
 LUX46.ZIP      4326234 Lux version 4.6. Lux The Game of Universal Domination! 
                        Lux is a game of st 
 RAILZ033.ZIP   1072614 Railz version 0.3.3. Railz is a Java 1.4.x multiplayer 
                        Real-Time Railroad 
 TYRA327.ZIP    2168421 Tyrant version 0.327. Tyrant is a graphical roguelike 
                        fantasy adventure ga 
 11445702 bytes in 4 file(s)

>Area : GFD.APP.MISC : GFD APP: All other stuff than those
 4ALLC.ZIP       223400 4allCalc 4.10 OS/2 calculator        January 2005
                        All-purpose Pocket Calculator with scientific and
                        programmer functions, calculating with variables,
                        Regression, easy transfer to/from the clipboard,
                        detailed error messages, online help. Shareware 25$. 
                        English and German. Formerly "pmCalc".
                        New in 4.10: long double precision (19 digits)
                        4allCalc recalculates the result after every keystroke 
                        and does not have an "=" button. You have an entry
                        field and a separate result field. If a formula is
                        incomplete or erroneous, 4allCalc will display a
                        detailed error message instead of the result. The
                        notation of the formulas is like in a programming
                        language. Nevertheless, there is a calculator-like
                        mouse interface.
                        Martin Vieregg  info at hypermake.de
                        ----german language------
                        4allCalc 4.10 OS/2 Taschenrechner     Januar 2005
                        Allzweck-Taschenrechner mit wissenschaftlichen und
                        Programmierer-Funktionen, Rechnen mit Variablen,
                        Regression, Unterstützung der Zwischenablage,
                        detaillierte Fehlermeldungen, kontextsensitive Hilfe. 
                        Shareware 20 EUR. Deutsch und Englisch. Früherer Name 
                        Neu in 4.10: gröáere Genauigkeit (19 gültige Stellen) 
                        4allCalc berechnet das Ergebnis erneut nach jedem
                        Tastendruck und hat deshalb keine Istgleich-Taste. Es 
                        gibt ein Eingabefeld und zusätzlich ein Ergebnisfeld. 
                        Wenn eine eingegebene Formel nicht vollständig oder 
                        fehlerhaft ist, wird eine detaillierte Fehlermeldung 
                        ausgegeben. Man gibt Formeln entsprechend der
                        Schreibweise von Programmiersprachen ein. Trotzdem 
                        es die Möglichkeit, wie beim echten Taschenrechner
                        entsprechend Tasten zu drücken.
 MOON.ZIP        245025 Graphical moon phase
 UPSMOP10.ZIP    550518 UPS Monitor for Opti-UPS models E, ES and PS. UPS 
                        Monitor for Opti-UPS sma 
 1018943 bytes in 3 file(s)

>Area : GFD.APP.MMPM : GFD APP: Mult-Media-Applikationen
 BATCHBRN.ZIP     74745 Batchburn 2.0 for OS/2 and eCS
                        A set of batch files for use with CDRECORD
                        Freeware                     January 2005
                        This archive file contains a set of batch
                        files for simplifying the use of the
                        freeware commandline program "CDRECORD".
                        New: burning Audio CDs and MP3 conversion
                        The archive file also contains DO.EXE, a
                        multi-purpose commandline program, e.g. for
                        listing files, searching text, showing free
                        disk space, locating EXE files in the
                        PATH environment. English. Freeware.
                        Martin Vieregg, info at hypermake.de
 74745 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : GFD.CSD.WRP4 : GFD OS/2 CSD: CSDs for the OS/2 4.0
 DF0129.ZIP     1251979 New dump formatter. Internal revision 14.100o.
 SMP0129.ZIP     972588 WSeb/ACP, SMP Configuration, Retail Kernel, Internal 
                        revision 14.100o_SMP. 
 SMP0129.ZIP     972471 WSeb/ACP, SMP Configuration, Retail Kernel, Internal 
                        revision 14.100o_SMP. 
 SMP0129D.ZIP   1063969 WSeb/ACP, SMP Configuration, Debug Kernel, Internal 
                        revision 14.100o_SMP. 
 SMP0129D.ZIP   1064070 WSeb/ACP, SMP Configuration, Debug Kernel, Internal 
                        revision 14.100o_SMP. 
 UNI0129.ZIP     919270 WSeB/ACP Uni/MCP, UNI Configuration, Retail Kernel, 
                        Internal revision 14.1 
 UNI0129.ZIP     919379 WSeB/ACP Uni/MCP, UNI Configuration, Retail Kernel, 
                        Internal revision 14.1 
 UNI0129D.ZIP   1003411 WSeB/ACP Uni/MCP, UNI Configuration, Debug Kernel, 
                        Internal revision 14.10 
 UNI0129D.ZIP   1003294 WSeB/ACP Uni/MCP, UNI Configuration, Debug Kernel, 
                        Internal revision 14.10 
 W40129.ZIP      921170 Warp 4, Retail Kernel, Internal revision 14.100o_W4. 
                        This contains fixes s 
 W40129.ZIP      921053 Warp 4, Retail Kernel, Internal revision 14.100o_W4. 
                        This contains fixes s 
 W40129D.ZIP    1005841 Warp 4, Debug Kernel, Internal revision 14.100o_W4. 
                        This contains fixes si 
 W40129D.ZIP    1005740 Warp 4, Debug Kernel, Internal revision 14.100o_W4. 
                        This contains fixes si 
 13024235 bytes in 13 file(s)

>Area : GFD.NET.MISC : GFD NET: Alles andere in dieser
 CTORRENT.ZIP    216196 CTorrent build2. CTorrent is a BitTorrent(be know as 
                        BT usually) Client pr 
 216196 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : GFD.NET.TCP : GFD NET: TCP/IP For OS/2 2.x 
 IPCHT230.ZIP    214465 IPChat v2.3       (Nov 30, 2004)
                        IPChat is a Freeware program to
                        send message in an IP network.
                        32-bit OS/2 PM and Win32 clients.
                        UNIX/GTK+ client are available also.
                        Copyright (c) 2000, 2004 Serg
                        Kopalin. All rights reserved.
 PMMBF057.ZIP     37469 PMMail interface to BogoFilter v0.5.7. This package 
                        supplies the required 
 SQUID258.ZIP   2503569 Squid proxy server v2.5s8 compiled and fixed for 
                        VACPP. With delay pools a 
 ZXM12R18.ZIP   1725274 ZxMail Email server for OS/2 release v1.2.18. OS/2 
                        email server, virtual d 
 4480777 bytes in 4 file(s)

>Area : GFD.NET.WWW : GFD OS/2 NET: HTTP-Server, Browser and Tools
 FT2L260B.ZIP    896270 InnoTek Font Engine for OS/2 Version 2.60 Beta 1 Build 
                        50. The InnoTek Fon 
 896270 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : GFD.SYS.DISK : GFD SYS: HD + CD Device drivers
 DANIS506.ZIP    303994 Daniela's S506 ADD Release V1.7.1. DaniS506.ADD 
                        replacement for IBM1S506.A 
 JRESJUNE.ZIP    229909 JRescuer. Rescue files from damaged JFS version 2.11. 
                        Product of eCo Softw 
 533903 bytes in 2 file(s)

>Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD SYS: Miscellaneous Tools for the ....
 UPDCD249.ZIP   1295481 UpdCD 2.49 beta 2. Refresh OS/2 or eCS CD-ROM's with 
                        fixpaks and updates. 
 1295481 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : GFD.WPS.TOOL : GFD WPS: Tools for the WPS 
 GIRL.ZIP        610610 Nice talking girls on on your desktop. A talking girl 
                        based on chirari, ju 
 610610 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : HAMCOMM : HAM: Cw/aplink/rtty terminal programs
 trtty237.zip   1223351 TrueTTY V2.37 - a program for amateur radio
                        digital communications via a sound card.
                        Supported modes are RTTY, ASCII, PSK31,
                        (BPSK and QPSK), BPSK63, AMTOR-FEC
                        (SITOR-B, NAVTEX), MultiFSK-16,
                        HF- and UHF-PACKET(AX25).
                        SELFEC SITOR, AMTOR-ARQ (SITOR-A)
                        and DTMF code decoding is possible also.
                        No additional hardware required - you
                        need only transceiver and computer with
                        a sound card.Optionally you can use simple
                        circuit fo PTT-control. Can cooperate with
                        RZ4AG AAlog logger. Shareware.
 1223351 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : I-BINKD : FIPN: Weekly BINKD.TXT
 BINKD.TXT        67670 BinkD-compatible list of nodes extracted from Z1 
                        Nodelist 2005/028 
 EXCEPT.TXT       47654 Exceptions noted during processing of Z1 Nodelist 
 115324 bytes in 2 file(s)

>Area : JUSTANET : JustaXnet: Admin
 jn_info.zip      70248 JustaXnet Info V2.7
                        The file with all information
                        you need for being a JustaXnet node.
 justanet.zip     70208 Latest JustaXnet Application Package
 justanet.zip     70208 Latest JustaXnet Application Package
 210664 bytes in 3 file(s)

>Area : LINUXNET.INFO : (LN) Linuxnet Info & Text files
 Lin0205.zip      12229 LinuxNet INF0 FILE v7.6
                        If you ever felt you want to work
                        with Linux OS systems of all kinds
                        as there is, and there is many of
                        kinds, then join this worldwide
                        All you want to know about Linuxnet
                        is in this archive include a
 lin0205.zip      12229 LinuxNet INF0 FILE v7.6
                        If you ever felt you want to work
                        with Linux OS systems of all kinds
                        as there is, and there is many of
                        kinds, then join this worldwide
                        All you want to know about Linuxnet
                        is in this archive include a
 lin_info.zip     12229 LinuxNet INF0 FILE v7.6
                        If you ever felt you want to work
                        with Linux OS systems of all kinds
                        as there is, and there is many of
                        kinds, then join this worldwide
                        All you want to know about Linuxnet
                        is in this archive include a
 36687 bytes in 3 file(s)

>Area : LODB : LODB - Danske BBS'er
 LODB.ZIP         29782 (L)iste (O)ver (D)anske (B)BS'er
                        Sidst opdateret den:  06-02-2005
                        Filen  "LODB.ASK" indeholder op-
                        lysning om  hvortil opdateringer
                        skal sendes.
                        Arkivet indeholder  desuden den
                        nyeste liste  over danske BinkP
                        sitet,  hvor man kan få Fidonet
                        post/filer via Internettet. Fi-
                        len hedder: DDFVIL.TXT
 29782 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : LORDFILE : CAM: Program releases for classic LORd.
 hits230.zip     134770 Hiding in the Shadows v2.24 Beta
                        ** Freeware LORD IGM.  By Donald
                        Tidmore, Created by Kenneth Padgett.
                        ** January 2004 Final Beta **
                        ** Tentative release date is evening
                        of January xx, 2005. **
                        Fixed glitch with alignment of the
                        check mark symbol in the Main Menu.
                        Conversion to allow sysop to choose
                        Max Visits/Day started 10/03/04. IGM
                        is preset to disallow more than 5 uses.
                        Reduced Hitpoint injury, Gold loss and
                        Gems Loss incurred by player when they
                        are captured trying to rob the Vault.
                        New Wishes: Sex Change, Flirt With Seth
                        Able Again, Flirt With Violet Again,
                        1 Player Fight, 1-2 Skill Use Points.
                        If player's wish can't be granted, they
                        may try another wish.
                        BBS usage aspects of IGM worked on by
                        Stephen Gibbs in early October 2004.
                        v2.00 Notations:
                        One of the best IGM's to date! From
                        the mind of Kenneth Padgett. Take a
                        trip to the underground lair,  meet
                        Alec McCour and LieLani,  his beau-
                        tiful sister!  Options never before
                        seen in other IGM's and THE easiest
                        IGM config program ever!
                        Tested under LORD v4.07 beta.
                        Changes: Shadcfg.exe fully updated.
                        Wishing Well now grants Horse, Fairy,
                        Child, or new chance to hear Bard Sing.
                        Vault robbers who are caught, and don't
                        have Conan (Large Man)'s protection,
                        now lose 75% of their Gold and Gems.
                        Player Database now tracks Large Man
                        protection throughout day, so player
                        only has to pay for it ONE time a day.
                        In Garden of Lust, Show Off option now
                        uses a 2% Charm points penalty.
                        IF UnProtected player is killed in Hall
                        of Illusions, with a Fairy, it will save
                        them ONE time per day. If they return
                        to IGM later in day and are killed in
                        Hall again, they will stay dead.
                        Once player has visited the Garden of
                        Lust, The Corridor, Hall of Illusion,
                        or Wishing Well, access is denied on
                        further visits that day.
                        Once player successfully robs Vault,
                        they are denied further access that
                        day to the Vault on later visits.
                        Players caught robbing Vault now lose
                        50% of their Hit-Points.  In Corridor's
                        Detaining Room, player loses 20% of
                        their HitPoints when they sit on the
                        prisoner's bed of nails.
                        Players who pay Conan for Protection
                        are entitled to only ONE Free Healing
                        per day, from the Large Man.
                        IGM creates ShadRept.txt data file when
                        executed in LORD, or when option 1 is
                        used from Main Menu in Shadcfg.exe.
                        Players are allowed only TWO chances
                        each day to get inside the Vault.
                        IGM now offers an ATM Service, but user
                        pays a small Service Fee for access.
                        The IGM Usage Reports now indicate
                        whether a listed player is asleep in the
                        IGM or not. All menus have been redone.
                        Added data to Stats screen to show when
                        player is Asleep in the Inn, or when
                        their player spouse is Sleeping there.
                        Email: donald.tidmore@usa.net,
                         or gtidmore@hiwaay.net
                         or ktidmore@bellsouth.net
                        WWW: www.fidotel.com/public/camelot/
 marty251.zip     92665      Marty's Mercantile IGM 2.51
                        Shop the mercantile for goodies etc.
                        Look around to see what you might find
                        This IGM is free to all but you must call
                        the support BBS to get your reg code.
 227435 bytes in 2 file(s)

>Area : MACGAMES : MAC: Games for MAC OS X
 BrkShoot.zip    682848 BrickShooter for Mac 1.6
                        By TERMINAL Studio
                        E-mail: sergey@terminalstudio.com
                        A uniquely challenging puzzle game for
                        strategists of all levels from children to
                        grand masters. BrickShooter is not just for
                        people who can think and move fast. It's for
                        anyone who enjoys solving puzzles and taking
                        their own sweet time doing them.
 682848 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : MISCFILE : CAM: Misecellaneous Lord/TEOS/WT-Lord files.
 has10.zip        78494           Hide & Seek v1.0
                        You are IT. Your job is to find the 4
                        hidden players in a 10x10 grid. You have
                        10 guesses to find them. If you are
                        unable to find them, you will be told
                        where the ones you didn't find were at.
                                  From TGB Software
 78494 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
 ap050130.zip    241793 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
                         published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
 ap050131.zip    175466 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
                         published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
 ap050201.zip    104343 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
                         published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
 521602 bytes in 3 file(s)

>Area : NGPOD : NASA: National Geopraphic Pictures of the Day
 ng050129.zip    158846 National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
                         Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
 ng050130.zip    175173 National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
                         Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
 ng050131.zip    177979 National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
                         Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
 511998 bytes in 3 file(s)

>Area : OSEINOAA : NASA: Weather Maps 
 oi050131.jpg    180138 (725x623x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the Day 
 oi050201.jpg    180138 (725x623x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the Day 
 oi050202.jpg    180138 (725x623x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the Day 
 540414 bytes in 3 file(s)

>Area : PASINFO : PAS The latest PAscal-Net Info stuff like infos and .na + .fa
 p010205.zip      77721 PASCAL-NET INFO FILE v11.6
                        If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
                        about programming in either Pascal or
                        Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
                        Included in this archive is all you need
                        to know about Pascal-Net, including a
                        nodelist.  PASINFO
 pas0205.zip      77721 PASCAL-NET INFO FILE v11.6
                        If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
                        about programming in either Pascal or
                        Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
                        Included in this archive is all you need
                        to know about Pascal-Net, including a
                        nodelist.  PASINFO
 pasinfo.zip      77721 PASCAL-NET INFO FILE v11.6
                        If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
                        about programming in either Pascal or
                        Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
                        Included in this archive is all you need
                        to know about Pascal-Net, including a
                        nodelist.  PASINFO
 233163 bytes in 3 file(s)

>Area : PDNWINNT : PDN: Development tools for WindowsNT
 dzperl.zip     1812434 DzSoft Perl Editor is a tool for writing,
                        editing, and debugging Perl/CGI scripts. It
                        has a comfortable and intuitive interface
                        both for beginners and advanced programmers.
                        DzSoft Perl Editor is deceptively simple,
                        but it is really a very powerful tool. Has
                        Code Explorer, very comfortable editor with
                        syntax highlighting, syntax check, easy to
                        use breakpoints with variables watch and
                        many other things for easy and comfortable
                        Perl development.</Char_Desc_450>
 1812434 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : VIR_AVP : VirNet: AVP AntiVirus Updates and Shareware
 DAILY.ZIP        20213 AVP 3.0 Daily Update for DOS, Win 3.xx,
                        Win9x, NT, OS/2, Novell and Linux
 DAILY.ZIP       125836 AVP 3.0 Daily Update for DOS, Win 3.xx,
                        Win9x, NT, OS/2, Novell and Linux
 146049 bytes in 2 file(s)

>Area : VIR_FP : VirNet: F-Prot AntiVirus updates and shareware
 FP-DEF.ZIP     2042459 Signaturdateien SIGN.DEF und SIGN2.DEF
                        fuer F-PROT, F-STOPW und FSAV.
                        Signaturen vom 2.2.2005 14:07 Uhr
 FP-DEF.ZIP     2042459 Signaturdateien SIGN.DEF und SIGN2.DEF
                        fuer F-PROT, F-STOPW und FSAV.
                        Signaturen vom 1.2.2005 03:43 Uhr
 FP-DEF.ZIP     2052818 Signaturdateien SIGN.DEF und SIGN2.DEF
                        fuer F-PROT, F-STOPW und FSAV.
                        Signaturen vom 30.1.2005 22:25 Uhr
                        Signaturen vom 2.2.2005 14:07 Uhr
 6388771 bytes in 4 file(s)

>Area : VIR_HBED : VirNet: HBED AntiVirus updates and Shareware
 ANTIVIR.VDF    2028544 H-BEDV AntiVir Virus Database File
 ANTIVIR.VDF    2025984 H-BEDV AntiVir Virus Database File
 ANTIVIR.VDF    2032640 H-BEDV AntiVir Virus Database File
 ANTIVIR.VDF    2032640 H-BEDV AntiVir Virus Database File
 8119808 bytes in 4 file(s)

>Area : VIR_NAI : Latest AntiVirus Signtures files from NAI
 dat-4424.tar   5847040 -- description missing --
 dat-4424.zip   4962799 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates, 
                        Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
                        (4424)  01/31/2005
 dat-4425.tar   5888000 -- description missing --
 dat-4425.zip   4994277 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates, 
                        Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
                        (4425)  02/02/2005
 21692116 bytes in 4 file(s)

>Area : VIR_NAV : Norton AntiVirus Signature updates
 0131i32.zip    6206097 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 01.31.2005
                        Creation Day 01.31.2005
                        Release Day 01.31.2005
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0131i32.zip    6206097 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 01.31.2005
                        Creation Day 01.31.2005
                        Release Day 01.31.2005
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0131i321.zip    954325 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 01.31.2005
                        Creation Day 01.31.2005
                        Release Day 01.31.2005
                        Disc 1 of 5.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0131i322.zip   1159078 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 01.31.2005
                        Creation Day 01.31.2005
                        Release Day 01.31.2005
                        Disc 2 of 5.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0131i323.zip   1387606 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 01.31.2005
                        Creation Day 01.31.2005
                        Release Day 01.31.2005
                        Disk 3 of 5.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0131i324.zip   1346583 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 01.31.2005
                        Creation Day 01.31.2005
                        Release Day 01.31.2005
                        disk 4 of 5.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0131i325.zip   1348634 -- description missing --
 0131x86.zip    9028985 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 16-bit 386
                        Virus Definations Day 01.31.2005
                        Creation Day 01.31.2005
                        Release Day 01.31.2005
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0201i32.zip    6212867 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 02.01.2005
                        Creation Day 02.01.2005
                        Release Day 02.01.2005
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0201i32.zip    6212867 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 02.01.2005
                        Creation Day 02.01.2005
                        Release Day 02.01.2005
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0201i321.zip    954353 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 02.01.2005
                        Creation Day 02.01.2005
                        Release Day 02.01.2005
                        Disc 1 of 5.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0201i321.zip    954353 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 02.01.2005
                        Creation Day 02.01.2005
                        Release Day 02.01.2005
                        Disc 1 of 5.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0201i322.zip   1159159 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 02.01.2005
                        Creation Day 02.01.2005
                        Release Day 02.01.2005
                        Disc 2 of 5.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0201i322.zip   1159159 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 02.01.2005
                        Creation Day 02.01.2005
                        Release Day 02.01.2005
                        Disc 2 of 5.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0201i323.zip   1390390 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 02.01.2005
                        Creation Day 02.01.2005
                        Release Day 02.01.2005
                        Disk 3 of 5.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0201i323.zip   1390390 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 02.01.2005
                        Creation Day 02.01.2005
                        Release Day 02.01.2005
                        Disk 3 of 5.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0201i324.zip   1348889 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 02.01.2005
                        Creation Day 02.01.2005
                        Release Day 02.01.2005
                        disk 4 of 5.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0201i325.zip   1350456 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 02.01.2005
                        Creation Day 02.01.2005
                        Release Day 02.01.2005
                        disk 5 of 5.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0201x86.zip    9035946 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 16-bit 386
                        Virus Definations Day 02.01.2005
                        Creation Day 02.01.2005
                        Release Day 02.01.2005
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0202i32.zip    6216419 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 02.02.2005
                        Creation Day 02.02.2005
                        Release Day 02.02.2005
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0202i321.zip    954355 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 02.02.2005
                        Creation Day 02.02.2005
                        Release Day 02.02.2005
                        Disc 1 of 5.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0202i322.zip   1159024 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 02.02.2005
                        Creation Day 02.02.2005
                        Release Day 02.02.2005
                        Disc 2 of 5.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0202i323.zip   1393117 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 02.02.2005
                        Creation Day 02.02.2005
                        Release Day 02.02.2005
                        Disk 3 of 5.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0202i324.zip   1349427 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 02.02.2005
                        Creation Day 02.02.2005
                        Release Day 02.02.2005
                        disk 4 of 5.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0202i325.zip   1353767 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 02.02.2005
                        Creation Day 02.02.2005
                        Release Day 02.02.2005
                        disk 5 of 5.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0202x86.zip    9039628 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 16-bit 386
                        Virus Definations Day 02.02.2005
                        Creation Day 02.02.2005
                        Release Day 02.02.2005
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 80271971 bytes in 26 file(s)

>Area : WIN_INT : WIN_FDN: Internet & Web Related
 kmanywre.zip  10078210 KmAnywhere is a PKM tool that helps you deal
                        with the barrage of electronic information.
                        It works with any USB mobile disk with
                        plug-in and autorun support. Includes 5
                        major modules. Browser, Notebooks for
                        managing photos and docs, Email Client with
                        filters for important mail and also spam
                        filter, Contacts to manage contact info,
                        Timesheet for tracking time. Also includes
                        built-in editors/tools for html web page
                        editing and rtf word files - and more.
 10078210 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : WIN_MISC : WIN_FDN: Misc.
 hkeylog.zip    1534552 Monitor your PC activity with Handy
 xedate.zip      719746 XE-Date Control is an ActiveX implementing
                        convenient way to input date ranges and
                        single dates.  It can work in 2 modes:
                        Single Date (like MS DatePicker) and Date
                        Range (User can input 2 dates from one
                        Calendar).  Calendar features: Two month day
                        selection pane; Easy choosing of month(s),
                        year(s), quater(s); Non-working day
                        assignment; Data bindable; Color
                        customization; Multilanguage support;
                        Vertical and Horizontal orientation of start
                        & end dates; Custom Date formats.
 2254298 bytes in 2 file(s)

>Area : WIN_MULT : WIN_FDN: MultiMedia & GRaphics
 azpaint.zip    3876151 AZ Paint & Animated GIF Editor v3.1.0 -
                        Shareware.  A compact Paint program and
                        Animated GIF Editor. For quality paint works
                        and for creating and editing animated GIF
                        files. Free trial for 30 days.  Price US$30.
                        Good on Win 95/98, NT, ME, 2000 and XP.
                        Download file size 3.7 MB. No special system
                        requirement. Developer: Herman Compute
                        Website: www.hermancompute.com
 DVDPBurn.zip    948964 DVD Power Burner is leading
                        multimedia-creating and data backup software
                        by our partner ANCHEN Co. Ltd. Easy-to-use
                        yet powerful tools will turn your computer
                        into a creative workshop. DVD Power Burner
                        burns data, audios, videos, and images to
                        CDs or DVDs. Enhanced writing stability
                        increases synchronization and the
                        compatibility with other application
                        programs and software. User-friendly
                        interface and step-by-step wizards make
                        every beginner experience expert CD/DVD
                        burning skills. LESS time and MORE fun!
 4825115 bytes in 2 file(s)

>Area : WIN_UTIL : WIN_FDN: Windows Utilities
 ataskman.zip    830585 OrionSoftLab Active Task Manager V1.60
                        OrionSoftLab (c) 1999-2005 Convenient
                        utility for automatic execution of three
                        types of the tasks: - Starting programs (any
                        of exe, com, - bat-files); - Creating the
                        backups of files (the Active - Backup Expert
                        (http://www.orionsoftlab.com/abe/) -
                        software is required); - Displaying the text
                        and sound messages.  System Requirements:
                        -Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP; -At
                        least 2Mb free HD space; -Mouse or other
                        Windows pointing device; -VGA or higher
                        resolution.  Price - $15 US.
 hb46dvd.zip    2817885 Handy Backup is an easy-to-use powerful
                        backup program designed for Win9x /NT /2000
                        /Me /XP. It makes an automatic backup of
                        critical data virtually to any type of
                        storage media: hard or network drive, DVD,
                        CD-R/W, flash drive, FTP or LAN. Special
                        plugins provided to facilitate the backup of
                        ICQ, system registry, MS Outlook data and
                        Windows settings: Favourites, Desktop,
                        Nethood, etc. Strong file encryption and
                        multichoice zip compression on the fly as
                        well as other useful features will protect
                        your valuable data. All backup activities
                        are notified into a log file. Detailed
                        online help
 lockxp.zip    12916849 Lock XP v5.05.0116 Access Control, Security,
                        and User Monitoring for the Windows platform
 16565319 bytes in 3 file(s)

>Area : WTLORD : CAM: Worldgroup T-Lord files
 court12.zip      32975 WT-LORD County Court v1.2 -=- IGM
                        for WT-LORD in 32bit wcCODE for WC5
                        Marry, Divorce, and a lot mor fun!
                        Another fun *WT-LORD IGM*
                        by Joseph Watson
                        Pay off the Judge and other will be
                        divorced...Force another player to
                        marry you and a bunch more!
                        FEATURES: EASY Setup
                                  BUILT in Maintenance
                                  EASY Registration with VISA
                                  or MASTERCARD
 maddog18.zip     44660 The Mad Dog v1.8 -=- an IGM for WT-LORD in
                        32bit wcCODE for WC5! "WT-LORD v2.0 READY"
                        for WT-LORD v2.5 and Above ONLY!
                        Another fun *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson