Tillbaka till svenska Fidonet
English   Information   Debug  
4DOS   0/134
ALLFIX_FILE   0/1313
ALT_DOS   0/152
AMIGA   0/331
ANIME   0/15
ARGUS   0/924
ASCII_ART   0/340
ASIAN_LINK   0/651
AUDIO   0/92
BABYLON5   0/17862
BAG   135
BATPOWER   0/361
BBSLAW   0/109
BBS_ADS   0/5290
BIBLE   0/3563
BINKD   0/1119
BINKLEY   0/215
BLUEWAVE   0/2173
CBM   0/46
CDROM   0/20
COMICS   0/15
CONSPRCY   0/899
COOKING   31539
COOKING_OLD1   0/24719
COOKING_OLD2   0/40862
COOKING_OLD3   0/37489
COOKING_OLD4   0/35496
C_ECHO   0/189
DOORGAMES   0/2048
duplikat   6002
ECHOLIST   0/18295
EC_SUPPORT   0/318
ENET.SOFT   0/11701
ENET.SYSOP   33864
EVOLUTION   0/1335
FDECHO   0/217
FIDONEWS   23936
FIDONEWS_OLD1   0/49742
FIDONEWS_OLD2   0/35949
FIDONEWS_OLD3   0/30874
FIDONEWS_OLD4   0/37224
FIDO_SYSOP   12852
FIDO_UTIL   0/180
FILEFIND   0/209
FILEGATE   0/212
FILM   0/18
FN_SYSOP   41622
FN_SYSOP_OLD1   71952
FTP_FIDO   0/2
FTSC_PUBLIC   0/13595
FUNNY   0/4886
GET_INFO   105
GOLDED   0/408
HAM   0/16059
HOLYSMOKE   0/6791
HUB203   466
HUB_100   264
HUB_400   39
HUMOR   0/29
IC   0/2851
INTERNET   0/424
JAMNNTPD   0/233
LAN   0/16
LINUXHELP   0/1155
LINUX   0/22068
LINUX_BBS   0/957
mail   18.68
mail_fore_ok   249
MENSA   0/341
MONTE   0/992
MUFFIN   0/783
MUSIC   0/321
N203_STAT   918
N203_SYSCHAT   313
NET203   321
NET204   69
NET_DEV   0/10
NORD.ADMIN   0/101
NORD.CHAT   0/2572
NORD.PROG   0/32
NORD   0/453
OS2BBS   0/787
OS2DOSBBS   0/580
OS2HW   0/42
OS2INET   0/37
OS2LAN   0/134
OS2PROG   0/36
OS2REXX   0/113
OS2USER-L   207
OS2   0/4786
OSDEBATE   0/18996
PASCAL   0/490
PERL   0/457
PHP   0/45
POINTS   0/405
POLITICS   0/29554
POL_INC   0/14731
PSION   103
R20_ADMIN   1121
R20_CHAT   0/893
R20_DEPP   0/3
R20_DEV   399
R20_ECHO2   1379
R20_ECHOPRES   0/35
R20_ESTAT   0/719
R20_FIDONET   0/248
R20_FILEFIND   0/24
R20_FILEFOUND   0/22
R20_HIFI   0/3
R20_INFO2   3138
R20_INTERNET   0/12940
R20_INTRESSE   0/60
R20_INTR_KOM   0/99
R20_KOM_DEV   112
R20_KONTROLL   0/13205
R20_KORSET   0/18
R20_MODERATOR   0/1852
R20_NC   76
R20_NET200   245
R20_REC2NEC   534
R20_SFOSM   0/340
R20_SF   0/108
R20_SQUISH   107
R20_TEST   2
RAR   0/9
RA_MULTI   106
RA_UTIL   0/162
REGCON.EUR   0/2056
REGCON   0/13
SCIENCE   0/1206
SF   0/239
SIMPSONS   0/169
STATS_OLD1   0/2539.065
STATS_OLD2   0/2530
STATS_OLD3   0/2395.095
STATS_OLD4   0/1692.25
SURVIVOR   0/495
SYSOP   0/84
TAGLINES   0/112
TEAMOS2   0/4530
TECH   0/2617
TEST.444   0/105
TREK   0/755
TUB   0/290
UFO   0/40
UNIX   0/1316
VATICAN   0/2740
VIRUS   0/378
VIRUS_INFO   0/201
WIN2000   0/101
WIN32   0/30
WIN95   0/4281
WIN95_OLD1   0/70272
WINDOWS   0/1517
WWB_SYSOP   0/419
WWB_TECH   0/810
ZEC   4

Möte ALLFIX_FILE_OLD1, 7997 texter
 lista första sista föregående nästa
Text 3085, 955 rader
Skriven 2005-07-18 22:47:14 av The KOFO BBS (2:236/150)
Ärende: New Files Received
>Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
 ADVLIST.Z96       5269 AdventureNet Weekly Nodelist
                        AdventureNet International
                        for details freq ADVNET from
                        Fido 1:112/91 or email me
                        AdventureNet Page
                        Nodelist for -
                        12:03 pm, Saturday, July 15, 2005
 5269 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : AVDAT : AV: Anti-Virus Signature updates
 dat4nai.zip    5915369 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates, 
                        Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
                        (4536)  07/15/2005
 dat4nai.zip    5901559 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates, 
                        Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
                        (4533)  07/12/2005
 dat4nai.zip    5906600 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates, 
                        Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
                        (4535)  07/14/2005
 def3fp.zip     2759233 Anti-Virus Definition Updates for F-Prot,
                         F-Secure & FSAV v4.03 or greater. Latest
                         Signature and Macro Defs from Frisk.
                         from ftp://ftp.f-prot.com/pub/
 20482761 bytes in 4 file(s)

>Area : AVNAV : AV: Norton Anti-Virus
 dat6nav.zip    5998957 Norton Anti-Virus Signature Definitions
                         Update for NAVC/NAVDX Command-line Scanner:
                         VIRSCAN?.DATs, VIRSCAN.INF plus Text files.
                         See WHATSNEW.TXT for Changes, UPDATE.TXT
                         for manual updates. {Note File ZDONE.DAT
                         must be copied LAST : for OS/2 Warp Use
                         or \PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\SYMANT~1\VIRUSD~1
                         \INCOMING for Windows platforms.
 5998957 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : AVWIN95 : AV: Anti-Virus software for Win95
 sdat4535.zip   7074639 McAfee (NAI.Com) SuperDAT 4535 Update to
                         VirusScan for 32-bit Windows. Execute as
                         "SDAT4535.EXE /E ." to manually extract.
                         Free Upgrade to Scanning Engine v4.4.00
                         for licensed VScan users. Also Updates
                         Signature files to July 14th, 2005 for
                         Scan engines 4.0.70 thru 4.4.00.
 7074639 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : AVWINXP : AV: AntiVirus for Windows XP
 mynet103.zip     21547 MyNetwork v1.0.3 requires W2000/XP/W2003
                         This tool is Freeware!
 21547 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : BACKBONE : ADM: ZoneHub appointed spokesperson/robot BACKBONE.* ect.
 BACKBONE.NA      24672 Authorized Jul 17, 2005 Issue of BACKBONE.NA
 BACKBONE.WW      21592 List of active echos, World Wide Backbone, 07-17-05 
 BACKSTAT.NA       4894 Authorized Jul 17, 2005 Issue of BACKSTAT.NA
 BACKSTAT.WW       5863 Change Status, World Wide Backbone, 07-17-05
 57021 bytes in 4 file(s)

>Area : BFDS : BFDS: DOS Batch File Utillities and DOS
 bfdslist.zip     72643 Master Files Listing for the BFDS (Batch File
                         Distribution System) the Files Support arm
                         of the International BATPOWER echo (learn
                         all about BATch File Programming).
 72643 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
 nodediff.l96     10190 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file l96
 10190 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
 nodediff.z96     10270 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file z96
 10270 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : DK-POINT : Dansk Pointliste for Region 23.
 dk-point.lzh     19385 Den Danske Pointliste for Region 23 i FidoNet. 
                        DK-POINT.INF, indeholdt i DK 
 19385 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : DKP-DIFF : Dansk PoitListe for Region 23
 dkp-diff.l96       642 Den Danske Pointliste for Region 23 i FidoNet 
                        (diff-fil). DK-POINT.INF inde 
 642 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : ECHOSTAT : ADM:Echomail traffic and flow statistics from various mail
 mh4000.zip       27505 Weekly Echomail and System Stats For 1:229/4000
 27505 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
 fnewsm29.zip     10977 FIDONEWS    18 Jul 2005    Vol 22 No 29
                        The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
                        * Languages and poetic freedom
                        * NoOne
                        * Fidonet Related Websites
                        * FIDONet Software References
                        * Nodelist Stats
                        * How to Submit an Article
                        * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
 10977 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
 kofolist.zip   3821839 The Daily Kofo BBs full Files Listning
                        Done by the kofobbs.org ->
 3821839 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : FTSC : SDS: FidoNet Technical Standards
 frl-1006.001     87625 Binkp - a protocol for transferring FidoNet mail over 
                        reliable connections 
 frl-1015.001     19639 Zone 2 nodelist flags
 frl-1016.001      9192 Integration of IP-Nodes in the nodelist
 frl-1017.001      3887 The ICM flag
 FTA-1003.008      3408 FTSC Membership List
 FTA-1004.005     10687 FTSC File List
 134438 bytes in 6 file(s)

>Area : GFD.APP.DB : GFD APP: Databank-Programs, Tools
 PHPMA263.ZIP   3042675 phpMyAdmin version 2.6.3-pl1. phpMyAdmin is a 
                        web-based utility to manage 
 3042675 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : GFD.APP.EDIT : GFD APP: Editors of all kinds (Text, 
 AE1_9_8.ZIP     356234 AE version 1.9.8. Copyright (c) 2005 Aaron Lawrence. 
                        AE is a simple text e 
 ME_OS2.ZIP      270933 ME - Martins System Editor 0.82. Freeware for OS/2 and 
                        eCS. ME is a substi 
 627167 bytes in 2 file(s)

>Area : GFD.APP.GAME : GFD APP: Games -->> 
 SLAM771O.ZIP   1343986 SLASH'EM version 0.0.7E7F1. Super Lotsa Added Stuff 
                        Hack Extended Magic. A 
 SLAM771X.ZIP   1823237 SLASH'EM version 0.0.7E7F1. Super Lotsa Added Stuff 
                        Hack Extended Magic. A 
 3167223 bytes in 2 file(s)

>Area : GFD.APP.GFX : GFD APP: Graphical Applications
 QC019.ZIP      2946223 QueenCy V0.1.9. QueenCy is the painting software which 
                        operates on OS/2 Wa 
 SANE-USB.ZIP   2955594 This is the first public release of Sane built to 
                        support USB scanners usi 
 TAMESANE.ZIP   1279458 Updated version of Sane that should be compatible with 
                        Tame. Unfortunately 
 7181275 bytes in 3 file(s)

>Area : GFD.APP.JAVA : GFD OS/2 APP: Java-Applikationen
 PHX26087.ZIP   2199044 Phex Official/Stable: Licensed under the GNU 
                        General Public Lice 
 2199044 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : GFD.APP.MMPM : GFD APP: Mult-Media-Applikationen
 CDRDAO12.ZIP    726000 cdrdao2 1.2.0. Enhanced Os/2 port of cd writing 
                        program in DAO mode. Cdrda 
 DVDDA111.ZIP     93466 dvddao 1.1.1 - DVD writing tool for os/2. Tool for 
                        writing DVD-R, DVD-RW, 
 819466 bytes in 2 file(s)

>Area : GFD.INT.MISC : GFD INTERNAL: ServerListen 
 GFDFILES.ZIP   1134512 GFD-Fileliste vom 16/07/05
 GFDNEW.ZIP        7953 GFD-New-Fileliste vom 16/07/05
 1142465 bytes in 2 file(s)

>Area : GFD.NET.MISC : GFD NET: Alles andere in dieser
 JAP05007.ZIP   2286991 
 2286991 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : GFD.NET.TCP : GFD NET: TCP/IP For OS/2 2.x 
 PN2V157.ZIP    1625000 Pronews/2 1.57 build cp107. Pronews/2 multithreaded 
                        newsreader for OS/2. P 
 1625000 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : GFD.NET.WWW : GFD OS/2 NET: HTTP-Server, Browser and Tools
 DEERPARK.ZIP   8833043 Deer Park Alpha 2. Mozilla/5.0 (OS/2; U; Warp 4.5; 
                        en-US; rv:1.8b3) Gecko/ 
 FIRFX105.ZIP   9872853 Firefox version 1.0.5 Mozilla/5.0 (OS/2; U; Warp 4.5; 
                        en-US; rv:1.7.9) Gec 
 18705896 bytes in 2 file(s)

>Area : GFD.SYS.DRV : GFD SYS: Different device drivers
 ELOTOUCH.ZIP    241506 MonitorMouse(R) for OS/2 Version 2.2. Touchscreen 
                        device drivers by Elo To 
 TOUCHWAR.ZIP   1888445 Touchware for OS/2 Software Version 3.4. (c) 1991-1998 
                        MicroTouch Systems, 
 USBCALLS.ZIP     14636 Latest USBCALLS.DLL which ist part of the OS/2 Netlabs 
                        USB Driver project. 
 USBRESMG.ZIP     15003 Latest OS/2 USB Resource Manager Netlabs 0.09.6. This 
                        driver allows access 
 2159590 bytes in 4 file(s)

>Area : GFD.SYS.NET : GFD SYS: Network Device Drivers
 VFET1A01.ZIP     44742 VIA VT86C100A Rhine Another OS/2 NDIS MAC driver 1.01 
 VFET2A02.ZIP     45901 VIA VT6102 Rhine II Another OS/2 NDIS MAC driver 1.02 
 VFET3A01.ZIP     48089 VIA VT6105 Rhine III Another OS/2 NDIS MAC driver 1.01 
 VGEND03.ZIP      53264 VIA VT612x Velocity OS/2 NDIS MAC driver 1.03
 191996 bytes in 4 file(s)

>Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD SYS: Miscellaneous Tools for the ....
 RGCNV100.ZIP     14924 Registry file converter utility version 1.0.0 for 
                        ODIN. Converter to adopt 
 14924 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
 i-argus.z96      18310 Argus TCP/IP auxiliary nodes file: 2005-07-15
                        Generated at 3:712/848 from NODELIST.196
 18310 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : I-BINKD : FIPN: Weekly BINKD.TXT
 BINKD.TXT        70166 BinkD-compatible list of nodes extracted from Z1 
                        Nodelist 2005/196 
 EXCEPT.TXT       53008 Exceptions noted during processing of Z1 Nodelist 
 123174 bytes in 2 file(s)

>Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
 justalst.196     24242 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
 Justalst.z96      8310 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
 32552 bytes in 2 file(s)

>Area : KOFO14 : Daily 14 days New files listning at 2:236/150
 kofo-14.zip      32381 The daily last 14 days newfiles on KofoBBS.
                        Created by The kofobbs.org found on
 kofo-14.zip      32494 The daily last 14 days newfiles on KofoBBS.
                        Created by The kofobbs.org found on
 64875 bytes in 2 file(s)

>Area : KOFO7 : Daily 7 days newfiles listning at 2:236/150
 kofo-7.zip       29047 The daily last 7 days new files on KofoBBS
                        Up we go and here it is :-)
                        Created by the day of Kofobbs.org
 kofo-7.zip       29399 The daily last 7 days new files on KofoBBS
                        Up we go and here it is :-)
                        Created by the day of Kofobbs.org
 58446 bytes in 2 file(s)

>Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
 ln_diff.z96        420 This Weekly Linuxnet diff file
 420 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
 linuxnet.z96      7692 Weekly LinuxNet Nodelist file
 7692 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
 ap050713.zip     71446 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
                         published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
 ap050714.zip    153110 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
                         published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
 ap050715.zip    452457 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
                         published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
 ap050716.zip     24589 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
                         published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
 ap050717.zip    348710 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
                         published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
 newsatle.zip     92521 New Satellite Orbital Data Two-Line Elements
                         (TLE's) from NORAD. Over 1,980 satellites
                         including GOES, COSMOS, HST (Hubble Space
                         Telescope), STARSHINE, ORBCOMM, CHANDRA,
                         HESSI, DIRECTV, IRIDIUM, ISS (International
                         Space Station), and many more. Compatible
                         with STS-Orbit Plus software package.
                         * TLE Text Data current as of Today *
 1142833 bytes in 6 file(s)

>Area : NEWS : Daily 30 days Newfiles Listning at 2:236/150
 kofonews.zip     40015 The Daily KofoBBS new filelist - 30 days.
                        You want it and we have it :-)
                        Done by the kofobbs.org found on
 40015 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : NGPOD : NASA: National Geopraphic Pictures of the Day
 ng050712.zip    174765 National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
                         Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
 ng050713.zip    155456 National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
                         Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
 ng050714.zip     92523 National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
                         Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
 ng050715.zip    161863 National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
                         Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
 ng050716.zip    199493 National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
                         Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
 784100 bytes in 5 file(s)

>Area : NODEDIFF : Fido ADM: Current Fidonet WW Nodediff in ARC format
 NODEDIFF.Z96      3150 Fidonet NODEDIFF day-196 ZIP
 3150 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
 nodelist.z96    262381 FidoNet nodelist for day 196
 262381 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : OS2-DIFF : OS2net: NodeDiff, NodeList
 os2list.z96      14274 OS2NET nodelist for day number 196
 14274 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : OSEINOAA : NASA: Weather Maps 
 oi050713.jpg    145909 (725x580x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the Day 
 oi050714.jpg    136164 (725x580x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the Day 
 oi050715.jpg    136001 (725x580x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the Day 
 oi050716.jpg    121314 (725x580x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the Day 
 oi050717.jpg    136231 (725x537x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the Day 
 oi050718.jpg    119438 (725x537x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the Day 
 795057 bytes in 6 file(s)

>Area : PASNDIFF : PAS Pascal-Net DIFF-files
 Pasndiff.z96       438 The weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff file
 438 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : PASNLIST : PAS Pascal-Net Nodelists
 Pasnlist.z96      8008 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist file
                        By Pacalnet.org of Gert Koefoed Andersen.
 8008 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : PASPOINT : PAS Pascal-Net Pointlist
 Paspoint.z96      1894 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
                        By Pascalnet.org of Gert Koefoed Andersen.
 1894 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : RELAYNET : RelayNet(tm) Nodelist Distribution
 Rime.z96          4904 Weekly RelayNet(tm) Nodelist
 4904 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : STN_DK : STN: Danish Nodelist Segments
 net7045.z03       1030 The weekly Sysop TchNet N7045 segment nodelist
 stn7045.z03       1014 Weekly STN Net7045 Nodelist file
 stn_e045.z03      1030 This weekly STN 7045 segment nodelist
 3074 bytes in 3 file(s)

>Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
 stndiff.z96        947 This weekly Sysop TechNet Nodediff
 Stnlist.z96      10223 This Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
 11170 bytes in 2 file(s)

>Area : UTILNET : UTIL: DOS and End User Utilities
 rss2tx15.zip     81091 RSS2Txt v1.5 converts RSS (RDF+XML) Headline
                         News Feeds from Yahoo! to ASCII Text with
                         optional Ageing of items by Date and Time,
                         plus control over Links & Description info.
                         Creates Translation Exception Log (errors).
                         Unix2DOS utility also included/required.
                         Tested on native MS-DOS v6.22, v7.1 and
                         Windows 98-SE (DOS box). PD/FREEware. See
                         file Demo.Bat for example setup, file
                         RSS2TXT.DOC for info as well as RSSFAQ.Txt
                         for extended reading. ISO 8859-1 compliant.
 81091 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : VIR_AVP : VirNet: AVP AntiVirus Updates and Shareware
 DAILY.ZIP       172237 AVP 3.0 Daily Update for DOS, Win 3.xx,
                        Win9x, NT, OS/2, Novell and Linux
 DAILY.ZIP       620941 AVP 3.0 Daily Update for DOS, Win 3.xx,
                        Win9x, NT, OS/2, Novell and Linux
 DAILY.ZIP        27970 AVP 3.0 Daily Update for DOS, Win 3.xx,
                        Win9x, NT, OS/2, Novell and Linux
 821148 bytes in 3 file(s)

>Area : VIR_FP : VirNet: F-Prot AntiVirus updates and shareware
 FP-DEF.ZIP     2521830 Signaturdateien SIGN.DEF und SIGN2.DEF
                        fuer F-PROT, F-STOPW und FSAV.
                        Signaturen vom 15.7.2005 16:57 Uhr
 FP-DEF.ZIP     2509165 Signaturdateien SIGN.DEF und SIGN2.DEF
                        fuer F-PROT, F-STOPW und FSAV.
                        Signaturen vom 13.7.2005 16:42 Uhr
 FP-DEF.ZIP     2513211 Signaturdateien SIGN.DEF und SIGN2.DEF
                        fuer F-PROT, F-STOPW und FSAV.
                        Signaturen vom 14.7.2005 13:07 Uhr
 FP-DEF.ZIP     2522394 Signaturdateien SIGN.DEF und SIGN2.DEF
                        fuer F-PROT, F-STOPW und FSAV.
                        Signaturen vom 18.7.2005 12:52 Uhr
                        Signaturen vom 15.7.2005 16:57 Uhr
                        Signaturen vom 18.7.2005 12:52 Uhr
                        Signaturen vom 14.7.2005 13:07 Uhr
                        Signaturen vom 13.7.2005 16:42 Uhr
 11078149 bytes in 8 file(s)

>Area : VIR_HBED : VirNet: HBED AntiVirus updates and Shareware
 ANTIVIR.VDF    3638784 H-BEDV AntiVir Virus Database File
 ANTIVIR.VDF    3663360 H-BEDV AntiVir Virus Database File
 ANTIVIR.VDF    3662336 H-BEDV AntiVir Virus Database File
 ANTIVIR.VDF    3641344 H-BEDV AntiVir Virus Database File
 AVWINSFX.EXE   7276032 AntiVir Personal Edition - Komplettpaket
                        fuer Windows 95/98/Me & NT/2000/XP
                        Die AntiVir Personal Edition ist für den
                        privaten (individuellen, nicht-kommerziellen)
                        Einsatz kostenfrei!
                        Programmversion :
                        VDF-Version     :
                        Datum/Uhrzeit   : 15.07.2005 14:46
 21881856 bytes in 5 file(s)

>Area : VIR_NAI : Latest AntiVirus Signtures files from NAI
 dat-4534.tar   6901760 -- description missing --
 dat-4534.zip   5916071 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates, 
                        Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
                        (4534)  07/13/2005
 dat-4535.tar   6912000 -- description missing --
 dat-4535.zip   5923303 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates, 
                        Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
                        (4535)  07/14/2005
 dat-4536.tar   6922240 -- description missing --
 dat-4536.zip   5931944 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates, 
                        Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
                        (4536)  07/15/2005
 dat-4537.tar   6932480 -- description missing --
 dat-4537.zip   5938457 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates, 
                        Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
                        (4537)  07/18/2005
 51378255 bytes in 8 file(s)

>Area : VIR_NAV : Norton AntiVirus Signature updates
 0713i32.zip    8452689 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.13.2005
                        Creation Day 07.13.2005
                        Release Day 07.13.2005
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0713i321.zip    957158 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.13.2005
                        Creation Day 07.13.2005
                        Release Day 07.13.2005
                        Disc 1 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0713i322.zip   1343885 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.13.2005
                        Creation Day 07.13.2005
                        Release Day 07.13.2005
                        Disc 2 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0713i323.zip   1372406 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.13.2005
                        Creation Day 07.13.2005
                        Release Day 07.13.2005
                        Disc 3 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0713i324.zip   1360753 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.13.2005
                        Creation Day 07.13.2005
                        Release Day 07.13.2005
                        Disk 4 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0713i325.zip   1251112 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.13.2005
                        Creation Day 07.13.2005
                        Release Day 07.13.2005
                        disk 5 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0713i326.zip    972013 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.13.2005
                        Creation Day 07.13.2005
                        Release Day 07.13.2005
                        disk 6 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0713i327.zip   1182731 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.13.2005
                        Creation Day 07.13.2005
                        Release Day 07.13.2005
                        disk 7 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0713x86.zip   11365503 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 16-bit 386
                        Virus Definations Day 07.13.2005
                        Creation Day 07.13.2005
                        Release Day 07.13.2005
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0714i32.zip    8481126 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.14.2005
                        Creation Day 07.14.2005
                        Release Day 07.14.2005
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0714i321.zip    956984 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.14.2005
                        Creation Day 07.14.2005
                        Release Day 07.14.2005
                        Disc 1 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0714i322.zip   1348625 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.14.2005
                        Creation Day 07.14.2005
                        Release Day 07.14.2005
                        Disc 2 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0714i323.zip   1373794 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.14.2005
                        Creation Day 07.14.2005
                        Release Day 07.14.2005
                        Disc 3 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0714i324.zip   1373503 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.14.2005
                        Creation Day 07.14.2005
                        Release Day 07.14.2005
                        Disk 4 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0714i325.zip   1258011 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.14.2005
                        Creation Day 07.14.2005
                        Release Day 07.14.2005
                        disk 5 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0714i326.zip    972422 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.14.2005
                        Creation Day 07.14.2005
                        Release Day 07.14.2005
                        disk 6 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0714i327.zip   1183711 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.14.2005
                        Creation Day 07.14.2005
                        Release Day 07.14.2005
                        disk 7 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0714x86.zip   11390174 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 16-bit 386
                        Virus Definations Day 07.14.2005
                        Creation Day 07.14.2005
                        Release Day 07.14.2005
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0715i32.zip    8562352 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.15.2005
                        Creation Day 07.15.2005
                        Release Day 07.15.2005
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0715i321.zip    957138 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.15.2005
                        Creation Day 07.15.2005
                        Release Day 07.15.2005
                        Disc 1 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0715i322.zip   1370782 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.15.2005
                        Creation Day 07.15.2005
                        Release Day 07.15.2005
                        Disc 2 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0715i323.zip   1390063 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.15.2005
                        Creation Day 07.15.2005
                        Release Day 07.15.2005
                        Disc 3 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0715i324.zip   1397724 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.15.2005
                        Creation Day 07.15.2005
                        Release Day 07.15.2005
                        Disk 4 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0715i325.zip   1269637 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.15.2005
                        Creation Day 07.15.2005
                        Release Day 07.15.2005
                        disk 5 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0715i326.zip    981366 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.15.2005
                        Creation Day 07.15.2005
                        Release Day 07.15.2005
                        disk 6 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0715i327.zip   1184610 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.15.2005
                        Creation Day 07.15.2005
                        Release Day 07.15.2005
                        disk 7 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0715x86.zip   11479660 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 16-bit 386
                        Virus Definations Day 07.15.2005
                        Creation Day 07.15.2005
                        Release Day 07.15.2005
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0716i32.zip    8566845 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.16.2005
                        Creation Day 07.16.2005
                        Release Day 07.16.2005
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0716i321.zip    957168 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.16.2005
                        Creation Day 07.16.2005
                        Release Day 07.16.2005
                        Disc 1 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0716i322.zip   1370996 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.16.2005
                        Creation Day 07.16.2005
                        Release Day 07.16.2005
                        Disc 2 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0716i323.zip   1390226 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.16.2005
                        Creation Day 07.16.2005
                        Release Day 07.16.2005
                        Disc 3 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0716i324.zip   1398013 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.16.2005
                        Creation Day 07.16.2005
                        Release Day 07.16.2005
                        Disk 4 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0716i325.zip   1270120 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.16.2005
                        Creation Day 07.16.2005
                        Release Day 07.16.2005
                        disk 5 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0716i326.zip    981358 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.16.2005
                        Creation Day 07.16.2005
                        Release Day 07.16.2005
                        disk 6 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0716i327.zip   1184533 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.16.2005
                        Creation Day 07.16.2005
                        Release Day 07.16.2005
                        disk 7 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0716x86.zip   11480797 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 16-bit 386
                        Virus Definations Day 07.16.2005
                        Creation Day 07.16.2005
                        Release Day 07.16.2005
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0717i32.zip    8567210 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.17.2005
                        Creation Day 07.17.2005
                        Release Day 07.17.2005
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0717i321.zip    957105 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.17.2005
                        Creation Day 07.17.2005
                        Release Day 07.17.2005
                        Disc 1 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0717i322.zip   1374276 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.17.2005
                        Creation Day 07.17.2005
                        Release Day 07.17.2005
                        Disc 2 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0717i323.zip   1391244 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.17.2005
                        Creation Day 07.17.2005
                        Release Day 07.17.2005
                        Disc 3 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0717i324.zip   1399664 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.17.2005
                        Creation Day 07.17.2005
                        Release Day 07.17.2005
                        Disk 4 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0717i325.zip   1271416 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.17.2005
                        Creation Day 07.17.2005
                        Release Day 07.17.2005
                        disk 5 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0717i326.zip    981361 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.17.2005
                        Creation Day 07.17.2005
                        Release Day 07.17.2005
                        disk 6 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0717i327.zip   1184730 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.17.2005
                        Creation Day 07.17.2005
                        Release Day 07.17.2005
                        disk 7 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0717x86.zip   11483771 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 16-bit 386
                        Virus Definations Day 07.17.2005
                        Creation Day 07.17.2005
                        Release Day 07.17.2005
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0718i32.zip    8573162 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.18.2005
                        Creation Day 07.18.2005
                        Release Day 07.18.2005
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0718i321.zip    957116 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.18.2005
                        Creation Day 07.18.2005
                        Release Day 07.18.2005
                        Disc 1 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0718i322.zip   1374535 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.18.2005
                        Creation Day 07.18.2005
                        Release Day 07.18.2005
                        Disc 2 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0718i323.zip   1391376 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.18.2005
                        Creation Day 07.18.2005
                        Release Day 07.18.2005
                        Disc 3 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0718i324.zip   1400051 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.18.2005
                        Creation Day 07.18.2005
                        Release Day 07.18.2005
                        Disk 4 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0718i325.zip   1272242 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.18.2005
                        Creation Day 07.18.2005
                        Release Day 07.18.2005
                        disk 5 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0718i326.zip    982815 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.18.2005
                        Creation Day 07.18.2005
                        Release Day 07.18.2005
                        disk 6 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0718i327.zip   1184618 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
                        Virus Definations Day 07.18.2005
                        Creation Day 07.18.2005
                        Release Day 07.18.2005
                        disk 7 of 7.
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 0718x86.zip   11483490 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 16-bit 386
                        Virus Definations Day 07.18.2005
                        Creation Day 07.18.2005
                        Release Day 07.18.2005
                        (tm) Symantec Corp.
 171020170 bytes in 54 file(s)

>Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
 VIRNODES.A96     29216 VirNet Nodelist Day #196
 29216 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
 VIR_DIFF.A96       458 VirNet Nodediff Day #196
 458 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : VIR_SPY : VirNet: SpyWare AntiVirus Updates and Shareware
 DEFSREF.ZIP     486942 Ad-Aware SE Reference File
                        SE1R52 30.06.2005
 DEFSREF.ZIP     490128 Ad-Aware SE Reference File
                        SE1R53 07.07.2005
 977070 bytes in 2 file(s)

>Area : WIN_DESK : WIN_FDN: DeskTops, Cursors, Etc.
 aactions.zip    897627 hexilesoft ActiveActions version 1.17
                        ActiveActions is a launch tool that also
                        acts like hotkey manager. You can launch
                        documents, links, open folders or desktop
                        objects and do any thing of this type with
                        just one keyboard click. This program can be
                        used as assistant in email creating
                        (inserting standard phrases into mail
                        clients, chat clients and so on ...),
                        programming, for easy access to daily
                        Windows function (like, exit, logoff,
                        hibernate and more). It also helps you to
                        surfing internet using quick access to your
                        favourite bookmarks.
 iconedit.zip   3056457 AZ Icon Editor v5.6.3 - Shareware.
                        Full-featured tool for creating and editing
                        Windows icons and cursors (static or
                        animated).  Top professional quality. Free
                        trial for 30 days.  Price US$30. Good on Win
                        95/98, NT, ME, 2000 and XP. No special
                        system requirement. Currently there are
                        registered users in over 30 countries.
                        Developer: Herman Compute Website:
 3954084 bytes in 2 file(s)

>Area : WIN_INT : WIN_FDN: Internet & Web Related
 aucatlog.zip    916387 Advanced URL Catalog helps you manage your
                        favorite urls. Helps you store, organize,
                        annotate, delete duplicates, password
                        protect your database, grab url from
                        browsers, search using multiple criteria,
                        and many other functions. If you are tired
                        remembering all the sites that you visit,
                        login information and you want to keep track
                        of them and check if there are still
                        available let Advanced URL Catalog do the
                        job for you. Easy to use interface (Windows
                        Explorer style). Windows 9x/2K/NT/Xp/2003.
                        Shareware $30 (+ any applicable tax).