Text 3185, 214 rader
Skriven 2005-07-30 06:00:48 av Vince Coen (2:257/609)
Ärende: New Files at Air Applewood, UK
System name Air Applewood BBS
Sysop Vince Coen
Location Roydon, Essex, UK
Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System
Network aka 2:257/609@fidonet
Running MBSE BBS v0.71.3 on GNU/Linux-i386
Announced On or after 06:00 Local
Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
Inet 01279-792300 115200 CM,XA,V42,IBN
Modem 01279-792300 56 kbits CM,XA,V32B,V42B,V34,X2C,V90
Area GFD.APP.EDIT - GFD.APP: OS/2 Editors (Text & Binary)
PMDISK32.EXE 330 Kb. PMDisk File System Editor Version 1.12.
Installer. Pmdisk for OS/2 is a binary disk and
file editor. This is a disk and file tool. You
use Pmdisk to view disk configuration and
properties. You can view and edit any sector
data. Copyright (c) Daniel F. Valot 1998-2005.
PMDSK112.ZIP 265 Kb. PMDisk File System Editor Version 1.12. Pmdisk
for OS/2 is a binary disk and file editor. This
is a disk and file tool. You use Pmdisk to view
disk configuration and properties. You can view
and edit any sector data. Copyright (c) Daniel
F. Valot 1998-2005.
2 files, 595 KBytes.
Area GFD.SYS.MISC - OS/2 Misc. system tools
EMTINST.EXE 1851 Kb. EMT4PM (replaces DSK4PM) version 4.35. Building
disk(ette)s from LOADDSK, EMT, MIF or DISKIMGE
image files. Or building EMT, MIF, LOADDSK or
DISKIMGE image files from disk(ette)s. Build
diskette images, write diskettes from diskette
images, build ARDI self restorable images,
convert existing images to ARDI self restorable
images, graphical user interface version (GUI),
command line version (VIO). Copyright (C) Daniel
F Valot 1991-2005. TheSeaHorse. English, French,
German language supported.
EMTXXXO.EXE 1585 Kb. EMT4OS2, EMT4WARP, IMG2ARDI Version 4.35.
Features of english textmode version: build
diskette images, write diskettes from diskette
images, build ARDI self restorable images,
convert existing images to ARDI self restorable
images, command line version (VIO). Copyright
(C) Daniel F Valot 1991-2005, TheSeaHorse.
2 files, 3436 KBytes.
Area GFD.SYS.TOOL - OS/2 Tools for the system administrator
PAFPRE01.ZIP 1117 Kb. PAF Preliminary Edition 1 (PRE 1.01) OS
extension suite. PAF is an object oriented
runtime environment that enhances various OS/2
components. This first pre-release includes a
new PM switch list, IPF extensions enhancing
view.exe, extensions for OS/2's Help Manager and
a SOM based runtime environment for new WPS
applications. This is a runtime environment
necessary to execute PAF applications. Language
support for English and German included. See
README for detailed information. (c) 2005
cef-IT, Clemens-E. Fischer.
PAF_FP01.ZIP 1076 Kb. Fixpack 1 for PAF Preliminary Edition 1 (CSD
PAF0001). This is the first fixpack for PAF
Preliminary Edition 1. It corrects several
errors of the framework and introduces some
additional features. This fixpack can be applied
immediately after installation of PAF
Preliminary Edition 1 and installs on registered
and unregistered systems. Language support for
English and German included. See README for
details. (c) 2005 cef-IT, Clemens-E. Fischer.
PAFUINST.ZIP 34 Kb. PAF Uninstallation Program (PRE 1.01). Utility
program to prepare the uninstallation or
re-installation of Papillon Application
Framework (PAF). See README for detailed
information about uninstalling PAF properly. (c)
2005 cef-IT, Clemens-E. Fischer.
3 files, 2227 KBytes.
Area LINUXNET.DIFF - LinuxNet Nodediffs
LN_DIFF.Z10 0 Kb. This Weekly Linuxnet diff file
1 file, 0 KBytes.
Area LINUXNET.NODE - LN: Nodelists
LINUXNET.Z10 7 Kb. Weekly LinuxNet Nodelist file
1 file, 7 KBytes.
Area AVNAV - Norton Anti-Virus Sig updates
DAT6NAV.ZIP 6032 Kb. Norton Anti-Virus Signature Definitions
Update for NAVC/NAVDX Command-line Scanner:
VIRSCAN?.DATs, VIRSCAN.INF plus Text files.
for manual updates. {Note File ZDONE.DAT
must be copied LAST : for OS/2 Warp Use
\INCOMING for Windows platforms.
1 file, 6032 KBytes.
Area VIR_FP - AntiVirus - FProt
FP-DEF.ZIP 2614 Kb. Signaturdateien SIGN.DEF und SIGN2.DEF
fuer F-PROT, F-STOPW und FSAV.
Signaturen vom 29.7.2005 09:26 Uhr
Signaturen vom 29.7.2005 09:26 Uhr
2 files, 2862 KBytes.
Area VIR_ROSE - Anti Virus - Rose?
D2HTM312.ZIP 420 Kb. Directory to HTML (c) by ROSE SWE
---=[ Freeware ]=------------------------
Dir2html: Creates a HTML file (webpage)
of the files in the current directory.
Create within a second a complete download
webpage of your files! W3C 3.2 complaint.
With INI file for customizing the output.
Source code included!
Long File Name (LFN) support for Win32
and support for 4DOS descript.ion files
included. Of each file is a MD5 hash
calculated, so users can check if the
downloaded files was corrupted.
Windows32, Dos32 and Linux versions
included. See index.html as an example!
Optional software:
u2ldir: Renames all files in the current
directory to lowercase.
MSCAN710.ZIP 448 Kb. +------- MemScan/QMS by ROSE SWE --------+
I (approx. 5500 viruses) for the system I
I memory. # Normal and heuristic mode I
I selectable (this is currently a uniq I
I feature)! # Freeware from ROSE! # With I
I 'activ virus bait' tester and TestBoot
+------; Mi 29. Juni 2005 ---
RVCT09.ZIP 2565 Kb. ROSE SWE Virus Collector Toolset - Release 7
-== Freeware! ==-
This is a collection of programs, tools
and batch files that we had released in
the past as stand alone archives. This
includes the following packages:
- Batchfiles, examples how to use the
various tools or third party tools
- ROSE SWE File Weeder, file weeder to
check for duplicate files etc. With database
of 37.000 fakes, baits, goats and trash
- Small tools for virus collecting, like
ZooZIP or rFP2FP (Log converter)
- RoseGoat, a collection of tools to
create standard goat/bait files.
VSP1476.ZIP 1089 Kb. VirScan Plus - Virus Scanner and Killer
-=[VSP]=-----------=(>26.000 Viruses)=---
Heuristischer, regelbasierender Scanner,
erkennt bekannte, unbekannte Viren und
Trojaner. Mit eingebautem Killer (z.B.
Neuroquila, N8fall, Parity_Boot, Spanska,
Tremor). Mit ber 100 Seiten Anleitung
und vielen zustzlichen Funktionen und
Zusatzprogrammen. Win 3.x/9x/NT, OS/2
kompatibel. Netzwerkfhig. Autopilot,
Turbo-, Ultra- oder Sicherheitsmodus.
Erkennt anhand heuristischer Anstze ca.
98% aller neuen Bootviren und eine
vielzahl neuer Viren! AVR-Module fr
polymorphe sowie neue unbekannte Viren!
>> Enthlt Gratis-Testkey fr 90 Tage! <<
Neu: Erkennt IRC/VBS/HTML und Java Viren
* Program: VirScan Plus (VSP)
* Version: 14.76
* Released: 29-Juni-2005
* Author: ROSE SWE, Ralph Roth
* Requirements: DOS 4.0/2 MB/486
4 files, 4522 KBytes.
16 new files, together 19681 KBytes of fresh stuff.
With the complements
of Vince Coen.
--- MBSE BBS v0.71.3 (GNU/Linux-i386)
* Origin: Air Applewood, Linux Gateway for Essex (2:257/609)