Text 3209, 279 rader
Skriven 2005-07-21 21:47:02 av Lukas De Groen (2:280/1027)
Kommentar till en text av Everybody
Ärende: Newfiles at www.dreamlandbbs.com
System name Dreamland BBS
Sysop Lukas De Groen (lukas@dreamlandbbs.com)
Location Dordrecht, The Netherlands
Remark Dreamland BBS, your great source for files!
Network aka 2:280/1027@fidonet
Internet http://www.dreamlandbbs.com
Running MBSE BBS v0.70.0 on GNU/Linux-i386
Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
Inet 1024000 CM,XX,IBN,IFC,IFT
ISDN 31-78-6210372 64 kbits XA,X75,CM
ISDN 31-78-6212902 64 kbits XA,X75,CM
Modem 31-78-6210372 33.6 kbits HST,VFC,V34,V42B,X2,V90,CM,XA
Area ALLFILES - Allfiles listing Dreamland BBS
ALLFILES.ZIP 5435 Kb. Allfiles listing, ZIP formaat
Magic request: ALLFILES
1 file, 5435 KBytes.
Area NEWFILES - Newfiles of the last 30 days of Dreamland BBS
NEWFILES.ZIP 25 Kb. Newfiles listing of the last 30 days of
Dreamland BBS
Magic request: NEWFILES
1 file, 25 KBytes.
Area VIR_AVP - VIR: Avp antivirus updates
DAILY.ZIP 771 Kb. AVP 3.0 Daily Update for DOS, Win 3.xx,
Win9x, NT, OS/2, Novell and Linux
1 file, 771 KBytes.
Area VIR_FP - VIR: F-prot antivirus
FP-DEF.ZIP 2525 Kb. Signaturdateien SIGN.DEF und SIGN2.DEF
fuer F-PROT, F-STOPW und FSAV.
Signaturen vom 21.7.2005 14:32 Uhr
Signaturen vom 21.7.2005 14:32 Uhr
2 files, 2771 KBytes.
Area VIR_HBED - VIR: Hbed antivirus
ANTIVIR.VDF 3590 Kb. H-BEDV AntiVir Virus Database File
1 file, 3590 KBytes.
Area VIR_NAI - VIR: Mcafee latest antivirus signatures
DAT-4539.ZIP 5822 Kb. Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associate
Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
(4539) 07/20/2005
DAT-4539.TAR 6790 Kb. -- description missing --
DAT-4540.ZIP 5827 Kb. Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associate
Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
(4540) 07/21/2005
DAT-4540.TAR 6800 Kb. -- description missing --
4 files, 25239 KBytes.
Area VIR_NAV - VIR: Norton Antivirus signature updates
0720I323.ZIP 1362 Kb. Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 07.20.2005
Creation Day 07.20.2005
Release Day 07.20.2005
Disc 3 of 7.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0720I324.ZIP 1213 Kb. Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 07.20.2005
Creation Day 07.20.2005
Release Day 07.20.2005
Disk 4 of 7.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0720I325.ZIP 1406 Kb. Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 07.20.2005
Creation Day 07.20.2005
Release Day 07.20.2005
disk 5 of 7.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0720I326.ZIP 1073 Kb. Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 07.20.2005
Creation Day 07.20.2005
Release Day 07.20.2005
disk 6 of 7.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0720I327.ZIP 1154 Kb. Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 07.20.2005
Creation Day 07.20.2005
Release Day 07.20.2005
disk 7 of 7.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0720X86.ZIP 11244 Kb. Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 16-bit 386
Virus Definations Day 07.20.2005
Creation Day 07.20.2005
Release Day 07.20.2005
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0721I32.ZIP 8406 Kb. Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 07.21.2005
Creation Day 07.21.2005
Release Day 07.21.2005
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0721I321.ZIP 935 Kb. Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 07.21.2005
Creation Day 07.21.2005
Release Day 07.21.2005
Disc 1 of 7.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0721I322.ZIP 1326 Kb. Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 07.21.2005
Creation Day 07.21.2005
Release Day 07.21.2005
Disc 2 of 7.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0721I323.ZIP 1365 Kb. Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 07.21.2005
Creation Day 07.21.2005
Release Day 07.21.2005
Disc 3 of 7.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0721I324.ZIP 1213 Kb. Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 07.21.2005
Creation Day 07.21.2005
Release Day 07.21.2005
Disk 4 of 7.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0721I325.ZIP 1113 Kb. Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 07.21.2005
Creation Day 07.21.2005
Release Day 07.21.2005
disk 5 of 7.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0721I326.ZIP 1074 Kb. Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 07.21.2005
Creation Day 07.21.2005
Release Day 07.21.2005
disk 6 of 7.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0721I327.ZIP 1154 Kb. Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 07.21.2005
Creation Day 07.21.2005
Release Day 07.21.2005
disk 7 of 7.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0721X86.ZIP 11260 Kb. Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 16-bit 386
Virus Definations Day 07.21.2005
Creation Day 07.21.2005
Release Day 07.21.2005
(tm) Symantec Corp.
15 files, 45298 KBytes.
Area GFD.APP.GFX - GFD: OS/2 graphical applications
SANE_USB.ZIP 4722 Kb. This is Sane built to support USB scanners using
the Netlabs usbcalls library. This is based on
CVS code pulled today (19th July, 2005) and
should be pretty close to what will be in Sane
1.0.16. This release requires: usbresmg.sys to
be loaded in config.sys, usbcalls.dll in the
libpath, libc06r1.dll.
1 file, 4722 KBytes.
Area GFD.APP.JAVA - GFD: OS/2 java applications
IJ134.ZIP 1421 Kb. ImageJ version 1.34. ImageJ is a public domain
Java image processing program inspired by NIH
Image for the Macintosh. It runs, either as an
online applet or as a downloadable application,
on any computer with a Java 1.1 or later virtual
machine. It can display, edit, analyze, process,
save and print 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit images.
It can read many image formats including TIFF,
supports stacks, a series of images that share
a single window. It is multithreaded, so
time-consuming operations such as image file
reading can be performed in parallel with other
IJ-DOCS.ZIP 9259 Kb. ImageJ version 1.34. ImageJ is a public domain
Java image processing program inspired by NIH
Image for the Macintosh. It runs, either as an
online applet or as a downloadable application,
on any computer with a Java 1.1 or later virtual
machine. It can display, edit, analyze, process,
save and print 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit images.
It can read many image formats including TIFF,
supports stacks, a series of images that share
a single window. It is multithreaded, so
time-consuming operations such as image file
reading can be performed in parallel with other
operations. Documentation.
2 files, 10680 KBytes.
Area GFD.APP.MISC - GFD: OS/2 miscellaneous applications
ECALC2P2.ZIP 208 Kb. eCalc 2.0 preview 2. eCalc 2.0 is an easy to
use, but powerfull calculator for OS/2 and
eComStation. It is based on the eCalc 1.x
application, developed by Nick Morrow. eCalc 1.x
was part of eComStation 1.x. Now eCalc is
available for OS/2 as well as for eCs. It
requires REXX and PM. eCalc 2.0 is protected by
1 file, 208 KBytes.
Area GFD.DEV.TOOL - GFD: OS/2 compilers, interpreters, tools etc.
WDSIBYL.ZIP 14247 Kb. Wolfgang Ing. Draxler's WDSibyl, Visual
Development Environment, Visual Pascal
Development Tool, Version 3.00, 3 July 2005.
WDSibyl is an enhancement of Sibyl developed by
Speedsoft. Speedsoft Sibyl is a Delphi like RAD
Tool using Pascal language for OS/2.
Unfortunately the status of this software is
somehow undefinied. It's a very nice piece of
Software but it's not as good supported as it
should be. However, if you are looking for a
easy to use RAD tool, it's a good choice.
Copyright (C) 1995 SpeedSoft. All rights
1 file, 14247 KBytes.
Area GFD.NET.WWW - GFD: OS/2 http server, browsers etc.
SEAMNK10.ZIP 13600 Kb. SeaMonkey 1.0a Mozilla/5.0 (OS/2; U; Warp 4.5;
en-US; rv:1.8b4) Gecko/20050719 SeaMonkey/1.0a.
Copyright (c) 1998-2005 by Contributors to the
Mozilla codebase under the Mozilla Public
License and Netscape Public License. All Rights
Reserved. The SeaMonkey project is a community
effort to deliver production-quality releases of
code derived from the application formerly known
as Mozilla Application Suite.
1 file, 13600 KBytes.
Area GFD.SYS.NET - GFD: OS/2 networkcard drivers
SIS90A01.ZIP 43 Kb. Silicon Integrated Systems SiS900. Another NDIS
2.0.1 MAC driver 1.01
1 file, 43 KBytes.
32 new files, together 126629 KBytes of fresh stuff.
With regards; Lukas De Groen.
... I'm not as dumb as you look.
--- MBSE BBS v0.70.0 (GNU/Linux-i386)
* Origin: www.dreamlandbbs.com powered by Fedora Core 3 (2:280/1027)