Text 3517, 185 rader
Skriven 2005-08-30 00:15:04 av Doug Connor (1:132/500)
─rende: New File Announcement
New Files Announcement from The Harbinger Hub 1:132/500
>Area : 1042.TECH
1042.lst 127271 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
127271 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : 2238.TECH : /2238 tech area
2238echo.lst 32631 -- description missing --
32631 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : BFDS : bFdS: batch programming/Support for baTPOWeR
wbat246.zip 55134 WBAT 2.46 - Dialog boxes for DOS batch -
with buttons, input fields, checkboxes,
radio buttons, menues, list boxes -
free layout, INI file, comprehensive
demo batch, mouse support in GUI box/full
screen. Freeware (c) 2005, Horst Schaeffer
55134 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : BOOK
ALEXAN30.RAR 132783 аталья Александрова. Трое в лифте, не считая собаки
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 25.08.2005 14:34
ANTO_A13.RAR 116611 Антон Антонов. Король Зазеркалья [1.03.10]
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 25.08.2005 14:33
BOOKL_32.RAR 7175 фополнение N 32 к базе BOOK_Library (за
фля 1.02 версии программы с базой книг по состоянию на
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 29.08.2005 17:22
GIBSOW20.RAR 192820 Уильям Гибсон. ╔аспознавание образов [1.04.06]
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 25.08.2005 13:17
IVASCV01.RAR 212928 щалерий Иващенко. щоин и маг [1.05.11]
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 26.08.2005 13:20
IVASCV02.RAR 238033 щалерий Иващенко. Черный Ярл ("Черный Ярл" #1)
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 26.08.2005 13:21
IVASCV03.RAR 139640 щалерий Иващенко. фети Хаоса ("Черный Ярл" #2)
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 26.08.2005 13:22
KAMSHV09.RAR 425664 щера Камша. Лик ┼обеды ("─тблески Этерны" #3)
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 25.08.2005 13:15
LEE__T20.RAR 221101 Танит Ли. №елая змея ("щойны щис" #3)
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 23.08.2005 16:14
VANCED50.RAR 143464 фжек щэнс. Троя ("Хроники Кадвола" #3)
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 25.08.2005 12:59
WALLEL01.RAR 365904 Лесли Уоллер. №анкир [1.02.02]
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 26.08.2005 13:27
2196123 bytes in 11 file(s)
>Area : ESTAR.TECH : estar Mail station tech info
4441.LST 61739 Uplink (2:5020/4441) echolist
758.LST 142993 Current 2:5020/758 echolist
F758.LST 23870 Current 2:5020/758 fileecho list
228602 bytes in 3 file(s)
>Area : NASA : NaSa: earth & Space Science Material
ap050828.zip 2876586 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
ap050829.zip 2001369 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
4877955 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : NGPOD : NaSa: National Geographic Picture of the day
ng050828.zip 68750 National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
68750 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : OSEINOAA : NaSa: daily OSeI@NOaa Weather Pic of the day
oi050829.jpg 144756 (725x580x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the Day
144756 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : R50ROUTE
R50.ROU 5548 Route file for Region 50
R50.TRU 1899 Trust file for Region 50
R50C.ZIP 13391 R50C's official documents
20838 bytes in 3 file(s)
>Area : WIN_GAME : WIN_FdN: Games and educational.
vrcasino.zip 244402 Vegas Red Casino 6.4
The hottest casino to hit the net
since anyone can remember, Vegas
Red exploded onto the scene in
November 2003. Vegas Red will
simply blow you away with
seriously superb graphics, all
the latest games and $888 Free
welcome bonus!
(C) Real-3D-Games.com, 2005.
Latest releases are available at:
244402 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : WIN_MULT : WIN_FdN: MultiMedia & Graphics
autorun.zip 739044 1st AutoRun Express 1.0 - (FREEWARE)
Make any document on your CD autorun
when CD is inserted. You don't need to
learn autorun.inf anymore and you now
not limited to programs. You may launch
any DOC, HTML or PDF document.
Web: http://www.autoruntools.com/express/
739044 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : WIN_UTIL : WIN_FdN: applications and Utilities
keyremap.zip 532186 KEY REMAPPER v1.02 - Key Remapper is an
utility to remap or disable individual keys
on your keyboard. From Softarium.com
Shareware $15
532186 bytes in 1 file(s)
FE000758.ZIP 5083 Current 2:5020/758 fileecho list
5083 bytes in 1 file(s)
ECH00715.ZIP 34527 No description available
ECH00758.ZIP 24750 Current 2:5020/758 echolist
ECH01003.ZIP 15627 echolist of 2:5080/1003
ECH04441.ZIP 19200 No description available
94104 bytes in 4 file(s)
>Total 9366879 bytes in 32 file(s)
Fido freq these files from 1:132/500 vtdl.net binkp +1-802-885-6386.
Or you can find them at http://vtdl.net/share.
And an Email to transx at vested-tyme.net with the subject of FREQ
and the first line in the message body of: Freq filename
will get the file you want attatched to an email reply.
** NOTE Files found in UUE.* areas may not be avalable **
--- Post Multiplyer Borg 1990
* Origin: The Harbinger Hub (1:132/500)