Text 3772, 275 rader
Skriven 2005-10-02 00:19:24 av Doug Connor (1:132/500)
─rende: New File Announcement
New Files Announcement from The Harbinger Hub 1:132/500
>Area : 1042.TECH
1042.lst 113181 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
113181 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : 2238.TECH : /2238 tech area
2238echo.lst 32660 -- description missing --
32660 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : AVDAT : aV: anti-Virus Sig Updates (Mcafee, F-Prot)
dat4nai.zip 6586606 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates,
Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
(4594) 09/30/2005
6586606 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : BBBSUTIL : bbbS: New bbbS Related Utilities
bbbsl_sh.zip 18124 no desc
18124 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : BOOK
FLEVIL04.RAR 266310 Линн Ўлевелинг. №лизнец тряпичной куклы ("Тамирская
триада" #1)
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 27.09.2005 18:05
GALINM08.RAR 62936 Мария Галина. Луна во второй четверти
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 27.09.2005 12:48
GOFMAG01.RAR 79247 Генрих №орисович Гофман. Самолет подбит над целью
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 29.09.2005 19:31
MORRED17.RAR 193979 фэвид Моррелл. Защитник
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 27.09.2005 18:03
NESTEM17.RAR 175124 Михаил естеров. Спецназ не сдается [1.02.08]
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 27.09.2005 18:04
VOROND12.RAR 302845 фмитрий щоронин. Синее ┼ламя
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 26.09.2005 20:33
1080441 bytes in 6 file(s)
>Area : ESTAR.TECH : estar Mail station tech info
4441.LST 61799 Uplink (2:5020/4441) echolist
758.LST 143059 Current 2:5020/758 echolist
F758.LST 23870 Current 2:5020/758 fileecho list
228728 bytes in 3 file(s)
>Area : FLASH : Flash разработки:мульты, игрушки, анимация и просто прикольные
flash.par 673 ┼yти хождения файлэхи FLASH
flash.rls 1847 ╔улесы.
2520 bytes in 2 file(s)
FMLYECHO.NA 31363 FamilyNet echolist (Long),
31363 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The weekly aRGUS.TXT auxiliary TcP/IP node override
i-argus.z73 18521 Argus TCP/IP auxiliary nodes file: 2005-09-30
Generated at 3:712/848 from NODELIST.273
18521 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : NASA : NaSa: earth & Space Science Material
ap051001.zip 483360 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
483360 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : NET5020
HUB_LIST.LST 4028 List of netmail hubs that accept new links.
4028 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : NGPOD : NaSa: National Geographic Picture of the day
ng050930.zip 207255 National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
207255 bytes in 1 file(s)
OAPPUTIL.RUL 8744 Rules of OAPPUTIL fileecho
8744 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : OSEINOAA : NaSa: daily OSeI@NOaa Weather Pic of the day
oi051001.jpg 121701 (725x580x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the Day
121701 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : OSYSCSD3
OSYSCSD3.RUL 8744 Rules of OSYSCSD3 fileecho
8744 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : OSYSCSD4
OSYSCSD4.RUL 8744 Rules of OSYSCSD4 fileecho
8744 bytes in 1 file(s)
OS2FAQ.ARJ 725838 OS/2 FAQ`s
OSYSDOC.RUL 8743 Rules of OSYSDOC fileecho
734581 bytes in 2 file(s)
OSYSUTIL.RUL 8744 Rules of OSYSUTIL fileecho
8744 bytes in 1 file(s)
OUTLMMED.RUL 8746 Rules of OUTLMMEDIA fileecho
8746 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : UTILNET : UTIL: dOS end User Utilities
ibbs1005.zip 227984 = The BBS Corner Telnet BBS Guide 10/05 =
= October 2005 Edition =
The largest active Telnettable BBS listing!
Detailed listings on over 400 Telnettable
BBSes and similar Internet systems.
Includes mTelnet Freeware Telnet Client!
BONUS: Dial-up BBS List for US/Canada
Maintained by The BBS Corner at:
227984 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : WIN_INT : WIN_FdN: Internet & Web Related
bookmark.zip 430582 With Bookmark Notes you can add
comments and notes to your
Internet Explorer bookmarks.
When you hover mouse pointer
over the bookmark (internet
shortcut) in Favorites menu or
explorer bar, a popup window
with your note will appear for
you to read.
emailer.zip 671150 eMailer 1.2 is a personalized group mailer
with built in SMTP client. Sends personal-
ized mails to a list of recipients in a
group list. eMailer contains an html
WYSIWYG editor, with support to a wide range
of emoticons(Smileys). Smileys can be added
dynamically. No need of any email accouts
to send mail. Use any email address as the
from address. eMailer talks directly with
each of the recipients SMTP servers and
delivers personalized mails to each.
eMailer can be used as a subscription
mailer. Any number of subscription lists can
be configured. Requirments : Windows XX,
Java 1.4. Licence :Freeware.
Developer Page :
ipmonitr.zip 1102286 IPMonitor - Version 5.6 (Build 821)
IPMonitor is a sophisticated network
monitoring solution that allows network
administrators, webmasters, and Internet
service providers to monitor any networked
device on the Internet, corporate intranet,
or TCP/IP LAN and receive alerts immediately
via audible alarm, message, e-mail, or
third-party software when a connection
fails. It is a powerful personal monitoring
product delivering low cost, simplicity of
operation, and round-the-clock coverage.
netinfo.zip 1386790 NetInfo - Version 5.6 (Build 821) NetInfo is
a collection of 15 different
state-of-the-art network tools on a single,
easy-to-use interface. Designed from
first-hand experience, NetInfo allows
businesses to more effectively combat
network downtime by allowing network
administrators, webmasters, and Internet
service providers to more accurately isolate
faults, simplify processing of diagnostic
data and increase internal network security.
survkit.zip 717956 Secrets.Biz Website Promotion Survival Kit
This ebook in Win EXE format, contains
articles and tutorials on website promotion,
search engines, top rankings, tips,
keywords, relevancy, google, yahoo, msn,
news, open source marketing plan, etc. Ideal
for website owners, webmasters or potential
website owners to provide an array of
website promotion tools to complement other
traditional promotion methods (for example
advertising). This free version contains
sponsored ads while the paid version
contains no ads and extra explanatory
original materials not published anywhere.
4308764 bytes in 5 file(s)
FE000758.ZIP 5083 Current 2:5020/758 fileecho list
R50FEP10.TXT 15295 Ўайлэхополиси R50 зоны 2
20378 bytes in 2 file(s)
ECH00715.ZIP 34621 Current 2:5020/715 echolist
ECH00758.ZIP 24774 Current 2:5020/758 echolist
ECH04441.ZIP 19224 Current 2:5020/4441 echolist
78619 bytes in 3 file(s)
>Area : ZSEGS
ZONE3.Z73 3445 Zone 3 Nodelist segment for day 273
3445 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Total 14345981 bytes in 40 file(s)
Fido freq these files from 1:132/500 vtdl.net binkp +1-802-885-6386.
Or you can find them at http://vtdl.net/share.
And an Email to transx at vested-tyme.net with the subject of FREQ
and the first line in the message body of: Freq filename
will get the file you want attatched to an email reply.
** NOTE Files found in UUE.* areas may not be avalable **
--- Post Multiplyer Borg 1990
* Origin: The Harbinger Hub (1:132/500)