Text 4008, 185 rader
Skriven 2005-11-15 00:15:24 av Doug Connor (1:132/500)
─rende: New File Announcement
New Files Announcement from The Harbinger Hub 1:132/500
>Area : 1042.TECH
1042.lst 113478 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
113478 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : 2238.TECH : /2238 tech area
2238echo.lst 32807 -- description missing --
32807 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : AFTNGED : R50: Golded editor
GPW51112.RAR 434341 GoldED+1.1.5 [Win32 binaries] [Compiled using MS
Visual C++ and MinGW/Cygwin], 12 Nov 2005
434341 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : AVNAV : aV: Norton anti-Virus Sig updates (Navc/dX)
dat6nav.zip 7027454 Norton Anti-Virus Signature Definitions
Update for NAVC/NAVDX Command-line Scanner:
VIRSCAN?.DATs, VIRSCAN.INF plus Text files.
for manual updates. {Note File ZDONE.DAT
must be copied LAST : for OS/2 Warp Use
\INCOMING for Windows platforms.
7027454 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : BACKBONE : adM: ZoneHub appointed spokesperson/robot
BACKBONE.WW 21636 List of active echos, World Wide Backbone, 11-13-05
BACKSTAT.WW 5863 Change Status, World Wide Backbone, 11-13-05
27499 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : BOOK
BOOKL_43.RAR 6595 фополнение N 43 к базе BOOK_Library (за
фля 1.02 версии программы с базой книг по состоянию на
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 14.11.2005 22:28
CASE_J02.RAR 286417 фжон Кейз. Синдром (роман)
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 11.11.2005 18:10
MIROSG02.RAR 75378 Григорий Ильич Мирошниченко. щетер №алтики [1.07.10]
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 10.11.2005 13:09
MOSKOV01.RAR 64162 щасилий ┼етрович Московский. Твои крылья [1.07.10]
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 10.11.2005 13:42
NEKRSV12.RAR 50856 щиктор ┼латонович екрасов. аписано карандашом
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 10.11.2005 13:52
NOVTAR01.RAR 113448 Л.овиков, А.Тараданин. Сказание о 'Сибирякове'
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 10.11.2005 14:52
ORLALX30.RAR 184165 Алекс ─рлов. ┼равила большой игры
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 13.11.2005 14:19
POLWIL04.RAR 94920 фжек Уильямсон, Ўредерик ┼ол. ┼одводный флот ("Эдем"
#2) [1.04.08]
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 10.11.2005 19:06
POLWIL05.RAR 89732 фжек Уильямсон, Ўредерик ┼ол. ┼одводный город ("Эдем"
#3) [1.04.08]
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 10.11.2005 19:07
ROHMES04.RAR 110576 Сакс ╔омер. фочь доктора Ўу Манчи ("Ўу Манчи" #4)
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 13.11.2005 14:12
1076249 bytes in 10 file(s)
>Area : ESTAR.TECH : estar Mail station tech info
4441.LST 61929 Uplink (2:5020/4441) echolist
758.LST 143027 Current 2:5020/758 echolist
F758.LST 23870 Current 2:5020/758 fileecho list
228826 bytes in 3 file(s)
fe12000.zip 1970 Node 2:5020/12000 fileechoes
1970 bytes in 1 file(s)
MONDANCE.ZIP 3067759 Moneydance 2005r3 build 412. "Moneydance" is a
personal finance manager written completely in Java.
It includes transaction auto-completion, graphing,
reporting, a reconciliation tool, running cleared vs
uncleared balances, transaction sorting, doub
3067759 bytes in 1 file(s)
333.ZIP 3706241 №оян
3706241 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : NASA : NaSa: earth & Space Science Material
ap051113.zip 473029 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
ap051114.zip 6449673 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
6922702 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : NET5020
NET5020.NDL 51087 Latest Moscow segment of NODELIST
51087 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : NGPOD : NaSa: National Geographic Picture of the day
ng051113.zip 130484 National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
130484 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : NODEDIFF : adM: current Fidonet nodediff in aRc format
nodediff.a15 7896 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file a15
7896 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : OSEINOAA : NaSa: daily OSeI@NOaa Weather Pic of the day
oi051114.jpg 125568 (725x580x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the Day
125568 bytes in 1 file(s)
FE000758.ZIP 5083 Current 2:5020/758 fileecho list
5083 bytes in 1 file(s)
ECH00545.ZIP 9021 No description available
ECH00715.ZIP 34718 Current 2:5020/715 echolist
ECH00758.ZIP 24741 Current 2:5020/758 echolist
ECH01003.ZIP 15687 echolist of 2:5080/1003
ECH04441.ZIP 19269 Current 2:5020/4441 echolist
103436 bytes in 5 file(s)
>Total 23062880 bytes in 34 file(s)
Fido freq these files from 1:132/500 vtdl.net binkp +1-802-885-6386.
Or you can find them at http://vtdl.net/share.
And an Email to transx at vested-tyme.net with the subject of FREQ
and the first line in the message body of: Freq filename
will get the file you want attatched to an email reply.
** NOTE Files found in UUE.* areas may not be avalable **
--- Post Multiplyer Borg 1990
* Origin: The Harbinger Hub (1:132/500)