Text 4078, 200 rader
Skriven 2005-11-27 00:15:48 av Doug Connor (1:132/500)
─rende: New File Announcement
New Files Announcement from The Harbinger Hub 1:132/500
>Area : 1042.TECH
1042.lst 113033 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
113033 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : 2238.TECH : /2238 tech area
2238echo.lst 32807 -- description missing --
32807 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : AFTNGED : R50: Golded editor
GPC51126.ZIP 607109 GoldED+ 1.1.5 [config files], 26 Nov 2005
GPD51126.ZIP 1217840 GoldED+1.1.5 [DOS-DPMI binaries]
[Compiled using DJGPP GNU C/C++]
Snapshot at 20051126 (devel. ver.)
This is unstable release and it
should be used for testing purpose
GPS51126.TB2 1387577 GoldED+1.1.5 [source code], 26 Nov 2005
GPW51126.ZIP 977267 GoldED+1.1.5 [Win32 binaries]
[Compiled using MinGW/Cygwin]
Snapshot (development version)
This is unstable release and
it should be used for testing.
GoldED+ is a successor of the
wellknown GoldED mail editor.
4189793 bytes in 4 file(s)
>Area : AVNAV : aV: Norton anti-Virus Sig updates (Navc/dX)
dat6nav.zip 7112209 Norton Anti-Virus Signature Definitions
Update for NAVC/NAVDX Command-line Scanner:
VIRSCAN?.DATs, VIRSCAN.INF plus Text files.
for manual updates. {Note File ZDONE.DAT
must be copied LAST : for OS/2 Warp Use
\INCOMING for Windows platforms.
7112209 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : AVWIN95 : aV: anti-Virus software for Win95/98/Me
sting259.zip 1109412 McAfee AVERT Stinger v2.5.9 FREEware stand-
alone utility used to Detect and Remove
specific virii (as of Nov 22nd '05, original
executable file now named stng259.exe).
See STINGER.TXT for changes. This version
detects & cleans all known variants of Pate,
BackDoor-AQJ/CEB/CFB, Exploit-DComRpc, Mumu,
IPCScan, IRC/Flood, NTServiceLoader, Dumaru,
PWS-Narod & SinCom, BugBear, Sober, Blaster,
Deborm, Elkern, Fizzer, Yaha, Klez, LovGate,
Swen, Anig, MyDoom, MiMail, DoomJuice, Zafi,
MoFei, Nachi, Nimda, SdBot, SirCam, FunLove,
NetSky, SQLSlammer, Lirva, Sasser, Bat/Mumu,
SoBig, IRCBot, Korgo, ZinDOS, Exploit-Lsass,
Bagle, Zobot & Bropia.
To Scan & Clean under Windows (32-bit) just
Execute. Windows ME/XP users should first
read DSysRest.Txt, enclosed.
1109412 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : BOOK
ALEXAN40.RAR 117973 аталья Александрова. Шпионские страсти [1.01.04]
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 22.11.2005 17:56
BAKKER01.RAR 328100 ╔.Скотт №эккер. Слуги темного властелина ("Князь
┼устоты" #1) [1.06.05]
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 22.11.2005 18:03
HERBEV01.RAR 246083 щернер А.Герберт. Стальные гробы (немецкие подводные
лодки: секретные операции 1941 - 1945 гг.) [1.08.07]
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 22.11.2005 18:01
IPAILI02.RAR 194548 аталья Ипатова, Сергей Ильин. аследство Империи
("щрата щалгаллы" #2) [1.04.09]
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 22.11.2005 18:59
ROHMES05.RAR 116127 Сакс ╔омер. евеста доктора Ўу Манчи ("Ўу Манчи" #6)
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 22.11.2005 17:58
VERNID03.RAR 79665 фмитрий щернидуб. Завещание Ўродо [1.05.05]
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 22.11.2005 17:57
1082496 bytes in 6 file(s)
>Area : ESTAR.TECH : estar Mail station tech info
4441.LST 61929 Uplink (2:5020/4441) echolist
758.LST 143027 Current 2:5020/758 echolist
F758.LST 23870 Current 2:5020/758 fileecho list
228826 bytes in 3 file(s)
J-FTP147.ZIP 4437563 JFtp 1.47 is a graphical Java network and file
transfer client. It supports FTP using its own FTP API
and various other protocols like SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP,
and file I/O using third party APIs, includes many
advanced features such as recursive direc
ZT_251.ZIP 875576 ZeroToaster::MTA 2.51 is a very fast, responsive POP3
and SMTP mailserver with superior spam filtering
features and all the features an ISP, Small
Office/Home Office or Individual user requires.
Currently serving 1.5 million messages per day.
5313139 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : NASA : NaSa: earth & Space Science Material
ap051125.zip 1559895 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
ap051126.zip 235100 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
1794995 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : NGPOD : NaSa: National Geographic Picture of the day
ng051124.zip 79509 National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
ng051125.zip 172121 National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
251630 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : OSEINOAA : NaSa: daily OSeI@NOaa Weather Pic of the day
oi051126.jpg 138520 (725x580x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the Day
138520 bytes in 1 file(s)
2-DIFF.Z29 3722 Fidonet Z2-DIFF day-329 ZIP
3722 bytes in 1 file(s)
FE000758.ZIP 5083 Current 2:5020/758 fileecho list
5083 bytes in 1 file(s)
ECH00545.ZIP 9018 No description available
ECH00715.ZIP 34714 Current 2:5020/715 echolist
ECH00758.ZIP 24741 Current 2:5020/758 echolist
ECH04441.ZIP 19269 Current 2:5020/4441 echolist
87742 bytes in 4 file(s)
>Area : ZSEGS
ZONE1.Z29 26353 Zone 1 FidoNet nodelist segment for day 329
ZONE2.Z29 220388 ZONE2-FILE day-322
ZONE3.Z29 3452 Zone 3 Nodelist segment for day 329
ZONE5.Z29 682 Zone5 Node Segment
ZONE6.Z29 1843
252718 bytes in 5 file(s)
>Total 21716125 bytes in 35 file(s)
Fido freq these files from 1:132/500 vtdl.net binkp +1-802-885-6386.
Or you can find them at http://vtdl.net/share.
And an Email to transx at vested-tyme.net with the subject of FREQ
and the first line in the message body of: Freq filename
will get the file you want attatched to an email reply.
** NOTE Files found in UUE.* areas may not be avalable **
--- Post Multiplyer Borg 1990
* Origin: The Harbinger Hub (1:132/500)