Text 4279, 250 rader
Skriven 2005-12-27 22:48:31 av Lukas De Groen (2:280/1027)
Kommentar till en text av Everybody
Ärende: Newfiles at www.dreamlandbbs.com
System name Dreamland BBS
Sysop Lukas De Groen (lukas@dreamlandbbs.com)
Location Dordrecht - The Netherlands
Remark Dreamland BBS, your great source for files!
Network aka 2:280/1027@fidonet
Internet http://www.dreamlandbbs.com
Running MBSE BBS v0.83.1 on GNU/Linux-i386
Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
Inet 1024000 CM,XX,IBN,IFC,IFT
ISDN 31-78-6210372 64 kbits XA,X75,CM
ISDN 31-78-6212902 64 kbits XA,X75,CM
Modem 31-78-6210372 33.6 kbits HST,VFC,V34,V42B,X2,V90,CM,XA
Area ALLFILES - Allfiles listing Dreamland BBS
ALLFILES.ZIP 5493 Kb. Allfiles listing, ZIP formaat
Magic request: ALLFILES
1 file, 5493 KBytes.
Area NEWFILES - Newfiles of the last 30 days of Dreamland BBS
NEWFILES.ZIP 50 Kb. Newfiles listing of the last 30 days of
Dreamland BBS
Magic request: NEWFILES
1 file, 50 KBytes.
Area VIR_MCAF - VIR: Mcafee virus updates
46584659.UPD 181 Kb. Virus Defination Data Files by Network
Asscociates, Inc.
Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
Updated from 4658 to 4659
DAT-4659.ZIP 6842 Kb. Virus Definition Data Files by Network
Associates, Inc.
Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
(4659) 12/26/2005
2 files, 7023 KBytes.
Area VIR_NAI - VIR: Mcafee latest antivirus signatures
DAT-4660.ZIP 6848 Kb. Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associate
Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
(4660) 12/27/2005
DAT-4660.TAR 8140 Kb. -- description missing --
2 files, 14988 KBytes.
Area VIR_NAV - VIR: Norton Antivirus signature updates
1227I32.ZIP 10071 Kb. Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 12.27.05
Creation Day 12.27.2005
Release Day 12.27.2005
(tm) Symantec Corp.
1227X86.ZIP 12988 Kb. Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 16-bit 386
Virus Definations Day 12.27.2005
Creation Day 12.27.2005
Release Day 12.27.2005
(tm) Symantec Corp.
1227I64.ZIP 10516 Kb. Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 64-bit
Virus Definations Day 12.27.2005
Creation Day 12.27.2005
Release Day 12.27.2005
(tm) Symantec Corp.
3 files, 33575 KBytes.
Area VIR_NORT - VIR: Norton Antivirus updates & shareware
1225X86E.EXE 12990 Kb. Intelligent Updater (v2.03) updates
- Norton AntiVirus 3.0 & 4.0 for DOS/Windows
- Norton AntiVirus 4.0 for Windows 95/98
- Norton AntiVirus 5.0 for Windows 95/98
- Norton AntiVirus 2000 for Windows
- Norton AntiVirus 4.0 for Windows NT
- Norton AntiVirus 5.0 for Windows NT
- Norton AntiVirus Corporate Edition 6.0/7.0
- Norton AntiVirus 4.0 for Netware
- pcANYWHERE 32, 7.5 for Windows NT
- Norton Utilities 3.0 for Windows 95/98
- Norton NT Tools
- Norton Utilities 2.0 for Windows NT
This is a large file for administrators who
multiple versions of Norton AntiVirus. For
information, refer to the .txt files that
with this program. It is not available on
Update from december 2005 Version english
1 file, 12990 KBytes.
Area NGPOD - NASA: National geographic picture of the day
NG051226.ZIP 131 Kb. National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
1 file, 131 KBytes.
Area OSEINOAA - NASA: Weather maps
OI051227.JPG 121 Kb. (725x580x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the
1 file, 121 KBytes.
Area R28-DIFF - FIDO: Difference file for region 28 list (Arc)
R28-DIFF.A64 0 Kb. GeARCte R28 Diff voor dag 364, 2005
1 file, 0 KBytes.
Area R28-DIZZ - FIDO: Difference file for region 28 list (Zip)
R28-DIFF.Z64 0 Kb. GeZIPte R28 Diff voor dag 364, 2005
1 file, 0 KBytes.
Area REGION28 - FIDO: Nodelist segment for region 28 (Arc)
REGION28.A64 12 Kb. GeARCte R28 file voor dag 364, 2005
1 file, 12 KBytes.
Area REGIONZZ - FIDO: Nodelist segment for region 28 (Zip)
REGION28.Z64 8 Kb. GeZIPte R28 file voor dag 364, 2005
1 file, 8 KBytes.
Area SUNRISE32 - SUN: 32 bit Sunrise doors
WC5RAC17.ZIP 499 Kb. RACKO (32-BIT Wildcat! 5)
Changes to the product are noted in the .HIS
file! NOTE: We are now using a new
installer. Please pay attention as you are
installing this product and be sure to read
everything presented on the screen! As with
any application software upgrade
installation it is highly recommended that
you backup the existing application before
starting this update!!!!! If you have
questions, please do not hesitate to contact
us! http://www.sunrisedoors.com
WC5MON28.ZIP 508 Kb. Sunrise Software MONTE CARLO for the
WINServer platform. NOTE: We are now using a
new installer. Please pay attention as you
are installing this product and be sure to
read everything presented on the screen! As
with any application software upgrade
installation it is highly recommended that
you backup the existing application before
starting this update!!!!!
WC5VID21.ZIP 507 Kb. VIDEO POKER for the WINServer platform
Changes to the product are noted in the .HIS
file! NOTE: We are now using a new
installer. Please pay attention as you are
installing this product and be sure to read
everything presented on the screen! As with
any application software upgrade
installation it is highly recommended that
you backup the existing application before
starting this update!!!!! If you have
questions, please do not hesitate to contact
us! http://www.sunrisedoors.com
WC5LAD26.ZIP 507 Kb. LADDERS Dice Door (WildCat! 5 32-BIT) v2.5
** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection **
If you use the right strategy and have plenty
of luck, you will climb the ladders and
'capture' the required number to earn points.
Makeup games missed during the month. Auto
game reset & HOF bulletins. FEATURING 'POOL'
points & REAL TIME scoring! Send/Receive
MESSAGES to other players AND directly to the
Door Author!
************ INTERBBS - Capable *************
4 files, 2021 KBytes.
Area GFD.APP.GAME - GFD: OS/2 games
WS.ZIP 17 Kb. Steve's Word Search Puzzle Generator V1.1.
1 file, 17 KBytes.
Area GFD.NET.TCP - GFD: OS/2 tcp/ip related (ftp/mail)
SMNK10BU.ZIP 14376 Kb. SeaMonkey 1.0b Mozilla/5.0 (OS/2; U; Warp 4.5;
en-US; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051223 SeaMonkey/1.0b.
Copyright (c) 1998-2005 by Contributors to the
Mozilla codebase under the Mozilla Public
License and Netscape Public License. All Rights
Reserved. The SeaMonkey project is a community
effort to deliver production-quality releases of
code derived from the application formerly known
as 'Mozilla Application Suite'. nice' with the
browser. Unofficial build by Peter Weilbacher.
PMWTB15R.ZIP 10468 Kb. Mozilla Thunderbird version 1.5 (20051225).
Copyright (c) 1998-2005 Contributors. All rights
reserved. Thunderbird is a full-featured email,
RSS and newsgroup client with powerful, new junk
mail controls. Mozilla Thunderbird is a redesign
of the Mozilla mail component. Our goal is to
produce a cross platform stand alone mail
application using the XUL user interface
language. Our intended customer is someone who
uses Mozilla Firebird (or another stand alone
browser) as their primary browser and wants a
mail client based on mozilla that 'plays nice'
with the browser. Unofficial build of
Thunderbird for OS/2 based on the Thunderbird
1.5rc2 code by Peter Weilbacher.
2 files, 24844 KBytes.
23 new files, together 101273 KBytes of fresh stuff.
With regards; Lukas De Groen.
... Tracers work both ways.
--- MBSE BBS v0.83.1 (GNU/Linux-i386)
* Origin: www.dreamlandbbs.com powered by Fedora Core 3 (2:280/1027)