Text 593, 235 rader
Skriven 2004-12-01 22:57:13 av Lukas De Groen (2:280/1027)
Kommentar till en text av Everybody
Ärende: Newfiles at www.dreamlandbbs.com
System name Dreamland BBS
Sysop Lukas De Groen (lukas@dreamlandbbs.com)
Location Dordrecht, The Netherlands
Remark Dreamland BBS, your great source for files!
Network aka 2:280/1027@fidonet
Internet http://www.dreamlandbbs.com
Running MBSE BBS v0.70.0 on GNU/Linux-i386
Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
Inet +31-78-6210372 9600 CM,XX,IBN,IFC,IFT
ISDN 31-78-6210372 64 kbits XA,X75,CM
ISDN 31-78-6212902 64 kbits XA,X75,CM
Modem 31-78-6210372 33.6 kbits HST,VFC,V34,V42B,X2,V90,CM,XA
Area ALLFILES - Allfiles listing Dreamland BBS
ALLFILES.ZIP 5334 Kb. Allfiles listing, ZIP formaat
Magic request: ALLFILES
1 file, 5334 KBytes.
Area NEWFILES - Newfiles of the last 30 days of Dreamland BBS
NEWFILES.ZIP 50 Kb. Newfiles listing of the last 30 days of
Dreamland BBS
Magic request: NEWFILES
1 file, 50 KBytes.
Area AVDAT - AVN: Antivirus signature updates for Mcafee & Fprot
DEF3FP.ZIP 2076 Kb. Anti-Virus Definition Updates for F-Prot,
F-Secure & FSAV v4.03 or greater. Latest
Signature and Macro Defs from Frisk.
from ftp://ftp.f-prot.com/pub/
1 file, 2076 KBytes.
Area AVNAV - AVN: Norton antivirus sig updates (Navc/Dx)
DAT6NAV.ZIP 4146 Kb. Norton Anti-Virus Signature Definitions
Update for NAVC/NAVDX Command-line Scanner:
VIRSCAN?.DATs, VIRSCAN.INF plus Text files.
for manual updates. {Note File ZDONE.DAT
must be copied LAST : for OS/2 Warp Use
\INCOMING for Windows platforms.
1 file, 4146 KBytes.
Area LORDFILE - CAM: Program releases for classic Lord
THOUSE34.ZIP 79 Kb. Turgeon's House v3.40 LORD IGM
** Released on Nov. 30, 2004. **
Freeware IGM by Mike Ciesiensky.
Updated by Donald Tidmore.
L.O.R.D. IGM! Find Armour, Weapons,
Gems, Trouble, and all the other
attributes in L.O.R.D.!
-- Features rewritten Configuration
and Maintenance code. -- NEW \INSTALL
and \REMOVE options, as of v3.20.
-- View Stats from inside IGM.
-- Supports non-standard Weapons and
Armour in 16+ Weapon/Armor # range.
-- Provides details on results of
Weapons and Armour Trades.
-- Has Charm penalty for rudeness to
1 file, 79 KBytes.
Area MISCFILE - CAM: Miscellaneous Lord/Teos/Wt-Lord files
BORD210D.ZIP 194 Kb.
B.O.R.D. 2.10d
Bazooka Of the Red Dragon
by TGB Software 2003
-Funny RPG, L.O.R.D. spoof
-dorinfo1.def / door.sys
-Easy setup
-Highly configurable
-Registration: FREE
-Fun and easy to learn/play
-Well-tested & improved
-Complete program support
-Full FOSSIL support, TELNET!
-Callers will love it!
1 file, 194 KBytes.
Area NASA - NASA: Earth & space science material
AP041130.ZIP 407 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
1 file, 407 KBytes.
Area NGPOD - NASA: National geographic picture of the day
NG041129.ZIP 200 Kb. National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
1 file, 200 KBytes.
Area OSEINOAA - NASA: Weather maps
OI041201.JPG 5 Kb. (100x82x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the
1 file, 5 KBytes.
Area UTILLNX - UTL: Linux end user & system utilities
CICQ4120.ZIP 1400 Kb. CenterICQ v4.12.0 for Mandrake-Linux v7.1+,
compiled for i586-pc-linux-gnu with SSL
Encryption and All Protocols except Gadu- gadu
& MSN (broken for Mdk71) enabled. Includes ELF
executable, .WAV sound files and all original
Documentation. See file 1ReadMe.1st for install
instructions. Supports ICQ, AIM, IRC, Yahoo!,
Jabber, RSS and LiveJournal. See ChangeLog and
README (Documentation/Manual).
1 file, 1400 KBytes.
Area WIN_MISC - WIN: Miscellaneous
ETMP.ZIP 5117 Kb. Easy Tab Maker Pro allows you to plug your
guitar into your computer. While you play
Easy Tab Maker Pro analyzes the pitch and
tone of the signal transmitted from your
guitar. It monitors the change and
combination of the chords played. Then it
analyzes the pitch and tone to determine
which strings were played and where your
fingers were at. Easy Tab Maker Pro then
graphs the results as tablature.
1 file, 5117 KBytes.
Area Z2-DIFF - FIDO: Difference file for the zone 2 nodelist (Arc)
Z2-DIFF.A38 5 Kb. Fidonet Z2-DIFF for this week (ARC)
1 file, 5 KBytes.
Area Z2-DIZZ - FIDO: Difference file for the zone 2 nodelist (Zip)
Z2-DIFF.Z38 3 Kb. Fidonet Z2-DIFF for this week (ZIP)
1 file, 3 KBytes.
Area GFD.WPS.TOOL - GFD: OS/2 tools for wps
XWLAN111.ZIP 347 Kb. (v1.11) XWLAN - XCenter WLAN monitor
This XCenter widget allows to monitor the
status of your wireless LAN devices,
providing connection profile support,
automatic connection scan on startup and
key generation, profile im+export and more.
Available as XCenter Widget and standalone
program, Wireless LAN hardware & driver req.
English and german National Language Support
Homepage: http://wlan.netlabs.org
1 file, 347 KBytes.
Area LINUXNET.INFO - LIN: Info files
LIN_INFO.ZIP 11 Kb. LinuxNet INF0 FILE v7.1
If you ever felt you want to work
with Linux OS systems of all kinds
as there is, and there is many of
kinds, then join this worldwide
All you want to know about Linuxnet
is in this archive include a
LIN1204.ZIP 11 Kb. LinuxNet INF0 FILE v7.1
If you ever felt you want to work
with Linux OS systems of all kinds
as there is, and there is many of
kinds, then join this worldwide
All you want to know about Linuxnet
is in this archive include a
LN011204.ZIP 11 Kb. LinuxNet INF0 FILE v7.1
If you ever felt you want to work
with Linux OS systems of all kinds
as there is, and there is many of
kinds, then join this worldwide
All you want to know about Linuxnet
is in this archive include a
3 files, 33 KBytes.
17 new files, together 19396 KBytes of fresh stuff.
With regards; Lukas De Groen.
--- MBSE BBS v0.70.0 (GNU/Linux-i386)
* Origin: www.dreamlandbbs.com powered by Fedora Core 3 (2:280/1027)