Text 6395, 211 rader
Skriven 2006-09-30 00:15:28 av The Harbinger Hub (1:132/500)
─rende: New File Announcement
System name The Harbinger Hub / Vested Tyme Dataline
Sysop Douglas Connor
Location Springfield, Vermont US
Remark Vested Tyme by telnet, http The Harbinger via ftn
Network aka 1:132/500@fidonet 111:4603/100@stn 63:63/1@acnet
Running VADV 2.10 / Hpt 1.4-RC4-win32
Announced On or after 23:59 EST
Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
Inet 700 kbps CM,IBN,IFC,ITN,IFT
Modem 1-802-885-6386 33.6 kbps CM,XA,V32B,V42B,V34
>Area : 1042.TECH
1042.lst 111065 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
111065 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : 2238.TECH : /2238 tech area
2238echo.lst 33596 -- description missing --
33596 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : AVDAT : aV: anti-Virus Sig Updates (Mcafee, F-Prot)
dat4nai.zip 8293233 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates,
Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
(4862) 09/28/2006
8293233 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : BOOK
AHMANM19.RAR 210463 Михаил Ахманов. фалекий Сайкат ("Миссия Тревельяна"
#2) [1.03.06]
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 20.09.2006 19:04
BRAITW04.RAR 150752 щладимир №райт. ┼ринц фальшивых героев ("Империя
неудачников" #2) [1.03.17]
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 20.09.2006 19:00
DVOREE06.RAR 215329 Елизавета фворецкая. Зеркало и чаша ("Лес на Той
Стороне" #2) [1.05.12]
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 20.09.2006 19:03
PLATVS02.RAR 182900 Сергей ┼латов. Собака снова человек! [1.05.09]
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 20.09.2006 19:10
PLATVS03.RAR 155874 Сергей ┼латов. фружина специального назначения
("фружина специального назначения" #1) [1.05.09]
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 20.09.2006 19:09
PLATVS04.RAR 152688 Сергей ┼латов. ┼осол вон! ("фружина специального
назначения" #2) [1.05.09]
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 20.09.2006 19:11
TRUNKT01.RAR 144727 Тур Трункатов. ┼риключения Гука [1.08.02]
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 20.09.2006 19:14
ZHIVOA16.RAR 176651 А.Я.хивой. №итва на Калке: Эпизод первый ("№итва на
Калке" #1) [1.03.12]
┼роскочил по файл-эхе BOOK Fido: 20.09.2006 19:06
1389384 bytes in 8 file(s)
>Area : DIFFLZH : adM: current Fidonet nodediff in LZH format
nodediff.l72 3059 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file l72
3059 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : DIFFZIP : adM: current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
nodediff.z72 3148 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file z72
3148 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : ESTAR.TECH : estar Mail station tech info
4441.LST 62499 Uplink (2:5020/4441) echolist
758.LST 142833 Current 2:5020/758 echolist
F758.LST 23870 Current 2:5020/758 fileecho list
229202 bytes in 3 file(s)
>Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The weekly aRGUS.TXT auxiliary TcP/IP node override
i-argus.z72 19400 Argus TCP/IP auxiliary nodes file: 2006-09-29
Generated at 3:712/848 from NODELIST.272
19400 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : NASA : NaSa: earth & Space Science Material
ap060929.zip 736474 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
736474 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : NGPOD : NaSa: National Geographic Picture of the day
ng060925.zip 137558 National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
ng060926.zip 132559 National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
270117 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : NODEDIFF : adM: current Fidonet nodediff in aRc format
nodediff.a72 4069 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file a72
4069 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : OSEINOAA : NaSa: daily OSeI@NOaa Weather Pic of the day
oi060929.jpg 393 (320x0x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the Day
393 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : PASNDIFF : PaS: dIFF-files
PASNDIFF.z72 568 weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff file
568 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : PASNLIST : PaS: Nodelist
PASNLIST.z72 8842 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist file
By Pacalnet.org of Gert Koefoed Andersen.
8842 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : PASPOINT : PaS: Pascal-Net pointlist
PASPOINT.z72 7414 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
By Pascalnet.org of Gert Koefoed Andersen.
7414 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : STN_ABBS
FTPXFLB3.ZIP 976473 FTPXFLB3 ftp client for Linux.
ftpxflb3.zip is a ftp linux client pack.
Use for linux users to get & send mail to
Where it requere af client for linux program and
to do. There is 3 several programs packs in this file,
there is source files to one of them shall be
to use this program and the .sh script files.
Made for RelayNet(tm) users with a ftp account on
NOTE: This is a test ftp xfer system for testing.
Testers use testxfer.sh for testing!!
Gert Andersen
976473 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : STN_LIST : STN: St. Louis nodelists
STNDIFF.Z72 574 Weekly Stn Nodediff
STNLIST.Z72 10840 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
11414 bytes in 2 file(s)
FE000758.ZIP 5083 Current 2:5020/758 fileecho list
N5020FEC.ZIP 2098 N5020FEC information
7181 bytes in 2 file(s)
ECH00715.ZIP 35381 No description available
ECH00758.ZIP 24701 Current 2:5020/758 echolist
ech01042.zip 33939 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
94021 bytes in 3 file(s)
>Total 12199053 bytes in 33 file(s)
Fido freq these files from 1:132/500 vtdl.net binkp +1-802-885-6386.
Or you can find them at http://vtdl.net/share.
And an Email to transx at vested-tyme.net with the subject of FREQ
and the first line in the message body of: Freq filename
will get the file you want attatched to an email reply.
** NOTE Files found in UUE.* areas may not be avalable **
--- Post Multiplyer - Hpt 1.4-RC4-win32
* Origin: The Harbinger Hub (1:132/500)