Text 7257, 384 rader
Skriven 2007-01-15 16:15:00 av Htick (2:236/150)
Ärende: New Files Received
>Area : BFDS : BFDS: DOS Batch File Utillities and DOS
bfdslist.zip 73204 Master Files Listing for the BFDS (Batch File
Distribution System) the Files Support arm
of the International BATPOWER echo (learn
all about BATch File Programming).
73204 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
FNEWSO03.ZIP 9142 FIDONEWS 15 Jan 2007 Vol 24 No 03
The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
* Xxcarol's outa-stuff Pea soup
* FidoNet Software References
* Nodelist Stats
* How to Submit an Article
* Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
9142 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
ALLFILES.TXT 6447996 The KofoBBS all files listning
ALLFILES.TXT 6449234 The KofoBBS all files listning
ALLFILES.ZIP 895322 The KOFO BBS All files listning (ZIP)
ALLFILES.ZIP 895380 The KOFO BBS All files listning (ZIP)
KOFOBBS.ZIP 895320 The KOFO BBS All files listning (ZIP)
KOFOBBS.ZIP 895378 The KOFO BBS All files listning (ZIP)
KOFOLIST.TXT 6447996 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
KOFOLIST.TXT 6449234 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
KOFOLIST.ZIP 895322 The KOFO BBS All files listning (ZIP)
KOFOLIST.ZIP 895380 The KOFO BBS All files listning (ZIP)
KOFONEWS.TXT 150226 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
KOFONEWS.TXT 150577 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
KOFONEWS.ZIP 23892 The KofoBBS 30 day new file listning (ZIP'ed)
KOFONEWS.ZIP 23920 The KofoBBS 30 day new file listning (ZIP'ed)
31515177 bytes in 14 file(s)
>Area : GFD.APP.MISC : GFD APP: All other stuff than those
SCRB1337.ZIP 19650677 Scribus v1.3.3.7 for OS/2 & eComStation. Scribus is an
open-source program that brings award-winning
professional page layout to Linux/Unix, MacOS X and
Windows desktops with a combination of "press-ready"
output and new approaches to page layout. Underneath
the modern and user friendly interface, Scribus
supports professional publishing features, such as
CMYK color, separations, ICC color management and
versatile PDF creation.
UNEX140B.ZIP 2106378 UNEX 1.4.0 beta (Build: 5284). Yu.V. Vishnevskiy (c)
2004-2006. Gas electron diffraction structural
analysis program. UNEX program for gas electron
diffracrtion study of molecules. It can all (or almost
all) that needed for a conventional GED research, from
initial processing of experimental materials to
structural analysis. UNEX is not based on any version
of original Kced or other programs.
UNEX140T.ZIP 5787107 UNEX 1.4.0 beta tests. Yu.V. Vishnevskiy (c)
2004-2006. Gas electron diffraction structural
analysis program. UNEX program for gas electron
diffracrtion study of molecules. It can all (or almost
all) that needed for a conventional GED research, from
initial processing of experimental materials to
structural analysis. UNEX is not based on any version
of original Kced or other programs.
27544162 bytes in 3 file(s)
>Area : LORDFILE : CAM: Program releases for classic LORd.
kbedit13.zip 77153 K.L. Bank Player Database Editor v1.30.
* DOS LORD IGM utility.
* KLBEDIT v1.30, along with Kiteria's
LORD Bank v1.50, were officially released
on Jan. 13, 2007. Distribution will be
on January 13th, 2007.
** This version is NOT compatible with
v1.30 of the IGM. It is ONLY for usage
with K.L. Bank v1.32+ betas or with
KLBank v1.50.
This is a player database editor utility
which has New Day for Player, Delete
Player's Record, and Search for Player
options. It is based upon my Chasware
LORD Player Database Editor - LPEdit.
v1.30: Fixes editor so that cursor does
not re-appear on-screen after values are
changed using a dialog box. 06/25/06.
** Includes place-holder entries for
Gems Interest variables that will be
implemented in mid-January 2007 in the
next IGM development cycle. Includes
rewrite of screen layout done in early
January 2007, which includes reassigned
menu codes.
Utility is tested under DOS LORD v4.07,
which was released on 06/07/2006.
Testing done using DOS LORD v4.08 Beta,
late September 2006 compilation.
- Email: ktidmore@bellsouth.net,
donald.tidmore@usa.net OR
Fidonet: Donald Tidmore 1:123/450
Use NetMail or the LORD/DoorGames echos.
- WWW:
klbank15.zip 226484 Kiteria's LORD Bank v1.50 LORD IGM
** By Donald Tidmore
** For DOS LORD usage only.
* Officially released KLBEdit v1.30,
and Kiteria's LORD Bank v1.50 programs
on January 13th, 2007. Distribution
to be done on Jan. 13th, 2007.
** IGM utility by Donald Tidmore.
** Only for use with the DOS LORD IGM.
KLBEdit was created in July 2005 as an
IGM Player Database Editor. It is used
to edit edit database records, and has
New Day for Player, Search for Player,
and Delete Player options.
This IGM provides players with a place
to store Gold AND Gems without worry
about other players stealing from them.
Also, gold/gems kept in the IGM can not
be taken away from you after you kill
the Red Dragon in LORD.
Limits: The Gems bank account is limited
to 1 Million. The Gold bank account is
limited to Two Billion. Visits per Day
are limited to 50, maximum. Visits/Day
can be changed using KITBANK CONFIG by
the end-user/sysop, or changed while you
*NEW IGM Events: (1) Gold Transfers are
now available, up to 50 times/day. Max
Transfer per session is 100 Million. (2)
Gems Transfers are now available, up to
50 times/day. Max Transfer/session is
25,000 Gems. (3) Female warriors can
flirt once/day with the cashier, Gordon.
Male warriors can flirt once/day with
Samantha. You can flirt with both by
changing your Sex between visits.
Rewards are granted in Experience or
Charm Points. Max Exp. reward per day
is 10 Million points.
03/07/06: Added CONVKB10.EXE utility. It
converts the v1.30 IGM database file to
be compatible with KLBank v1.50, and its
v1.31 - v1.49 betas, using KB13PLAY.DAT
file to create a new BANKPLAY.DAT file.
The IGM remembers all of your Banking
transactions between visits, and it
protects your bank account balances
between LORD game days.
The Gold/Gems Transfer counters and
amounts are reset to zero at the start
of each LORD game day.
** Player database records that are
deleted using KLBEDIT are processed the
next day when the IGM is run for the
FIRST time that day. At that time, while
the new BANKPLAY.DAT file is being made,
those deleted records are dropped from
** Fixed glitch in Stats screens where
IGM failed to report valid data on NPC
Marriages on 11/08/05.
** As of 01/09/2006, the IGM now uses
KITBANK2.DAT and a new config. file
structure. It has 8 data lines in it.
* Fixed glitch where KITBANK INSTALL was
not writing Version data to 3rdparty.dat
when user had requested its inclusion.
Done 01-09-2006.
* 05/16/2006: Added Gold/Gems Transfers
Info Stats screen to igm.
KLBEDIT v1.30: Fixed editor so that the
cursor does not re-appear on-screen
after values are changed using a dialog
box in the program. 06/25/2006.
** 11/25/06: Added Player Database
Restoration file to IGM. KLB-BACK.DAT
is used to recreate BANKPLAY.DAT if the
file is lost while IGM is in usage.
Requires KITBANK v1.49+ beta.
** 11/29/06: Enabled 5% Gems Interest
on first visit of day, for players with
Gems on account. Full implementation
will require upcoming Player Database
structure update. * Requires v1.49+.
** This IGM checks for Over-Range or
Negative LORD Stats at IGM Entry, and at
IGM Exit. All of LORD's numeric stats
are covered since LORD will crash if it
encounters over-range values, and no one
wants to have negative stats.
IGM compatibility with versions of LORD
before 3.55 is not guaranteed.
Kiteria's LORD Bank's programs are all
developed and tested using LORD v4.08
Beta's late September 2006 compilation.
They also were tested using LORD v4.07,
which was released in early June 2006.
** KLBEDIT.EXE v1.20 was officially
released, along with CONVKB10.EXE,
on March 14th, 2006.
** CONVKB10 docs files were updated on
Jan. 09, 2007 as part of the official
release of K.L.Bank v1.50.
- Email: ktidmore@bellsouth.net,
donald.tidmore@usa.net OR
Fidonet: Donald Tidmore 1:123/450
Use NetMail or the LORD/DoorGames echos.
- WWW:
303637 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
ap070114.zip 637177 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
637177 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : NEWS : Daily 30 days Newfiles Listning at 2:236/150
NEWFILES.TXT 150226 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
NEWFILES.TXT 150577 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
NEWFILES.ZIP 23892 The KofoBBS 30 day new file listning (ZIP'ed)
NEWFILES.ZIP 23920 The KofoBBS 30 day new file listning (ZIP'ed)
348615 bytes in 4 file(s)
>Area : NGPOD : NASA: National Geopraphic Pictures of the Day
ng070111.zip 200855 National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
200855 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : OSEINOAA : NASA: Weather Maps
oi070115.jpg 135852 (725x580x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the Day
135852 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : VIR_AVP : VirNet: AVP AntiVirus Updates and Shareware
WC070114.ZIP 9758616 Cummulative, complete
includes cumulative update 0510. Only
if you have last updated before jan-07-2007.
Else use the weekly archive above!
Self-extracting archive. ZIP-compatible
WW070114.ZIP 1234271 Weekly, complete
includes all weekly/daily update modules
since cumulative update 0609.
Self-extracting archive. ZIP-compatible
10992887 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : XPNTZ2DIFF : Backbone: Zone 2 Pointliste
Z2PNT_D.RUL 2395 FileEcho Zone 2 Pointdiff Rules
Z2PNT_D.Z05 234 FidoNet Zone 2 Pointdiff, Day 005
2629 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Total 71763337 bytes in 32 file(s)
* Origin: The KOFO BBS High Service (2:236/150)