Text 7599, 213 rader
Skriven 2007-03-03 22:46:48 av Lukas De Groen (2:280/1027)
Kommentar till en text av Everybody
Ärende: Newfiles at www.dreamlandbbs.com
System name Dreamland BBS
Sysop Lukas de Groen (lukas@dreamlandbbs.com)
Location Dordrecht - The Netherlands
Remark Dreamland BBS, your great source for files!
Network aka 2:280/1027@fidonet
Internet http://www.dreamlandbbs.com
Running MBSE BBS v0.91.0 on GNU/Linux-i386
Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
Inet 2048000 CM,XX,IBN,IFC,IFT,ITN
Area ALLFILES - Allfiles listing Dreamland BBS
ALLFILES.ZIP 5038 Kb. Allfiles listing, ZIP formaat
Magic request: ALLFILES
1 file, 5038 KBytes.
Area NEWFILES - Newfiles of the last 30 days of Dreamland BBS
NEWFILES.ZIP 30 Kb. Newfiles listing of the last 30 days of
Dreamland BBS
Magic request: NEWFILES
1 file, 30 KBytes.
Area VIR_FP - VIR: F-prot antivirus
Signaturen vom 2.3.2007 21:12 Uhr
FP-DEF.ZIP 5558 Kb. Signaturdateien SIGN.DEF und SIGN2.DEF
fuer F-PROT, F-STOPW und FSAV.
Signaturen vom 2.3.2007 21:12 Uhr
2 files, 5809 KBytes.
Area VIR_HBED - VIR: Hbed antivirus
AV6VDF.ZIP 13552 Kb. VDF-Datei fuer Free-AV 6.xx bis Verion 6.32
Im Archiv sind folgende Dateien enthalten:
antivir.vdf 02.03.2007
avewin32.dll 22.02.2007
avguard.vxd 22.02.2007
avrep.dll 02.03.2007
1 file, 13552 KBytes.
Area VIR_MCAF - VIR: Mcafee virus updates
49744975.UPD 63 Kb. Virus Defination Data Files by Network
Asscociates, Inc.
Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
Updated from 4974 to 4975
DAT-4975.ZIP 9481 Kb. Virus Definition Data Files by Network
Associates, Inc.
Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
(4975) 03/02/2007
2 files, 9544 KBytes.
Area AVDAT - AVN: Antivirus signature updates for Mcafee & Fprot
DAT4NAI.ZIP 9451 Kb. Virus Definition Data Files by Network
Associates, Inc. Requires scanner engine v4070
or newer
1 file, 9451 KBytes.
Area NASA - NASA: Earth & space science material
AP070302.ZIP 509 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
AP070303.ZIP 88 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
2 files, 597 KBytes.
Area NGPOD - NASA: National geographic picture of the day
NG070227.ZIP 166 Kb. National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
NG070228.ZIP 234 Kb. National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
2 files, 400 KBytes.
Area OSEINOAA - NASA: Weather maps
OI070303.JPG 114 Kb. (725x580x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the
1 file, 114 KBytes.
Area GFD.APP.ARC - GFD: OS/2 archivers
WPIVIEW.ZIP 210 Kb. WPIView Version 1.0.0. This is, as the name
indicates, a simple viewer for the content of
WarpIN archives. Author: Herwig Bauernfeind,
1 file, 210 KBytes.
Area GFD.APP.DB - GFD: OS/2 database programs & tools
PHPMA210.ZIP 4273 Kb. phpMyAdmin version,. phpMyAdmin is a
web-based utility to manage MySQL databases, and
is available in 50 languages. phpMyAdmin can
manage a whole MySQL server (needs a super-user)
as well as a single database. To accomplish the
latter you'll need a properly set up MySQL user
who can read/write only the desired database.
Requirements: PHP3, PHP4 or PHP5, MySQL 3.21 or
newer, a web-browser (doh!).
1 file, 4273 KBytes.
Area GFD.APP.MISC - GFD: OS/2 miscellaneous applications
DOSBXF41.ZIP 2809 Kb. Dosbox frontend version 4.1 for DosBox 0.66.
Modified to be compatable with DosBox version
0.66(RC1). The main purpose of this program is
to generate a rexx (cmd) file that starts dosbox
with certain settings and runs a game / program,
then create a desktop icon for it. Author Chris
Roossien. Additional requirements: DOSBox.
DOSBX07.ZIP 2458 Kb. DOSBox/2 v0.70. DOSBox is a DOS-emulator that
uses the SDL-library which makes DOSBox very
easy to port to different platforms. DOSBox also
emulates CPU:286/386 realmode/protected mode,
Directory FileSystem/XMS/EMS,
Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/VESA graphics, a
SoundBlaster/Gravis Ultra Sound card for
excellent sound compatibility with older
games... You can 're-live' the good old days
with the help of DOSBox, it can run plenty of
the old classics that don't run on your new
computer! DOSBox is totally free of charge and
OpenSource. This package just gives you what
need to run Dosbox. The package includes
KEYB.EXE from FreeDOS plus precompiled keyboard
layout and some language files for DOSBOX.
DOSBX07F.ZIP 6782 Kb. DOSBox/2 v0.70. DOSBox is a DOS-emulator that
uses the SDL-library which makes DOSBox very
easy to port to different platforms. DOSBox also
emulates CPU:286/386 realmode/protected mode,
Directory FileSystem/XMS/EMS,
Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/VESA graphics, a
SoundBlaster/Gravis Ultra Sound card for
excellent sound compatibility with older
games... You can 're-live' the good old days
with the help of DOSBox, it can run plenty of
the old classics that don't run on your new
computer! DOSBox is totally free of charge and
OpenSource. This package also includes the
debugging bins including the internal debugger
3 files, 12049 KBytes.
Area GFD.NET.WWW - GFD: OS/2 http server, browsers etc.
FRF15010.ZIP 8742 Kb. Firefox version Copyright (c)
1998-2007 Contributors. All rights reserved.
Firefox and Firefox logos are trademarks of the
Mozilla Foundation. Mozilla/5.0 (OS/2; U; Warp
4.5; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070228
Firefox/ Firefox is an award winning
preview of next generation browsing technology
from mozilla.org. Firefox empowers you to
accomplish your online activities faster, more
safely and efficiently than any other browser,
period. Built with Tab browsing, popup blocking
and a number of other seamless innovations,
Firefox stands out ahead.
1 file, 8742 KBytes.
Area GFD.SYS.DISK - GFD: OS/2 harddisk & cdrom drivers
ALVM0301.ZIP 240 Kb. ALVM for eComStation (Logical Volume Manager)
Version 0.1. Logical volume manager for
eComStation. This is an experimental LVM build,
use it at your own risk. Run it on test
computers only!! ALVM is developed by eCo
Software. The product is based on IBM LVM source
1 file, 240 KBytes.
20 new files, together 70049 KBytes of fresh stuff.
With regards; Lukas de Groen.
... Yet another food joint: Come in and eat before we both starve.
--- MBSE BBS v0.91.0 (GNU/Linux-i386)
* Origin: www.dreamlandbbs.com powered by X/OS Linux 4 (2:280/1027)