Text 2960, 172 rader
Skriven 2006-06-28 09:19:00 av Robert E Starr JR (3433.babylon5)
Ärende: Re: Atheists: America's m
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"Josh Hill" <usereplyto@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On Tue, 27 Jun 2006 23:06:52 +0000 (UTC), "Carl"
> <cengman7@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>"Josh Hill" <usereplyto@gmail.com> wrote in message
>>> On Tue, 27 Jun 2006 02:41:42 +0000 (UTC), "Dennis \(Icarus\)"
>>> <ala_dir_diver@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>"Josh Hill" <usereplyto@gmail.com> wrote in message
>>>>> On Tue, 13 Jun 2006 00:24:28 +0000 (UTC), "Dennis \(Icarus\)"
>>>>> <ala_dir_diver@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>> >Hey, we'll combine stories, and find that each side is being attacked
>>>>> >equally ;-)
>>>>> Hard to establish numbers, since we're talking personal here. It
>>>>> certainly isn't what I've seen on Usenet. But what really bothers me
>>>>> is that the conservative establishment has been running a systematic
>>>>> campaign of slurs against liberals and moderates and Democrats of
>>>>> every stripe, whom they broadbrush as liberals. And against a whole
>>>>> portion of the country that's portrayed as elitist, un-American and
>>>>> un-Christian. That's been the case ever since Nixon and Agnew
>>>>> originated the tactic with their homilies to "Middle America" and
>>>>> their attacks on "effete snobs."
>>>>And liberals have done the same - where does the term "borking" come
>>> From the politically-motivated disclosure that Judge Bork had smoked
>>> marijuana at parties, which is to say that while regrettable in and of
>>> itself it has nothing to do with the broadbrushing of liberals and
>>> broad segments of the American population. In any case, the comment
>>> that "liberals have done the same" is a distortion of the truth,
>>> equating as it does one man's parking ticket with another's murder
>>> rap.
>>You want to talk broad brushing? You essentially called Bill Gates a
>>murderer because
>>he has an ovesized garage. Yeesh!
> A. Diversion. My comment, however hyperbolic, was not broadbrushing,
> but applied to a particular individual. But more to the point, you
> aren't addressing the dichotomy I raised.
I've resisted a lot of oppoirtunities to take issue with some rather
one-sided comments you've said int he past. For the most part, I decided
that there's not really much point because you tend to interpret everything
through a particular prism in which almost anything bad gets blamed on one
side and almost everything good is Dem. Even if you accept something is
less than optimal on the Dem side, you always follow up with "Yeah, but
they're worse."
Back on Gates, you complained that he hadn't given enough away, and yet when
I mentioned that Gates said he would be giving almost all of his wealth away
and didn't think it was good to leave his kids all his wealth you basically
said "yeah, it fugures he'd short change his kids too." or something close
to that. He hasn';t given enough away, but when he does he's mean to his
kids. No matter what happens, you tend to contort it to always be the worst
possible interpretation of someone that isn't a Dem.
Now...to politics...
Systematic slurs? Consider Howard Dean. He's as vile as Anne Coulter. How
many times has he used the word Racist? Not against a Republican... against
Republicans as a whole. Harry Reid couldn't wait to accuse Reps of being
racist because they wanted to close the borders...until of course the
politics of the situation made him shut up. Charlie Rangle shouts racist
every chance he gets. Not to an indiviual... to Republicans. Broad strokes
there. Then there's the Dem Representatrive that hit a cop because he was
doing a job, then claimed racism the very first chance she got too.
Then there's the constant put downs towards the religious right. The way
Dems scream, one would think that you have to be born again to be a
Republican. The way many people speak, anyomne that's not a Dem is a
"neocon." Wrong.
Dirty political tricks? Consider the son of the Dem candidate in Milwaukee
that was convicted of slashing the trires ona number of vehicles the Reps
had to bring voters to polls. Another person was arrested ( A veteran Demo
activist), but I don't recall hearing the outcome if his trial.
The son (Sowande Ajumoke Omokunde) and three other Dem campaign workers were
ordered to serve 4-6 months in prison and pay restitution.
Then there's the gunshots into GOP political headquarters around the country
last election cycle.
Consider the hypocrisy of Nancy Pelosi, who once said "One threat to our
Constitution, indeed to our participatory democracy, is the role of the
special interest money in the political process today"and "extremists in the
Republican Party who have repeatedly tried to undermine campaign finance
reform" and of "sneaky tactics employed by the Republicans."
Shortly thereafter she was caught with campaign finance improprieties, and
had to shut down her Team Majority PAC. The FEC imposed fines. Although
Team Majority didn't offically exist until Oct 16, 2002 it had been raising
money since April. Within 24 hours of being caught and an complaint files
with the FEC, Pelosi shut down the PAC.
That PAC was a second PAC. Members of either party are only allowed 1
leadership PAC. Apparently doners gave the max to both PACs, in violation of
the rules. Her comments on undermining campaign finance reform ring pretty
Then of course there's Hillary Clinton's campaign finance irregularities
Remember Dan Rostenkowski? I do, I'm originally from IL.
Consider the hypocrasy of the Dems screaming how bad the Reps were over the
influence of Abramoff, only to get caught having done the same thing...right
up to Harry Ried, Dick Gephart, and Tom Daschle.
Howard Dean accused the GOP of abusing junkets and taking perks, yet the top
10 travelers for the last 5 years in both the House and Senate have been
Dems, according to PolticalMoneyLine.com. Tied for first are Maxine Waters
and John Breaux...with 61 trips each.
> B. But, since you mention it, " 'I'm not an enthusiast for dynastic
> wealth, particularly when 6 billion others have much poorer hands than
> we do in life,' Mr. Buffett said at the New York Public Library, where
> he was appearing with Bill and Melinda Gates, the only Americans
> richer than he is."
One thing that's always struck me as odd. In every state where there has
been the opportunity to pay extra when the tax bill comes, Dems don't. No
state has reported any significant revenue from extra donations. Raising
taxes doesn't seem to be about raising money to do things...(if it were they
would simply donate more to the govt and be done with it)... it's about
making others pay more. How do some (I'm not speaking of anyone here) claim
moral superiority by virtue of wanting to help people when they'll only help
if they can force others to pay?
Ted Kennedy has plenty of money. Al Gore is reportedly worth over $100
million. The richest prople in both the House and Senate are Dems. Why
aren't they giving the majority of their wealth away?
I've said this a number of times before... I'm not even a Republican. I
just don't like one-sided arguments. I feel compelled to take the other
side. :) Neither side can lay claim to being particularly worthy of the
public trust. I'd like to see every single one of them replaced with people
that aren't motivated to see themselves on the news.
Given a choice between two theories, take the one which is funnier.
-- Blore's Razor
--- SBBSecho 2.11-Win32
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