Text 428, 179 rader
Skriven 2006-05-24 23:31:00 av Robert E Starr JR (874.babylon5)
Ärende: Re: Anything new going on
* * * This message was from Charlie Edmondson to rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.m * *
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Wendy of NJ wrote:
> On Fri, 19 May 2006 03:21:24 +0000 (UTC), Jon Schild <jjs@aros.net>
> wrote:
>>Charlie Edmondson wrote:
>>>Jan wrote:
>>>>In article <oK%ag.4$bY4.0@newsfe5-gui.ntli.net>, AC says...
>>>>>Just recieved a reply from Mr Sprange. All I will say is that he
>>>>>seems genuinly (sp?) upset by Joe's reaction and he seems to really
>>>>>care about B5, like the rest of us. I've also seen Joe's recent post,
>>>>>which actually makes no sense to me, baring in mind what Mr Sparnge
>>>>>has just written to me. I would post the reply I got , but I dont
>>>>>feel I have permission.
>>>>I've never had the impression that Mr. Sprange has any but good
>>>>toward the B5 universe and that he and the writers want to do a good job.
>>>>>I think Joe needs to to be a little more candid here. For me, there
>>>>>is something in between what Joe and Mr Sprange is saying. I like to
>>>>>know what it is.
>>>>I think it's gone entirely far enough, or too far, in public. They'll
>>>>work it out or they won't but none of their correspondence or
>>>>negotiations has
>>>>ever been any of our business in the first place.
>>>>>I cant help feeling that had a way of continuing the Crusade arc been
>>>>>found, years ago, we wouldnt be in the middle of this. If Joe cares
>>>>>about the story and his fans, perhaps he should do something that
>>>>>addresses Crusade, before others do.
>>>>You seem to be implying that, regardless of how Mongoose approached
>>>>JMS or what
>>>>they offered him that JMS should have bent over backwards to help? I
>>>>disagree. If that's not what you're implying, then what do you suggest
>>>>he do?
>>>This reminds me of a situation in my own industry. While my company,
>>>and most players, are in it for the big bucks (and they are pretty big)
>>>there are of course, others out there doing free or almost free software
>>>to do the same thing. There are two, in particular, that have made
>>>notable efforts.
>>>One of them works for a major company, and for him, the simulator is the
>>>key part of the puzzle. He has a very, very good simulator, is
>>>supported by his big company, and has been very responsive to user
>>>requests. Our own software could learn a thing or two from his. But,
>>>he has one major deficiency - his front end is difficult and
>>>non-standard, which makes using it professionally a problem.
>>>The other individual is the opposite. While he has made a few
>>>improvements to his simulation engine, it is in his front end that he
>>>has made many improvements. His software is easy to use, intuitive, and
>>>very productive. But, his back end is only mediocre, with the usual
>>>bugs and deficiencies of open source software. He is also just a single
>>>individual, and has no other corporate backing for his software.
>>>Now, if these two folks should get together, there would be a real
>>>competitor in the marketplace, with a great front end tied to an
>>>excellent simulation engine, but fortunately for me and my livelihood,
>>>they hate each other! Seems when each of them first began publishing
>>>their early efforts, they both delighted in taking pot-shots at each
>>>other, mainly in the Usenet newsgroups I frequent. By the time the dust
>>>began clearing, and each has started to achieve worthwhile results, the
>>>well had been poisoned - they will never work together. At best, they
>>>have recently become somewhat civil towards one another...
>>>So, we have a very similiar situation here. Joe is a professional, and
>>>while he enjoys being recognized as an 'Artiste' and having created
>>>'Art', he and his spousal overunit are much more gratified by those nice
>>>dollars that have rolled through his bank accounts while doing so! He
>>>also has a vision of this B5 universe that is unique, since he created
>>>it, and is somewhat possessive of it. Matthew has come into this
>>>inspirational playground with a lot of enthusiasm, and maybe a few
>>>bucks, but may or may not have a good understanding of it. When he
>>>initially approached Joe, it is apparent they were not on the same page.
>>> It sounds like Matthew was approaching Joe the Artist, and had
>>>evidently not done his homework on Joe the businessman! If he had read
>>>Joe's book on screenwriting, he would have had a much better
>>>appreciation of where Joe's head is at.
>>>So, where does that leave us, the fans? Screwed as usual, with the guy
>>>that has the bucks and license separated from the guy with the knowledge
>>>and vision.
>>>I mean, even if he had tried to negotiate a creative consultant credit,
>>>like Joe did with Ellison, we would at least have been able to get a
>>>little guidance on how Mongoose will take B5. What I suspect is that we
>>>will get a Star Trek type of business, with writers taking B5 in a
>>>hundred different, competing directions, i.e. a lot more Del Rey novels...
>>If the guy is lying about Joe's participation, then he is lying. End of
>>discussion. How enthusiastic he is, how much he likes B5, now creative
>>he is, all that crap, are absolutely meaningless if he thinks he has a
>>right to lie about creative participation from someone who has not in
>>fact participated. That is nothing but an attempt to fradulently entice
>>B5 fans to buy something that they might not buy on its own merits.
>>And I expect that JMS will find it more than a little insulting that you
>>imply he cares more about the money than anything else. I know I
>>certainly would, if I was in his position.
> I didn't get that from what Charlie said. He said that money is part
> of the equation.
> I did a concert last October - and the person running the venue (it
> was a "music festival" with 5 or 6 acts) was crying poverty to me
> during the initial negotiations. Since the concert coincided with my
> latest CD release, I came up with the notion that this would also
> double as my "CD Release party"... so I wound up spending about 500
> dollars to pay my band and rehersal space and rent lights and such,
> and I got comped about 250 dollars worth of tickets.
> I found out at the gig that all the other acts were getting paid in
> cash. I was a little miffed about it, but I realize it was my own
> fault in my negotiations with the venue that I couldn't manage to at
> least break even on the gig.
> People should not have to work for free. End of story.
> -Wendy
Thanks, Wendy,
Many don't seem to realize that, while Joe is a good writer, there are a
lot of good writers. Even rarer, Joe is a good businessman! That is why
he gets approached as show-runner, not just writer. He knows how to
balance out the equations - "The numbers add up..."
My hope is that Matthew and Joe can find common ground, and make the
best possible novels happen in the B5 universe. I don't have a lot of
hope, but it could happen...
So, no, I don't think that for Joe it is all about the money, or even
sometimes mainly about the money. But, it is a necessary part of the
deal. So is giving appropriate respect, allowing for input, and a lot
of other factors!
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