Text 8995, 241 rader
Skriven 2006-09-24 12:48:00 av Robert E Starr JR (9492.babylon5)
Ärende: Re: Can You BELIEVE This?
* * * This message was from Mac Breck to rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.m * * *
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@MSGID: <4515da05$0$19914$ecde5a14@news.coretel.net>
"Amy Guskin" <aisling@fjordstone.com> wrote in message
> >>On Sat, 23 Sep 2006 00:19:10 -0400, Mac Breck wrote
> (in article <4514bb2a$0$19917$ecde5a14@news.coretel.net>):
> > "Amy Guskin" <aisling@fjordstone.com> wrote in message
> > news:0001HW.C13A15D3000570F8F0407530@news.verizon.net...
> >>>> On Fri, 22 Sep 2006 22:22:54 -0400, Carl wrote
> >> (in article <YoKdnayHdYvjB4nYnZ2dnUVZ_rCdnZ2d@comcast.com>):
> >>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Amy Guskin wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> My guess is that those of you who are all "Pshaw, it's nothing!"
> > over this
> >>>> phrase are western-European descended white males.
> >>>
> >>> I confess I'm disappointed at this comment. <<
> >>
> >> Why? I don't believe that _anyone_ who has _ever_ had any kind of
> > negative
> >> aspersions cast upon their ancestry would be able to see
> > "nigger-rigged" --
> >> or any other version thereof -- as "humorous." Both Charlie and
> > say it's
> >> humorous.
> >
> > What? I never said it was humorous. It's not funny. It's meant to
> > convey CONTEMPT about the job. In Phil's case, it was about the job
> > done in constructing the bathroom floor supports. <<
> You accused the people who took exception to the comment as having "no
> of humor" (http://tinyurl.com/jzz5r). Generally, that means you find
> something humorous that others do not.
That was what Charlie said,...
"personally feel that anyone that goes to this great of lengths
enforcing political correctness is both racist (in the 'methinks she
doth protest too much' sense) and lacks a sense of humor..."
... and I didn't take exception to it, but instead copied his post,
overlooking that bit. I missed it. Sorry. I'm sure nobody else here
has ever missed anything. My stance is that people should lighten up,
and quit looking for offense in every nook and cranny 24/7/365. It's
getting damned annoying and tiresome.
> >>>>> Having heard "jew him down" used casually, I cannot even
> >> imagine using such a term as "nigger-rigged" and equating it with
> > humor, or
> >> "it's just an idiom" or anything else you might say to whitewash
> > Knowing
> >> how painful and humiliating such a term can be from personal
> > experience, I
> >> thus conjecture that those who _can_ use such a term with impunity
> > have never
> >> been hurt by one.
> >
> > And that's why I said it isn't right to use "jew him down" in front
of a
> > Jew, etc. etc. That's not polite/nice. If it's used at all, it
> > be in front of people for whom it's not likely to be a flashpoint,
> > people who you know are not going to be offended by it. <<
> As I said in my last reply to you, if you have enough sense to realize
> it's offensive to SOME, then you must acknowledge that you DO know
that it is
> an offensive term. Yet you choose to continue to use it.
1. **I** don't use it. I use generic terms independent of race, color,
creed, religion, etc. e.g. "What braindead m*****-f***** did this botch
2. It's possible that when Phil used his alternate version of it, that
he's so used to using it, that he never considered that maybe the
worldwide audience here was not exactly an appropriate place to use it.
Ever swear in front of your parents before you realized it? SAME thing.
Man, say something the least little bit off around here and you're
henpecked/nitpicked for the next seventeen lifetimes. If I made it a
point to take offense at some of the things that are said around me, I'd
be doing nothing but picking fights with people all day long, and
nothing else would get done. Lighten up, people. There are better
things to do. *I've* got better things to do.
> >>>> And while there are certainly derogatory terms for _any_
> >> peoples, including western European ones, on the whole, white males
> >> western European descent are on the receiving end of comparably
> > less
> >> discrimination from the world around them.
> >
> > IMO, the world seems to be going overboard with PC-ness. <<
> I guess that's really easy to say for a white person who still uses
the word
> "nigger."
It's possible that the term "nigger-rigged" is a common use term for
some people, who would never consider using the term "nigger" by itself.
> >> I guess I
> > shouldn't wear my Crusade hat because it might offend Muslims. <<
> "Crusade" isn't a derogatory term, just as "holocaust" isn't. I use
the word
> "holocaust" as a generic term when I need it -- "crusade" would (or
> be the same thing for a Muslim.
Crusade is a flashpoint term. Read the paper lately? What have the
muslims been saying about the pope? Seen variations of the word
"crusade" mentioned? I have. For the record, I am not Catholic, and I
have no special love of the pope, however, I am completely fed-up with
the middle east, the wackos, the bombings, the violence over perceived
slights, etc. It's as the old joke goes, Tie Islam to violence and the
muslims respond with a bombing.
e.g. from the article (URL) below: "A statement posted at mosques in
Anbar province, a center of the insurgency, warned that a previously
unknown group would begin killing Iraqi Christians in three days unless
the pope apologized. In Basra, a bomb exploded at the Assyrian Catholic
Church on Friday evening, causing damage but no injuries, according to a
church leader who said the attack stemmed from the pope's remarks."
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, September 16, 2006
Cover Photo "Fists of Fury" (not available in the online article) -
showing a group of wackos with their fists in the air, one of whom looks
amazingly like a psychotic chimpanzee. [That photo really pisses me off.
I'm going to make sure to use that page, photo side up where I'm paper
training my dog.]
Caption: "Indian Kashmiri activists of the Pro-Pakastini Muslim League
Jammu Kashmir shout slogans against Pope Benedict XVI during a protest
in Srinagar yesterday. The pope provoked worldwide outcry with comments
about Islam during a visit last week to his native Germany. In India,
the head of the National Commission for Minorities said the pope sounded
like a medieval crusader."
Article on Page A4 (by Anthony Shadid - The Washington Post) - "Pope's
Islam Quote Prompts Outrage"
"Some of the criticism evoked the Crusades; others accused the Vatican
of joining a Western-led war on Islam."
"He has a dark mentality that comes from the darkness of the Middle
Ages. He is a poor thing that has not benefited from the spirit of
reform in the Christian world," Salih Kapusuz told state media. "It
looks like an effort to revive the mentality of the Crusades."
Given all of that, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if seeing the
word Crusade on a hat, or on a TV show if "Crusade" was ever revived
(not that it ever will be, in any form, especially by that name.), would
be used as an excuse for protests and violence. They'd have to rename
the TV show. To not do so, would be politically insensitive, and risk
> >> Maybe I
> > shouldn't wear my Pennsylvania Railroad hat or jacket because it
> > offend the ol' Southern boys (bosses) of Norfolk Southern. <<
> Where's the highly offensive derogatory term there?
They *hate* the north, the PRR, and the PRR-Conrail, northern way of
doing things on the railroad. They hate to be reminded of the PRR.
> >> What's
> > next??? There's so much concern about not offending *anybody* about
> > *anything*, *ever* that if you say anything it's like you're trying
> > navigate a minefield. If the skins get much thinner around here,
> > soon there won't be any skins at all. <<
> Yeah, next you won't be able to call Hispanic people "spics," Jews
> and people from India "wogs"! And how can you ever tell funny stories
> the 7-11 if you can't say "towelhead"? What a terrible world that
will be!
> </sarcasm> I'd think that the word "nigger" is a fairly large and
> mine in that minefield you feel you're navigating, Mac. Most of the
rest of
> the world seems to agree.
1. Like I said, *I* don't use those terms.
2. I are not discussing the use of the term "nigger." I are discussing
the use of the term "nigger-rigged." There is a difference. You and a
lot of others can't seem to SEE that. When, I hear "nigger-rigged," I
do not visualize anybody who's black. I think of it's meaning, a
half-assed JOB, which could have been done by ANYONE.
Mac Breck (KoshN)
"Babylon 5: Crusade" (1999)
Galen: "There is always hope, only because it's the one thing that no
one has figured out how to kill yet."
(Galen's obviously never met Warner Brothers, TNT-Atlanta or Sci-Fi.)
"Brimstone" (1998)
Angel: Oh, there's one more thing you should know. Your fate was never
determined until you killed Gilbert Jax. All in all, you've led a good
life, Ezekiel. Have faith. Your work's appreciated.
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