Text 2611, 153 rader
Skriven 2010-06-16 01:05:02 av Bible_Conference_Moderator (8:8/2)
Ärende: Bible Conference Rules (Part 2)
*** Additional Bible Conference Guidelines ***
* All sysops participating in the conference MUST make inbound
NETMAIL available to their users... you need not provide NETMAIL OUTBOUND
from your system, but inbound NETMAIL is a necessity!
**** What this conference is for ****
* This conference is primarily for Fundamental Christians to carry on
Biblical discussions, or for people to come to ask Fundamental
Christians Bible related questions. If you want to attack the Bible,
Fundamental Christians, or to promote a specific religion you are not
permitted in the Bible Conference. By definition, a Fundamental
Christian is one that holds to the statement of faith (above) in its
entirety. If you do NOT hold to ALL points of the statement of FAITH you are
NOT to identify yourself as a Fundamentalist on this conference.
* This area is for the discussion of Bible related Topics. Anything
may be discussed here as long as it is directly Bible related.
Prolonged discussions MUST include Bible references. If you have an opinion,
you MUST back it up with Bible references. If you wish to challenge
someone's statement you MUST back it up with a Bible reference. Once
again, the statement of faith can be discussed, but not challenged.
* Various churches MAY be discussed, but only in relation to where
they stand Biblically.
* The Bible is defined as the 66 books of the Bible. The apocrypha is
also allowed for discussion.
* You may post devotionals here - however all devotionals should
contain Bible references in them. ONLY DEVOTIONS BY FUNDAMENTAL
CHRISTIANS (as defined above) may be posted! If you are NOT in 100%
agreement with the statement of faith above, you may NOT post
devotions or sermons on this conference.
**** What is prohibited here ****
* This place is for Bible discussions - not to promote or discuss
various religions or churches. Fundamental Christians (as defined above)
will be given more leeway in discussion of cults and other churches. NOTE:
If you hold to the above statement of faith in its entirety, you can use an
identifier in the beginning of your message: [FUNDAMENTALIST]. Anyone can
(and is encouraged to) identify your
denomination, or belief system in the same way...
[Jehovah's Witness] or [JW],
[Seventh Day Adventist] or [SDA],
[Wiccan] or [Witch],
etc. This is not a comprehensive list, but if you MUST identify your
church/denomination, this is the only way to do it...
* This is not a place to invite people out to church. (Without prior
permission of the moderator).
* BBS Ads are expressly forbidden here. This includes announcements
that your system is carrying this conference, or announcing files are
available on your system (or the system you use). The only
advertisement you may use is your origin line.
* Invitations to local events are expressly forbidden here (without
prior permission from the Bible Conference Moderator).
* This is not a forum for discussing the various other religious
books - such as but not limited to the Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great
Price, New World Translation etc... UNLESS they are discussed
in relation to the Bible. Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, Seventh Day
Adventists, etc. may NOT use the Bible Conference as a forum to defend
or promote their religions, or the specific works and/or doctrines of
their founders and their religions.
* Personal attacks are forbidden here, I am a moderator - not a baby
sitter - you are responsible for your own behaviour.
* Cross posting is prohibited! You should NEVER cross post messages
from another conference here without the moderator's prior
* Message quoting MUST be kept to a minimum! If you quote portions of
a previous message - your added text MUST be longer than the text you are
quoting. This is not subject to debate. It will not be acceptable if it was
'close.' The text you add MUST be longer than the text you are quoting. The
only exception is if you quote BIBLE VERSES without comments.
* "Amen," "way to go brother," "thank you," "you're welcome," or "I
agree with what you said," "I will get back to you," "my address is:" "I will
be gone for a week," "I was gone for a week," I am leaving this
conference," type of messages have no place in the conference. Neither do
personal messages, commercial advertisements, or non Bible related topics.
These should be sent in NETMAIL - not echomail.
* Posting multiple copies of the same message is prohibited here. You
may post one copy of a message to "ALL" if you feel it would be of interest
to many people, or you may post multiple names in the "TO:" section of the
* The Guidelines of the Bible Conference are NOT subject to
discussion in the Bible Conference. NETMAIL messages or public notices
of violation of these guidelines from the Bible Conference moderator are
NOT subject to discussion in the Bible Conference either. If you have
a question - please submit to Bob Hoffman at 8:8/0 or 1:115/887 via
NETMAIL. I reserve the right to not answer any comments.
* If you have no access to NETMAIL that does NOT void any of the
above guidelines telling you to use NETMAIL, that just limits your ability
to respond. It is NOT allowed to send a conference mail message in the
Bible Conference explaining you do NOT have access to NETMAIL, so it will
simply have to be carried on in the echo. This will put you in violation of the
Bible Conference Guidelines.
The Moderator is Bob Hoffman. What I say goes - I reserve the right to be
unreasonable B-). I reserve the right to disconnect ANY feed at ANY time for
ANY reason. If you are asked to stop a particular topic, or chain, you must do
so immediately. Failure to do so will result in a request to disconnect the
feed to the sysop of the system participating. Failure to disconnect
the feed WILL result in formal policy complaint in whatever Network the
system is in. If you do not like this, please do not participate in this
This *IS* a FAMILYNET International conference, not a Fidonet
conference. Failure to follow the above guidelines, or any attempt to usurp
the moderator's authority will result in:
1) A message sent to the sysop of the system asking to keep the user in line.
If this fails:
2) A message sent to the feed of that system asking the links to be cut. Or
if the system is getting the echo on the Fidonet backbone:
2a) A formal Fidonet policy complaint filed against the offending node.
This is being distributed to FIDONET backbone distribution, under
the condition that the moderator is in total control of the echo, and that
Fidonet will make no attempts to usurp this moderator's
authority. I reserve the right to retain total control of the echo and run
it in any way I see fit. If the Fidonet backbone has a problem with
this, they may remove it from backbone distribution as they see fit. As
long as it is carried on the Fidonet backbone, anyone in Fidonet
participating in this echo is agreeing to follow the above rules. Send any
complaints you may have to the bit-bucket.
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* Origin: FamilyNet Sponsored by http://www.christian-wellness.net (8:8/2)