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Möte BIBLE, 3563 texter
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Text 2822, 255 rader
Skriven 2011-01-31 07:44:06 av Greg Goodwin (1:123/789.0)
Ärende: LESSON 6  -Good thinking
*January 29 - February 4
Good Thinking


Read for This Week's Study: Mark 7:21-23, Luke 6:45, Acts 14:2, 15:24, Gal.
3:1, Ps. 19:14, Col. 3:1-17.

Memory Text:

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right,
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is
excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things" (Philippians 4:8, NIV).
 As one of the most utilized forms of mental health intervention today,
cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is based on the assumption that most
psychological problems are improved by identifying and changing inaccurate and
dysfunctional perceptions, thoughts, and behaviors. People with depression tend
to interpret facts negatively; people with anxiety tend to look at the future
with apprehension; and those with low self-esteem maximize others' success and
minimize their own. CBT, therefore, trains people to identify and change their
unhealthy thinking habits into better alternatives that promote desirable
behavior and eliminate unwanted ones.

The Bible teaches us about the connection between thoughts and actions (Luke
6:45). Good thought patterns not only are healthy but also provide a way toward
integrity: "Do not those who plot evil go astray? But those who plan what is
good find love and faithfulness" (Prov. 14:22, NIV).

This week we'll look at some biblical truths that can help us gain control over
our mental activity by allowing Christ to take charge of our mind. 
*Study this week's lesson to prepare for Sabbath, February 5.
January 30

Thoughts: The Root of Behavior

Read Mark 7:21-23 and Luke 6:45. What do these texts tell us about the
importance of controlling, not just our actions, not just our deeds, not just
our words but our thoughts, as well?

People who suffer from impulse-control disorders fail to resist the impulse to
steal, to attack someone, or to gamble. Mental health clinicians know that
these impulses often are preceded by a certain thought (or chain of thoughts),
which leads to the undesirable behavior. Consequently, patients are trained to
identify those thought triggers, dispel them immediately, and occupy their
minds with something else. In this way, they gain control of their thoughts and
avoid the actions that these wrong thoughts so often lead to.

Indeed, sinful acts are often preceded by definite thoughts. (Isn't this what
temptation is all about?) It is the duty of every Christian to learn to
identify, with God's help, the first steps in this process, because dwelling on
wrong thoughts lead almost inevitably to sin.

What alternative is proposed by Paul to deal with immoral behavior? Rom. 8:5-8.

Mind and behavior are shown by Paul as intimately linked. The Spirit-filled
mind will seek good deeds, and the sin-dominated mind will bring about sinful
deeds. It is not enough to change the behavior for the sake of convenience or
to present a righteous face to the world. The heart (mind) needs to be
transformed, or else the eventual fruits will show the true nature of that

"We need a constant sense of the ennobling power of pure thoughts and the
damaging influence of evil thoughts. Let us place our thoughts upon holy
things. Let them be pure and true; for the only security for any soul is
right-thinking."--Ellen G. White, The Signs of the Times, August 23, 1905.
Suppose you had to express, verbally, to others the thoughts you have had
during the past 24 hours. What would you say? How embarrassed would you be?
What does your answer say to you about the changes you need to make? MONDAY
January 31

Thoughts as a Source of Distress

What are the things that really frighten you? What are ways that you can learn
to trust the Lord, despite that fear? After all, isn't the Lord's power greater
than whatever threats you face? 
Much suffering can occur through thinking. Psychologist Philip Zimbardo, in his
book Psychology and Life, reports the case of a young woman taken to a hospital
because she was terrified of dying. Apparently there was nothing wrong with
her, but she was admitted overnight for observation. Hours later she died.
Further investigation showed that years before, a psychic had predicted her
death on her twenty-third birthday. This woman died, victim of her own panic,
the day before she would have become 23. No question, people can suffer
seriously from their negative thoughts; hence the need of wholesome thinking
(tomorrow's lesson).

Also, just as important to remember: we can also adversely affect others'
thinking by expressing our negativity to others. Words are very powerful tools,
either for good or for evil. Our words either build up or tear down. There is
life and death in the words we speak. How careful we need to be with the
thoughts and sentiments that come out of our mouths.

Read Acts 14:2, 15:24, and Galatians 3:1. What do they tell us about the power
to impact people negatively? 
"If you do not feel lighthearted and joyous, do not talk of your feelings. Cast
no shadow upon the lives of others. A cold, sunless religion never draws souls
to Christ. It drives them away from Him into the nets that Satan has spread for
the feet of the straying."--Ellen G. White, The Ministry of Healing, p. 488.
Think about times someone's "mere" words tore you down in a big way. How can
you be sure you never do that to anyone else? TUESDAY
February 1

Wholesome Thinking

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right,
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is
excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things" (Phil. 4:8, NIV).

What is the essence of Paul's words to us here? What is the key to doing what
he says? See also 2 Pet. 3:1, 2. 
Remembering, repeating, thinking about, and meditating on the words in the
Bible is one of the greatest spiritual blessings available to us, and it is a
sure way to cultivate what Peter called "wholesome thinking" (2 Pet. 3:1, NIV).
Many people have obtained invaluable blessings by committing to memory
treasured Bible texts. When confronted with moments of worry, doubt, fear,
frustration, or temptation, they have repeated such thoughts in their minds and
have obtained relief and peace through the power of the Holy Spirit.

With so many alluring competitors (TV, computer, etc.), this generation of
believers is being tempted to put the Bible aside. It is necessary therefore to
make a committed decision to read and reflect upon the Word every day. The Word
of God is the only true fortification we have against the mental onslaught of
unspiritual distractions that come from the world.

Look again at the text above. Make a list of what things you encounter that are
true, pure, lovely, and so forth. What does that list consist of? What do these
things have in common? Bring your list to class and share it with others on
Prayer is another way to keep the mind out of trouble. While we talk to God,
there is little chance for lustful or other forms of selfish thoughts.
Acquiring prayerful habits is a sure protection from sinful thoughts and,
consequently, from sinful actions.
The Bible is clear: God cares about our thoughts, because our thoughts impact
our words, our actions, and our overall well-being. God wants us to have good
thoughts because good thoughts, "wholesome thinking," is good for us, both
physically and mentally. The good news is that through meditating on the Bible,
through prayer, and through Spirit-inspired choices on our part, we can keep
our minds and hearts on things that will uplift ourselves and others as well.
February 2

The Thoughts of Our Hearts

Read 1 Kings 8:39, Psalm 19:14, 1 Chronicles 28:9, and 1 Samuel 16:7. What
crucial point are these texts making? More important, how should this truth
impact us and how we think? Does this truth idea make you nervous and fearful,
or does it give you hope? Or both? Analyze the reason for your answer. 
"For you alone know the hearts of all men" (1 Kings 8:39, NIV). The word heart
often is used in the Bible as the seat of thoughts and emotions (see Matt.
9:4). Only God has access to the intimacy of our mental activity, to our true
intentions, and to our secret yearnings. Nothing, even in the form of a
fleeting thought, can be hidden from the Creator.

God's knowledge of our soul is to our advantage. When people are too
discouraged to utter a sensible word of prayer, God knows their need. Humans
can look only at the outer appearance and behaviors, and then try to imagine
what someone else is thinking; God knows the thoughts in ways others never can.

Likewise, Satan and his angels only can observe, listen, and estimate what goes
on inside. "Satan cannot read our thoughts, but he can see our actions, hear
our words; and from his long knowledge of the human family, he can shape his
temptations to take advantage of our weak points of character."--Ellen G.
White, The Review and Herald, May 19, 1891.

As you make everyday decisions (personal or work-related) or think of other
people, pause for a moment and send a quiet prayer to God. Enjoy the
understanding of an intimate dialogue that is for you and God alone. Nobody
else in the universe is privy to this communication. Allowing Christ into your
thinking process will safeguard you from temptation and bring spiritual
blessings. This process will, beyond doubt, help you build a closer walk with
the Lord.
How does the day's lesson help you better understand the biblical admonition
not to judge others? How many times have your motives been misjudged by those
who don't know your heart? Why, then, is it important not to judge others in
return? THURSDAY
February 3

The Peace of Christ in Our Hearts

Read Colossians 3:1-17. What are the specific actions that we are called upon
to do in order to live the kind of life in Christ we are promised? 
This passage takes us to the root of moral and immoral behaviors, the heart and
mind. It also points at the only One who can work goodness in us by governing
our thoughts, Jesus Christ: "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts" (Col.
3:15, NIV). Note expressions such as "set your hearts," "set your minds," "put
on love," "let the peace of Christ," "let the word of Christ." They indicate
that avoiding sin and acquiring virtue is a matter of choice and preparation,
not improvisation. Sin can be overcome only by setting hearts and minds on
things from above. Christ is the source of virtue and goodness. Christ, when
allowed by us, is the only one capable of bringing true peace to our minds.

Our minds, then, being the core of our existence, need to be put under the care
of Jesus. It is central to the development of character, and it cannot be left
to the mercy of circumstances. Sinful tendencies and corrupt environments both
work against purity in thought. Yet, the Lord does not leave us abandoned; He
extends His help and protection to all who want it. "Our thoughts, if stayed
upon God, will be guided by divine love and power." Thus, we must "live on the
words that proceed from the lips of Christ."--Ellen G. White, Mind, Character,
and Personality, vol. 2, p. 669.

In the middle of spiritual warfare, a person may be tempted and find it very
difficult to dispel certain adverse thoughts. In those moments, it may be
easier to distract oneself by changing place or activity or seeking good
company. This may permit a change that facilitates prayer and assurance.
Thought is a very mysterious human process. We really don't know for sure even
what it is or how exactly it works. In most cases, though, in the inner
recesses of our consciousness, we alone make the choice regarding what we are
going to think about. A thought can be changed in an instant. We simply have to
make the choice to change it. (In some cases, though, mental illness can affect
a person's ability to change their thoughts easily, and so professional
treatment [if available] can be extremely beneficial.) What about your
thoughts? Next time the wrong ones come, what are you going to do? FRIDAY
February 4

Further Study: 

"More precious than the golden wedge of Ophir is the power of right thought. We
need to place a high value upon the right control of our thoughts. . . . Every
impure thought defiles the soul, impairs the moral sense, and tends to
obliterate the impressions of the Holy Spirit. It dims the spiritual vision, so
that men cannot behold God. The Lord may and does forgive the repenting sinner;
but though forgiven, the soul is marred. All impurity of speech and thought
must be shunned by him who would have clear discernment of spiritual truth. . .
. We are to use every means that God has placed within our reach for the
government and cultivation of our thoughts. We are to bring our minds into
harmony with Christ's mind. His truth will sanctify us, body, soul, and spirit,
and we shall be enabled to rise above temptation."--Ellen G. White, The Signs
of the Times, August 23,  1905. 
Discussion Questions:

  In class, go over the list you made on Tuesday and compare yours with others
in your class. What can you learn from one another's picks? 
 What is the meaning of "bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience
of Christ"? 2 Cor. 10:5. How can we learn to do that? 
  How do the Internet, TV programs, recreational reading, advertisement, etc.
work in your mind? How much of your thinking and doing may be affected by these
sources? Why do we fool ourselves if we believe that what we read or watch
doesn't impact our thinking? 
 What are ways in which our actions, even subconsciously, reveal the thoughts
in our minds? How does body language show what's going on inside? 
 What advice would you give to someone who is struggling with impulsive
behavior? What promises can you present to them from the Bible? Why is it also
important to keep before them all the promises of forgiveness and acceptance
through Jesus? How can you keep them from giving up in complete despair,
believing that, because they have not achieved the victory that they want,
their relationship with God is somehow deficient? How can you help them learn
never to give up on the promises of forgiveness, no matter how unworthy they
 How careful are you with your words, which simply reflect your thoughts? How
can you be sure your words always are working for good and not for evil? 

--- Thunderbird (Macintosh/20100228)
 * Origin: Fidonet Via Newsreader - http://www.easternstar.info (1:123/789.0)