Text 513, 880 rader
Skriven 2006-06-27 09:56:40 av Gert Koefoed Andersen (2:236/150)
Kommentar till text 507 av Jame Clay (1:120/546)
Ärende: Binkd trouble by polling out
Hello Jame!
Jun 10 13:18 06, Jame Clay wrote to Gert Koefoed Andersen:
10 Jun 06 13:18, Jame Clay wrote to Gert Koefoed Andersen:
>> I have seen that my binkd do polling the wrong way of @domain using.
>> When it shall poll to a link and i have in my binkd.sh for poll out used
>> the links node number for zone and nets polling it polling by the wrong
>> domain. Ex. binkd -P 110:301/1@linuxnet
>> it then make a poll file for 110:301/1@advnet and it gives a error with
>> connection the link.
JC> Besides what Stas said; have you checked all of the domain lines
JC>in the
JC>configuration file? I know I've had similar issues that turned out to
JC>be the
JC>result of editing that didn't get done completely, and/or not all of
JC>the domains were properly defined...
This here under is how i have setup my binkd:
----- binkd.conf begins -----
log /home/kofo/log/binkd.log
loglevel 4
# Your FTN domains:
# domain <name> <main-outbound> <default-zone>
# or
# domain <new-name> alias-for <name>
# First specified domain sets as default domain for the 3D/4D addresses.
domain fidonet /home/kofo/out/outb 2
domain fido alias-for fidonet
domain fidonet.org alias-for fidonet
domain fidonet.net alias-for fidonet
domain fmlynet /home/kofo/out/outb 2
domain familynet.org alias-for fmlynet
domain fmlynet.org alias-for fmlynet
domain familynet.ftn alias-for fmlynet
domain virnet /home/kofo/out/outb 2
domain virnet.ftn alias-for virnet
domain zyxelnet /home/kofo/out/outb 2
domain zyxelnet.ftn alias-for zyxelnet
domain starnet /home/kofo/out/outb 2
domain starnet.ftn alias-for starnet
domain skynet /home/kofo/out/outb 2
domain skynet.ftn alias-for skynet
domain advnet /home/kofo/out/outb 2
domain advnet.ftn alias-for advnet
domain os2net /home/kofo/out/outb 2
domain os2net.ftn alias-for os2net
domain zenet /home/kofo/out/outb 2
domain zenet.ftn alias-for zenet
domain linuxnet /home/kofo/out/outb 2
domain linuxnet.ftn alias-for linuxnet
domain stn /home/kofo/out/outb 2
domain stn.ftn alias-for stn
domain pascalnet /home/kofo/out/outb 2
domain Pascal-Net.ftn alias-for pascalnet
domain PascalNet.ftn alias-for pascalnet
domain PascalNet.org alias-for pascalnet
domain PascalNT alias-for pascalnet
domain justaxnet /home/kofo/out/outb 2
domain justaxnet.ftn alias-for justaxnet
domain relaynet /home/kofo/out/outb 2
domain RelayNet(tm) alias-for relaynet
# Your addresses, 5D or 4D or 3D:
# address <addr1> ...
# If first address specified as 3D/4D then domain for it sets from domain
# defined in the first "domain" token. If second and more addresses specified
# as 3D/4D then domain sets from first address.
address 2:236/150@fidonet 2:236/153@fidonet 8:8/85@fmlynet 8:76/1@fmlynet
9:451/0@virnet 9:45/999.0@virnet 9:451/150@virnet 13:105/1@skynet
16:45/0@zyxelnet 16:45/150@zyxelnet 16:45/999@zyxelnet 21:2000/1@starnet
21:2000/0@starnet 33:2100/0@advnet 33:2100/1@advnet 81:445/150@os2net
69:18181/19132@gfdnet 92:453/0@zenet 92:453/100@zenet 110:110/0@linuxnet
110:110/2@linuxnet 110:30/1.0@Linuxnet 110:300/1.0@linuxnet 111:7045/1.0@stn
111:111/2@stn 111:111/0@stn 111:111/1@stn 115:115/0@pascalnet
115:115/1@pascalnet 115:115/16@pascalnet 115:4500/1@pascalnet
115:4501/1@pascalnet 510:653/1@justaxnet 510:510/0@justaxnet
510:510/2@justaxnet 510:5124/0@justaxnet 900:104/0@relaynet 900:104/1@relaynet
900:104/3146@relaynet 8:76/0@fmlynet 8:7601/0@gmlynet 8:7601/1@fmlynet
8:7606/0@fmlynet 8:7606/1@fmlynet 8:7606/150@fmlynet
#address 8:8/85@familynet
sysname "The KOFOBBS by binkp.kofobbs.dk server"
location "Broendby, Copenhagen, Denmark"
sysop "Gert Koefoed Andersen"
# System capabilities
nodeinfo CM,MO,XX,TCP,BINKP,IBN,TELN,115200
# Uncomment it if you want binkd's log at your console
conlog 4
zlevel 9
zminsize 128
zallow *.pkt
zdeny *.su? *.mo? *.tu? *.we? *.th? *.fr? *.sa?
zdeny *.zip *.rar *.arj *.ha *.gz *.tgz *.bz2
zdeny *.z[0-9][0-9] *.r[0-9][0-9]
zallow *
call-delay 160m
rescan-delay 50m
# Max. number of inbound/outbound connections
maxservers 2
maxclients 1
# Binkd will try to call a node N times. If failed it will
# hold the node for S seconds. The feature is off by default.
try 1
hold 3600
# hold-skipped <S>
# Binkd will hold for S seconds all mail skipped by a node. (Def. -- 1h)
#hold-skipped 1h
# Don't send (only receive) files if no password for an inbound session
# Tzoff corrects UTC time returned by time() under DOS-derived OS
# Using system TZ variable or tzselect(8) is preferred.
#tzoff 3h
# Use syslog (Only if made with -DHAVE_VSYSLOG and -DHAVE_FACILITYNAMES)
#syslog local
# Print percents while sending or receiving
# List queue after rescans
# Perform reverse resolving (for logging only)
# Log pid:
#pid-file /var/run/binkd.pid
# Map paths in flo's:
# ftrans <old-string> <new-string>
# Use as many ftrans's as you want.
#ftrans "D:\\fido\\outbound" "/var/spool/fido/outb"
ftrans "\\" "/" # this replaces all slashes in a path
#ftrans "\" "/"
# Inbound directories for secure and non-secure links
inbound /home/kofo/in/in_sec
inbound-nonsecure /home/kofo/in/un_sec
# Directory for incomplete receiving files (.hr and .dt),
# default to inbound for the node
temp-inbound /home/kofo/in/temp
# Binkd will skip all files from a node if
# size_of_the_next_file_for_us_there + minfree < free_space_in_inbound
# The zero value and the value 4294967295 (2**32-1) is equivalented to
minfree 2048
minfree-nonsecure 2048
# When trying to receive a new file: remove partial files with this
# name but different size or time from inbound. (If commented out, binkd
# will left old parts as .dt and .hr in the inbound directory)
# Remove all old partial files from inbound. (OFF if commented out)
# kill-old-partial-files <max-age-in-seconds>
#kill-old-partial-files 1d ( ?? )
kill-old-partial-files 86400
# Remove old .bsy/.csy files (If some are left after a system crash). It would
# be wise to set this to 12h on almost any system. (Note that binkd always
# touches .bsy's/.csy's for active sessions)
# kill-old-bsy is OFF by default.
#kill-old-bsy 12h
kill-old-bsy 43200
# Create a flag file after receiving a file
#flag toss!.now *.pkt
#flag toss!.now *.su? *.mo? *.tu? *.we? *.th? *.fr? *.sa?
# Run an external program.
# The "*S" macro in command line substed with S.R.I.F., see !SRIF.TXT
# The "!" before program pathname means immediate program execution
# after receiving the file.
# *** win32 only:
# The "@" before program pathname means execute program in separate console
# The "@@" before program pathname means execute program in hidden console
# ***
# Macros: *F - complete name of received file,
# *A0..*A9 - first 10 AKA of remote system,
# *A*, *A@ - list of all remote AKA separated by spaces
# *P - password protected [0|1],
# *L - listed system [0|1]
# *H - remote hostname or IP,
# *N - short file name (win32 only).
#exec "my-freq-processor.exe /options *S" *.req
#exec "my-pkt-unpacker.exe /options *S" *.pkt
# Include a file
#include binkd.inc
# Overrides root domain for DNS lookups, see `node' below.
#root-domain fidonet.net
root-domain ftn.juncorg.dk
# Scan T-Mail boxes (short and long)
#filebox d:\\fido\\tmail\\boxes
# Scan theBrake! long boxes
#brakebox d:\\fido\\brake\\boxes
# Should binkd delete empty boxes?
# Uncomment the following line, if yes
# Scan node outbound while connecting and send mail size to remote
# t-mail or ifcico (qico) passwords file.
# Format of passwords file:
# [password] <FTN address> <password for the link>
# where:
# [password] optional token "password"
# <FTN address> address of a link in the form 1:2/3.4@domain
# or 1:2/3@domain or 1:2/3 or 1:2/3.4
# <password for the link> secret password (one word, without spaces or tabs)
#passwords c:\\t-mail\\password.lst
# Skip files:
# skip [all|listed|unlisted|secure|unsecure] [!]<sizeKb>|- <mask>...
# 'all' applies to all sessions (default)
# 'listed' applies to sessions with the nodes defined by 'node' keyword
# 'secure' applies to password-protected sessions
# Use '!' before size for destructive skip, default is non-destructive one.
# If <size> > 0 then only files larger than <size> in kilobytes are skipped,
# zero <size> applies to all files,
# if <size> is set to '-' then the rule allows any file by <mask>'s
# <mask> is a shell-style mask, case-insensitive (except for symbols in [])
# multiple masks for a rule are permitted
# Policy for rule processing is first-match
#skip all 0 *.mp3 *.avi
#skip unsecure 256 *.pkt
#skip unsecure !0 *
# Overwrite the existing file by the new received,
# do not save with the changed extension
#overwrite net_*.*
# Inbound filename case:
# inboundcase [save(default)|upper|lower|mixed]
# 'save' don't change filename case (default)
# 'upper' uppercase filename (FILE-NAME.EXT)
# 'lower' lowercase filename (file-name.ext)
# 'mixed' make filename pretty (File-Name.Ext)
# * tested only with english filenames
#inboundcase save
# Should binkd delete empty point dirs in BSO?
# Uncomment the following line, if yes
# Use Amiga Style Outbound (ASO)
# Limit bandwidth (rate):
# limit-rate [all|listed|unlisted|secure|unsecure] <rate>[kM%]|- <mask>...
# <rate> is a max allowed rate in bytes-per-second (k=kbytes, M=Mbytes),
# if % is specified, the node -bw rate is multiplied by this value
# in percents, if - then rate is unlimited
# <mask> is a filename mask to apply this rule to
# limit-rate rules are checked in the order they appear in config, first
# matcing rule is applied
# IMPORTANT! If a node has no explicitly defined bandwidth limit, the
# defnode's limit is used. If defnode has no limit, rate is unlimited.
#limit-rate unsecure - *.pkt
#limit-rate unsecure 2k *
# Define shared aka
# Add a shared-address as aka for any node from this list, so that
# uncompessed netmail for shared aka will be sent in the first session with
# any node listed in shares; packet header will be updated to match this
# node's main aka and pkt password
# share <shared-address> <node1> [<node2> ...]
# example:
#share 2:999/999 2:5020/52 2:5020/238
# Check the sender's address in incoming pkt's, change the file extension
# to <ext>, if the check failed
# check-pkthdr [all|secure|unsecure|listed|unlisted] <ext>
# 'all' applies to all nodes
# 'listed' applies, if at least one aka is defined by 'node' keyword
# 'secure' applies, if at least one aka is password-protected
# It's ok to specify .<ext> as well as <ext> - the dot before ext is ignored
# Flag order: -nohc (for any aka), -hc (for any aka), check-pkthdr flag
#check-pkthdr secure .sec
# Define a link:
# node [[z:]n/]n[.p][@domain] [-nr|-nd] [-md] [-hc|-nohc] [-ip|-sip] [-bw
<send_rate>[/<recv_rate>]] [{hosts|-} [{pwd|-} [flavour [{obox|-}
# * All non-"-" fields will redefine the values specified for the same node
# earlier in config.
# * Flavour is one of i, c, d, -, h; and is the flavour for the outbound
# filebox ("obox").
# * Binkd sends from obox all non-dir entries NOT matching ".*" wildcard.
# UNLINK IT. Otherwise, the session will never end.
# * Default for ibox is inbound or inbound-nosecure depending on the pwd field.
# * Default for port is oport.
# * `-nr' stands for `Not Reliable Link', this works only on outbound calls
# with another binkp/1.1 mailer. The option solves the only problem with
# binkd having no enough time to start receiving of a file from
# non-zero offset before IP link's down, so don't use it unless you
# have this problem -- really not effective
# * `-nd' means "No Dupe Mode", this works only on outbound calls with
# another binkd 0.9.3 or higher. The option solves problem with
# duplicating files while losts carrier but link is a bit slower
# then with "-nr" option
# * `-md' means "Must have CRAM-MD5". This works only with nodes with
# binkd or argus supported this method. Do not set it if your link
# can use the old version of binkd.
# * `-nomd' - do not use CRAM-MD5 for this node (send plain text password)
# * `-hc' enables check of sender address in pkt header for this node/aka
# (overrides the setting of the 'check-pkthdr' statement)
# * `-nohc' disables check of sender address in pkt header for this node/aka
# (overrides the setting of the 'check-pkthdr' statement)
# * `-ip' means "Remote IP check". In this case the node will be
# rejected, if it comes not from one of its IP-addresses.
# Remote AKAs with bad IP-address will be dropped on outgoing calls.
# * `-sip' means "Strict remote IP check". Like "-ip", but node will be
# rejected, if no IP-addresses allowed ("-" or not resolved).
# Remote AKAs with bad IP-address will be dropped on outgoing calls.
# * `-bw' specifies bandwidth (rate) limit for this node
# if one value is specified, it's used as both send and recv limit
# if two values are specified, first is for send and second - for recv
# rate values are expected to be in format `<rate>[kM%]|-'
# (see limit-rate keyword for detailed description)
# * `-noproxy' disables usage of proxy/socks server when calling this node
# (node expected to be inside local network)
# * Hosts is a list in form
# host1[:port1][;host2[:port2]] ...
# * Asterisk (`*') in the host list forces Binkd to perform
# 1:2/3.4 --> p4.f3.n2.z1.fidonet.net translation for a node's
# Fido-address and lookup IP for the resulting FQDN in DNS.
# Root domain part ("fidonet.net") can be changed with root-domain
# keyword.
# Password list for Binkd
# Uplinks here :-)
# Janis Kracht 1:261/38 111:111/1000 115:1000/0
Node 1:261/38.0@fidonet filegate.net pwd
Node 1:261/100.0@fidonet - pwd
Node 1:1/0@fidonet - PASCALNT
# Janis Kracht 115:1000/0 (Pascal-Net)
Node 115:1000/0.0@pascalnet filegate.net pwd
# Janis Kracht 111:111/1000 (STN)
Node 111:111/1000.0@stn - pwd
# Benny Pedersen 2:237/53 (Fidonet)
Node 2:237/53@fidonet * pwd
Node 2:237/38@fidonet - pwd
# Benny Pedersen 9:45/0 (Virnet)
Node 9:45/0.0@virnet - pwd
# Benny Pedersen 16:45/38 (ZyxelNet)
Node 16:45/38.0@zyxelnet - pwd
# Benny Pedersen 92:453/153 (ZeNet)
Node 92:453/138.0@zenet - pwd
Node 92:453/153.0@zenet - pwd
# Benny Pedersen 110:300/15 (LinuxNet)
Node 110:300/15.0@linuxnet - pwd
Node 110:300/16.0@linuxnet - pwd
# Benny Pedersen 111:7045/38 (STN)
Node 111:7045/38.0@stn - pwd
Node 111:7045/53.0@stn - pwd
# Benny Pedersen 115:4501/53 (Pascal-Net)
Node 115:4501/53.0@pascalnet - pwd
Node 115:4501/38.0@pascalnet - pwd
# Benny Pedersen 510:653/53 (JustaXnet)
Node 510:653/53.0@justaxnet - pwd
# Ross Cassel 1:120/500
Node 1:123/500.0@fidonet the-estar.com tco99
#Node 1:18/0@fidonet - pwd
#Node 1:123/0@fidonet - pwd
#Node 1:1/3@fidonet - pwd
# Kevin Nunn (StarNet) 21:21/0 21:956/0 + stn
# Hostname bbs.razorsdomain.com
Node 21:956/0.0@starnet - pwd
Node 21:21/0.0@starnet - pwd
Node 21:21/1.0@starnet - pwd
Node 21:21/2.0@starnet - pwd
# Kevin Nunn 111:6000/0 111:6200/0 111:6200/1 (STN)
Node 111:6000/0.0@stn - pwd
Node 111:6200/0.0@stn bbs.razorsdomain.com digitalb
Node 111:6200/1.0@stn - pwd
Node 1:397/10.0@fidonet - pwd
Node 81:20/10.0@os2net - pwd
Node 92:956/0.0@zenet - pwd
Node 92:956/1.0@zenet - pwd
Node 92:956/100@zenet - pwd
#Node 33:700/0.0@advnet - pwd
# Michael Grant 13:13/0 - 30:2000/0 (SkyNet)
Node 13:13/0.0@skynet - skynet
Node 30:2000/0.0@skynet madmail.sytes.net skynet
# Andre node numre hvis behov fra skynet?
# Michael Grant 510:501/5 (JustaXnet)
Node 510:501/5.0@justaxnet - skynet
Node 510:5120/0.0@justaxnet - skynet
#Node for (ekstra just aka og fidonet m.m.)
# Scott Adams 33:409/1 (AdvNet via transx/e-mail)
Node 33:409/1.0@advnet - Denmark
Node 33:409/100.0@advnet - Denmark
Node 33:409/101.0@advnet - Denmark
Node 33:409/102.0@advnet - Denmark
# Marty Blankenship 92:606/0 (ZeNet via transx/e-mail)
Node 92:606/0.0@zenet - ZENET
Node 510:5114/0.0@justaxnet - ZENET
Node 510:326/0.0@justaxnet - ZENET
Node 510:326/1.0@justaxnet - ZENET
# Don Barba 900:100/1 (RelayNet via FTP)
Node 900:100/1.0@relaynet - (748233)
## Downlinks delen
# Bo Simonsen 2:236/100 (FidoNet)
Node 2:236/100.0@fidonet - 236/100
# Bo Simonsen 110:300/17 (LinuxNet)
Node 110:300/17.0@linuxnet - 236/100
# Bo Simonsen 111:7045/54 (STN)
Node 111:7045/54.0@stn - 236/100
# Bo Simonsen 115:4501/14 (Pascal-NET)
Node 115:4501/14.0@pascalnet - 236/100
# Lukas de Groen 2:280/1027 + pascal-net and linuxnet
# Lukas de Groen 2:280/1027
Node 2:280/1027.0@fidonet -
Node 2:280/19@fidonet -
# Lukas de Groen 110:30/2
Node 110:30/2.0@linuxnet -
# Lukas de Groen 115:31/0
Node 115:31/0.0@pascalnet -
Node 115:31/1@pascalnet -
Node 115:3100/0@pascalnet -
Node 115:3100/1@pascalnet -
Node 33:2200/101@adventur -
# Joern Oestergaard 2:238/139 16:45/214 111:7045/139
Node 2:238/139.0@fidonet - 238/139
Node 16:45/214.0@zyxelnet - 238/139
Node 111:7045/139.0@stn - 238/139
# Jame Clay 1:120/544 - 110:205/1 - 110:20/0 - 110:20/1 - 111:4000/10 -
Node 111:4000/10.0@stn bbs.ftngate.net FASEDK
Node 1:120/544.0@fidonet - FASEDK
Node 110:205/1.0@linuxnet - FASEDK
Node 110:20/0.0@linuxnet - FASEDK
Node 110:20/1.0@linuxnet - FASEDK
Node 111:4000/0.0@stn - FASEDK
Node 111:3000/1.0@stn - FASEDK
Node 1:120/0@fidonet - FASEDK
Node 8:8/544@fmlynet - FASEDK
#Node 8:74/1@fmlynet - FASEDK
#Node 8:74/0@fmlynet - FASEDK
#Node 8:7480/1@fmlynet - FASEDK
#Node 8:7480/0@fmlynet - FASEDK
# Mikael Karlsson (Sweden Linuxnet) 110:301/1
Node 110:301/1.0@linuxnet - KOFO
Node 110:301/0.0@linuxnet - KOFO
# Mikael Karlsson (Sweden stn) 111:7000/1
Node 111:7000/0.0@stn vikingcity.org KOFO
Node 111:7000/1.0@stn - KOFO
Node 111:7046/0.0@stn - KOFO
Node 111:7046/2.0@stn - KOFO
Node 111:7046/100.0@stn - KOFO
# Mikael Karlsson (Sweden Pascal-Net) 115:46/0
Node 115:4600/0.0@pascalnet - KOFO
Node 115:46/0.0@pascalnet - KOFO
Node 115:4608/0.0@pascalnet - KOFO
Node 115:4608/19.0@pascalnet - KOFO
# Mikael Karlsson 510:652/0 (JustaXnet)
Node 510:652/0.0@justaxnet - KOFO
Node 510:652/2.0@justaxnet - KOFO
Node 510:652/3.0@justaxnet - KOFO
# Mikael Karlsson (Sweden Fido)
Node 2:203/6140.0@fidonet - KOFO
Node 2:203/600.0@fidonet - KOFO
Node 2:203/614.0@fidonet - KOFO
# Sweeden Rc Fido
# Goran Eriksson 115:4608/1 111:7045/1 - 110:301/13
Node 115:4608/1@pascalnet get.tzo.net CORDLESS
Node 2:201/505@fidonet - CORDLESS
Node 2:201/209.0@fidonet - CORDLESS
Node 2:20/10@fidonet - CORDLESS
Node 2:20/822.0@fidonet - CORDLESS
Node 9:462/115.0@virnet - CORDLESS
Node 9:462/0.0@virnet - CORDLESS
Node 9:46/0.0@virnet - CORDLESS
Node 81:446/801.0@os2net - CORDLESS
Node 110:301/13.0@linuxnet - CORDLESS
Node 111:7046/1.0@stn - CORDLESS
# Scott Little 3:712/848 (Fidonet)
Node 3:712/848.0@fidonet - PascalNT
# Scott Little 115:6000/1 (Pascal-Net)
Node 115:6000/0.0@pascalnet - PASCALNT
Node 115:6000/1.0@pascalnet sysgod.org PASCALNT
Node 115:6101/0.0@pascalnet - PASCALNT
Node 115:6101/1.0@pascalnet - PASCALNT
Node 115:6100/0.0@pascalnet - PASCALNT
Node 115:6100/1.0@pascalnet - PASCALNT
# Robert Couture 110:260/1 (Linuxnet + STN)
Node 110:260/1.0@linuxnet hub2000.darktech.org IKWIALN
Node 110:260/0.0@linuxnet - IKWIALN
Node 111:1000/0.0@stn - IKWIALN
Node 111:1200/0.0@stn - IKWIALN
Node 111:1200/1.0@stn - IKWIALN
Node 111:1200/2000.0@stn - IKWIALN
Node 900:105/0@relaynet - IKWIALN
Node 900:105/1.0@relaynet - IKWIALN
Node 1:229/2000.0@fidonet - IKWIALN
Node 1:12/1@fidonet - IKWIALN
Node 1:229/3@fidonet - IKWIALN
Node 1:229/10@fidonet - IKWIALN
Node 510:561/2000@justaxnet - IKWIALN
Node 30:500/0@skynet - IKWIALN
#Node 90:904/0@miragenet - IKWIALN
# Russell Tiedt 110:60/1 (LinuxNet)
Node 110:60/0.0@linuxnet - Tiedt
Node 110:60/1.0@linuxnet - Tiedt
Node 5:7105/5.0@fidonet - Tiedt
#Node 5:7105/0@fidonet - Tiedt
#Node 5:5/0@fidonet - Tiedt
#Node 5:5/1@fidonet - Tiedt
#Node 5:5/2@fidonet - Tiedt
#Node 5:5/3@fidonet - Tiedt
#Node 5:5/4@fidonet - Tiedt
#Node 5:5/5@fidonet - Tiedt
#Node 5:5/6@fidonet - Tiedt
#Node 8:7905/1@fmlynet - Tiedt
#Node 8:7905/0@fmlynet - Tiedt
# Sean Rima 2:263/950 - 110:30/10 - 111:7353/1 - 510:682/1 - 510:682/2
Node 110:30/10.0@linuxnet - aromat
Node 111:7353/1.0@stn - aromat
Node 111:7353/2.0@stn - aromat
Node 510:682/0.0@justaxnet - aromat
Node 510:682/1.0@justaxnet - aromat
Node 900:104/3151.0@relaynet - aromat
Node 2:263/950.0@fidonet - aromat
Node 33:2300/1.0@advnet - aromat
# Rich Van Ruth 110:40/1 (LinuxNet)
Node 110:40/1.0@linuxnet bbs.ricta.net RUTH
Node 110:40/0@linuxnet - RUTH
Node 3:640/954.0@fidonet - RUTH
Node 33:3000/0@advnet - RUTH
Node 33:3000/1@advnet - RUTH
Node 92:617/0@zenet - RUTH
Node 92:617/100@zenet - RUTH
Node 92:617/101@zenet - RUTH
# Stephane Garceau 110:261/1 (LinuxNet mail via e-mail)
Node 110:261/1.0@linuxnet - Stephane
# Rob McGee 110:206/1 (LinuxNet)
Node 110:206/1.0@linuxnet x-bit.org tux44
Node 110:206/0@linuxnet - tux44
Node 1:229/880@fidonet - tux44
Node 1:612/13@fidonet - tux44
Node 92:503/101@zenet - tux44
Node 8:8/503@fmlynet - tux44
# Aleksej Serdyukov 111:7045/120
Node 111:7045/120.0@stn - FATAL26
Node 110:30/120.0@linuxnet - FATAL26
Node 2:5020/24000.0@fidonet - FATAL26
# Ger from Australia 111:8000/1 (STN RC Australia)
Node 111:8000/1.0@stn wellington.pbn.com.au STN396QZ
Node 3:633/285.0@fidonet - STN396QZ
#Node 3:633/0.0@fidonet - STN396QZ
#Node 3:633/100.0@fidonet - STN396QZ
# Andrew Clarke 111:8613/6 STN i Australia :-)
Node 111:8613/6.0@stn blizzard.dnsalias.org
# Neil Walker 115:43/1 (Pascal-Net)
Node 115:43/1.0@pascalnet ep.mine.nu Neil
Node 2:250/501@fidonet - Neil
Node 115:43/0@pascalnet - Neil
Node 115:4400/0@pascalnet - Neil
Node 115:4400/1@pascalnet - Neil
Node 115:4400/11@pascalnet - Neil
Node 115:4400/12@pascalnet - Neil
Node 115:4400/13@pascalnet - Neil
node 111:7044/0@stn - Neil
#Node 111:7044/106@stn - Neil
#Node 111:7044/107@stn - Neil
#Node 111:7044/108@stn - Neil
Node 81:444/0@os2net - Neil
#Node 81:444/1@os2net - Neil
#Node 81:444/2@os2net - Neil
#Node 81:444/3@os2net - Neil
# Kristopher Jones 510:199/1
Node 510:199/1.0@justaxnet - Cyclone
Node 510:199/0.0@justaxnet - Cyclone
Node 1:135/368.0@fidonet - Cyclone
Node 92:863/0.0@zenet - Cyclone
# Michael Powell 510:324/0
Node 510:324/0.0@justaxnet - KENPOW
Node 510:324/1.0@justaxnet - KENPOW
# Nick MaCKechnie 510:5126/0 - 510:711/0 - 510:711/1
Node 510:5126/0.0@justaxnet bbs.thenet.gen.nz rc5126
Node 510:711/0.0@justaxnet - rc5126
Node 510:711/1.0@justaxnet - rc5126
Node 111:8644/1.0@stn - rc5126
Node 111:8644/0.0@stn - rc5126
Node 33:1000/200.0@advnet - rc5126
Node 900:104/3159.0@relaynet - rc5126
#Node 3:772/210@fidonet - rc5126
# Michael Yount 510:205/1 (JustaXnet)
Node 510:205/1.0@justaxnet bbs.geekmafia.net oota3Tha
# Ken Bowley 110:20/5 110:207/0 110:207/1
Node 110:207/1.0@linuxnet bbs.trod.org LINUXBBS
Node 110:207/0.0@linuxnet - LINUXBBS
Node 110:20/5@linuxnet - LINUXBBS
Node 92:602/102@zenet - LINUXBBS
Node 1:114/485.0@fidonet - LINUXBBS
# Nathan Progh 510:415/3
Node 2:236/150.6@fidoent - aa9909420
Node 510:415/3.0@justaxnet bbs.internetking.com.mx aa9909420
Node 111:9042/1.0@stn - aa9909420
Node 111:9042/0.0@stn - aa9909420
Node 111:9000/0.0@stn - aa9909420
Node 111:6950/3.0@stn - aa9909420
Node 110:208/1.0@linuxnet - aa9909420
Node 110:208/0.0@linuxnet - aa9909420
Node 900:104/3162.0@relaynet - aa9909420
Node 21:425/10.0@starnet - aa9909420
Node 1:138/392.0@fidonet - aa9909420
Node 111:9094/0@stn - aa9909420
Node 111:9094/1@stn - aa9909420
Node 8:8/425@fmlynet - aa9909420
Node 8:7695/0@fmlynet - aa9909420
Node 8:7695/1@fmlynet - aa9909420
Node 33:253/1@advnet - aa9909420
Node 33:253/0@advnet - aa9909420
# Ty Cypher (Greg Youngblood) 510:321/2 900:104/3156
Node 1:120/404@fidonet - bluenose
Node 110:205/5@linuxnet - bluenose
Node 111:4150/404@stn - bluenose
Node 115:1502/125@pascalnet - bluenose
Node 510:321/2.0@justaxnet - bluenose
Node 900:104/3156@relaynet - bluenose
# Sam Alexander 510:254/0 510:254/1
Node 510:254/1@justaxnet - samalex
#Node 510:254/0@justaxnet - samalex
# Rime RelayNet(tm) Links.
# Larry Tallay 900:104/3155
#Node 1:275/311.0@fidonet - 1043155
Node 900:104/3155.0@realynet - 1043155
# John Guillory 900:104/3095
Node 900:104/3095.0@relaynet mlc-group.dyndns.org 1043095
Node 1:396/60.0@fidonet - 1043095
Node 115:1502/122.0@pascalnet - 1043095
Node 33:337/1.0@advnet - 1043095
Node 92:318/0.0@zenet - 1043095
Node 92:318/100.0@zenet - 1043095
Node 92:318/101.0@zenet - 1043095
Node 510:200/0.0@justaxnet - 1043095
Node 510:200/1.0@justaxnet - 1043095
# Shannon Talley 900:104/3155
Node 900:104/3155.0@relaynet - 1043155
# Wayne Robinsson 900:105/3157 115:2003/0
Node 900:104/3157.0@relaynet mail.thecubebbs.com 1043157
Node 110:260/20.0@linuxnet - 1043157
Node 111:1500/310@stn - 1043157
Node 115:2003/0.0@pascalnet - 1043157
Node 510:561/1@justaxnwet - 1043157
# Mort Fabricant 900:104/3059 (mail via email yankee-bbs@juno.com)
Node 900:104/3059.0@relaynet - 1043059
# Christopher Schoppy 900:104/3160
Node 900:104/3160.0@relaynet - 1043160
# Bob hoffman 8:8/2 - FmlyNet
Node 8:8/0.0@fmlynet - BROENDBY
Node 8:8/2.0@fmlynet irex.familynet-international.net BROENDBY
#Node 8:8/2.0@fmlynet www.familynet-internationanl.org BROENDBY
# Phillip Brown 900:104/3164 - Rime
Node 900:104/3165.0@relaynet - 1043165
#Node 1:
# Points del
# Kaj Winther Olsen 2:236/150.4 ( Via email )
Node 2:236/150.4@fidonet - KWINTHER
# Paw Winther Olsen 2:236/150.3
Node 2:236/150.3@fidonet - PWINTHER
# MBSE Point 2:236/150.1
Node 2:236/150.1@fidonet - mbsefil
# Default node flags. Binkd will call an unlisted node if "defnode" defined.
defnode -nr *
# Perl hooks file (if built with Perl)
#perl-hooks test.pl
# binkd will refuse to start, if perl-hooks script has compilation errors
# Note, that run-time errors still can occur
----- binkd.conf ends -----
JC>-+- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
JC> + Origin: https://rocasa.biz/bbbs (1:120/546)
Take care,
- Get the best in the world with linux -
--- Msged/LNX 6.2.0 (Linux/2.6.16-gentoo-r7 (x86_64))
* Origin: * One bird in hand is better than 10 on the roof * (2:236/150)