Text 925, 236 rader
Skriven 2007-05-06 22:54:10 av Maurice Kinal (1:261/38.9)
Kommentar till text 923 av mark lewis (1:3634/12.0)
Ärende: sln_sf v0.1
Hey mark!
May 06 17:30 07, mark lewis wrote to Maurice Kinal:
ml> connections... the first is caller->destination and the second is
ml> destination->caller with the possibility of at least one more session
ml> of like manner (both ways)...
No problem. I can already do that without any FTN standards. Have been doing
that since before internet providers as well. As far as the FTN part I think I
can come up with something suitable to appeal to FD users or at least try.
Unfortunetly nobody around here has FD, DOS. or OS/2 so I am not sure how I am
going to test that yet. Thinking about it.
ml> don't take my sayso... it only takes a look at history with a
ml> critical eye on the process described...
I have. Few mailers follow that other than the protocols, 'archivers' (<-
DOS-think definition), and other such silliness that had nothing to do with
serial programming that was the base of all that to start with. Also I noticed
quite a bit of stolen code where the 'author' was claiming as their own. DOS
world was chock full of stolen source code. I remember that very well. In
some cases I even know where it originated from.
MK>> All my Fido days as a sysop I have yet to encounter any Fido
MK>> software on any OS, especially not linux.
ml> hunh??
I am waiting for you to say what exactly meets the criteria. hpt? Just
squish. What does squish have to do with FTN 'standards'? Should we ask the
author? Just because you have permission to use it doesn't mean it meets basic
ml> or a node, which you seem to leave out here and there ;) besides, a
ml> point system is just a superuser almost akin to being a sysop ;)
Which is totally meaningless.
I'd argue a point has more power over their own destiny than a node sysop does.
ml> binkd is fidonet software even though it doesn't follow traditional
ml> fidonet methods...
And that makes it okay? Exactly how does that work?
ml> binkp protocol should have been incorporated into the existing
ml> fidonet protocol matrix...
Still doesn't make it a standard.
ml> yes, and that script processed the SRIF request packet which you
ml> initially appeared to dislike or some such... you comment something
ml> about being overkill seemed to point to that, anyway...
That was about using mysql to fake it all out. More theft it appears since
nobody seems to be able to write the proper code that meets the so-called
'standard'. At least binkd tries and doesn't require an overbloated database
to accomplish it. Also they stick to pure c code which works out great here.
It is probably the best base to build upon at the moment.
ml> and what is that real question?
What does any of this have to do with a hobby network, up to and including
ml> i'm sure that others are also
ml> wondering what your definition of a FREQ is, too ;)
ftpd would qualify as much as anything else I've seen.
ml> hehehe.. what i was looking at was that you dismiss much of fidonet
ml> standards, procedures and protocols as not needed because you can do
ml> similar things with non-fidonet technology between your point system
ml> and your full node... but the main point is about the full node, not
ml> the point ;)
Yeah. It only filters out the inbound zip files and converts the messages to
pure ascii at the moment. I used to keep the converted headers (16-bit binary
part) but found that those can be safely tossed to the bitbucket. What does
yours do?
MK>> I got spoiled. I learned all this stuff when there was no MS to
MK>> tell me what I wanted.
ml> as did many of us... even the creator of fidonet, who was a BIOS
ml> programmer for phoenix when all this stuff got started way back in
ml> yesteryear ;) ;)
I didn't know about the bios part. I was working with VAX/VMS systems at that
time and just starting to learn Unix. DOS hacking came later once PC's started
acting more like a computer and less like a calculator that doesn't fit into
your pocket. ;-)
MK>> Sounds good. I haven't seen too many of those on Fido.
ml> that's part of that sheltered life i was speaking of ;) IFCICO was
ml> one of the first...
I've seen that. Anybody still using it?
MK>> I didn't know. Better tell whoever is in charge then.
ml> that's up to you... you're the one who should be telling your net
ml> coordinator what flags are proper for your node ;) O:)
Why? There hasn't been a problem. Everything seems fine.
ml> only because you're using binkd but the real question is what were
ml> you using before you started using binkd?
ftp. I already said that. Even with DOS except I never had a Fido node so it
was never an issue. Back in those days I used a variety of BBS's that were
already there for Fido. It wassn't until my early Ladysmith days that I had to
get a nodenumber to get Fido and since then there isn't even a local network
anymore. No Fido frequing ever. This has never been an issue so I continued
using ftp for whatever files I thought I needed for anything. I am the last
and only one locally and given 'standards' I am probably one of the few - if
indeed not the only one - who keeps it local.
The point which I am 'talking' to you using is a whole other ballgame and if it
wasn't for 1:261/38 being more fluid then it isn't likely the node would even
exist in it's current reincarnation. It has been reborn at least a half dozen
times now. How about yours?
ml> source code and music sound like something that someone else may be
ml> interested in...
The encoding is different and probably wouldn't work on 'standard' music type
apps. None of it is suitable for Napster or anything like that. I do have
some that would meet their 'standards' but I seem to be the only one who likes
that type of music (opera, old cowboy music, some real old blues and jazz,
etc.). Nothing current. Besides that I don't like pirated stuff even if it is
legal. I make no claim to having created any of this even if I did encode it
from the abandoned media it more or less originated (from my perspective) from.
Most of the source I currently have can be found almost anywhere. If I do
have something 'special' I haven't made that public simply because none of it
has ever been requested. There is tons of great stuff out there that I cannot
compete with. You might be interested in the 64-bit build scripts someday.
Maybe some of the bash stuff. If so just ask and I am sure we can resolve
transporting it. Personally I'd prefer that type of stuff happen in a Fido
echo. Care to set one up? You can count on me to contribute to such a thing.
ml>i doubt that anyone would want to pull any mail from
ml> another system unless it was destined for them or they were trying to
ml> do something underhanded...
Sounds like a good plan.
ml> i was actually thinking of possibly an
ml> ISO or something of a preconfigured system made with ttylinux or
ml> such...
That already exists. Check out www.minimalinux.org/ttylinux. Also someone
makes everything available via bit torrent but I've never checked that out.
Just a sec ...
Apparently it is listed as 3.7M so shouldn't be too much of a task to fetch.
Do you think a unzipped one would make a good FREQ for the node here? That way
DOS-think Fido sysops won't have to find a unix guru to gunzip it for them.
ml> even textfiles with details and instructions on how and why
ml> on stuff...
The home site has it all. I could offer text versions if someone wanted them.
MK>> as part of the system (ramdisk). I could move that part to any
MK>> machine and it would work. Plug and play gone insane. :-)
ml> that great! but even so, it is still a necessary part of that system
ml> for you to participate here ;) ;)
Nope. I bypass all that with this particular point. I did have a point off
there in it's previous life but ever since I moved binkd to the usb flash disk
I haven't bothered renewing that point. Not much happening there Fido-wise.
Too bad really but sign of the times right?
MK>> Right. No FronDoor or anything of that nature. No DOS or OS/2
MK>> runtimes
ml> that's beside the point... some might call it a distractive
ml> argument...
No different from everyone's arguement in favour of acceptable 'standards'
MK>> so that pretty well eliminates the need for so-called
MK>> "Fido" FREQs.
ml> nah, i can't say that at all...
You might be right there. So far it hasn't really been an issue. It probably
should be an issue but it isn't.
ml> i'd love to be able to read, in an
ml> echo like LINUX, that you have an iso of ttylinux available and
ml> simply create a FREQ to your system and then have it show up at some
ml> later point...
Sounds great. I think a gunzipped one would be the best. That way whatever
burning software, no matter what OS, could successfully burn it afterwards.
ml> completely automated and without my intervention... if
ml> you offered POTS connectivity as well as internet,
POTS doesn't matter. Nobody uses that locally so the internet connection is
the best for everyone, including locals. Times have changed ... about a decade
ago ... in this neck of the woods.
ml> i could choose
ml> either... POTS would be the fastest, though, and that due to the
ml> dedicated pipe unless we both had something that could achieve
ml> transfers faster then 56kbps O:)
Heh, heh. It is the opposite situation here. POTS is EXTREMELY crappy. The
lines really suck BIG time. Also the telco leaves much to be desired. Ask
anyone in BC and they will probably back me on this claim. Overpriced pure
MK>> I like the concept and might steal that for something else. I
MK>> have an idea how I could make it work for myself using ftp.
ml> steal away! that's why fidonet standards are published and available
ml> to whoever desires to use them... in fact, that's what fidonet is all
ml> about...
Used to be. We need to do something about that methinks.
Life is good,
--- Msged/LNX 6.2.0
* Origin: The Pointy Stick Society XXIX - Only one I in teamwork (1:261/38.9)