Text 311, 184 rader
Skriven 2006-05-31 00:11:03 av BEN RITCHEY (1:393/68)
Kommentar till en text av MIKE LUTHER
Ärende: Re: Convert CPM/86 to DOS diskettes?
* An ongoing debate between Mike Luther and Ben Ritchey rages on ...
| ML> OK, if you do have an emulator and I can get a copy of it, then the
| ML> next issue seems to pop up out of the rabbit patch! I've got one more
Yes, I have the 22Nice emulator for CP/M v2.2 and you're welcome to a copy.
| ML> every time you boot it. In the cursory 'what do I do' question I
| ML> asked on it, where is the BIOS battery that I looked for and did not
| ML> find, I got an answer. The thought is that it has one of these big
| ML> BIOS modules with the built-in battery in it. Haven't taken that
Probably right there under the chip itself, imbedded in the bottom <shrug> or
disguised as a large capacitor <chuckle>
| ML> Yes, I still have a plug-in pair of 8" floppy drives for the Z120 box.
Same here <g> pair of 1.2MB 8" from a Tandy system that ran CP/M and DOS
| ML> OK .. if I boot to DOS, then are we talking creating the CONFIG.SYS
| ML> and whatever to, perhaps, try to patch whatever floppy disk drive
No, no, keep it simple. The emulator should support a way of dumping files to
DOS as simple as doing a copy of sorts <g>. If you can boot DOS on any machine
that supports the floppy drive you want to migrate, try 22Disk 1st:
22Disk Version 1.44, October, 1996 From Sydex, Inc. 22Disk is a DOS utility
that allows one to read, write and format over 400 different CP/M diskette
formats. It includes a definitions file which also allows you to "roll your
own" format specifications for systems not included in the list.
Docs claim it is fully functional and not crippled in any way.
| ML> Or, are we perhaps better off to use what will be the BBS program for
| ML> Fido that I'm sure is on this older Heath DOS box, Connect to the
| ML> Fido interface here with a modem. Send the file data that way?
Hey, sounds workable to me <smile>
| ML> I also have paid for copies of LapLink and so on for DOS. I actually
| ML> have LapLink on the modern boxes. It is serial cable or parallel
| ML> connectible. And the simplest thing would be to move the data to the
| ML> real modern world from the Heath DOS box this way?
Ugh...cables, last resort.
| ML> Since you mentioned the emulator, you've also opened up a huge other
| ML> possibility for this job! I'm a solid OS/2 operation here. Which, of
| ML> course, has DOS in it that is, in my opinion, far better than DOS,
| ML> grin! I wonder? Will this Emu (chuckle) pull it's head out and run
| ML> under DOS in OS/2?
I bet 22Nice will ...
| ML> Will tells me that under OS/2, if you properly modify the floppy
| ML> diskette device driver with the correct command line additional
| ML> parameters, you can cajol OS/2 into customizing the floppy diskette
| ML> interface for whatever track and sector size is needed! He told me
Yes, MS-DOS itself (I run v6.22) has the DRIVPARM command for Config.Sys that
allows you to customize drives this way.
| ML> Now .. grin .. in that you've mentioned the issue of the Emu running
| ML> under DOS, I'm wondering BIG time here!
| ML> Might the real simplest way to play this stunt is to take a current
| ML> OS/2 box? Cram the floppy disk drive track and sector count for even
| ML> the oldest possible interface I need for, say, the 5-1/4 inch floppy
| ML> drive in the OS/2 CONFIG.SYS? Plug it in and boot up OS/2? Then run
| ML> the Emu you suggest under OS/2? And get to see CPM/86 run that way?
If you know OS/2 that well, this sounds easy enough, though the simplest would
be the 22Disk utility.
Holler via E-mail with what you need and I'll send it along. my E-mail is
(1)@(2).(3) where (2)= bellsouth (1)= fido4cmech and (3)= net ...
My CP/M emulators area also contains:
=== Cut ===
Area: CP/M-86, Emulators + Software
144CPM86.ZIP 149,131 09-12-01 23:37:04
144FEAT2.ZIP 85,298 12-02-00 16:59:10
1STMAN.ZIP 164,717 08-04-03 04:54:36
86-GRAFX.ZIP 136,811 01-20-01 21:57:04
86-Y2K.ZIP 7,569 01-20-01 21:57:10
86ARKIVE.ZIP 154,427 11-04-00 08:13:52
86AUDIO.ZIP 4,271 11-04-00 08:40:16
86COMUTL.ZIP 68,989 01-20-01 22:01:30
86CPMUTL.ZIP 134,224 01-20-01 22:02:32
86EDIT.ZIP 50,696 11-04-00 08:15:44
86EMULAT.ZIP 44,921 11-04-00 08:33:00
86FILUTL.ZIP 295,010 03-04-01 12:43:16
86KBDDSK.ZIP 96,348 01-20-01 22:05:02
86MISC.ZIP 31,934 01-20-01 22:05:18
86MISC2.ZIP 21,063 06-02-01 15:18:52
86SPREAD.ZIP 28,609 12-02-00 17:00:44
86SUBMIT.ZIP 6,586 04-14-01 03:04:52
86SYSUTL.ZIP 8,058 01-20-01 22:06:04
86VIDEO.ZIP 54,727 04-14-01 10:01:40
86VIDUTL.ZIP 28,005 01-20-01 22:06:18
ASM80.ZIP 26,797 01-20-01 22:07:00
BASCOM.ZIP 157,003 02-26-01 00:43:00
BINARY.HTM 32,930 08-04-03 02:14:34
BINARY.TXT 31,909 08-04-03 04:56:48
CBASIC86.ZIP 94,100 01-20-01 22:35:08
CCGAMES.ZIP 192,409 02-26-01 00:42:52
COBOL80.ZIP 129,477 01-20-01 22:58:10
CPM2-ASM.ZIP 60,525 01-20-01 23:02:36
CPM2-HTM.ZIP 405,900 10-11-02 01:11:06
CPM86-BT.ZIP 236,324 01-20-01 23:50:50
CPM86PAT.ZIP 11,932 01-20-01 23:55:58
CPMEMU.ZIP 39,565 01-20-01 23:56:36
CPMEXPER.HTM 13,922 08-04-03 02:23:10
CPMEXPER.TXT 13,105 08-04-03 04:56:46
CPMHIST.HTM 11,339 08-04-03 02:39:30
CPMHIST.TXT 11,013 08-04-03 04:56:48
CPMTAB.HTM 4,931 08-04-03 02:23:46
CPMTAB.TXT 3,743 08-04-03 04:56:46
CPM_FAQ.HTM 91,948 08-04-03 03:21:20
CPM_FAQ.TXT 90,501 08-04-03 04:56:48
CVV.ZIP 72,197 08-01-01 13:12:08
CVVMKBO.ZIP 21,120 03-02-02 18:27:40
DBASE86.ZIP 188,181 02-26-01 00:42:50
DIS.COM 8,448 02-26-01 00:42:56
DRILIB.HTM 12,470 08-04-03 02:18:02
DRILIB.TXT 11,375 08-04-03 04:56:46
DUF05.ZIP 26,708 05-18-03 18:08:32
F80.ZIP 103,544 02-26-01 00:42:54
FV28D.ZIP 34,338 01-21-01 00:39:20
FX86.ZIP 73,065 01-21-01 00:39:58
KLAWFILE.HTM 27,323 08-04-03 02:58:24
KLAWFILE.TXT 26,445 08-04-03 04:56:50
L80.COM 10,752 02-26-01 00:42:56
LANG.HTM 7,694 08-04-03 03:11:28
LANG.TXT 7,800 08-04-03 04:56:48
M80.COM 20,096 02-26-01 00:42:54
MBASIC.COM 24,320 02-26-01 00:42:56
MSCOBOL.ZIP 226,696 02-26-01 00:42:58
PATCH.HTM 4,402 08-04-03 03:02:08
PATCH.TXT 4,120 08-04-03 04:56:48
POWER.COM 14,848 03-02-01 01:57:00
PUTR201.ZIP 242,944 01-29-04 06:41:14
PUTR v2.01 (Peripheral Utility Transfer
Routines) is a File Transfer Program that
supports DEC PDP-8/11 media & DOS File
Systems: RT-11, RSTS/E, DOS/BATCH, XXDP+,
OS/8 (and OS/78 etc.), PUTR (TSS/8 DECtape
utility), and PC-DOS. PUTR can also read
Files-11 ODS-1 file systems (i.e. disks
from RSX-11M, RSX-11M-PLUS, IAS, and P/OS)
and TSS/8.24 file systems). COS-310 binary
files (NOT Text) may be transferred the
same as OS/8 binary files. Real mode devices
and/or virtual image files supported.
Assembly source code included.
RDOS.ZIP 120,751 09-12-01 23:15:10
SARGON.ZIP 8,231 02-26-01 00:42:52
TOOLS86.ZIP 196,276 01-21-01 04:47:26
VF86-B1.ZIP 39,735 01-21-01 04:57:34
WS86-33.ZIP 104,969 02-26-01 00:44:50
XRD.ZIP 28,094 11-04-00 08:02:26
ZRPM-DOS.ZIP 241,881 09-12-01 23:19:02
ZRPM.ZIP 118,013 09-12-01 23:19:40
ZRPMSRC.ZIP 204,001 09-12-01 23:20:44
ZRT80.ZIP 1,983,612 02-26-01 00:43:02
Area sub-total Files Bytes
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
CP/M-86, Emulators + Software....................... 72 7,445,216
=== Cut ===
Be well :^)
: Ben aka cMech http://bellsouthpwp.net/c/m/cmech617/
+ WildCat! Board 24/7 +1-337-232-4155 any BAUD 8,N,1
--- GoldEd+/DOS v1.1.5cM
* Origin: FIDONet - The Positronium Repository (1:393/68)