Text 12131, 182 rader
Skriven 2008-08-16 18:48:24 av Carol Shenkenberger (18453.cooks)
Kommentar till text 12033 av Ruth Haffly (1:396/45.28)
Ärende: pork in the crock pot
> > We should get it more than we have. I got some frozen, cooked shrimp at
> > the commissary the other day to use in something. After eating fresh,
> > local shrimp, these are horrible; I don't think I'll ever buy them
> > again. I used to think they were pretty good.
> CS> Depends on the brand. Some are better than others. If you have to
> CS> get frozen, look for ones still in the shell. Those tend to be frozen
> CS> on the boat and minimally handled, and come off better.
> These were peeled and cooked; I needed them for a recipe I wanted to
I find the peeled and cooked ones now to be too far off the mark for
consumption unless so highly spiced and breaded, you can barely tell they are
Asian Grocery today, nice ones with head on for 4.99/lb packed in ice and
about 2.5-3 inch body for a nice size total when you add in head and tail.
Not the bigger ones at 89yen each of Sasebo that make a virtual meal off just
1 of them, but not bad tasting at all. They are always properly handled ones
at that store.
> try. It was an aggel hair, shallot, seafood, spinach thing with
> unspecified amount of Romano cheese, pinch of dill and dash of red
> pepper flakes. We added salt & pepper which improved it some but not
> enough to make it worth keeping the recipe. I found it in a PIggly
> Wiggly flyer; it sounded good in concept but...................the
> clipping hit the trash can. You win some, you lose some.
Humm, does sound good actually. Quality ingredient problem likely there? I
would have wanted to add a bit of firm sliced avocado at serving time.
(on Charlotte)
> CS> She has quite a few already. She's not nearly as picky as most girls
> CS> her age and her comment about other girls who 'go vegetarian' is
> CS> 'Great! More MEAT for me!'. Poor thing gets our levels of meat most
> CS> of the time and isnt used to 'all you can eat meatballs'.
> I don't know how many Michael and I rolled--it was 2 pounds of meat.
> I'm glad she enjoyed them; one of my nephews doesn't like meat balls
> so she can eat his share. (G)
Ohh, from the looks of the plate, Charlotte scampered off with 1/2 the
meatballs..... Maybe more! Could have been some of the brachiole under the
sauce though? She mentioned she couldnt eat the last meatball.
> > CS> THat she will. She's castigating me now. Gosh, I was so making of
> > CS> the miso, I forgot to tell her it was ready! Thats ok, she gets it
> > CS> home all the time. She's mostly just curious since that time it had
> > CS> enoki and chinese broc'li vice straW mushroom and kelp ties.
> CS> >
> > OOPS! (G) I guess you will have to make some special for her--and to
> > show Don how you made it for us.
> CS> I dont have the darker miso but thats ok. I need to get that batch of
> CS> ingredients here (easy to do) but Don knows in general how to make a
> CS> miso soup. He normally leaves that to me, but he can do it.
> No Surprise, Don is probably about like Steve in the kitchen--can do a
> lot of basics and has his own specialties. Good guys to have around.
Don's kinda like Michael Loo but not every day and with lots of 'humm, let me
try this new idea out' cookery.
Meat rubs and marinades are his claim to fame here at home.
> CS> Sure do! At some point if another doesnt beat me to it, I will MM
> CS> them and re-post for folks who want it in their database.
> Go ahead; we may have done the basic sauce and meat balls but I don't
> have MM on this system. The lasagne is layered: sauce, noodles, cheese,
> repeat 2 times. Top with noodles and more sauce--don't make it too
> soupy or too dry. It's best (in our opinion) assembled, baked, frozen,
> thawed, and baked again before serving--seems to "set it up" better.
Works for me! Basically make 2 servings and freeze the rest.
> CS> Don does most of that sort of dish here. Meatloaf most often but
> CS> sometimes meatballs. With all the bad ground beef lately, I havent
> CS> been buying much of it.
> I understand. We'll probably look for the organic raised meats more now,
Been looking at our home grinder lately. JUst not toally sure what cuts of
beef to use in it. Asian grocery stopped getting ground beef and ground pork
and now only have ground duck and ground chicken. They do this themselves.
> > sauce. But, play with it and enjoy some good Italian cooking.
> CS> Careful! If I 'play with it' I tend to fusion it til it's no longer
> CS> Italian!
> Keep it pure for when you want real Italian. Make it fusion for when
> you want to play with it. Now that you have the basic recipes, you can
> do that.
Hehe had basic ones in MM before!
> > I missed that but it doesn't surprise me. She fit in quite well with
> > the group altho I know she liked the time with the other kids also.
> CS> Yes, I'm glad the other kids showed up the next 2 days. She and Ron
> CS> seemed to get along well.
> I think she got along well with everybody.
Hard to not like a kid <g>. Unless they misbehave badly and Charlotte rarely
does. Today was a rare incident (and not that bad). A Krogers she wanted
some cereal called 'reeses pieces'. I checked the box and nixed it. It's
basically candy and white processed flour.
I dont mind if she gets some 'junk food' but that was a bit over the top for
a breakfast! I made it up to her with a chocolate syrup she can use to make
chocolate milk with ;-)
> > Good; she's quite a kid. Not quite ready to stop being a kid but
> > showing the signs of the young lady that is to come.
> CS> Definately. Half the time she wants to be a grownup, then some kid
> CS> stuff comes by and she's all over it!
> It will be like that for a long time if she's lucky. Too many adults
> don't let the kid in them come out to play but they need to from time to
> time.
I've told Charlotte being a kid is a special time and to enjoy it. She'll
grow up all too soon anyways. In less than 2 years, she'll be able to drive
a car (she's a hair under 15 now by a few months). 10th grade, she WILL take
drivers ed and shortly after we get we a license then a car for her. All the
way up on that drive as various things came to mind, I was teaching her basic
driving and 'protective driving'.
> CS> A good part of staying there a second tour for true! Charlotte doesnt
> CS> remember California (not suprising, she was less than 2 YO when we
> CS> left) and recalls only Virginia Beach and Japan. She recalls the VB
> CS> apartment a bit, then this house, then the cho and later the highrise
> CS> apartment in Japan, and now here again. Not as unstable as most
> CS> especially since she came *back* to the house here.
> That was nice; we never went back to a past assignment. Well, Steve
> went to Korea from AZ & came back to AZ but I stayed in AZ so I don't
> count that. Our first bit over a year in was very unstable (4 moves in
> 15 months) but then we settled a bit. Have to ask the girls what places
> they remember.
Like most, apt to be anything before age 5 is 'gone with the winds' except a
remnant at best. I recall living in Jacksonville just a little, more of a 'we
lived someplace before Miami'. I remember my bother and sister and i
running hard as we could around the Miami house just as Mom bought it (I was
about 3). I recall there used to be a big ficus in the back yard (neighbor
poisened it Mom says about when we got the house).
> CS> Poor thing was miffed when this past Halloween came about and the
> CS> local rules say no trick or treating past age 13 (she was 14) but we
> CS> ignored it and took her anyways. She saw plenty of her friends just
> CS> over the line doing same and no one here minded it at all. Personally,
> As long as it was OK in the neighborhood, then I don't see why she
> couldn't have done so. OTOH, if folks strongly objected, then I would
> have had her toe the line (if she were mine).
It is. The locals are not happy with the city rule. In worry that everyone
would 'press the limit' they set it too low. Charlotte's experience is more
about Sasebo on this one.
> CS> In Sasebo, it was only celebrated at the base housings, but there was
> CS> no age to 'stop at' and sometimes us adults would join in on the fun
> CS> for a little bit.
> I don't recall an age limit in Germany but do know that we did it by
> stair wells. Each family in the stair well contributed so much candy and
> took their turn handing it out at the entrance. Saved having kids and
> parents go up and down all the stairs in each building.
Age limits being imposed, have more to do with gangs and more recent
happenings. A sigh of the times...
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