Text 17043, 208 rader
Skriven 2008-11-29 11:39:42 av hap newsom (1:124/311)
Kommentar till en text av MICHAEL LOO
Ärende: RE: blud 281
Howdy Michael!
-> HN> Anne usually gets a vacant look on her
-> HN> face and keels over...I can't seem to get
-> HN> accustomed to it, and react quite badly
-> HN> when she does this!
-> That does seem to be a signal that she's on
-> minimum. I can see it being sort of distressing.
Indeed and when she's feeling even the
slightest bit "off" I tend to keep an extra
sharp eye on her!
-> =
-> Yesterday it was the usual fare, more or less, but with
-> the perhaps unique situation that I was responsible for
-> none of it. I'd signed on very late to be with my friends the
-> Fishers, and by this time all the tasks had been allocated.
The west coast or the east coast ones?
-> The menu:
-> sweet potato soup with rum cream - this was the Inn at Little
-> Washington's recipe, except that nobody remembered how to make
-> the rum cream, so I made that off the top of my head later on;
-> the result was similar to but much more highly seasoned than
-> the original, which I looked up after the fact. The soup itself
-> was exemplary, though the surface oxidized (that word!)(with
-> oxygen) and turned an unappetizing gray. The flavor balance
-> was good, the level of richness perfect for the meal - a
-> mouthfilling quality but not much fat, so that one could in fact
-> proceed to a big Thanksgiving dinner after drinking a pint of it.
Sounds good! Was it a fairly sweet soup then?
I have made a sweet potato soup that was
made with ginger and served cold, vichyssoise
style, for thanksgiving one year...we quite liked it!
Rum sounds like an interesting flavor match as well!
-> arugula salad with balsamic vinaigrette - the usual, but it
-> was cheap cheap balsamic, not worthy of capitalization
Seems to be a lot of that around these days...
oddly enough not all from Modena either...hmmmm
-> roast turkey - I wasn't responsible for this, and as a result,
-> it was well well done, almost enough so to bring the hostess
-> to tears. I ate half the skin off the bird, which was very
-> brown and decent though nearly fatless, and was about to call
-> it a meal, but then the host gave me a drumstick, which had
-> about a pound of somewhat incinerated meat on it
Anne would have loved that! As you know she
likes her turkey done to the point of dustbowl
dryness. I'm sure you were very dissappointed
as I would have been. What's odd though is that
Anne claims to like the dryest of turkeys..but when
I manage to sneak a sumptuous moist birdy in on her
she oohs and ahhs on how good it is!
-> gravy - I made this, and it was mediocre, sort of brown
-> tasting, as the turkey drippings were weller done than
-> the turkey itself; I didn't like it much but it certainly
-> improved the stuffing
I like a good giblet gravy...nice and rich
and filled with good chunks of giblety
-> bread, walnut, and mushroom stuffing - severely underseasoned
-> - no discernible onion, celery or herb - also undersalted
-> and underpeppered - tasted sort of like wet Wonder bread
-> bread and walnut stuffing without mushrooms - better, as inside
-> the bird, but also severely underseasoned
Low sodium I don't mind as I find folks
often use way too much...but without
the other seasonings it would be ...well
pretty flavorless...yuck
-> brussels sprouts with walnuts and balsamic vinegar - even
-> though made with cheap cheap vinegar, this was pretty good,
-> probably my favorite thing
One of my favorite things to make!
Was it a balsamic reduction or just
balsamic V poured over the roasted
sprouts? I like to blanch my brussels
before roasting them and make the
balsamic reduction separate.
-> sweet potato rounds baked in maple syrup - fine
yuck to me, Anne would like them
-> mashed sweet potatoes with garam masala and onions - fine,
-> but the garam masala, a whim of the hostess, was unnecessary,
-> as was the whole dish - three sweet potato dishes and one
-> nonsweet potato dish was a bit of overkill
Sounds like a lot, but I do like yams with curried
slants, so that dish sounded good to me.
-> mashed regular potatoes - appropriately rich, as I sneaked
-> some turkey fat in when nobody was looking; I thought the
-> amount of butter in the recipe was puny and pathetic
Have not had mashies in a looong time
I like em with lotso gravy!
-> brown 'n' serve rolls - salty, by report; I didn't try
And I can't fault you for that! Choose
your carbs well you do!
-> chocolate pecan pie - quite nice and chocolaty and pecanny;
-> I had just a taste
When it comes to pecan pie I'm a purist.
My paternal grandmother's was the best.
Even my mom's and maternal grandmother's
were several steps behind..and they were
plenty good too!
-> pumpkin cheesecake - quite nice and pumpkinny; I had the
-> smallest piece that the host was willing to cut
I like pumpkin and cheesecake and pumpkin
cheesecake sounds like a winner to me.
Anne and I made a lower carb pumpkin
pie a couple of weeks ago, planning to make
more for Thanksgiving...but we could not
find any decent pumpkins any where and
I didn't want to use canned.
-> various cookies of which I had none, being starched out
-> and fairly full.
-> Beverages:
-> A Chimay Trappist ale tasting.
Had em, Not bad but not my thing
-> Chimay ales
-> red (7%) - caramelly, rich, not much punch though despite
-> the high alcohol content. Smooth, enjoyable and clean.
-> Tripel (white) (8%) - sort of lemony and wheaty; I didn't
-> care for it.
Hmmm, wheaty...why am I NOT surprised you didn't
care for it? (grin)
-> blue (9%) - very dark and malty; a bit of acid that was
-> similar to the above, but quite a bit richer on the palate,
-> with coffee/chocolate notes and a bit of spiciness; my
-> favorite of the lot.
and most likely the one I would have liked as well!
-> Some off brand rose Champagne was fine but sort of wimpy
-> after the Chimay.
-> A to Z Pinot Noir was rich and meaty, though sort of generic.
-> Cherries, berries, la la la, a bit dusky with dark spices,
-> quite good with many kinds of sweet potatoes; Jezebel Pinot
-> Noir was light red, cherryful, and a quaffing wine. Both I
-> believe from Oregon.
Anne had her cranberry wine and I had
a glass of 2005 Barrio La Boca Malbec
from Argentina...very dark color, quite
tabaccoish as well, nice but not as
good as I'd hoped it would be.
-> Hazelnut decaf coffee from "H. T. Traders," Harris Teeter's
-> attempt to be cool and funny like Trader Joe. It was strong
-> and okay.
I don't care for flavored coffee's or teas at all.
-> On the whole a meal that was funner for the company than
-> the food.
Well that is what thanksgiving is for!
We had pulled pork with an eastern
carolina vinegar sauce...it was delish!
-> Sweet potato soup with rum cream
-> cat: Thanksgiving, celebrity, soup
-> servings: 10
Looks good, not cutting edge, no
real surprises, but nice enough on
it's own merit!
chat with you soon!
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