Text 32108, 241 rader
Skriven 2009-12-11 15:20:26 av Janis Kracht (1:261/38)
Kommentar till text 32019 av Carol Shenkenberger (6081.cooks)
Ärende: Ida was: liver
Hi Carol,
>> Yeah, everything seems 'cheaper' now.. well, somethings at least..
> Yup. Oh, this was on earrings. Cheap ones now use nickel and even 'pot
> metal' with a very thin coating for the studs. The coating wears off and you
> develop a sensitivity to the metal. That doesnt seem to go away.
Don't ya love it.. kinda "nickel poisoning" (g)..
> I'd be careful in your case even after years due to the other problems. Look
> for 'solid surgical steel', and the silver or gold that isnt plated. Claires
Yes, I do that always... especially when I buy gold earrings and posts (not
plated). Around here you can get really nice solid steel or gold post earrings
at a local shop named Tom's.. I think they get a lot of imports from Manhatten
but that's just a guess.. they're nice though and I love shopping there when I
can :)
> has nice cute cheap ones but only trust if it says 'solid surgical steel
> post' there as the silver and gold may be plated (unless it specifically says
> otherwise and rarely does). You can even find 'recyled plastic' posts!
> Yeah, like i want someone's mouthed on plastic pepsi bottle in my ears?
> ICK!
hahahaha agree there :) :)
>> > Either way, if Charlotte waits (and she seems happy to do so), then in a f
>> > years she'll be able to wear anything for life.
>> Yes indeed. I remember once going a year or two without wearing any earring
>> I was worried I'd have to have them done again (g).. but it was fine. Just
>> to find the darn spot in the ear (g).
> Done same here. Thin skin over them on both sides but not even hard to punch
> through. JUst gotta find the spot (grin).
Heh.. for me, it never gets a film even.. maybe it's the same for you but we
just describe it a little different :) For me, it's just finding the darned
opening again.. :) And of course it's a lot easier in front of a mirror for me
> (on Cash-pup)
>> >> > He's feeling more chipper now.
> BTW, we figured it out. He was drinking water out of various spots in the
> yard. Probably flea killer in it?
Could be.. or maybe it's something he got a vaccine for so it didn't make him
really sick.. I was talking to that new vet that came to our house last week to
see Priscilla and Toby.. I mentioned what happened to Tina (our little black
kitty that you met at the picnic).. he said it was probably leptospirosis.. he
said the county was seeing a LOT of that recently in pets.. it's spread though
infected urine or other body fluids of squirrels, raccoons, etc., water, soil,
etc. and can enter the body (humans too, by touching infected tissue or
excrement) through the skin, mucous membranes (eyes, etc.) or a cut.. or by
drinking contaminated water.. He said the way she so quickly died was the sign
:( I'm pretty sure she never had a vaccine for that too.. she had the
"standard" cat vaccines, but not that one. I'm also glad we switched
veterinarians, given that :( :( I'm also sure I'm never going to let these
kittens out of the house, but they'll get that vaccine when they're old enough
for sure :)
>> > Poor Priscilla! Has she lost any weight?
>> Yes, she has.. that definitely helps. But today I noticed a good improvemen
>> when the grand-kids were here.. She got up to go outside and bumbled or trip
>> a bit and fell down. She got right back up! THAT is the first time she's d
>> that in a LONG time. It's been more like when she's laying down she has to
>> through a lot of pain and maneuvering to get up at all. I think that "joint
>> enhancer" (Chondroitin, Glucosamine, etc.) is really helping her to actually
>> grow more cartilege. I hope it wasn't just a fluke today at least.
> Hope it's not a fluke! The Chrondritin/Glucosamine is the same for critters
Nope, she's been doing really much better :) Still has some trouble in the
morning when she first wakes up, but that's it.
> as us. It takes time to work. If the doggie version is really costly, check
> with the Vet on right dosage and if the human type can be used as it might be
> cheaper. You'd have to grind the pills or get the 'dump in liquid' versions
> then.
It's not too bad.. it's 39.00 for 129 tablets and after next week, she'll only
have to take 2 tablets a day (right now she's taking 4 tablets a day. You do
that for 6 weeks, then drop to 2 tablets). The price for the human equivalent
is about $30 but with 1800petmeds, I don't pay shipping so it's about the same
cost :) And I know this works and has other ingredients that are good for
her.. :) It's petmed's super joint enhancer if you want to check it out.
>> Well,l that's good. It will help no doubt. The funny thing is now Toby is
>> getting heavier.. I'm sure it's because I've been mixing 1/4 can of wet cann
>> food with their dry food so he's eating more instead of letting it lay aroun
>> haha.. so I'm making sure the TWO of them only eat "diet" dog food :)
> Snicker.
Yeah, it's funny to see that skinny guy gaining weight :) But he's not like
Priscilla, that's for sure :)
> Daisy-cat slowly at a normal rate lost the excess she had built up
> while 'on show' in a small cage. Ok, the cage wasnt terribly small but
> there was no room to run etc. Other than a somewhat pendulous belly which we
> are told she will always have (after effect of being spayed while heavily
> pregnant), she's pretty trim.
That's great :) That's what got Priscilla so tubby.. getting spayed.. and then
when I couldn't take her for walks, that didn't help.. having the yard is
great, but it's not the same as walking a dog who needs exercise.. :( Now cats
just bounce off the walls Lol.. so (at least these kittens) get lots of
excercise :) :)
>> > Daisy-cat got Dashi with a leftovr chopped shrimp and a small bit of cooke
>> > rice.
>> If I did that with these 4 kittens, it would be a madhouse in here haha
> Snicker, i can see it! Cash's athritis now keeps him off the sofa which is
> the only way to reach the bookshelf her bowl goes on.
Aw, that's sad.. poor Cash.. I remember how Priscilla looked when she realized
she couldn't jump on the bed :( Well, I got her her own doggie bed so she
doesn't feel so bad now :)
>> >> > No meds at this time to Cash. Am to up the stock from bone for him. D
>> >> > likes that one well. Says get him to 3/4 cup a day of bone stock. >>
>> >> Be thankful about that.. I'm sure Priscilla's on these drugs now because
>> >> "geriatric" stage of life. Poor baby..
> That and it might be she needed more things like this 'stock' earlier but
> hind-sight is always 20-20.
Hmm.. well, it's possible.. but the vet never mentioned any such thing.. even
when he prescribed the deramexx for her, that's all he prescribed (this is the
first vet..). I'm the one that found the Super Joint Enhancer at 800petmeds
because of the discussion in Cats_Meow about some kind of super arthritis med
that we were talking about.. I saw it at 800petmeds, and read up on the
contents and figured it couldn't hurt to add it to her regimen when she took
the deramexx... and boy has it helped compared to just giving her the pain
killer. I can understand that vet not mentioning it.. there is no proof really
that it rebuilds cartiledge in the joints, but it was shown to help arthritis
pain somewhat... so go figure :) Our new vet though thinks it's a great idea
and he said to keep her on it. He didn't mention starting Toby on it though. I
guess it's like anything else.. if the dog doesn't need it, one shouldn't start
'meds'.. and I can understand that as well :) He did say Toby has a slightly
enlarged spleen from being a 'nervous' dog though :) :) In other words, from
his being so scared of people and other animals :) Poor guy :) We're just going
to watch that for now.
>> Yep, that's what I figure.. I give her beef broth from steak bones, etc.. sh
>> loves that stuff.. didn't think to give her chicken broth.. good idea!
> Sure! I even make pet stock out of 'gently knarfed' chicken thigh bones and
> other things (not for guests as they might object that the bones used to make
> the 'stock' had teethmarks and saliva,
lol... I'll say :)
>but the cat and dog dont care at all).
haha.. they probably like the spit lol
>> >> >> Great idea your vet had.. and sure, cat's get arthritis too from what
>> >> >> understand..
> Guess what, you don't have to heat it for them either, if pressed for time.
> Sure they kinda like it 'just a little warm' (test like you would formula on
> wrist for a human baby, aiming for 'blood temp') but they like it cold from
> the fridge too.
Sure :) Some day if you get a chance check out Labs and their eating habits..
this breed eats ANYTHING, and I'm not exaggerating :) They eat bedsprings..
wooden and plastic gates, floors, sheetrock, and their systems pass it all out
without making them sick.. it's hysterical but of course I don't encourage any
of it :) :) I'd rather buy them safe toys :)
>> >> Did you find them at the grocery store? I'll have to look around.
>> > Mostly at the Asian Grocery here. Price is better. Regular grocery if th
>> > have them, wants almost same price for marrow bones as ground beef.
>> Yes, I've seen that. I buy them sometimes for soup for us.. but save some fo
>> the silly pup :) I'll have to check our asian grocery.. didn't think of that
> Dunno as i noted them, but it wasnt what I was looking for at the 1 of the 2
> local to you (I never saw the other one).
Yeah, one of these days I'll check it out :) For now, I use what I have..
chicken bones, steak bones.. and so on :)
> Here's another *possible*. You have links to that organic meat in your area.
> They may have marrow bones as well? Especially the 'hard to sell' sorts like
> pig neckbones and beef shoulderblades etc. Potential a good customer can get
> a bag of freebies? If not free, quite cheap?
Not so far :) They do sell bones, but not cheap.. like anything that comes
from a grass fed animal (g). But that's ok.. when I'm using them for our soup
and it's just Ron and I, there's plenty of broth for them as well :)
This is a great link, by the way.. it's reasons to NOT eat these 7 foods.. the
title of the article is:
"The 7 foods _experts_ won't eat"
Canned Tomatoes (couldn't believe it at first but wow..)
Regular store-bought Corn-fed beef (not grass-fed)
Regular Milk (not organic)
Regular POTATOES (not organic) Even potato growers won't buy potatoes from the
supermarket. They have their own potato patch!
Farmed Salmon (not Wild-caught Alaskan)
APPLES (not organic Apples)
Microwave Popcorn (use kernels and do them in a pot)
Scary article, but I'm sure it's all true!! Read it, it's incredible.
>> > Grr. Cash, leggo my marrow bone!
>> > *sigh* He's convinced if it's a bone, it must be for him.
>> Know the face!!! They look so innocent when they're saying it to ya :) :)
> Grin, Cash just looks at you with them big beagle eyes, almost as bad as a
> sad bassett hound. Now Daisy? She just suddenly gets all friendly-moochy
> purry (and hopes to distract you while she snitches some).
Oh I know that purry-moochy stuff haha.. our kittens have it down to a science
already :) Yesterday I made Peking Duck and you should have seen ALL of them
begging for some :) :) Think of it... bird Dogs (the labs) and kittens.. and
duck Lol.. I had to make sure I saved them some and made sure to give them some
of the soup I made from the bones today at lunch :) :)
Take care,
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