Text 38599, 188 rader
Skriven 2010-06-02 23:09:06 av Janis Kracht (1:261/38)
Kommentar till text 38562 av Ruth Haffly (1:396/45.28)
Ärende: Dog gone, Kitchen Aid [1]
Hi Ruth,
>> Glad to hear the sizing was good. I don't mind modifying patterns,
>> but it's a bit faster if they're just the right size to start with :)
> Definately! After taking yesterday off to get things done around the
> house (and recover a bit of energy), I did my set up this morning and
> sewed about 3 hours this afternoon.
I'll bet you made some great progress there... at least most of the seam work.
Zipper in yet? I tend to follow pattern instructions pretty faithfully since
at least the ones from Kwik Sew are so well organized, etc.. I think I've been
using their patterns since I was in high school :)
I contacted them about 5 months ago.. when I first decided to replace Ron's
jeans jacket. One site said they had the pattern from Kwik Sew for something
like maybe 12 or 13 dollars.. They are not 'cheap' patterns to buy, though if
you're careful, you can make patterns out of them for a huge number of sizes.
They come in multiple sizes, not just one size... so I could as easily make a
denim jacket for Alex as Ron (g).
Anyway, once I put in the order online I got an email saying I could "download"
my pattern asap (????)... and print it (??????????) I had to wonder if these
people setting up this web site had ever tried to print out pattern pieces for
Men's clothing on how many 8 1/2 X sheets taped together Lol
I decided to contact Kwik Sew at that point.. like I said, I've been using
their patterns since I was first introduced to them by a german friend of mine
in high school :) They were pretty suprised to hear what that other site was
doing... and they pointed me to a good site to actually get the pattern from
via postal mail. The other site was forced by Kwik Sew to give me a refund for
my "pattern" (thank goodness). I applied that to the new purchase :)
Boy I have to get back to that jacket :) Live has been so crazy the last few
weeks. (what else is new (g)).
>> know will fit you well. It's not hard to do generally.. do you use the
>> pin through the seam method or take the original apart? Either way
>> works well (g)
> In the above case, I found a pattern that was almost identical.
That's perfect :)
> For the
> jacket I made Steve (the white one he wore at your picnic), I took apart
> the old one. I think I do more of the latter than the former; the dress
> pattern was just a good find.
I can imagine :) I use both the pin method onto say large sheets of white
paper (cheapest stuff I can find anywhere (g)).. I never used that method until
I bought a collection of 2 yard lenghs of denim and accessories (zipers,
buttons and rivets and riveting tools) and books from a sewing center that was
closing up shop (sad here in Binghamton, they were retiring and no one in the
family wanted to take over the business). It was from a class they held
frequently at the sewing center.. The owner sold me the entire contents of her
storage box of the class for $50.00. I grabbed it (g). Those books detailed
the pin-through-the-seam method. Very neat way to copy existing clothes to
make patterns.
>> > That's one way to do it. The way that pup has been eating tho, he'd
>> > more likely have to weigh himself, then him w/you riding on his
>> back. > (G)
>> Lol.. he'd just eat my hair if he did that (vbg).. that's their newest
>> thing.. when I'm sleeping, they attack my hair and start chomping -- I
>> wake up in a start and have to shoo them away (g). As far as the
> But Mommy, I was hungry!
ow ow ow.. it hurts :) They really root around (laugh). My hair is a bit
longer now than when you saw me last (not sure.. but it's sure darker (grin)).
But they think it's their latest way to get Mommy's attention.. especially
since she's had to run out so much the last several days for the 'car' business
>> weighing goes though, he's still not full sized yet, so I'm lucky :)
> Eats like a bird, a peck at a time?
Kind of :) He'll pick up a few pieces, carry them off somewhere and eat them.
Toby has always done the same thing (grin)
> That was not a problem. It just didn't penetrate because they didn't
> use that mattress that it needed replacing--until they were forced to
> use it.
Right, understand ... they had to feel the pain to know what it was like. Feel
bad for them for that night they had to spend in it. It must have been
miserable but I guess it helped them get a new one.
>> No doubt :) They only squabble when it's stuffy and too warm in the
>> living room though. Can't blame them really. It's a small room, not
>> much ventilation. The big windows are so old, I don't like opening
>> them for fear of breaking the ancient glass. There's another window
>> in there that can open but it doesn't seem to get much breeze. We've
>> got an air conditioner in there that works well, so thankfully in the
>> summer it's at least cool in there.
> That's a help; I appreciate an air conditioner if available. We have
> central AC but I also use a ceiling fan to circulate the air.
Yes, I like having the ceiling fans in the house as well.. helps a lot.
I guess it also stirs up a bit of dog hair too though (g) So I try to keep
things mopped down and vaccumed. It makes a difference.
My daughter told me that Indy doesn't bother her at all.. but when sophie
touches her she gets itchy.. Her allergies are so sensitive compared to mine
and Ron's. She was always the same way with Priscilla and Toby. For some
reason Toby's fur bothered her, and so did his 'spit' like when he gave her a
lick :)
>> > No, it's not a game with him. Partly a result of his early
>> upbringing.
>> Makes sense. Abused animals are often a trial to take care of.
> He was one that didn't meed to go to my parents--they didn't realise how
> much of a problem he would be when they took him. Their aging hasn't
> helped matters.
Understand. We figure these two are our last dogs as far as pups go. It's a
lot of upkeep you forgot about (lol) and a lot of training as well. and a LOT
of poop (g) you forgot about :) But when they greet you at the door like
you're the best thing since sliced bread you forget all about that (bg).
>> > Good--hopefully no tomato blight this year.
>> Changing the bed SHOULD help, but no guarantees. Another reason to
>> not save seeds - everything was infected last year, and I couldn't
>> even put the old plants in the compost heap :(
> IIRC, not even burning was reccommended? How did you dispose of the
> plants?
I went outside with plastic garbage bags, pulled the plants and put them in and
the put them out with the Trash :) I also scraped everything I could find
"tomatoey" out of that bed and also threw that in the bag. Hope that was
enough :) :)
>> I think they just turned a year old in May or they will be a year old
>> in June (mid june I'd guess). Have to check their papers from the
> IOW, pretty much full grown cats, even tho they still act younger at
> times.
They are really really playful still since they have a good life? :) Well
except for when the doggies are nutso. But you see them snooting the dogs all
the time so you have to wonder if they're not playing games with the dogs to
start with :)
>> dogs shows interest in it (haha).. but then, it's so hot, maybe they
>> don't feel like eating much.
> Could be, can't say as I blame them.
Yes, same here... I made some fried chicken this weekend that lasted us until
tonight... didn't have to cook..
===fried chicken===
1 cup flour
2 eggs
Several tablespoons hot sauce (I have red chili sauce I use and I dump it in
til I can see the color change (g)) 1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
salt, pepper
Mix the flour and seasonings. Beat the eggs. Cover the chicken with salt
pepper, garlic powder. Dip in the eggs then in the seasoned flour. Fry at
350F til done.. Dark meat takes longer than white meat.
>> you have to have the right tools for the connectors.. Ron has them
>> since we've been installing our own for so long.
> Steve's not done so but he reads up on it before doing it. He's done
> some work with gas lines but not in a while. Not with stoves that I can
> recall, either.
Luckily you haven't had to deal with gas lines, gas stoves, etc.
Electricity is your friend I always say... but give me a gas stovetop :)
Take care,
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