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Text 4042, 342 rader
Skriven 2008-03-20 19:09:46 av CAROL SHENKENBERGER (1:123/140)
     Kommentar till en text av JANIS KRACHT
Ärende: Dogs and food
-> >> Hehe.. I'll try to get you that pile of recipes I promised in email
soon :)
-> >> Just have to dig up the message I wrote to my NC for his doggie
recently (gr
-> > Ok!  I'll be looking!

Got'em!  Sorry, I am so far behind just now, it was easier to skip over
here to Docs for a second and catch a few criticals.

I have my 'murder board' tomorrow for JCFNO Watch Officer.  That won't mean
much but it's *big stuff*.  It's why I am behind.  Been studying my butt
off and more to go tonight, then pending how that pre-board goes, lots more
all weekend.

-> I just sent some, so hopefully you'll get them soon (grin)

Got'em!  Gonna need 'em.  You'll see why in a sec as you read down.

(on food brands and swapping)
-> with their stomachs.. I mean labs have been known to eat the bedsprings
out of
-> a bedframe and just eh.. pass it out (grin) so it's obviously not
_always_ true

Same with Cash apparently.  Short version, Pedigree wet=good, pedigree or
eukanaba dry = good.  Seriously high protein low fiber for *Cash* = bad. 
Something about stomach/digestive system being wrong.  Mentioned to us
'he's not a whippet, so never try to feed him like one or he will get very

-> > I mix a pedigree brand 13oz wet, 1/2 can each meal, with his dry
kibble. When
-> > I dont, I use a bit of stock and now (vet said olive oil just like
you!) to
-> :)

Ok, main vet trip was today.  Last one the 'opening' was because the main
fellow who deals with the dogs who have medical conditions (heart problems
etc) had something special and was out for the say, so Cash was reviewed by
a vet who is cool, but a cat and *small breed* dog (Pekes etc).  He was
able to tell us much but the main appointment was maintained.  Good thing
too as quite a bit changed from what i posted here.

Olive oil, nice but not essential in his specific case.  Coat very healthy
and she (his main vet is a she, works LARGE dogs and special medical cases,
heart patients etc).  She said in shed season, add 1 TB per meal as it will
help him pass any 'fur' he licks up.
-> > the dry.  He looked over the dashi and said 1/4 cup is fine if he
likes it.
-> > It's far lower sodium than most of the folks insist on using for
-> > broth'.
-> Yeah, would seem so :)

Female vet validates this totally.  I brought the box in with me so she
could check the label.  She was amused that a family recently moved from
Japan, would think of Dashi to wet the dry food a bit after a minor
constipation incident.  Said we have good instincts to keep it all low

-> > Oh, Cash got in early yesterday withthe vet.  Don had to walk him up
(about 2
-> > miles each way but nice weather).
-> That's a good walk :)  I envy your 70's :) :)

Real lady vet, said not to do that again just now.  Cash's heart has taken
a hit with the heart worms.  He is now pending another 'active or inactive'
test.  The first vet (and I) knew no better than to take the word of the
foster parents that he is no longer infectious.  She said 'hold your
horses, I wanna check that again'.  If he shows positive, I have to bring
in Daisy (cat) right away and i guess I'm gonna pay for Technic since they
were allowed to play last night.

Cash's heart skips some beats.  It may be a forever thing.  (We aint dumb,
we looked that up before taking him).  She revalidates, do NOT jog with
this dog.  Do not let him get too excited running around.  A few jogs in
our backyard running after a ball is ok, but not more than 5 mins and watch
his breathing.  Do not walk him to school and back just now, due to the
females in heat he has to pass by.  (too much excitement).  Under NO
circumstances let him escape to 'breed' as he'd not be up to it.

-> > Per vet, we and all others who have met him are right.  He is slightly
-> > underweight.  Not hugely.  He had not yet 'cleard out his breakfast'
-> > weighted and came in at 34 lbs.  Vet says about 3 more slowly gained 

Big change here.  They were calibrating the scale as I left (I didnt know
that).  Today, they were calling several critical folks back in.  The scale
was off big time.  The amount to gain fortunately is pretty much the same.

Keep in mind please when you read this, Cash is *not* purebred beagle but a

Cash on the calibrated scale (now tested and very accurate) is 41.5 lbs. 
His weight in November07, was 35 per the records they now have (and which I
now have a copy of).  At that stage, he was severely underweight per the
vet.  At his current stage, he still is by at least 2 lbs and once he gains
those, she will reassess to see if he needs *more*.  She said he might even
be at 'perfect health for body type' at 50lbs but suspects someplace
between 43 and 44 just now.  She has to see where the gained weight lands
on him to be able to tell.  His back hips are fine but quite thin.  The
rest of his build, she says is an amazing combination she can best relate
to english bulldog (those are taller, 15 inch or so ones).  She is familiar
with that breed just like i am, and for the reason that she is the vet who
deals with most of the local dogs (and the little breeders here across the
street).  No one can know for sure, but she wanted us that *if* she is
right, Cash will not be a long lived fellow especially if he has heart
damage, and is as closely genetic to the bulldog as she suspects.  English
bulldogs she said are 7-9 years.  Local ones seem a bit longer lived in our
area, but none are old enough to be over 6 that she treats.

Chest measures and several other things done to determine what I by eyeball
'suspected someplace' but did not mention to her, came out to be far more
telling than I expected.  No one can know for sure, but grandpa might have
been a larger breed bulldog, with pa being a larger scent hound likely and
beagle 'looks' at first glance are not accurate though nature of his
actions seem very typical to 'beagle'.  I've mentioned several times he is
a large mixed beagle of the 'muscular sort'.

Now, by second guessing, we can make some basic guesses as to why.  She
grinned when I said looks a little foxhound but only because he's so tall,
yet the build is bigger chested by far.

-> > right.  Also said, 1 cup (mixed like we are) and 1 cup at night (also 
-> > and 6 'treat doggies biscuits' (vice our 3 broke in half) is right.  

She said, keep this up, consider any low salt 'treats' in mid-day up to 1/2
cup as 'fair game' but aim to gain about 1/2 lb a month at this stage
though she wont freak if he gains a whole lb.  Bring him in every 2 weeks
just to load him on the scale. (something was wrong with it but they fixed
it and we just didnt know at that time on first weigh, nor had we asked or
we would have been told I suspect).

-> > Also vet figured out left distal leg is *faintly* shorter and almost
sure to
-> > be genetic which was one query (may not have posted here) trainer had
to have
-> > his hips checked.  Nothing wrong.  Ttainer and hubby both right
though, that
-> That's good!

Yup, and age now more solid.  She said it's not unusual for others to have
assumed he ws as much as 4.5 years old (one record said that) because his
first glance looks are 'beagle' and he's huge for the breed.  She cant be
sure, but she thinks just under 2YO.  Don was guessing nearing 3.  Teeth
pattern shows just under 2.  Her assement is 'gawky teenager', doesnt have
full fill out of muscular growth.

-> > wierd rib was probably broken and not set right and one other seems 

Concured plus lowest rib is not uncommon 'floating rib' pattern, not a

> That's really good to hear.. he almost sounds like he was in a car
-> poor guy  :(

Naw, may have been kicked hard in the ribs.  Scatter patern of scars she
says, hunting dog.  May have been kicked by a deer or something.  Human
would have left 2-3 ribs damaged, not just one.  He will need xrays so we
have the max 35$ a month plan on him. (Xrays covered).  Needs them anyway
over heart/chest issues.  She cant give us a solid plan for his long term
health without more data.

-> > Will do!  Now if work hours do not change!
-> I hope they don't so you have plenty of time with him :)

Being really senior enlisted has some definate advantages.  I *told* the
Chief who will cover for me, the dates of Cash's appointments and that i
need him those times.  Before any get upset, I also let my folks who work
for me, use the same pattern or cover for them myself.  If it's needed for
me, it is for them.  (grin, the folks who work for me like me).

-> > Oh yeah!  Try, 2 count it _2_ dogs in heat across the street?  Life
can be so
-> Oh :) :)

Yeah, we are not to take Cash in the front yard now per specialist vet.  He
hasnt been fixed.  He needs no heart strain.  Later when tests are back,
normal 'cardio' training is good but wait for tests and a developed plan.

-> > much *fun*!  Did i mention yet he cant be neutered til May?  He is
about 3?
-> > I'm actually pretty happy at how well behaved he is about it all ;-)
-> That's good :) :)  You don't want him taking off on you after women

Hehe same comment she made.  She added one we would not have known.  If
'pink boy' shows, put him in his quiet den (crate) for about 15 mins. 
Especially if he starts licking 'pink boy' ;-)  (I hope I was circumspect
enough for here!  I promise, will shift to the DOGHOUSE echo fast as i can
add it!)

(on small family breeders, just simple and well raised)

-> They're the nicest breeders usually :)

I agree in general.  I saw one as a kid, who raised Saint Bernards though
who I shudder at.  The folks across the street though?  *Well* raised, well
socialized, healthy as the breed can be, with vet records and shots and all
that.  I'm not sure what age puppies are normally 'house trained' (just I
am dumb and never looked it up) but these fellows are pretty much there by
8-10 weeks before they are adopted out.

-> > There is a hierarchy of barking!  I didnt know that!  Little yippy
dogs dont
-> I didn't know that either.. that's funny!  I wonder where my silly guys
fit in
-> around here? :) :)  I'll have to pay more attention to the howls around
me :)

My best guess on what I hear?  If all the others stop for a second to hear
the 'big cheese' then wait a slightly respectful moment then chime in, that
one they wait for is the 'alpha barker'.  When Cash does start, all else
*goes silent* tl he is done then they all chime in with some dropping back
then back in when it's their turn in the barking sequence heirarchy. 
Little yippy ones, never count. ;-)

Be at ease though, Cash is not a 'barker' nor does he disrupt the
neighborhood. It's rare when he makes his voiuce heard and all else 'pauses
in awe' then chimes in.  He has never 'bayoooed' inside or even in the back
yard though he may pause to 'listen' in both places.

(on technic the neighbor dog)

-> Oh that's great.. how long do they get to horse around?  I think that is
-> great.. I know how much fun Priscilla and Toby have haha

Sadly, not at all just now and have to make sure they are just quietly
communing later for a bit.  Cash's heart cant handle major excitement. 
Technic is sorta like a 45lb peke with short hair and on speed ;-)  We love
Technic but the only way to make him sleep instead of jumping around, is a

-> >> > So it seems to me.  You wouldnt believe the nitwits in the usenet 
-> > Oh they got worse.  I dumped the group tonight.  Emailed the only 

Horrible group, or at least horrible to me.  Terrible advice.  Get this,
the female vet said 'you happen to be cshenk'?  she reads it but will not
reply there.  Wow.  Yes, I said. She said my instincts are excellent and
they are total idiots.  She was considering making her first reply there to
the bozos as the vet who *cares* for that english bulldog pair and their
'kids'.  She tagged in the name of Cash to me <g>.  She lurks there to keep
abreast of the stupid advice her dog owners might be getting.

She was not amused at all once she saw Cash and recalled the 1/4 cup total
per feeding with 2 feedings a day and was very very glad we blew them off
right away.

Smile, so nice to have your *vet* validate you isnt it?

-> > I was suddenly responsible for every woe they had ever heard of, was 

This is why she's about to possibly post with a nome-de-plume.  Huge number
of assumptions, all dead wrong.  

Say for example, your two labs had a puppy set and ou responsibly raised
the pups then let them go to new homes.  Presume they had health checks to
make sure they were ok as a breeding pair and the pups were checked.  There
is nothing wrong with this.  Newsgroup would rip you apart.

-> >> Oh man.. just starve the dog, why don't ya... I mean, when did she
feed him
-> >> more than that?  god,  I cannot believe that one.

Yeah, well Cash is close to your labs on size though shorter <g>

> >> > day.  Oh, and it didnt matter that Cash could *eat* a rawbone in 20
-> >> > to give 2 a day.  Good lord!  

Got a special one from the vet.  Comes in packs of 30 and not a choking
hazard as the pattern they come off with, doesnt lead to that.  9$ for 30
and he loves them.  The vet treats LARGE dogs and knows what is needed
here.  (It was funny to see Cash almost able to walk under the bellys of
the others in the waiting room, bull mastiffs and a absolutely *beautiful*
Irish Wolfhound, as well as many rotts and such and a few cowed looking
shepards among the 'big boys').  Anyways, you still supervise with these,
but that's a legal 'thing'.

-> Lol.. what a trip.. yes, I am glad you left that group in the dust where
-> belong :) :)

Hehe Vet said it was the worst possible one to use of all of them.

-> > Grr.  Well, nuff said.  We all gotta rant sometimes <g>

Sorry.  We all gotta now and again!

-> > I wish Fido still had a pet echo.  I'd me all over it just now.
-> We do have DOGHOUSE :)  C'mon over.. I post there sometimes :) There are
a few
-> of us addicts there :)  All we need now is meow echo haha  I'd start
one.. :)

Expect a new member real soon!  Warn'em to expect me and i plan to use the
one for cats and dogs, living in sin together <g>.

(ON Cash and Daisy)

> Totally relaxed I guess :) :)

-> > Saw her use him as a stepping stool to get all the way down.  I
suspect he
-> > knows his place <g>.  Cats rule, dogs drool.
-> Lol, that's it exactly :)

Yeah well as of 5 mins ago, she figured out he was feeling a bit low
(several shots, kinda like you and me feel after a flu shot for the next
day). He's laying on the sofa snoozilating. (between awake and snoozing).
She's watching over him from above and purring.  She used him as a step
stool to get up there with a gentle purr brief 'nuzzle' (got a lazy lick)
and now is watching.

Life is real good here <g>.

Oh darn!  Did we mention food?  (scanned up, yeah!).  Hope we arent boring
anyone and i'll shift the main stuff to 'Doghouse' shortly now that I know
about 'em!

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