Text 13653, 166 rader
Skriven 2014-05-27 06:30:00 av Dave Drum (76682.cooking)
Kommentar till text 13635 av Ruth Haffly (1:396/45.28)
Ärende: News(?)paper
-=> Ruth Haffly wrote to Dave Drum <=-
DD> the editor sees when standing on Wednesday looking both ways for
DD> Sunday - which is pretty much all there is to do in small town America
DD> these days.
RH> Births, deaths, and so forth. The paper I grew up with had been going
RH> so long that it ran a 10-20-50 years ago column. Overall, tho, very
RH> little editorialising except when big issues came up.
DD> In my grandparents' town there were two weeklies - the Macoupin County
DD> Enquirer and the Carlinville Democrat. Oddly the Enquirer was the
DD> Democratic party leaning paper and the Democrat favoured mostly
DD> Republican and right-wing positions. AFAIK
RH> Probably a bigger town than the one I grew up in. Average census was
RH> (and is still) around 800 people. At one time it supposted 3 grocery
RH> stores--2 chain and one private. Now it's down to one chain and a
RH> conveience store connected to a gas station. The Dollar General carries
RH> a few more groceries than the average DG, thanks to the flooding from
RH> Hurricane Irene. The chain store was flooded and took about 10 months
RH> to reopen so DG added a cooler for milk & eggs, also started carrying
RH> bread.
Carlinville is the county seat, has a small (but well regarded) college and is
still less than 5K population.
Dollar General and Family Dollar are making China-Mart squeal in the
pocketbook. They are in any town over 1500 and a lot of less than that size.
One can park close to the door of the store, run in, get what is needed, check
out and be on the way back home in the time it would take to trudge to the
entrance of Wally World.
DD> A quick trip to Saint Google tells me that the name of the only paper
DD> in Carlinville is the Macoupin County Enquirer-Democrat. It's located
DD> at the original editorial offices of the Enquirer ... so, I am going
DD> to assume that the Enquirer took over the Democrat (and, yes, I know
DD> about assuming). The title-piece (often mis-called the masthead) brags
DD> "Since 1852".
DD> http://enquirerdemocrat.com/
RH> How often do you check it out? I sometimes see the local papers when
RH> we're at my folks but didn't this last time. Didn't really have the
RH> time to look.
Not often. Most of the people I knew in Carlinville have moved elsewhere or
fallen off their twig.
DD> I read the occasional local news item on out on-line edition of the
DD> local bird-cage liner. But, it's painfully hard to get to what one is
DD> looking for. Much harder than opening a physical paper and flipping
DD> through the pages, scanning for items of interest. Wednesday and
RH> It's easier to pick up and put down a paper copy when you're juggling
RH> loads of laundry between washer and dryer, cooking/clean up from a
RH> meal, etc. Sometimes if I don't get the morning paper read until
RH> evening, I tell Steve I want to get it read before it turns into
RH> yesterday's news.
DD> The Macoupin County weekly paper has a *much* more attractive web site
DD> than my metro-area daily the, State Journal-Register.
RH> I've not checked out the NandO site; I think Steve has. I'd rather read
RH> the paper than the computer paper.
I only get to Carlinville on those occasions when I visit the family cemetery
and my grandparents and parents final resting places.
DD> Sunday papers have the bulk of the grocery adverts - and other than
RH> We get them on Wednesday here. Kroger used to do theirs on Sunday but a
RH> while back, fell in line with the other stores. They only do a back of
RH> a section ad whereas Harris Teeter, Lowe's, Food Lion and Aldi's do a
RH> separate flyer.
DD> I am waiting to see where (Wednesday or Sunday) that the new Hy-Vee
DD> flyers get published. The one for their We're Open! Ain't We Great?
DD> was in a Sunday paper. Humphrey's (an important market to me) has a
DD> weekly quarter-page and Meijer has their flyer insert in the Sunday
DD> editions. Also China-Mart, K-Mart, Target, etc. County Market/Cub
DD> Foods, Shop & Save, Schnuk's, ALDI, etc. all put their flyers in the
DD> Wednesday edition. I wish we had a Kroger again. What we have is Ruler
DD> Foods (a Kroger brand) that is a poor imitation of Sav-A-Lot and would
DD> like to be compared to ALDI. As if. Bv)=
RH> We get Aldi's, Harris Teeter, Lowe's and Food Lion on Wednesdays, the
RH> others on Sundays. Aldi's built their store within eye shot of W-M and
RH> for a while, took a lot of their business. I think that's slacked off
RH> now since folks can't do the one store for everything at Aldi's.
That's the new business model for ALDI - apparently their bean counters think
it's working for them. Me, I'd rather they left the stores closer to the centre
city. Especially as I don't shop China-Mart on principle.
DD> thru Sunday "trial" subscription. WOW! Talk about a full-court press
DD> to get me to re-subscribe. Snail mail, e-mail, phone calls, etc. They
DD> simply won't accept my SCROOM! attitude over their rag.
RH> We canceled Sirius recently and they've started coming at us to renew.
RH> I'm going to drop "Cooking Light" when it expires in a few months; I
RH> know I'll get innindated by offers to renew. It has some interesting
RH> recipes but a most of them are not low carb. Lower calorie is even
RH> debatable, low carb is more of a joke.
DD> You're not the only one they publish the rag for, though. Both my
DD> satellite radios are XM (same company). I can't see myself cancelling
DD> anytime soon. Even though the parent company does raw crap like
DD> preempting the Savoy Express (40s on 4) to turn it into the Billy Joel
DD> channel for 4 months. When I emailed them to complain I asked them not
DD> to try to "spin" me if they bothered to reply. So, guess what I got in
DD> reply?
RH> We got tired of most of their advertising. Not the kind of stuff we
RH> like to hear about. Did appreciate the traffic reports and that we
RH> could listen to a show like Sean Hannity without having to change
RH> stations as we moved out of range on one station/into another's range.
There is a knob, dial or push button to change the channel. I'd not listen to
extremist talk radio if you held a gun to my head. I *do* listen a lot to the
Old Time Radio (channel 82) but when they start flogging male enhancement,
special pillows, etc. I trigger over to 40s on 4 or Real Jazz (67) or Symphony
Hall (76).
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Beef Stroganoff - ALDI
Categories: Beef, Mushrooms, Dairy
Yield: 4 Servings
1/4 lb Mushrooms
1 md Onion; sliced thin
1 lb Rump steak; thin strips
1/4 c Sweet cream butter; salted
1 ts Dijon mustard
2/3 c Sour cream
1 ts (ea) salt & black pepper
Clean mushrooms and slice. Cut the ends off the onion and
peel it; slice into thin pieces. Cut steak into narrow
strips and sprinkle with salt and pepper (use more or less
salt/pepper if desired).
Melt butter in a pan and fry onions over medium-low heat
until soft. Add the sliced mushrooms and stir in the
mustard. Add the steak and cook for about five minutes
or until both sides are brown. Turn down the heat and add
the sour cream.
Cook at a very low temperature for another two minutes or
so. Serve with hot egg noodles or boiled rice.
Makes 4 servings
Submitted to ALDI by Tina W. of Clinton, MI
From: http://www.aldimeals.com
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
... Why do people say they slept like a baby when babies wake up every 2 hours
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