Text 1681, 537 rader
Skriven 2005-04-23 10:18:22 av HTick (2:236/150)
Ärende: New file arrived on www.kofobbs.dk
>Area : AVDAT : AV: Anti-Virus Signature updates
dat4nai.zip 5289049 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates,
Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
(4473) 04/20/2005
def3fp.zip 2510832 Anti-Virus Definition Updates for F-Prot,
F-Secure & FSAV v4.03 or greater. Latest
Signature and Macro Defs from Frisk.
from ftp://ftp.f-prot.com/pub/
7799881 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : BFDS : BFDS: DOS Batch File Utillities and DOS
tsbat81.zip 252858 A large collection of useful batch files
and batch programming tricks from Prof.
Timo Salmi http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/
For MS-DOS 6.22 and /Win3.1x/95/98/ME
with the COMMAND.COM interpreter.
tscmd26.zip 116469 Command Line Interface (CLI) script
programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi
For NT/2000/XP with the CMD.EXE
interpreter. http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/
369327 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
nodediff.l12 6582 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file l12
6582 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
nodediff.z12 6661 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file z12
6661 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : DK-POINT : Dansk Pointliste for Region 23.
dk-point.lzh 19376 Den Danske Pointliste for Region 23 i FidoNet.
DK-POINT.INF, indeholdt i DK
19376 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : DKP-DIFF : Dansk PoitListe for Region 23
dkp-diff.l12 643 Den Danske Pointliste for Region 23 i FidoNet
(diff-fil). DK-POINT.INF inde
643 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
kofolist.zip 3756887 The Daily Kofo BBs full Files Listning
Done by the kofobbs.org ->
kofolist.zip 3756903 The Daily Kofo BBs full Files Listning
Done by the kofobbs.org ->
kofolist.zip 3757085 The Daily Kofo BBs full Files Listning
Done by the kofobbs.org ->
11270875 bytes in 3 file(s)
>Area : FILM_PIC : FP: Miscellanous & Various film pic from around the world
SINCITY2.R10 1048576 Sin City (trailer 2) (12/25)
SINCITY2.R11 1048576 Sin City (trailer 2) (13/25)
2097152 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : GFD.APP.FILE : GFD APP: File- and Disk-Manager
DFSEE7XD.ZIP 911904 DFSee 7.01. DOS version on a bootable diskette using
FreeDOS. DFSee 7.01 F
DFSEE7XI.ZIP 12066262 DFSee 7.02 FDISK, display & analysis. DOS32, OS2,
Win-NT and Linux version
REEN_WPI.ZIP 180670 Rename Enhancer Version 0.6.8. Batch renaming a group
of files. Copyright
13158836 bytes in 3 file(s)
>Area : GFD.APP.GAME : GFD APP: Games -->>
LUOLA127.ZIP 4943248 Luola version 1.2.7. Luola is a simple yet addictive
arcade game where you
4943248 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : GFD.APP.JAVA : GFD OS/2 APP: Java-Applikationen
PANOPLYJ.ZIP 2470411 Panoply version 1.5.1. Panoply is a Java application
which enables the use
2470411 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : GFD.APP.MMPM : GFD APP: Mult-Media-Applikationen
FFPLAY.ZIP 1146162 ffplay version 0.4.9-pre1, Copyright (c) 2003 Fabrice
Bellard. ffplay is a
WAWE_077.ZIP 1407659 The Warped Wave Editor v0.77. The Warped Wave Editor
v0.77 is an audio fil
2553821 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : GFD.NET.MISC : GFD NET: Alles andere in dieser
SSES-042.ZIP 603935 Security/2 Version 0.4.2 (c) 2001-2005 by nickk.
Security/2 is a multi-use
603935 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : GFD.SYS.DISP : GFD SYS: Display device drivers
SNAPN303.ZIP 597681 SciTech SNAP Graphics 3.0.3 (build 471) for OS/2
Professional Edition. Cop
597681 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
i-argus.z12 17566 Argus TCP/IP auxiliary nodes file: 2005-04-22
Generated at 3:712/848 from NODELIST.112
17566 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
justalst.112 24852 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
justalst.112 24852 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
Justalst.z12 8376 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
58080 bytes in 3 file(s)
>Area : JUSTANET : JustaXnet: Admin
jn_info.zip 70409 JustaXnet Info V2.10
The file with all information
you need for being a JustaXnet node.
justanet.zip 70368 Latest JustaXnet Application Package
140777 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : KOFO14 : Daily 14 days New files listning at 2:236/150
kofo-14.zip 42702 The daily last 14 days newfiles on KofoBBS.
Created by The kofobbs.org found on
kofo-14.zip 42190 The daily last 14 days newfiles on KofoBBS.
Created by The kofobbs.org found on
84892 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : KOFO7 : Daily 7 days newfiles listning at 2:236/150
kofo-7.zip 30788 The daily last 7 days new files on KofoBBS
Up we go and here it is :-)
Created by the day of Kofobbs.org
30788 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
ln_diff.z12 2124 This Weekly Linuxnet diff file
2124 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
linuxnet.z12 7756 Weekly LinuxNet Nodelist file
7756 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
ap050421.zip 144781 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
newsatle.zip 91223 New Satellite Orbital Data Two-Line Elements
(TLE's) from NORAD. Over 1,980 satellites
including GOES, COSMOS, HST (Hubble Space
Space Station), and many more. Compatible
with STS-Orbit Plus software package.
* TLE Text Data current as of Today *
236004 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : NEWS : Daily 30 days Newfiles Listning at 2:236/150
kofonews.zip 48921 The Daily KofoBBS new filelist - 30 days.
You want it and we have it :-)
Done by the kofobbs.org found on
48921 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : NGPOD : NASA: National Geopraphic Pictures of the Day
ng050420.zip 187504 National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
187504 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : NODEDIFF : Fido ADM: Current Fidonet WW Nodediff in ARC format
NODEDIFF.Z12 5557 Fidonet NODEDIFF day-112 ZIP
5557 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
nodelist.z12 267137 FidoNet nodelist for day 112
267137 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : OS2-DIFF : OS2net: NodeDiff, NodeList
os2list.z12 15704 OS2NET nodelist for day number 112
15704 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : OSEINOAA : NASA: Weather Maps
oi050421.jpg 113852 (700x560x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the Day
oi050422.jpg 110846 (700x560x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the Day
224698 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : PASNDIFF : PAS Pascal-Net DIFF-files
Pasndiff.z12 437 The weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff file
437 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : PASNLIST : PAS Pascal-Net Nodelists
Pasnlist.z12 8008 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist file
By Pacalnet.org of Gert Koefoed Andersen.
8008 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : PASPOINT : PAS Pascal-Net Pointlist
Paspoint.z12 1895 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
By Pascalnet.org of Gert Koefoed Andersen.
1895 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : RELAYNET : RelayNet(tm) Nodelist Distribution
Rime.z12 4773 Weekly RelayNet(tm) Nodelist
4773 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : STARLIST : StarNet nodelist files
starnet.z12 654 Weekly StarNet Nodelist file
654 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
Stnlist.z12 10055 This Weekly STNnet Nodelist5
10055 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
stn42205.zip 49222 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (04/22/05)
STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
39 echos ranging from mailers to
tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
software support, modems, operating
systems, and more! With a growing base
of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
and otherwise informed people, we can
ensure the very best in sysop support.
Who else can give that guarantee? With
over 305 nodes, the discussions and
support are amazing. STN is one of the
the fastest growing FTN networks around!
Fully transportable via the internet,
utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net
stn42305.zip 49281 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (04/23/05)
STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
39 echos ranging from mailers to
tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
software support, modems, operating
systems, and more! With a growing base
of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
and otherwise informed people, we can
ensure the very best in sysop support.
Who else can give that guarantee? With
over 305 nodes, the discussions and
support are amazing. STN is one of the
the fastest growing FTN networks around!
Fully transportable via the internet,
utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net
stninfo.zip 18133 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack
Updated on 04/22/2005
Sysop's TechNet is a network for the
sysops by the sysops. If you need help
with your BBS or have an idea to make
BBSing better and brighter, this is the
network to make it happen. We are now
looking for more nodes/hubs/hosts to
continue our growth.
stninfo.zip 18107 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack
Updated on 04/22/2005
Sysop's TechNet is a network for the
sysops by the sysops. If you need help
with your BBS or have an idea to make
BBSing better and brighter, this is the
network to make it happen. We are now
looking for more nodes/hubs/hosts to
continue our growth.
stnl0423.zip 49281 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (04/23/05)
STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
39 echos ranging from mailers to
tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
software support, modems, operating
systems, and more! With a growing base
of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
and otherwise informed people, we can
ensure the very best in sysop support.
Who else can give that guarantee? With
over 305 nodes, the discussions and
support are amazing. STN is one of the
the fastest growing FTN networks around!
Fully transportable via the internet,
utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net
184024 bytes in 5 file(s)
>Area : VIR_AVP : VirNet: AVP AntiVirus Updates and Shareware
DAILY.ZIP 434599 AVP 3.0 Daily Update for DOS, Win 3.xx,
Win9x, NT, OS/2, Novell and Linux
DAILY.ZIP 484335 AVP 3.0 Daily Update for DOS, Win 3.xx,
Win9x, NT, OS/2, Novell and Linux
918934 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : VIR_HBED : VirNet: HBED AntiVirus updates and Shareware
ANTIVIR.VDF 3039744 H-BEDV AntiVir Virus Database File
3039744 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : VIR_NAI : Latest AntiVirus Signtures files from NAI
dat-4474.tar 6205440 -- description missing --
dat-4474.zip 5314762 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates,
Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
(4474) 04/21/2005
dat-4475.tar 6215680 -- description missing --
dat-4475.zip 5322084 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates,
Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
(4475) 04/22/2005
23057966 bytes in 4 file(s)
>Area : VIR_NAV : Norton AntiVirus Signature updates
0421i32.zip 7563447 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 04.21.2005
Creation Day 04.21.2005
Release Day 04.21.2005
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0421i321.zip 957217 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 04.21.2005
Creation Day 04.21.2005
Release Day 04.21.2005
Disc 1 of 6.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0421i322.zip 1356201 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 04.21.2005
Creation Day 04.21.2005
Release Day 04.21.2005
Disc 2 of 6.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0421i323.zip 1273871 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 04.21.2005
Creation Day 04.21.2005
Release Day 04.21.2005
Disc 3 of 6.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0421i324.zip 1268925 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 04.21.2005
Creation Day 04.21.2005
Release Day 04.21.2005
Disk 4 of 6.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0421i325.zip 1330353 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 04.21.2005
Creation Day 04.21.2005
Release Day 04.21.2005
disk 5 of 6.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0421i326.zip 1364545 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 04.21.2005
Creation Day 04.21.2005
Release Day 04.21.2005
disk 6 of 6.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0421x86.zip 10483908 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 16-bit 386
Virus Definations Day 04.21.2005
Creation Day 04.21.2005
Release Day 04.21.2005
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0422i32.zip 7579233 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 04.22.2005
Creation Day 04.22.2005
Release Day 04.22.2005
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0422i321.zip 956375 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 04.22.2005
Creation Day 04.22.2005
Release Day 04.22.2005
Disc 1 of 6.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0422i322.zip 1356964 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 04.22.2005
Creation Day 04.22.2005
Release Day 04.22.2005
Disc 2 of 6.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0422i323.zip 1275911 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 04.22.2005
Creation Day 04.22.2005
Release Day 04.22.2005
Disc 3 of 6.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0422i324.zip 1269278 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 04.22.2005
Creation Day 04.22.2005
Release Day 04.22.2005
Disk 4 of 6.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0422i325.zip 1332648 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 04.22.2005
Creation Day 04.22.2005
Release Day 04.22.2005
disk 5 of 6.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0422i326.zip 1375579 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 32-bit
Virus Definations Day 04.22.2005
Creation Day 04.22.2005
Release Day 04.22.2005
disk 6 of 6.
(tm) Symantec Corp.
0422x86.zip 10500786 Norton AntiVirus Daily Smart Updatet 16-bit 386
Virus Definations Day 04.22.2005
Creation Day 04.22.2005
Release Day 04.22.2005
(tm) Symantec Corp.
51245241 bytes in 16 file(s)
>Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
VIRNODES.A12 29180 VirNet Nodelist Day #112
29180 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
VIR_DIFF.A12 458 VirNet Nodediff Day #112
458 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : XPNTZ2SEGS : Backbone: Zone 2 Points list
r23pnt.z12 5058 Point list from Denmark (R23). For information contact
2:237/10 aka kaare@n
5058 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : Z2-LIST : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Z2-LIST
Z2-LIST.Z12 235560 Weekly Zone 2 Nodelist
235560 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
ZYX_LIST.A12 13737 ZyxelNet Nodelist Day #112
ZYX_LIST.A12 13737 ZyxelNet Nodelist Day #112
ZYX_LIST.A12 13737 ZyxelNet Nodelist Day #112
41211 bytes in 3 file(s)
>Total 126009135 bytes in 83 file(s)
--- **==>> Htick v1.4.0/Hpt v1.4.0/Snapi v2.4.0/GoldEDW32+
* Origin: ** The KOFO BBS * http://www.kofobbs.dk ** (2:236/150)