Text 4303, 307 rader
Skriven 2006-07-18 21:11:34 av HTick (2:236/150)
Ärende: New file arrived on www.kofobbs.dk
>Area : GFD.APP.EDIT : GFD APP: Editors of all kinds (Text,
FTE_HTML.ZIP 50183 Updated FTE config tree for HTML edition. Fixes
several mistakes in the original one from 2001, menus
are organized more logically and includes support for
common modern HTML constructions (Flash, CSS, CC...).
NLV-ready, Spanish support is included. Author Alfredo
Fernandez Diaz
50183 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : GFD.APP.FILE : GFD APP: File- and Disk-Manager
PHTREC64.ZIP 705410
705410 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : GFD.APP.MISC : GFD APP: All other stuff than those
XEPHEM35.ZIP 6680244 XEphem, Version 3.5. Astronomy for UNIX. Includes
support for the Meade LX200 robotic telescope. XEphem
\eks-i-'fem\ n. [X Windows ephemeris] (1990) : The
accurate and reliable interactive astronomy software
tool for all UNIX-like systems including Linux,
FreeBSD and Solaris. OS/2 port. Additional
requirements: emx 0.9d, XFree86/OS2, LessTif, pgcc
library gcc2952m.dll.
6680244 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : GFD.NET.MISC : GFD NET: Alles andere in dieser
STUNN415.ZIP 507656 stunnel 4.15. The stunnel program is designed to work
as an SSL encryption wrapper between remote client and
local (inetd-startable) or remote server. It can be
used to add SSL functionality to commonly used inetd
daemons like POP2, POP3, and IMAP servers without any
changes in the programs' code. Stunnel uses OpenSSL or
SSLeay libraries for cryptography, so it supports
whatever cryptographic algorithms you compiled into
your library.
507656 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : GFD.NET.TCP : GFD NET: TCP/IP For OS/2 2.x
CARAVNPM.ZIP 377655 Caravan v3.23/03D for OS/2 PM. Copyright (c) 1999,
2000, 2001, 2002 Niti Telecom Consultanc. All rights
are reserved. Built in web, ftp and smtp servers.
Support for XML. Built in Data Base Management System.
Runs compiled server side script embedded in html
documents. Built in Search Engine integrated with data
base. Support scheduling, events and queueing. Object
Oriented Communications Management of users and
privileges. Text and file processing. Available for
OS/2/NT/2000/98/LINUX. Free download for use on OS/2
WARP. Now easy to install and setup through gui.
377655 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : LORDFILE : CAM: Program releases for classic LORd.
doofed11.zip 72272 DoofEdit Player Database Editor v1.10
-- DOS LORD utility By Donald Tidmore.
-- For use with Doofus the Gnome v2.00
** The DoofEdit utility was officially
released on 02/26/2006 as v1.00; and on
07/17/2006, as version 1.10. **
v1.10: Fixes editor so that cursor does
not re-appear on-screen after values are
changed using a dialog box. The editor
now allows 0-32,000 values in the Gems
Stolen, and Kids Lost fields. The data
range for Adoptions is now 0-10,000.
This is a player database editor utility
which has New Day for Player, and Search
for Player options. It is based upon my
Chasware LORD Player Editor - LPEdit.
DOOFEDIT and the Doofus the Gnome IGM
are tested under DOS LORD v4.07, which
was released on 06/07/2006.
- Email: ktidmore@bellsouth.net,
donald.tidmore@usa.net OR
Fidonet: Donald Tidmore 1:123/450
- WWW:
gnome20.zip 201559 Doofus the Gnome v2.00 LORD IGM
** Released IGM and DoofEdit v1.10
officially on July 17th, 2006. **
** By Donald Tidmore
** For DOS LORD usage only.
* Includes DOOFEDIT Player Editor v1.10.
Officially released on July 17th, 2006.
DoofEdit was created in August 2005 as
an IGM Player Database Editor. It is
used to edit edit database records, and
has New Day for Player, and Search for
Player options.
This is an IGM version of Gordon
Lewicky's GNOME.LDY LORD LADY Script.
It is dedicated in memory of Gordon who
died in Canada in early July 2005.
Trade 1 Gem for 3 potions. You can get
Max HitPoints, Strength points, Defense
Points, or Charm Points. You can make
multiple trades such as trading 300
Gems to buy 900 Charm points.
Access to the IGM costs one Gem. Each
access to Special Deals costs 5 Gems.
Players can trade Gems for a Horse, or
for Fairy, or for Orphan Children.
IGM allows up to 10 visits per day.
Payment of extra gems for Fairy may
yield some Defense points. Payment of
extra gems for Horse may yield some new
Forest Fights.
Special Deals prices are: 15 Gems for
Horse, 25 Gems for Fairy, and 40 Gems
for each Orphan Child wanted.
** IGM resets most numeric LORD stats at
IGM entry/exit if they are over-range.
If any are negative, they are fixed. The
user can run the Repair Stats manually
from the IGM's Main Menu.
Adoptions are allowed until player has
12,000+ Kids. IGM allows up to 10,000
Adoptions per day - sysop configurable.
You can get up to 700 kids per trade.
Grizelda is allowed to steal kids ONE
time per day. Max Kids theft is 15
percent of player's Kids. She shows up
if someone tries to adopt, when they have
12,000+ Kids.
Players are not allowed to trade Gems
for Potions if the requested LORD stat
is 32,000+ points. Covers Max Hitpoints,
Strength, Defense, Charm Points. Also
applies to Defense Points and Forest
Fights obtained for Extra Gems paid
during a Gems Trade.
If player gives Extra Gems to Doofus for
Horse, Fairy, or in multiple Adoptions
session, there is a 50% chance that he
will give you some potions for them. If
he's grouchy, he TAKES the Extra Gems
and player gets nothing in return.
Horse Bite event. Charm loss is 5%,
limited to max of 300 points, when you
try to buy a Horse, and you HAVE one.
Minimal Charm loss is 20 points, unless
player has less than 20 Charm.
Fairy Bolt event. HitPoints loss is
always 75% when you try to buy a Fairy,
and you HAVE one. In either case, DUMB
actions like those send the player back
to LORD immediately.
Doofus the Gnome IGM and DoofEdit are
tested under DOS LORD v4.07, which
was released on 06/07/2006.
IGM support is offered only for DOS LORD
versions 3.55 through 4.07. This IGM
can NOT be used with 32-bit LORD betas.
- Email: ktidmore@bellsouth.net,
donald.tidmore@usa.net OR
Fidonet: Donald Tidmore 1:123/450
- WWW:
273831 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
ap060717.zip 662274 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
662274 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : NGPOD : NASA: National Geopraphic Pictures of the Day
ng060714.zip 151048 National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
151048 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : OSEINOAA : NASA: Weather Maps
oi060717.jpg 177952 (725x580x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the Day
oi060718.jpg 150800 (725x580x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the Day
328752 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : VIR_FP : VirNet: F-Prot AntiVirus updates and shareware
FP-DEF.ZIP 4316260 Signaturdateien SIGN.DEF und SIGN2.DEF
fuer F-PROT, F-STOPW und FSAV.
Signaturen vom 17.7.2006 12:52 Uhr
Signaturen vom 17.7.2006 12:52 Uhr
4572467 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : VIR_HBED : VirNet: HBED AntiVirus updates and Shareware
IVDF9X.ZIP 9666758 VDF-Dateien fuer AVIRA AntiVir 7 (W9x)
Im Archiv sind folgende Dateien enthalten:
antivir0.vdf 28.06.2006
antivir1.vdf 17.07.2006
antivir2.vdf 17.07.2006
antivir3.vdf 17.07.2006
avewin32.dll 06.07.2006
avguard.vxd 06.07.2006
avpack32.dll 15.05.2006
avrep.dll 17.07.2006
IVDFXP.ZIP 9181269 VDF-Dateien fuer AVIRA AntiVir 7 (W2k/XP)
Im Archiv sind folgende Dateien enthalten:
antivir0.vdf 28.06.2006
antivir1.vdf 17.07.2006
antivir2.vdf 17.07.2006
antivir3.vdf 17.07.2006
avewin32.dll 06.07.2006
avpack32.dll 15.05.2006
avrep.dll 17.07.2006
18848027 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : VIR_MCAF : VirNet: McAfee Virus Updates and files
48074808.UPD 247484 Virus Defination Data Files by Network
Asscociates, Inc.
Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
Updated from 4807 to 4808
DAT-4808.ZIP 7983950 Virus Definition Data Files by Network
Associates, Inc.
Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
(4808) 07/17/2006
8231434 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Total 41388981 bytes in 17 file(s)
* Origin: ** The KOFO BBS * http://www.kofobbs.dk ** (2:236/150)