Text 5486, 410 rader
Skriven 2007-03-01 16:15:02 av HTick (2:236/150)
Ärende: New file arrived on www.kofobbs.dk
>Area : ADVECHO : AdventureNet Echomail List Updates & Info Files
ADVECHO.LST 39064 AdventureNet Full Echo file list
ADVECHO.NA 3977 AdventureNet Echomail list file
43041 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : ADVFILE : AdventureNet Filebone Echo Updates & Info Files
ADVFILE.FA 5472 AdventureNet File na list file
ADVNET.FBB 12321 AdventureNet File echo description list
17793 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : AVNAV : AV: Norton Anti-Virus
DAT6NAV.ZIP 11196705 Norton Anti-Virus Signature Definitions
Update for NAVC/NAVDX Command-line Scanner:
VIRSCAN?.DATs, VIRSCAN.INF plus Text files.
for manual updates. {Note File ZDONE.DAT
must be copied LAST : for OS/2 Warp Use
\INCOMING for Windows platforms.
11196705 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
ALLFILES.TXT 6593775 The KofoBBS all files listning
ALLFILES.TXT 6534069 The KofoBBS all files listning
ALLFILES.ZIP 911341 The KOFO BBS All files listning (ZIP)
ALLFILES.ZIP 898396 The KOFO BBS All files listning (ZIP)
KOFOBBS.ZIP 911339 The KOFO BBS All files listning (ZIP)
KOFOBBS.ZIP 898394 The KOFO BBS All files listning (ZIP)
KOFOLIST.TXT 6593775 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
KOFOLIST.TXT 6534069 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
KOFOLIST.ZIP 911341 The KOFO BBS All files listning (ZIP)
KOFOLIST.ZIP 898396 The KOFO BBS All files listning (ZIP)
KOFONEWS.TXT 202738 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
KOFONEWS.TXT 136249 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
KOFONEWS.ZIP 34854 The KofoBBS 30 day new file listning (ZIP'ed)
KOFONEWS.ZIP 20427 The KofoBBS 30 day new file listning (ZIP'ed)
32079163 bytes in 14 file(s)
>Area : GFD.APP.DB : GFD APP: Databank-Programs, Tools
PHPMA210.ZIP 4373018 phpMyAdmin version 2.10.0. phpMyAdmin is a web-based
utility to manage MySQL databases, and is available in
50 languages. phpMyAdmin can manage a whole MySQL
server (needs a super-user) as well as a single
database. To accomplish the latter you'll need a
properly set up MySQL user who can read/write only the
desired database. Requirements: PHP3, PHP4 or PHP5,
MySQL 3.21 or newer, a web-browser (doh!).
4373018 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : GFD.APP.MISC : GFD APP: All other stuff than those
DOSBXF40.ZIP 2864561 Dosbox frontend version 3.5 for DosBox 0.66. Modified
to be compatable with DosBox version 0.66(RC1). The
main purpose of this program is to generate a rexx
(cmd) file that starts dosbox with certain settings
and runs a game / program, then create a desktop icon
for it. Author Chris Roossien. Additional
requirements: DOSBox.
2864561 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : GFD.NET.MISC : GFD NET: Alles andere in dieser
SAMB3024.ZIP 10100777 OS/2 & eComStation port of Samba Server v3.0.24. Samba
is an Open Source/Free Software suite that has, since
1992, provided file and print services to all manner
of SMB/CIFS clients, including the numerous versions
of Microsoft Windows operating systems. Samba is
freely available under the GNU General Public License.
(Note that print support is currently unavailable).
This is based partly on the Netlabs port of v3.0.9 of
the Samba Server, however currently does NOT require
10100777 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : GFD.NET.WWW : GFD OS/2 NET: HTTP-Server, Browser and Tools
FRFX2002.ZIP 10127610 Firefox version Copyright (c) 1998-2007
Contributors. All rights reserved. Firefox and Firefox
logos are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.
Mozilla/5.0 (OS/2; U; Warp 4.5; en-US; rv:
Gecko/20070227 Firefox/ Firefox is an award
winning preview of next generation browsing technology
from mozilla.org. Firefox empowers you to accomplish
your online activities faster, more safely and
efficiently than any other browser, period. Built with
Tab browsing, popup blocking and a number of other
seamless innovations, Firefox stands out ahead.
10127610 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : JUSTANET : JustaXnet: Admin
Jn_0207.zip 81612 JustaXnet Info V2.38
The file with all information
you need for being a JustaXnet node.
Jn_0307.zip 72831 JustaXnet Info V2.39
The file with all information
you need for being a JustaXnet node.
Jn_info.zip 72831 JustaXnet Info V2.39
The file with all information
you need for being a JustaXnet node.
Jn_info.zip 72831 JustaXnet Info V2.39
The file with all information
you need for being a JustaXnet node.
justanet.na 1376 JustaXnet Echomail file
Justanet.zip 72831 JustaXnet Info V2.39
The file with all information
you need for being a JustaXnet node.
Justanet.zip 72831 JustaXnet Info V2.39
The file with all information
you need for being a JustaXnet node.
447143 bytes in 7 file(s)
>Area : LINUXNET.INFO : (LN) Linuxnet Info & Text files
lin0207.zip 14227 LinuxNet INF0 FILE v8.8
If you ever felt you want to work
with Linux OS systems of all kinds
as there is, and there is many of
kinds, then join this worldwide
All you want to know about Linuxnet
is in this archive include a
lin0307.zip 14215 LinuxNet INF0 FILE v8.9
If you ever felt you want to work
with Linux OS systems of all kinds
as there is, and there is many of
kinds, then join this worldwide
All you want to know about Linuxnet
is in this archive include a
lin_info.zip 14215 LinuxNet INF0 FILE v8.9
If you ever felt you want to work
with Linux OS systems of all kinds
as there is, and there is many of
kinds, then join this worldwide
All you want to know about Linuxnet
is in this archive include a
lin_info.zip 14215 LinuxNet INF0 FILE v8.9
If you ever felt you want to work
with Linux OS systems of all kinds
as there is, and there is many of
kinds, then join this worldwide
All you want to know about Linuxnet
is in this archive include a
LINUXNET.FA 1070 Linuxnet file ech list in fa file
Linuxnet.na 2488 Linuxnet echomail list in na file
ln010207.zip 14227 LinuxNet INF0 FILE v8.8
If you ever felt you want to work
with Linux OS systems of all kinds
as there is, and there is many of
kinds, then join this worldwide
All you want to know about Linuxnet
is in this archive include a
ln010307.zip 14215 LinuxNet INF0 FILE v8.9
If you ever felt you want to work
with Linux OS systems of all kinds
as there is, and there is many of
kinds, then join this worldwide
All you want to know about Linuxnet
is in this archive include a
88872 bytes in 8 file(s)
>Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
AP070228.ZIP 742532 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
742532 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : NEWS : Daily 30 days Newfiles Listning at 2:236/150
NEWFILES.TXT 202738 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
NEWFILES.TXT 136249 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
NEWFILES.ZIP 34854 The KofoBBS 30 day new file listning (ZIP'ed)
NEWFILES.ZIP 20427 The KofoBBS 30 day new file listning (ZIP'ed)
394268 bytes in 4 file(s)
>Area : NGPOD : NASA: National Geopraphic Pictures of the Day
NG070225.ZIP 187155 National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
187155 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : OSEINOAA : NASA: Weather Maps
oi070228.jpg 109292 (725x580x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the Day
109292 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : PASINFO : PAS The latest PAscal-Net Info stuff like infos and .na + .fa
p010207.zip 81249 PASCAL-NET INFO FILE v13.0
If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
about programming in either Pascal or
Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
Included in this archive is all you need
to know about Pascal-Net, including a
nodelist. PASINFO
p010307.zip 81249 PASCAL-NET INFO FILE v13.1
If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
about programming in either Pascal or
Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
Included in this archive is all you need
to know about Pascal-Net, including a
nodelist. PASINFO
pas0207.zip 81249 PASCAL-NET INFO FILE v13.0
If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
about programming in either Pascal or
Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
Included in this archive is all you need
to know about Pascal-Net, including a
nodelist. PASINFO
pas0307.zip 81249 PASCAL-NET INFO FILE v13.1
If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
about programming in either Pascal or
Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
Included in this archive is all you need
to know about Pascal-Net, including a
nodelist. PASINFO
pascalnt.fa 2042 Pascal-Net File Echo file
pascalnt.na 2836 Pascal-Net Echo conference file
pasinfo.zip 81249 PASCAL-NET INFO FILE v13.1
If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
about programming in either Pascal or
Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
Included in this archive is all you need
to know about Pascal-Net, including a
nodelist. PASINFO
pasinfo.zip 81249 PASCAL-NET INFO FILE v13.1
If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
about programming in either Pascal or
Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
Included in this archive is all you need
to know about Pascal-Net, including a
nodelist. PASINFO
492372 bytes in 8 file(s)
>Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
stn.na 1193 STN Echomail list file
stn0307.zip 98898 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack UX
Updated on 01/03/2007
Sysop's TechNet is a network for the
sysops by the sysops. If you need help
with your BBS or have an idea to make
BBSing better and brighter, this is the
network to make it happen. We are now
looking for more nodes/hubs/hosts to
continue our growth.
stnfile.na 3409 STN File echo list file
stnfile.na 3409 STN File echo list file
stninfo.zip 50314 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack
Updated on 01/03/2007
Sysop's TechNet is a network for the
sysops by the sysops. If you need help
with your BBS or have an idea to make
BBSing better and brighter, this is the
network to make it happen. We are now
looking for more nodes/hubs/hosts to
continue our growth.
157223 bytes in 5 file(s)
>Area : VIR_MCAF : VirNet: McAfee Virus Updates and files
49714972.UPD 198618 Virus Defination Data Files by Network
Asscociates, Inc.
Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
Updated from 4971 to 4972
DAT-4972.ZIP 9679564 Virus Definition Data Files by Network
Associates, Inc.
Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
(4972) 02/27/2007
9878182 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Area : Z_APPS : ZN: Application Packages Only
ze0301.zip 35593 -- description missing --
ze0301.zip 35906 ZeNet International Message Network
ZeNet League 92-925 Application Pack
ZeNet/JustaXNet Combined Games
BinkP, TransX, FTP and Irex Mail Feeds Available
Join ZeNet League 92-925 InterBBS Games
ZeNet Just A Cut Above The Rest
Just Do It NOW!!!
71499 bytes in 2 file(s)
>Total 83371206 bytes in 62 file(s)
* Origin: ** The KOFO BBS * http://www.kofobbs.dk ** (2:236/150)