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Skriven 2005-07-04 05:31:00 av FidoNews Robot (2:2/2.0)
Ärende: FidoNews 22:27 [02/05]: Fidonet By Internet
Fidonet Related Websites
Thom LaCosta
One approach to tracking and viewing Fidonet related websites is to
visit webrings that specialize in Fidonet.
A webring is a method where sites having a common theme advertise
other websites with simailar themes. The advantage to the webring
concept is that in theory, the sites have an interest in maintaining
an accuate listing and can modify their own listings on a site by
site basis.
It appears that there are two fidonet webrings....the long-running
system at http://b.webring.com/hub?ring=fidonet and another at
The ring at webring.com is larger, but forces the viewer to look at
google ads panels. The smaller ring at fidonet.us does not depend on
adverstising revenue from ads.
Sysops with Fidonet related websites should consider joining one or
both rings.
Ring News
Welcome to The Thunderbolt -- A Weather Wonder(Arkansas, US)
Sysop: Daryl Stout
It's a pleasure to welcome two new BBS systems to the
fidonet.us webring:
Pucela BBS (Valladolid, Spain) Sysop: Komunero
The Realm of Darkness BBS Sysop: Ken Bowley
The most current version of the list below can be viewed at
BBBS Charlotte and N4RPS.net Home Page
Web Page of N4RPS, Rob Sargeant, and Web portal for BBBS Charlotte,
a Fidonet BBS located in Charlotte, North Carolina USA (1:379/2).
http://www.n4rps.net - 6-November-2003
Fidonet - Net261 - Maryland
Fidonet in Maryland - Net261
http://www.fidonet.us/net261/ - 2-March-2003
Rocasa BBS
Rocasa BBS is a system accessible as both a traditional Bulletin
Board System, via landline or telnet, as well as via the Web for
message and file access. It is also the home of the BBBS FDN.
http://bbs.rocasa.org - 16-June-2003
<<Prism BBS
Hq of the IFDC FileGate and the Programmers Distribution Network.
<<Prism has been online since 1989.
http://www.filegate.net:8080 - 11-February-2003
The Fidonet Site for all sysops.
http://www.fidonet.us - 10-February-2003
The Realm of Darkness BBS
A Linux based BBS running in Phoenix, AZ
http://www.trod.org/trod.html - 3-December-2004
Pucela BBS (Valladolid, Spain)
BBS located in Spain. The web has a lot of information about
BBS's and FidoNet in Spain, Argentina, Mexico
FidoNet: 2:341/201.
Language: Spanish.
http://www.conecta2.org/pucela_bbs/pucelabbs.htm -
FTN Gate
Fidonet related site; including especially DNS hosting for
z1.fidonet.net domains.
http://www.ftngate.net - 18-September-2004
Fidonet Region 13
Home page for Fidonet Region 13.
http://www.fidonet.us/region13/ - 20-August-2004
FidoNet Primer
An introduction to FidoNet: what it is, how it works
http://www.writebynight.com/fidonet.html - 11-February-2003
RuneKeep BBS
A great place for new sysops to learn about BBSing and getting help
setting things up. A friendly place for people to Play Onlines Games,
Chat, and participate in International Message Forums.
http://runekeep.darktech.org - 10-February-2003
The Elflords' Home
Where the FidoMob meets to exercise it's mysterious control over
Zone 1
http://www.elflords.net/ - 2-March-2003
Fidonet Parody
FidoNet - An Unofficial Page where truth is stranger than fiction,
and humor abounds when the Emperor Has No Clothes.
http://www.fidonet.ro/ - 2-March-2003
Chowdanet BBS
Chowdanet offers mail from several nets, games and a large files
base. Dial up and telnet access.
http://www.chowdanet.com - 11-February-2003
The Thunderbolt -- A Weather Wonder
Arkansas' exclusive GT Power and FIDO BBS, with over 150 message
areas, over 5500 files, and over 125 REGISTERED doors.
FIDO 1:382/33 GT Power 035/005
http://www.wx1der.com - 26-December-2004
Fidonet Related Websites
Thom LaCosta
One approach to tracking and viewing Fidonet related websites is to
visit webrings that specialize in Fidonet.
A webring is a method where sites having a common theme advertise
other websites with simailar themes. The advantage to the webring
concept is that in theory, the sites have an interest in maintaining
an accuate listing and can modify their own listings on a site by
site basis.
It appears that there are two fidonet webrings....the long-running
system at http://b.webring.com/hub?ring=fidonet and another at
The ring at webring.com is larger, but forces the viewer to look at
google ads panels. The smaller ring at fidonet.us does not depend on
adverstising revenue from ads.
Sysops with Fidonet related websites should consider joining one or
both rings.
Ring News
Welcome to the Positronium Repository - Software Repository of mostly
free/PD packages for DOS, Wins, OS/2 & Linux. Over 20,000 packages ...
Sysop: Ben Ritchey
Fidonet webring welcomes BGD Consulting and Graphics BBS
Sysop : Barry Davis Jr
Welcome to Fidotel -- Free access to Fidonet via Telnet & the Web.
Sysop: Shannon Talley
Welcome to The Thunderbolt -- A Weather Wonder(Arkansas, US)
Sysop: Daryl Stout
It's a pleasure to welcome two new BBS systems to the
fidonet.us webring:
Pucela BBS (Valladolid, Spain) Sysop: Komunero
The Realm of Darkness BBS Sysop: Ken Bowley
The most current version of the list below can be viewed at
BBBS Charlotte and N4RPS.net Home Page
Web Page of N4RPS, Rob Sargeant, and Web portal for BBBS Charlotte,
a Fidonet BBS located in Charlotte, North Carolina USA (1:379/2).
http://www.n4rps.net - 6-November-2003
Fidonet - Net261 - Maryland
Fidonet in Maryland - Net261
http://www.fidonet.us/net261/ - 2-March-2003
Rocasa BBS
Rocasa BBS is a system accessible as both a traditional Bulletin
Board System, via landline or telnet, as well as via the Web for
message and file access. It is also the home of the BBBS FDN.
http://bbs.rocasa.org - 16-June-2003
Prism BBS
Hq of the IFDC FileGate and the Programmers Distribution Network.
Prism has been online since 1989.
http://www.filegate.net:8080 - 11-February-2003
The Fidonet Site for all sysops.
http://www.fidonet.us - 10-February-2003
The Realm of Darkness BBS
A Linux based BBS running in Phoenix, AZ
http://www.trod.org/trod.html - 3-December-2004
Pucela BBS (Valladolid, Spain)
BBS located in Spain. The web has a lot of information about
BBS's and FidoNet in Spain, Argentina, Mexico
FidoNet: 2:341/201.
Language: Spanish.
http://www.conecta2.org/pucela_bbs/pucelabbs.htm -
FTN Gate
Fidonet related site; including especially DNS hosting for
z1.fidonet.net domains.
http://www.ftngate.net - 18-September-2004
Fidonet Region 13
Home page for Fidonet Region 13.
http://www.fidonet.us/region13/ - 20-August-2004
FidoNet Primer
An introduction to FidoNet: what it is, how it works
http://www.writebynight.com/fidonet.html - 11-February-2003
RuneKeep BBS
A great place for new sysops to learn about BBSing and getting help
setting things up. A friendly place for people to Play Onlines Games,
Chat, and participate in International Message Forums.
http://runekeep.darktech.org - 10-February-2003
The Elflords' Home
Where the FidoMob meets to exercise it's mysterious control over
Zone 1
http://www.elflords.net/ - 2-March-2003
Fidonet Parody
FidoNet - An Unofficial Page where truth is stranger than fiction,
and humor abounds when the Emperor Has No Clothes.
http://www.fidonet.ro/ - 2-March-2003
Chowdanet BBS
Chowdanet offers mail from several nets, games and a large files
base. Dial up and telnet access.
http://www.chowdanet.com - 11-February-2003
The Thunderbolt -- A Weather Wonder
Arkansas' exclusive GT Power and FIDO BBS, with over 150 message
areas, over 5500 files, and over 125 REGISTERED doors.
FIDO 1:382/33 GT Power 035/005
http://www.wx1der.com - 26-December-2004
FidoTel Provides free access to Fidonet via Telnet & the Web.
Download/upload QWK packets via Telnet or Web,
Free Email with every account! Come by and see, Fidotel is Free!
http://www.fidotel.com/ Fido 1:275/311 & 100 15-January-2005
BGDCAG BBS has been around since the early 90's.
We are always looking for ways to update the BBS. Doors are always
being added. Stop by for a visit.
http://www.bgdcagbbs.com Fido 1:229/414 17-February-2005
Positronium Repository - Software Repository of mostly free/PD
packages for DOS, Wins, OS/2 & Linux. Over 20,000 packages
http://bellsouthpwp.net/c/m/cmech617/positron.htm 7-March-2005
If you have a Fidonet-related site, join the ring at
--- Azure/NewsPrep 3.0
* Origin: Home of the Fidonews (2:2/2.0)