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Text 28396, 298 rader
Skriven 2006-04-27 12:52:39 av Roy Witt (1:1/22)
  Kommentar till text 28371 av Björn Forsström (2:203/614.61)
Ärende: Canadian "Skills"
27 Apr 06 08:53, Björn Forsström wrote to Roy Witt:

 RW>>>> Don't be so sure about that. I could be a reincarnation of someone
 RW>>>> who invaded Poland in 1939...

 BF>>> You certainly have the same stupid ideas, to know best and rule the
 BF>>> world. And look what happend to him, go and do the same.

 RW>> Just for your education, and I assume that in using the word 'you',
 RW>> you meant the USA and not me personally (if you did mean me, then I
 RW>> will expect an aplogy for your insinuations).

 BF> It was ment to you presonal since I really doubt that the rest you
 BF> your country- men are as stupid as you are,

I see, so you're claiming that I somehow rule the world. Well, in a way I
do, your world anyway.

 BF>  except from a few. An
 BF> apology, hahaha, you MUST be kidding. Look below what YOU calle ME.

I called you for what you are...no apology required there. But you make
false pretenses to claim that I rule the world.

 RW>> The USA doesn't go about rounding up jews and other "undesirable"
 RW>> people and excuting them. We (the USA) actually free everyone, save
 RW>> for those who would kill innocent AND unarmed men, women and
 RW>> children.

 BF> So Abu Graib was a hoax as well and Guantanamo?

Even Sveden has prisons for criminals. Those two places are the same.

 BF> Jeeezzz, that should be common knowledge in USA as well.

Everyone here can tell you the difference between an innocent bystander
and a terrist criminal. Apparently that goes over your head, which makes
you the stupid one.

 RW>> Since being stupid is your forte' and these attempts to compare the
 RW>> USA with your countrys former collaberation with the Nazi' is just
 RW>> more of your stupid thinking. Get off that fucking park bench, drink
 RW>> a gallon of coffee and sober up, asshole!

 BF> Coffee is what we're drinking, with a taste of whiskey.

You drunken slob!

 BF>>>>> Watching what you and Frank S write
 RW>>>> Should give you a real education.
 BF>>> The only thing I've learned from you is to behave like a real
 BF>>> asshole.

 RW>> Yes, you do make an attempt, but even at that, you're a miserable
 RW>> failure...you're too stupid to live, Bjorn, go blow your brains out
 RW>> before you hurt an innocent bystander.

 BF> Why the hell should I aplogize to you?

In case you havn't noticed, I didn't ask you to apologize in that
statement. Please comply with the request as stated.

 BF>>>>>  is like watching AFV or ADC or even Friends, Jerry Springer,
 BF>>>>> Suddenly Susan or whatever on TV. You two really make the world
 BF>>>>> realize that those series aren't fiction. You two have really
 BF>>>>> proven that.
 RW>>>> Anyone who would make up a stupid conclusion from watching those
 RW>>>> programs really needs to find something else to do. They're funny,
 RW>>>> but that's the least amount of education about America as you'll
 RW>>>> find.
 BF>>> Apart from you, they are at least funny.
 RW>> But not nearly as funny as you, who truely believes that those shows
 RW>> are what Americans are like.

 BF> The more you keep this up the more I believe they are true.

And the more you keep this up, the more convinced I am that you're the
stupidist svede I've ever encountered. You make Felton look like a genius.

 BF> And AFV is actually true. Filmed by normal American citizens.

LOL! You're so dumb, you actually believe that don't you? What a moron.

 BF>>> Now you're again telling me not to do as you do but as you say.
 RW>> In your case, you'd be better off doing as I say, because you're not
 RW>> adept at doing as I do.
 BF> Said by the self-appointed Alfa male mudslinger.

The truth hurts doesn't it.

 BF>>>>>>> All I know is that I didn't have anything to do with it. But
 BF>>>>>>> since the 50's we have been colaborating with USA and then that
 BF>>>>>>> must be as bad,
 RW>>>>>> Only if you're guilty of killing a few million innocent Jews.
 BF>>>>> Or 50 000 Iraquis.
 RW>>>> Who killed them? Certainly not American or coolition troops...look
 RW>>>> at their towels wrapped around their heads the next time they show
 RW>>>> them on TV...
 BF>>> Did they commit suicide?
 RW>> This reply only proves that you dont know what the fuck you're
 RW>> talking about.

 BF> I thought you could explain all those who died when USA was bombing
 BF> Baghdad and those who died when USA was entering Iraq.

You mean the ones with the guns shooting at us? How much simpler could it

 BF> Hell, videos from you own even showed you were killing your own
 BF> soldiers but I guess that that wasn't shown in American TV.

That's called friendly fire. Even a svede should understand it.

 RW>>>> Your troops are chickenshits.
 BF>>> Trained by chickens?
 RW>> Trained by Felten and Forsstrom, yes.

 BF> I most certainly know that *I* haven't anything to do with it and I
 BF> don't think that Felten has either.

Man, what a gluton for punishment...LOL!

 BF>>>>>>> Remember N379P? And now even more countries have agreed to
 BF>>>>>>> "helping" CIA and USA.
 RW>>>>>> Do you still believe in that hoax? My my, you sure are easily
 RW>>>>>> impressed.
 BF>>>>> Even Frank S believe it now so that makes you even dumber then he
 BF>>>>> is.
 RW>>>> Oh? I don't recall Frank stating that he believes it. I'm sure
 RW>>>> that's just another assumption on your part.
 BF>>> Now is the time for him to speak up and show that he's the man he
 BF>>> claims to be.
 RW>> He has been, you're just not smart enough to understand him.
 BF> Do you think we can hear him say it once again?

Depends(tm)...do you need a hearing aid?

 BF>>> If he doesn't he will show that he's the lying SOB we say he is and
 BF>>> if he speak up, it will show what a moron you are.
 RW>> And for sure, the moron that you've always been.
 BF> Shall we tet him speak up before jumping to conclusions?

Sure, you can tet (sic) him if you want to.

 BF>>> Tough choice eh..... Wonder what it will be but this time will be
 BF>>> the the first he doesn't answer I guess.
 RW>> There's no reason to answer to idiots who haven't a clue.
 BF> Then, why do you?

This isn't answering, it's having fun with an idiot.

 BF>>>>> A very coloured view and as you said, second hand.
 RW>>>> You're getting it second hand. He got it first hand from his
 RW>>>> brother, who was there.
 BF>>> And all those who have appeared in documentaries on TV are lying?
 RW>> If they're uros, they're probably lying through their teeth. Or
 RW>> don't know any better.
 BF> I've even heard Americans saying the same.

Yes, we have liars here too.

 BF>>>>> Since N379P is true and confirmed by several countries, start by
 BF>>>>> believing that and I can start to believe what you say.
 RW>>>> Sorry, I can't believe a bunch of pikers...and I certainly don't
 RW>>>> care if you're too dumb to realize you've been duped by those
 RW>>>> pikers.
 BF>>> Let's just see what your buddy says about the above, shall we?
 RW>> Afraid to admit you're full of shit?
 BF> What I'm afraid of is that this time will be the first he's not going
 BF> to reply since it would make his buddy look as the moron he is.

Or rather, make you the moron...there's nothing to be afraid of there,
it's already been proven that you're a moron...

 BF>>>>> As USA have filled yours by saying that N379P never existed?
 RW>>>> The facts bear me out. I find none to support what you're saying.
 RW>>>> Does that make you a liar or stupid?
 BF>>> It more tells that you are unable to believe anything else then
 BF>>> what you believe is true.
 RW>> Great sentence structure, BTW. Ummm, make that; what I *Know* isn't
 RW>> true.
 BF> Then you are the only person that are able to read that doesn't
 BF> understand what's written.

Oh, I understood what you meant, but you didn't write it the way that you
meant it.

 BF>>> Rule #1. Never disturb a dog while eating.
 RW>> That would make him the master. I'll disturb any dog I want to,
 RW>> because I'm their master. Dogs don't rule the earth, man does.
 BF> No wonder you get barked at.

Yes, some of those little bastards get frightened sometimes.

 BF>>> Not here. Thay will disturb and hunt deers.
 RW>> That's too bad. That's what dogs do.
 BF> A poodle hunting deer?

Any dog will do that.

 BF> Didn't you say that they were even afraid of their own shadow?

Yes. Haven't you noticed that they keep their distance and bark, rather
than attack what they're barking at? That's what I encountered yesterday
and had all three poodles eating out of my hand within minutes. Now, I
could have grabbed them up and choked them to death, but they were in aww
of the little tidbits of something to eat to even think about it.

 BF>>>>>>> Barking for everything without any reason for doing so.
 RW>>>>>> They're bred to do that, dog expert...
 BF>>>>> Are poodles bred to bark?
 RW>>>> No, that's just their nature...they're scared shitless of their
 RW>>>> own shadow, so they bark...
 BF>>> First you say they are bred to bark and then they aren't.
 RW>> Yeup. People keep on breeding the little barkers. Maybe they like it
 RW>> that way. Personally, all poodles should be neutered so there can't
 RW>> be anymore.
 BF> Did you knew what you answered to?

Did you know what I replied to?

 BF>>>>> I said: Unless they are very well trained to attack.
 RW>>>> Some dogs have a mean nature. Take the Doberman for instance. It
 RW>>>> will attack for no reason.
 BF>>> Some, yes. Those where the elevator doesn't go to top floor or are
 BF>>> trained to attack and even a mean Golen Retriver can go to attack.
 RW>> But the Golden doesn't have a mean bone in it's body. They're lovers
 RW>> and can be trusted to be gentle with babys...human babys, in case
 RW>> you didn't get it.
 BF> And so can a Doberman and a German shepherd. Depends on the training
 BF> you know.

the point is, they HAVE to be trained. The Golden is a natural.

 BF>>>>>>> I've calmed many of then down just by talking nicely to them.
 RW>>>>>> Sure you have.
 BF>>>>> Without any problem.
 RW>>>> LOL!
 BF>>> You should try it.
 RW>> I have...
 BF> Then you didn't do it right.

I got them to do what I wanted...no talking required.

 BF>>> Sit down, look the other way and slowly reach out an arm towards
 BF>>> the dog. All hostility is gone with the wind and you have woken up
 BF>>> the dogs natural curiosity and he will come in peace.
 RW>> Or take your arm off. LOL!
 BF> If he's trained to do it he probably will but an ordinary dog
 BF> wouldn't.

Have you ever seen an Irish Setter attack a Doberman for no apparent
reason? The Irish Setter is very aware of the nature of a Doberman.
Of course you know that an Irish Setter is on the same plane as a Golden
when it comes to gentle...

 BF>>> The last poll I did contained, perhaps 50 posts from you, so I'm
 BF>>> wonder who the poodle is here. And the day before that it was Frank
 BF>>> who had 50 postings.
 RW>> That just means that we are very conversational. We're not stuck on
 RW>> one topic like you are. Isn't Fidonet all about communication in
 RW>> Sveden?

 BF> With this poll I got 25 and 23 was from you. All other except this
 BF> one went strait to the garbage can. They smelled so much so I even
 BF> had to put the lid on the can afterwards.

Probably because you keep your lunch in the garbage can.

 BF>>>>> Do you know what a Guadalope 69 is?
 BF>>>>> It's when you jerk off in your armpit and lick it up.
 RW>>>> So, you perform the Guadalope 69 on a regular basis and you you
 RW>>>> know for sure. Interesting.
 BF>>> I got that from GWB:s illegal wire-tapping log.
 RW>> Ahhh, a fine example of a svedish terrorist, no doubt.
 BF> No, I was just using official American sources.

You mean the liars that abound in the media...you guys are really that

 BF>>>>> Does that qualify me to be in the Big Dogs group?
 RW>>>> No, you're too stupid to belong int he Big Dogs group.
 BF>>> Somehow I think it's better for me to stay out of it, knowing who
 BF>>> the alfa males are.
 RW>> Yes, if you ever hope to climb up the ladder of the Greek alphabet
 RW>> to Alphadom, all the way from the sad, overpopulated backwaters of
 RW>> Omegaland, you have to start sounding like one.

 BF> If it takes a Shit Fer Braines to be on the top I leave it to you.

Yes, I can pick them alright. You're the number one candidate for Shit Fer
Brains of the Year.

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