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Text 34823, 243 rader
Skriven 2006-07-27 10:50:33 av Roy Witt (1:1/22)
  Kommentar till text 34747 av Carol Shenkenberger (6:757/1)
Ärende: Canadian "Skills"
27 Jul 06 17:48, Carol Shenkenberger wrote to Roy Witt:

 RW>>> Hmmm, as I recall, Marge passed away some years ago...maybe not.
 CS>> Could be you know more than i there.
 RW>> Looking at an old nodelist, Marge is actually spelled
 RW>> Marj...probably Marjory instead of Margerate. Yes, I remember when
 RW>> that episode happened...he announced that she had died. Maybe he
 RW>> didn't want anyone know that they had split up, if that was the
 RW>> case.

 CS> Thats right.  Marj was the spelling.  Marj Mills I think?  In this
 CS> case, I *think* they split and she died sometime after.  She moved up
 CS> North (Riverside? name seems to come to mind at least) to live with
 CS> her kids I think it was.

Could be. It was been a long time ago now.

 CS>> another lady.
 CS>> Forgive a slight digression but from a lady, accept that Joe is a
 CS>> truely delightful 'ladies man'.  Ah!  Had I been but 20 years older!
 CS>> A scamp of the first order that can make a ladies nipples wrinkle
 CS>> just when he walks in the door.  It's all attitude, none visual
 CS>> other than the twinkle of the eye...

 RW>> I fail to feel the enthusiasim as I'm not attracted to men,
 RW>> especially Joe. I know what you mean though, having the same
 RW>> reaction to plenty o women, although lower in my body. Last I saw
 RW>> Joe, he was a little pudg legs seemed to be a little shakey, wore a
 RW>> patch over one eye and was d or going deaf.

 CS> Smle, other than the patch over the eye, thats Joe!  Ladies-man for
 CS> sure but not in description in a way that others who havent met him
 CS> would understand. You left out that he's a bit bandy-legged (not bad,
 CS> just a bit).  You'll note Joe's never lacked for a playmate at any
 CS> time.  They kinda line up...

Yeah, the patch I think was because of an infection, if I recall
correctly. He did wear a fairly thick set of glasses too. I did mention
shakey legs, maybe that's what you mean by bandy-legged. I note that it
didn't take very much time for him to come up with a new partner after

 RW>> I reviewed what I found in the archived nodelists. Ena Phoenix was
 RW>> lis as 202/902, which was under the same hub as when I was listed as
 RW>> 909.
 RW>> Brian Roberts became the 900 hub by the last nodestub in 1995. Dunno
 RW>> w happened to Gordon Brandt, the previous 900 hub.
 RW>> In the January, 96 nodelist, Ena was still listed and Joe had taken
 RW>> ov the 911 BBS from the previous sysop.

 CS> Joe was always that BBS name but the number, you are right, may have
 CS> changed at some point.  My number changed there too at least once if
 CS> not twice.  Brenda was realigning things.  I asked to be attached to
 CS> Alpine (local dial for me) but was not able to ever get there.  Had a
 CS> really horrible hub for a bit but he finally shifted to just filebone
 CS> so I was able to get a better one.

Dunno if I mentioned it here or elsewhere, but Brian Roberts was my first
hub...he was very good at it too. His replacement, John Himes, wasn't
nearly as good. John and I went round and round about the way his system
was always breaking down. I finally asked Brenda for a different hub and
she assigned me to Andy Brown, who new as much if not more than Brenda
about hubbing. When the computer that hosted the nets mail went down and
wasn't fixed after 5 days, I found my own ION feed and left the net's crp
behind me.

 RW>> I met Bob Kohl and was recruited for more clandestine operations.

 CS> By then, I was in Net275 and bringing in new points to nodelisting
 CS> status just like I had done in 202.  I was on a ship though so I
 CS> didnt do any *C stuff at all except feed points and get them ready.

I remember hearing about you from members of 202 about then. I remember
when you became NC there.

 CS>> listed as CM and leading to a bad end.  He didnt use what I sent him
 CS>> and even back then, i knew enough to send him my makenl line (PVT,
 CS>> -Unpublished-).  He ws replaced not long after in N275 by a more
 CS>> capable person.

 RW>> I often wondered how one would gain the experience to do a job if
 RW>> they were never given the opportunity. I've talked my way into jobs
 RW>> that we 'reportedly' over my head, but only once did I fail at
 RW>> getting it righ the first time. Of course, raiding the boss'
 RW>> mainframe to make my job easier didn't help much.

 CS> Well, he was a very very nice person and we all liked him, but he
 CS> wasnt good at nodelisting things.  I took his segment and cleaned it
 CS> up and sent it back to him.  I'd learned nodelisting things as the
 CS> Assistant IC for ADAnet by then, as well as other 'othernets' I was
 CS> involved in.

Well, at least he had an example of what his seg should look like. :o)
Maybe he learned by example...

 CS>> The most painful part is it looks to all outside like I'm making
 CS>> this up. Hell no.  But I'm 'old style'.  I wont pass email addresses
 CS>> out without permission nor netmail even if it's sent to me.  I just
 CS>> cant wrap my mind to do that.

 RW>> You're a good gal...

 CS> Thanks <wink>.  I have my moments.  The funny times are when folks
 CS> try to impute an ulterior motive to me.  I would know an ulterior
 CS> motive it it crawled up my dress, and then if I did notice it, I'd
 CS> squash it!  I am an uncomplex as a tube sock, which doesnt mean I'm
 CS> 'dumb' but rather I'm the plain spoken sort.

 CS> Then again, you all know that.


 CS>> If I cant get a Z6C replacement going by Xmas roughly, I see no way
 CS>> to maintain other thsan shifting the rest to Z3 because i cant just
 CS>> delete them when they keep telling me not to at the 11th hour.

 RW>> That deadline I mentioned above will either start some action or
 RW>> finis off Z6 like it should be.

 CS> True.  I thought we'd be ready now but got asked to wait.  Xmas is
 CS> the latest I can really wait though there may be another long inport
 CS> before i go, that one is the last reasonably 'sure' one.  Ships
 CS> schedules change too much to have other windows stay for sure.  To
 CS> clarify, forward deployed ships schedules change too much.

The Navy must have a real job on it's hands in figuring out where to keep
you guys; Japan to keep and eye on that funny little man in N Korea or the
gulf, where world war may break out at any minute.

 CS>  Stateside homeported ones can change, but not even remotely like we
 CS> do.  For example, we had 3 days notice to deploy for the gulf and
 CS> came back 8.5 months later for 2 weeks then back out 2 months
 CS> 'elsewhere'.

I've noticed that. The same carrier has been in the same spot in SD harbor
for years, never going out to sea that I could detect. 30 years ago, I got
a guided tour of the sub pens in SD, by a weapons officer of a nuke sub
stationed there. Bet you can't do that these days.

Before I forget, if you haven't seen the movie 'Down Periscope' with
Kelsey Grammer as a sub captain, you've got to see it. It's hilariously
funny and has some great acting in it. 'Woman on board' a submarine as
dive officer makes it even better. And as usual, Bruce Dern is up to his
nefarus self as the sub captain's commanding officer.

 CS> Still, there's time to let them settle things out still, so will wait
 CS> on them in Z6 for that second timeframe.  I'll be here another few
 CS> weeks but it's more sensible to make sure i have 2 weeks left *after*
 CS> the transition when still in port, if possible.  Dates the will be
 CS> hardline as i wont have quite as much time to work with.

Yeah, if you give them 6 more months, they should be able to settle that
by then. Probably won't though.

 CS>>> I hope I'm not misremembering where Patrick Long used to be!
 CS>>> Pretty sure he used to be Net202!  It would be back along time ago.
 CS>>> Could have been elsewhere though?  Gosh I feel like a flake...

 RW>>> Hang on a minute. Checking my archives, I don't seem to find them
 RW>>> on t HDs. Perhaps I've already put them on CDs...I'll check again
 RW>>> and get b to you on that.

 CS>> Ok thanks!  I guess I could just tell him I'm an idiot and ask
 CS>> (heck, he might be reading here!).

 RW>> See above...I didn't find a Patrick Long though.

 CS> Humm, He's either a friend from 275 then or predates your set.  I
 CS> suspect you'd have to look to 1990-1994 or so for him.

Must be from someplace else. I browsed a few 93 and 94 nodelists and
didn't come up with Patrick Long. I did come up with quite a few people
with that last name though.

Roger, Jim, Cindy, Bill, Derek, Donovan, Dave, Ken, Shane, Mark, John, Tim
and Gene...these from the last nodelist in 1994. There were also a lot of
people with variations of that name, like longfellow, etc..

 RW>>> Oh well, something to look forward to when you return to VA..

 CS>> Yeah, and lots of other stuff! 4,000 some odd books (YeahHoo!) and
 CS>> some cookery stuff.

 RW>> Most of my library is of a technical nature, maybe 200 books. Nancy
 RW>> ha few cookbooks, which I use too. I left a bunch of old tech books
 RW>> with goodwill when we moved. I did keep a few that were interesting,
 RW>> like t 1906 high school science book that is completely out of line
 RW>> with toda thinking...in fact some of it is wrong.

 CS> Ohh I luv my books!  I have thousands.  Literally.  There's a few
 CS> genres missing from the sets as i'm not a major fan of those types,
 CS> but have a smattering of most types.

I wouldn't have left them, but the truck was getting full, so we decided
to cull some of the stuff we really didn't need. Nancy's kids were going
to be producing babies very soon, if at all and mine were scattered around
the country. The baby/kids books and most of her mom's Spanish books were
donated to Goodwill too. That and the 78rpm Spanish recordings that were
just gathering dust in MY garage.

 CS> Charlottes favorites include (but arent limited to):  Little Women,
 CS> Wizard of Oz, Harry Potter series, Artemis Fowl series, Lucky Starr
 CS> (early Asimov wrote under that), Pokemon books, A Wrinkle In Time,
 CS> Jack London (I have most of his works), Laura Ingalls Wilder series.
 CS> Most of them are 'age appropriate' stuff a 12YO would like to read.
 CS> Like me, she's always got a book 'in progress' and this message would
 CS> be way too long to list more than a scratch at the surface of what
 CS> she likes.

She's probably searching for her niche' at that age. As her world expands,
she'll find a favorite.

 CS> I've only gotten rid of one series because I didnt want it in my
 CS> home. Tarzan, because it upset me a bit too much as i read along.
 CS> Although the man was simply a product of his times, the unabridged
 CS> version was what i had and it was so disgustingly racial, I dumped
 CS> them back on the used book store.  If it could be cleaned up of all
 CS> that mess, it's a decent read.

That kind of work is why I stick to the technical books. If I need to read
about human behavior, I have my dad's autobiography. An interesting little
book was given to me by a 92yo former newspaper publisher from Minnesota
who retired in Texas some years ago. It's not much of a book as far as
size goes, but the content sure is. He's an avid reader too and I've
borrowed some interesting books from him to read. They usually sit on the
table in the thrown room, where it takes me weeks to get through them.

 CS> I dont have many text books, but I have some history ones.  Tacitus
 CS> for example is what I've been poking at lately again.
 CS>                                        xxcarol

One that my dad would always pick up to read when he and mom would visit
us in California; A History of the World, which goes back to before there
were records kept. I guesss there is everything you need to know in that
book...I've only browsed it, but he studied it page by page. Hmmm, maybe
that's what kept them coming back every winter. Nahhh. They stayed with my
mom's brother and his wife in Phoenix for a month or so and would come to
SD for less than a week.

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