Text 43873, 282 rader
Skriven 2006-12-09 16:16:00 av WAYNE CHIRNSIDE (1:123/140)
Kommentar till en text av BOB ACKLEY
Ärende: Re: Insults
-=> ROSS CASSELL wrote to BOB ACKLEY <=-
It's true Bob.
I've taken all of perhaps 30 of the ntiinflammatory precribribed
for my dog Spanky ( now deceased since this July 10, 2004)
They were prescribed and faithfully given for preceeding 5 years
For exact time and duration see Ross Cassell as he maintains extensive
archived files and databases upon men of intense interest to him.
Prescribed by the veteranian for my dog some 5 years before his
passing at the age of over 16 years of age human (112 dog years).
Spanky received his dosage unfailingly.
I have some 15 or 16 tablets left from his last refil of 40
not the month before I had to have him put to sleep for humane
Administered faithfully 12 hours per dose apart 36 hours on
and 24 hours off rest so the adrenal gland did not become
atrophied leading to premature canine expiration.
Follow along with me in tedious examination of Mr. Ross Cassell's
lies and distortions.
Or not, your choice.
Spoiler alert: intensely boring I suggest skipping it.
I shall narrate accordingly.
RC> Hello Bob!
RC> 09 Dec 06 10:58, I wrote to you:
BA>> I've never seen anything other than your apparently unfounded
BA>> accusation that suggests that Wayne took meds intended for his
BA>> dog. Methinks you are projecting something *you* would do onto
BA>> him.
RC> He admits it..
RC> === Cut ===
RC> = Waynes_Stuff (1:123/456)
RC> ====================================================
RC> Msg : 1181 of 2025 Rcv
RC> From : WAYNE CHIRNSIDE 1:123/140 22 Aug 05
RC> 14:35:14
RC> Subj : Wayne
RC> ========================================================================
RC> =======
RC> @TID: PX/Win v3.0pr5 PX96-0466M2
RC> @MSGID: 1:123/140 8109c303
RC> @TZUTC: -0400
RC> @INTL 1:123/456 1:123/140
-> Hello WAYNE!
-> 22 Aug 05 13:30, you wrote to me:
-> WC> -> Yet your pulmonary health was so good that you lifted all this
-> WC> weight, rolls of -> steel or was it paper, automobiles, railroad ties
-> WC> etc etc?
Receiving Dept. Precisionaire of Florida, now subsidiary of Flanders corp.
URL http://www.precisionaire.com
Assisted Permanent Dept. Bill Larabie by lifting 567 pound roll
of stainless steel roll stock onto spindel of punch press roll
former used to manufacture permanent grills and grease hood ventilation
filters for commercial application.
Rolls of heavy cardboard roll stock related to later lateral transfer
within the company to Precisionaire.
These weighed only 95 - 110 LBS apiece however as printer I hoisted
some 4 of these every 5 1/2 minutes a during my typical 11 hour day.
Railroad ties referred to were on earlier landscaping manual labor job.
Much heavier than RR Ties, used in building RR trestles and bridges.
Creosoted - weight unknown but rather heavy.
-> WC> Parents had a swimming pool in the back yard and I spent many days
-> WC> doing laps underwater.
Status True, part of my self rehabilitation effort from severe respiratory
-> WC> My record for holding my breath is four minutes and 20 seconds,
-> WC> second best 3:30.
No problem here.
-> WC> My lungs and chest are still huge.
-> WC> Tested by a medical respiratory specialist after being exposed to an
-> WC> acid chemical spill I pegged the chart recorder for the duration of
-> WC> the test. Asked if I could repeat the perfomance I answered yes and
-> WC> the Specialist called in his entire staff to witness me repeat
RC> the feat
-> WC> effortlessly.
True as well though admittedly tedious.
Why is Ross Cassell so obssessed with what happened during my childhood?
Does he fantasize about young boys?
Status unknown but nevertheless disturbing.
-> WC> Eligible for SSI at the age of 18 I overcame my disability
-> WC> and went to work, this apparently pisses you off?
Status, true.
-> Actually I commend you for trying to work, your buddy Sauer cant claim
RC> he
-> has quit at everything he tried to do and jumped at SSI and took it.
RC> Let's keep Ross Sauer out of this shall we?
RC> I lack your supernatural abilities to devine events and circumstances
RC> at great distances and thus cannot comment to his situation.
Confused here as I am not the one professing "mind reading" abilities.
Status: see "mind reading" under topic abnormal psychology, delusional
-> But, you have this inane talent to publish your life story in nearly every
-> message you write, some of which do contain some embellishments and if
-> embellishments were even remotely true, there is no way you would be where
RC> you
-> are today.
Ross Cassell, you demand it.
RC> The are no embllishments, in fact I've held back a lot.
RC> I'm here today the result of a wreckless municiple employee
RC> operating his motor vehicle in a wreckless and illegal way
RC> who covered his ass.
RC> Granted some of my spinal injury *is* the result of working at
RC> Precisionaire but at that point it wasn't a work breaking condition.
-> What does piss me off is we have both you and Sauer sitting here in these
-> forums both living off govt funded or run social programs,
Status: SSDI is an entitlement program I paid into.
SSDI awarded by Tampa Florida administrative judge.
Name available upon request.
Request you not request.
RC> Paid for by taxes withheld from my paychecks weekly.
RC> Making a LOT of overtime and production bonuses my taxes were
RC> rather high.
They were indeed.
RC> You know I'd an odd phobia about filling out tax forms the first
RC> few years working so I've a few thousand dollars due back to me.
RC> Well maybe 2K max.
RC> My early jobs weren't very highly paid.
RC> Landscaping, painting, convenience store clerk, second mate on a
RC> commercial party boat.
This is tedious and boring.
Suspician builds Ross Cassell harbors unhealthy fantasies and
possible intend unwholesome activities with suspecting object
of his obsession.
Why do he do this?
RC> Seems stupid to me now after finding out how easy tax forms are to fill
RC> out after year three or four working.
RC> Doubt I could track down the necessary W-2's now anyway
Stupid, trivia: Status - true.
-> projecting
-> themselves as experts on anything and everything as if being on the dole
RC> of
-> a sudden endows you two with the talents of a oracle. One of you, who
-> himself out of the air force after boot camp has the fucking nerve to sully
RC> the
-> reputation of those who did serve a full stint in the military, some even
RC> saw
-> combat! Yet this guy (Sauer) took his lazy ass and went onto live off of
-> tax payers and he never ever contributed.. What should also piss you off is
RC> he
-> can afford Cable TV and cable internet service and who knows what else, yet
RC> you
-> seem to have to share medicines with your dog?
Mr. Cassell harbors fantasies about other men it seems.
Status: disturbing
RC> I've only shorted my dog two meds in the last elapsed year and he
RC> currently has an eight months supply, Heartguard, premium dog food and
RC> Frontline flea control.
RC> The dog has *never* gone without.
RC> I have.
RC> I don't need cable T.V., PBS serves well enough.
Status: tediously boring.
Ross Cassell needs to find another hobby or seek professional
mental health care and therapy.
Status: JMHO.
-> I'll give you this, you at least did contribute to the program you are on,
RC> but
-> on balance the rest of us had to work for what we got and the likes of
-> should keep his sorry ass mouth shut and you need to stop painting yourself
RC> the
-> polar opposite of what you are.
Status: Who else but Ross Cassell finds this fascinating and interesting?
RC> How is it you claim this omnipotent ability to discern Ross Sauer's
RC> circumstances at a distance?
See previous mention of obsessive interest in other men.
See previous status disturbing
Current status: still disturbing and still tedious.
RC> I claim no such supernatural abilities.
RC> Your supernatural abilities appear to far exceed my paltry
RC> physical accomplishments.
Oh, I see now.
Ross Cassell saved as text file then posted ths his initials apear
RC> I went through the process of obtaining disability and it was
RC> revealing. It ain't easy and there were far fewer scam artists than I'd
RC> imagined.
Indeed, I was surprised.
Still tedious.
RC> Worse yet once on SSDI they make it EXTREMELY difficult to get off of
RC> it.
Government red tape
Status: it be sad but it be true.
government red tape makes it exceedingly difficult to pursue rehab.
I did successfully: Abilities of Florida computer programming.
-> I told you time and time again, that there was a price for revealing too
RC> much
-> about yourself and you are too stupid and too stubborn to see it!!
Tedious reposting by Ross Cassell in misleading and deceptive manner
by _creative editing_
I can think of other things to call it, among them *tedious and boring*
RC> And you appear to have the supernatural ability to discern events at a
RC> distance.
RC> I suggest you apply for the million dollar prize to be found at
RC> www.amazing.org
I did indeed suggest this.
One wonders why Mr. Cassell has not claimed his prize?
RC> where the former magician The Amazing Randi is just waiting for someone
RC> of your supernatural abilities to claim the prize.
RC> === Cut ===
Status: My dog, he acutally cut something.
Let us all hope Mr. Cassell doesn't find the time to post
the unabridged edition.
RC> ==
RC> Ross
RC> Fidonet Feeds Or Fidonet In Your Newsreader!
RC> http://www.easternstar.info Portal To My Personal Blogs And A
RC> Discussion Forum: http://www.cassell.us Email:
RC> rcassell[at]gmail[dot]com ... You do not strengthen the weak by
RC> weakening the strong. --- GoldED+/W32 1.1.5-30413
RC> * Origin: The Eastern Star - Spartanburg, SC USA (1:123/456)
Mr. Cassell may be reached at any of the above addresses.
Why would anyone want to?
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