Text 9316, 298 rader
Skriven 2005-03-31 10:39:22 av Roy Witt (1:10/22)
Kommentar till text 9257 av Bjarte Boe (2:211/42)
Ärende: NIMBY
Hello Bjarte.
31 Mar 33 03:01, you wrote to me:
BB> Hello Roy,
>>>>> came a disclamer agreement or any bullshit, we care to be
>>>>> acknowledged by our own law and rights.
>>>> You should look at the 70 or so conventions and treaties your
>>>> country has signed.
>>> As the time changes, I am a voter and could affect the resignation
>>> of the different conventions and treaties.
>> Doubtful. You're dealing with polictians there.
BB> Later, I found Norway - as in Holland - does not have copyright
BB> laws for exampel DVD. That's for example legal to copy DVD for own
BB> use,
Yes, that's probably legal everywhere.
BB> and copy protection WON'T be used here.
If you buy a DVD produced with copy protection on it from a reputable
source, you won't be able to copy it. Using Swedish written code breaker
software to defeat it, is a violation of copyright protection.
>>> It is parlament voting in September, and the Red-Green coality
>>> could see to win - and they have a more discance American attitude
>>> than our sitting Government.
>> No biggy.
BB> There are many new parlament members here, and very many fully want
BB> to confront the U.S. for their politic and policy. I see a
BB> parallell between Poland and Norway - we were satellite states of
BB> USA (NATO) and Soviet Union. We obeyed and were loyality to the
BB> powers (USA & USSR) because for protection. But USA had changed the
BB> face, so...?
You're being duped by propaganda.
>>> I tradionatilly support the blue wing of political with the
>>> traditional ties between USA and Norway, but it seems that I would
>>> change my mind if there are conventions and treaties at more
>>> "one-way"
>> Just like the rest of the countries in the world, yours will one day
>> protect copyrights of people's works.
BB> Just for European use, not for distribution in USA!
>>> For example, a wanted Norwegian crime who violated the
>>> U.S. State and Federal laws, could be delivered to US.. But if an
>>> American citizen who make any violation of Norwegian law, could not
>>> be delivered to Norway. That is unfair.
>> I agree. But it happens all the time here. People from Mexico come
>> across the border and commit all kinds of crimes in the US. Then
>> they flee back to Mexico, never to be prosecuted, because Mexico
>> doesn't have any extradition treaty with the US.
BB> That's the same problem about Norwegian copyright laws, and I would
BB> be very happy if Microsoft for example blacklist Norway - because
BB> we DON'T need that shit with OEM licenses!
You may not need it, but some Norwegian people will want it, even if
it's licensed.
BB> Microsoft uses the power against Norwegian grossists to buy the
BB> whole market, and ignores the Norwegian Competition Authority
BB> (Office of Fair Trading). Microsoft is probably too big that we
BB> need support from the EU's Office of Fair Trading, and it seems to
BB> work at all.
So, you don't believe in fair trade.
BB> I know Microsoft is paying a lot of tax for the welfare for U.S.
BB> citizen only, and it is best for you all if Microsoft and similar
BB> companies misuse their position!
Ummmm. Paying taxes isn't a voluntary thing for businesses world-wide,
it's mandatory. Governments provide loop-holes so they think they're not
paying as much as they should.
>> OTH, if an American commits a crime in Mexico, even a misdemeanor,
>> not even the US Embassy can get you out of jail. You either have to
>> bribe your way out or sit out your sentence, if they ever get around
>> to trying your case.
BB> That is not a problem for your all rich Americans?
If you were a little older, you might be able to see the parallel to
Nazi Germany's gestapo methods of incarceration.
>>>>> Not alien (USA for example) laws, and we do not waste our brain
>>>>> do know about that!
>>>> I see. You waste it on other things?
>>> No, we do have TOO much other tings to use our dickhead to!
>> What's a dickhead?
BB> Unecessary question.
I have no idea what you're talking about when you mention dickhead.
Enlighten me. Use all the space you need.
>>>>>> Then you won't have anything to worry about in the near future.
>>>>> I hope so that, and it handles about the respect of U.S.!
>>>> You should be careful of what you wish for.
>>> Listen, listen, what Roy said! The famous U.S. power arrogance!
>> Not in the least. Without the US to bash, you uros will begin to
>> fight amongst yourselves or become slaves of the Russians. History
>> repeats itself and urope is long overdue.
BB> It happened nothing. Norwegian Communist Party was "oppressed" by
BB> Government and mass medias, and that never got more than 7%.
Ahhh, so there's no freedom of expression in Norway then.
BB> Now that is a almost dead party. Look at Sweden and Finland who
BB> didn't need the security of NATO. It would also never happen here.
I wouldn't bet on it.
>>>>> I lived in U.S. for one year, and know much about U.S. and got
>>>>> good credits about that.
>>>> You couldn't possibly have lived in every part of the US and know
>>>> anything about this country.
>>> I am glad to hear from you. You are from Texas, and you don't feel
>>> a part of US!
>> I'm not from Texas, I'm moving there.
BB> OK, it will be a cruelly reading of these links. It will break the
BB> American Pride, feelings and heart. Here are links for Texas and
BB> U.S. separatism
BB> movements:
BB> -+- start of cut ------------
BB> http://www.akip.org/intro.html
BB> "We are statistically the largest third party in the United States
BB> and we continue to grow. Join us as we lead Alaska into the
BB> prosperity and freedom Alaskans expect, deserve and should enjoy."
BB> "Political parties, both Republican and Democrat, dominate from
BB> Washington, D.C., and [don't] quite understand the political
BB> problems, or opportunities, in an arctic and subarctic country."
BB> Walter J. Hickel
BB> "I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for America or
BB> her damned institutions." Joe Vogler
BB> http://xroads.virginia.edu/~CAP/BARTLETT/colonial.html
BB> http://www.anus.com/etc/texas/
BB> "If you support this goal, join our quest for peaceful separation
BB> from the United States. Our intent is to provide Texas with its own
BB> diversified economy, new levels of citizen education, empowerment
BB> and social responsibility, a crime-free zone not founded in the
BB> politics of a decaying national entity, liberation from intrusive
BB> laws against the persons of free individuals, and a sensible plan
BB> for value and social justice in government. "
BB> http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Parliament/2788/
BB> http://www.sipoftexas.org/
BB> http://hawaii-nation.org/
BB> "The recovery of Hawaiian self-determination is not only an issue
BB> for Hawaii, but for America. ... let all of us, Hawaiian and
BB> non-Hawaiian, work toward a common goal. Let us resolve ... to
BB> advance a plan for Hawaiian sovereignty." - Democratic Governor Ben
BB> Cayetano
BB> http://www.pixi.com/~kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii
BB> http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/hawaii/ Last Queen of Hawaii
BB> http://members.aol.com/pauleno/ Perspective of Hawaiian
BB> Sovereignty
BB> http://www.angelfire.com/vt/republicvt/
BB> "This page is dedicated to the secession of Vermont from the
BB> federalist United States. It is founded on the belief that
BB> democracy CANNOT be practiced on a large scale. In order to
BB> preserve Vermont's unique democratic tradion, a separation must be
BB> staged with the bloated bureaucracy of the United States. This
BB> break must occur on all levels: political, economic, societal,
BB> cultual, and emotional."
BB> http://calrepublic.tripod.com/
BB> "Califronia has its own military forces, independent of the
BB> National Guard, called the California State Defense Forces.
BB> Commander-and-Chief Governor Gray Davis"
BB> "Henceforth, the California Republic is a free, sovereign, and
BB> independent nation. With the full powers to conclude peace,
BB> contract alliances, establish commerce, and to assume all rights
BB> and responsibilities due to a free, sovereign, and independent
BB> nation."
BB> http://www.aufdenspring.com/eupintro.html
BB> http://members.aol.com/pauleno/ - New England Confederation
BB> PUERTO RICO (U.S. Territory)
BB> http://www.independencia.net/ingles/welcome.html
BB> P.R. Independence party founded in 1946
BB> From: http://www.constitution.org/cs_separ.htm
BB> United States of America
BB> Alaskan Independence Party Seeks referendum with choice of
BB> statehood, independence, commonwealth, or self-governing territory.
BB> Alaskans for Independence
BB> Free the Bear - California Secession and Independence
BB> California Secessionist Party
BB> The Republic of Cascadia Advocates independence for the Pacific
BB> Northwest from both America and Canada, with a libertarian and
BB> pro-business perspective. Cascadian National Party Advocate
BB> secession of the present states of Washington and Oregon from the
BB> United States. Cascadia Confederacy Advocates independence of the
BB> Pacific Northwest region from the U.S. and Canada, with an
BB> anti-nationalist and anti-capitalist perspective. State of
BB> Jefferson The rich history surrounding the events leading to the
BB> State of Jefferson secession movement of 1941. The State of
BB> Jefferson lives on in the hearts and minds of many residents of
BB> northern California and southern Oregon today. Hawai`i Independent
BB> & Sovereign Separatist movement of Hawaiian aboriginal people. La
BB> Voz de Aztlan Separatist movement that seeks a reconquista
BB> (reconquest) by chicanos (ethnic hispanics of Aztec descent) of the
BB> Southwestern United States and creation of a new nation of Aztlan
BB> (legendary ancient homeland). New England Confederation Movement
BB> Seek independence for New England states. Also see New Hampshire
BB> Chapter. South Carolina League of the South Seek independence
BB> through secession, perhaps for all of the Southern states of the
BB> 1861-65 Confederate States of America. Republic of Texas This is
BB> one of several pages for the somewhat fractured Texas Independence
BB> Movement which has recently received a great deal of attention. We
BB> do not support the movement. Constitutional compliance throughout
BB> the United States is attainable. Independence is not necessary, and
BB> distracts from the cause of constitutional compliance. But they do
BB> raise a number of interesting issues. Provisional Government of the
BB> Republic of Texas Another Republic of Texas site. United People's
BB> Party (Partido Nacional La Raza Unida) Many of them seek to
BB> separate the part of the U.S. taken from Mexico from the U.S. and
BB> make it an independent Hispanic nation called Aztlan.
BB> ------------ end of cut ----------------
All are politically minority fanatics who will never succeed to gather
enough followers to accomplish what they believe. Only those who're not
familiar with America would be suckered into believing such tripe.
>>> I know the strong separatist feelings in Texas, California and
>>> Alaska.
>> Like I said, you don't know anything about the US.
BB> Look above. I got A in American History, Politic and geographics at
BB> school in NJ. Ask me for a proof of the grade report by E-mail.
I couldn't care less about your academic record of American history. It
is irrelevant in knowing the country as someone who has lived a lifetime
here. You cannot take a few years of living in a foriegn country as
seriously knowing the ins and outs of that country.
>>> The other states in US are not worth for you, so your point is
>>> absolutely valueless!
>> Much more value than your ignorant rants.
BB> I judged to move to U.S. to live and work, but I undecided, because
BB> of mostly the pension system and U.S. Law and regulations. I
BB> estimated if I live 50 years more in U.S., so it would be much more
BB> unclear in connection with Norway. Because of different presidents,
BB> separatism feelings and so on that interrupts U.S.'s economy.
Someone has really pulled the wool over your eyes. The US economy is
alive and well.
BB> In 1990, Norway introduced the Fund of Oil. It began with
BB> $ Now it is at $ and it grows much
BB> faster. We are happy for U.S.'s Iraq war, we will earn much more
BB> because of the higher oil prices and the fund brokers here were
BB> speculating with the weapon trades in connection with Iraq and
BB> Afghanistan wars. It is fucking much money we have earned. Part
BB> $ with 4.500.000 Norwegian heads for 2005, it is
BB> $33.333 per head. Look at:
BB> http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/no.html
LOL! How much of that money is in your pocket?
--- Keep in Touch: ICQ 39-180-954 AIM Z28Krazee
* Origin: Flying \A/ Ranch, San Antonio, TX (1:10/22)