Text 35477, 211 rader
Skriven 2009-09-01 13:09:00 av WAYNE CHIRNSIDE (1:123/140)
Kommentar till en text av ROSS CASSELL
Ärende: Universal health insuranc
RC> Hello WAYNE!
RC> 30 Aug 09 21:57, you wrote to me:
RC>> It is the website run by your county govt, if you suspect that
RC>> they are lieing, I would raise a stink.
WC> I KNOW they're lying about about a third of it, I'm
RC> and every inmate in the penetentiary didnt do it.
RC> But you dont get it, then and now.. If you didnt and dont put yourself
RC> in a position to run afoul of the law, you wont. You made poor choices
RC> of things to be involved with and who to be involved with when you were
RC> Mr Barney Badarse.
I did not put myself in a position to run afoul of the law.
I was out taking a ride after a hard day at work just to blow the cobwebs out.
Hell I even did a safety walk around on the motorcycle before taking
off that night.
I was driving the legally posted speed limit in the left lane of U.S. 19.
RC> Your troubles here began when there was no secret you would keep about
RC> yourself, again there is no mystery with you, we even know how much
RC> your sisters husband weighs.
You do?
I've never met my sisters forth husband.
So just how do you know his weight?
Can you tell me his last name?
RC> You then tried to paint yourself as a Holier than thou saint with some
RC> IQ in the stratosphere, forgetting that you have openned up doors about
RC> yourself that you should not have.
I care this sort of thing goes on, personally now as I've been a victim.
See the story nationally televised about the kid authorities killed
and skated in another reply to you.
RC> No one is picking on you Wayne, but no one can do anything about your
RC> situation and only you are responsible for being in your situation. I
Now there'e exactly the point, I am NOT responsible for it.
I accept responsibility for everything I've done which
does not include violence or property damage or anything
except traffic misdomeaners most of which I would likely not
have committed if I hadn't been taught a disrespect for the law
by the local police department.
RC> am sorry that you are a cripple (your words), but I only felt sorry for
RC> you the first time you told the accounting of it, not after the 1000th
RC> time.
Then why do YOU keep bringing it up?
RC> Do yourself a favor and learn to keep more secrets about yourself, no
FU, I've nothing in my life I'm ashamed of and I do not nor ever have
I gone around harassing the disabled.
I've done quite a few things I'm sort of proud of including saving the life
of a police officer five years after being crippled by one.
With you it's nothing but personal attacks.
RC> one needs to know the street address of the computer shop you use, the
I like the shop.
Competence in any field is hard enough to find and this guy's a Linux pro.
RC> name of its owner, the names of past supervisors at precionnaire, there
RC> is such a thing as too much information.
And you're the main one demanding or provoking all the details
just as in this post.
RC> You have revealed enough information about yourself like for instance
RC> bragging about lifting with a bunch of guys a 74 Ford Torino off of the
RC> ground and carrying it a number of feet in sugar sand to free it.
You called this a lie, it was not.
I provided the facts in response to your accusation.
You endlessly demand the details and then when provided
you complain about them.
You're just the sort I'd like to see go into the
Camden Lounge and shoot your mouth off.
Hell, I'd pay ot see that!
RC> Another boast you brag about heaving a roll of sheet steel onto the
RC> forks of a forklift, both of which could not have been good for your
RC> back, so how do we know your motorcycle spill was the sole cause of
RC> these problems..
No, I lifted that roll onto the spindle of a punch press roll former.
See, you demand detail by posting lies, I correct your lies
then you bitch like a spoiled little girl.
For your information I did not lose 2 inches of my height lifting that roll.
If I could have done it with a fork lift I would have as
I'm a very good operator.
BTW, the people in that department had to lift those rolls all
the time.
I just chipped in when asked for help with a particualarly heavy roll
No one was more shocked than I when I rolled the the spindle to
see 657# written in grease pencil on it.
RC> But...
RC> What would trouble me the most is this so called stroke of yours!! Your
RC> stellar IQ told you to not seek treatment!!!!! A
Retard, I made the decision to ride it out because I really didn't
give a rat's ass if it killed me.
I got both lucky and rehabilitated myself almost completely.
See, here it is again, you post a provocative statement meant
to provoke, I correct you with the true details then you bitch about
me providing too much information.
In fact it's due to you primarily it's all out there.
I repeat again in this second reply to you I've
done nothing in my life I'm ashamed of and quiite a lot
I am proud of.
Sure I've done stupid things like flipping a 700 pound skid of
razor sharp metal upright but that was to spare the girls on the
production line from shredding their fingers and hands hand
restacking it.
RC> Professional Football
RC> Player, at 34 years of age suffered a light stroke and he sought
RC> medical treatment, a man whose physical shape was better than your own.
Steve, two blocks over had a stroke, his mother put him into the hospital.
Outcome, absolutely nothing but a huge hospital bill.
He still doesn't have the use of his arm or hand.
They did *nothing* for him.
I very painfully worked my hand for months and got it back.
My only remaining quirk from the stroke is referring to
myself in the plural, odd but I can live with it.
For a year I had to have store keepers count my change
because I could not.
RC> (Ted Bruschi). Moreso someone real close to me suffered a stroke in
RC> 1991, his lifestyle and life forever changed. He lost alot of weight,
RC> his diet had to change and he takes the usual course of meds to keep
RC> his BP and cholesterol in check. Once you have any episode with your
RC> heart or your circulatory system, you will forever be at elevated risk,
RC> yet you sought no treatment. Once a stroker always a stroker. Have you
RC> had ultrasound done on your major arteries, your carotids?
Nope and what business of your is it anyway?
Never mind I know, you want the details so you can bitch about
them later in another post.
You complain I provide too much detail and then you inquire
or intentionally provoke with the intent on getting more
This is EXACTLY where all the detail you bitch about comes from,
you provoke it or inquire for it than bitch about it.
Fact is I'm very moral and honest and have no difficulty
with the very minor screwups I've made as they've impacted
no one but myself.
On Nov. 10, 1990 I did not screw up, someone else did
and it just happens he was a cop.
RC> If you suffer another, who will you blame, me?
I do not employ your kind of _reasoning_.
If I have another one it will be a simple matter of random
medical event.
I only just now care about life again due to just finding my
ex-girlfriend clean and sober.
RC> If Ross Sauer can get the system to pay for his heart bypass operation
RC> (didnt know that did you) the system could have looked after you.
None of my business.
Glad he came through it though.
Hell I had the very powerful bondsman
Al Estes bail me out at a friends request.
But for the shock I was in I'd have shown Mr. Estes my quite extensive injuries
as he has all the contacts and today I'd be a multimillionaire.
That has to be the stupidest ommission in my life but it was
due to deep shock.
Anyway no amount of money could ever compensate for living like this.
Oh and yes I did have spinal surgery in 1995, it was a failure leaving me
worse off then before.
The surgery that can correct my condition was only developed about 5 years
ago and only a few dozen have undergone it.
It cost Jon who underwent it 405,000 dollars some five years ago.
He was the first success and is evaluated every six months.
Today after so much living flat on my back on the floor
I'd never survive such an extensive surgical precedure.
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