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Skriven 2007-09-17 10:13:33 av FidoNews Robot (2:2/2.0)
Ärende: FidoNews 24:38 [03/06]: General Articles
Deja vu
By Ward Dossche 2:292/854
"Deja Vu", besides the title of a very good album by Crosby Stills
Nash and Young, is an expression coming from the French language,
meaning boredom and a feeling of "where have I seen this before?".
Well, history repeats itself ... Fidonet repeats itself ... becomes
I was under the impression that we had settled in a comfortable peace
only to be disturbed by some infantile messages by one Barry
Scharnhorst, Bermah Shaeve, Harry Pearatestes, Ahnteep Iraat and other
names used by Roy Witt, all of them abuses which are intentionally and
knowingly perpetuated with the cooperation of selected individuals and
an unwillingness to deal with it.
Today another annoying thread surfaced, an ultimatum directed at the
Fidonews editor and as all transatlantic winds blow, it comes from the
The ZC's have been confronted by their Z1-colleague with an alleged
furor regarding Fidonews and several non-USA-based sysops having
approached ZC1 to intervene up to the point of unilaterally publishing
an alternate Fidonews-editor in the zone-1 segment and stripping the
current Fidonews-distribution from the file-distribution system said
ZC currently operates.
With all due respect but I can think of only one sensible way of
dealing with such an ultimatum:
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt and it reads
"Utter Nonsense".
Our resident drama-queen insists that several complaints are coming
from outside the USA. In the ZC's own words "... the people who are
complaining the most are _not_ from the U.S.A. ...". That, of course,
does not exclude the rest of Z1.
So far I haven't seen a single message emanating from any other zone
complaining about the current Fidonews editor. And I am forced to
revert to the game of numbers again ... this zone still is 85-90% of
the listed nodes in the nodelist. If 85-90% has no problem, then it is
justified to ask whether there is a problem.
Funny how the wording sounds familiar that "At this point, the number
of people who have contacted me about this is growing ..."
It is very reminding of the period not so far behind us when
coincidentally the same ZC used nearly the same vocabularium to force
a vote about the IC at that time. Also then "a number of sysops" were
involved though no-one outside of the small group could be identified.
But of course, said ZC did not say the complaints came from zone-2, or
zone-3, or zone-4 or zone-5 .... merely "outside the USA" ...
naturally, outside the USA there's Canada in zone-1.... So, does
Canada want the removal of the current Fidonews editor?
It must be because I have experienced at least the people in zones 2,
3, 4 and 5 to display a willingness for open debate and concensus.
Commando raids have not taken place in these zones, at least not since
Oct.8th 1994.
Then there is the second element of the communication which is even
more disturbing and even frightening.
Using the mail-, in this case filedistribution-, weapon to get one's
way is below anything I've ever witnessed in Fidonet. And I saw a lot.
Controling the mail, controling the files is something which we have
come to expect from governmental bodies such as the Department of
Homeland Security and as a consequence I'm really baffled beyond
belief that this apparently is possible in nowadays Fidonet.
History repeats itself and, oh yes, Fidonet repeats itself too.
The mailweapon has already been used, I nearly forgot, during my first
bid for the IC-position where Gamey Garcia, ZC4 at that time, was
extorted to change his vote ... "... or else!"
Today this would be impossible to achieve, but in those days there was
no internet and all echomail reached zone-4 via a single very
expensive PSTN-connection by classical modem, and that could be
controled ... it was.
History repeats itself and Fidonet also repeats itself but I do not
plan to play along in this Fidonews-editor phallacy. I'm not buying
this new story and I'm not co-operating if this was the intent of the
intervention. We don't do business here that way. I'm a firm believer
in debate and concensus, not in commando-raids and we are not at a
point where we have to proceed in that way.
I find the accusation of the Fidonews editor's unwillingness to print
certain articles quite farfetched and unacceptable. Yet again "several
sysops" have complained about this, no names are mentioned and no
verifiable proof is presented that indeed articles were delivered and
omitted. Nevertheless the pen of Sean Dennis, Steven Horn, Gord
Hannah, Janis Kracht and Roger Nelson can easily be recognised ... ah
yes, 2 Canadians. So this is a truly international, nay global,
Personaly I would not be surprised if bad routing inside z1 to 2:2/2
would be core to this.
Addressing mail to 2:2/2 would normally route it via my system being
the 2:2/0 and my tracker's logs do not corroborate the claim. The
other kind of proof could be a mailer-log of a direct-delivery. That
is also not presented, as a matter of fact "nothing" is presented.
For those interested in reading the ultimatum by Janis Kracht copied
in-extenso below, please be aware that the phrasing "growing numbers
of sysops" means 7 people ... the 5 mentioned above plus 2 others.
In the meantime Roy Witt is allowed by the same 7 people to continue
his daily diatribe unharmed.
Now why am I not impressed?
You see how easy it is BTW to get an article published? And if you
don't like what I write, what stops you then to provide content for
Fidonews yourself?
It's all too easy, it's all too hushed-up, it's all too ... deja vu!
"No ir s jugar con mis cojones"
Take care,
Ward Dossche
Date: 16 Sep 07 01:58:06
From: Janis Kracht on 1:261/38 <<PRISM BBS in Windsor NY
To: Ward Dossche on 2:292/854 many-glacier.mine.nu in Mortsel
Subj: 2:292/854
Original: 2:2/2, Bjorn Felten
cc: Ward Dossche
cc: Malcom Miles
cc: Manual Adorni
cc: Russell Tiedt
Hi Björn,
I know several people have asked you in the past whether you would
consider retiring from the position of Fidonews editor and you haven't
wanted to do so.
At this point, the number of people who have contacted me about this
is growing and fidonet members who have contacted me feel they are
ready to start an alternate publication if you will not step down.
I've been asked to remove the Fidonews file echo from Zone 1's listing
of file echos as well (filegate.zxx) and to list "the new"
fidonews/editor in the Zone 1 segment. I know that there have been
problems with the echolist, at least as far as your elisting the echo
goes though that isn't the reason they've contacted me. The reason
they've contacted me is because they feel there is something wrong
with an editor who won't publish articles sent to him (at least 3
people have let me know about that problem) and they are frustrated to
see fidonews published week after week without a single article.
Just so you know, the people who are complaining the most are _not_
from the U.S.A. so it is not a matter of your bad-mouthing the U.S.A.,
etc. These are respectable sysops who have grown weary of the
situation and who feel that if the editor was someone different, that
sysops would actually send in articles (and there are a number of them
that tell me that they have done so, and not seen their articles or
data sent to you published).
What I'm asking you to do is not an easy thing.. I'd like to see you
step down and let someone totally unrelated to the fidonews echo
members take over.. like Sean Dennis.. (1:18/400). I'd suggest Jeff
Smith, but I think that would also be too much of a political
Please let me know if you can do this.
Take care,
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* Origin: Home of the Fidonews (2:2/2.0)