Text 9322, 224 rader
Skriven 2010-07-17 18:30:42 av Roy Witt (1:387/22)
Kommentar till text 9263 av Michiel van der Vlist (2:280/5555.1)
Ärende: Extortion?
13 Jul 10 13:37, Michiel van der Vlist wrote to Roy Witt:
MvdV> Roy Witt wrote to Michiel van der Vlist on Sunday July 11 2010 at
MvdV> 14:56:
MvdV>>> The fact is that ther is no body and no evidence of foul play
MvdV>>> in the Holloway disapearance.
RW>> There is the extortion evidence that will tie van der Sloot to the
RW>> case forever.
MvdV> For all intents and purposes there is no Holloway case. In theory
MvdV> the investigation is still open, in practise it is shelved as a
MvdV> cold case, not to be reopened unless new evidence surfaces. No
MvdV> evidence, no body -> no case.
Wrong again, but you already knew that.
RW>> His offer to reveal the whereabouts of Holloway for $250,000, even
RW>> though false still makes a case against him.
MvdV> Only whe he is under US jurisdiction. Which he is not at present.
A crime in Aruba as well.
RW>> When he realized that and got enough, but less than asked for money
RW>> to split Aruba, he gave a false location of the body.
MvdV> And the suckers that coughed up the money fell for it. Well, if
MvdV> they are that gullible... I have a bridge for sale. Give me EUR 100
MvdV> and I will tell you where it is, so that you can see for
MvdV> yourself...
But I'm not interested in your bridge, thus I don't care where it is. :o)
MvdV>>> The fact is that the FBI poked their node in with an illegal
MvdV>>> covert operation that started a chain of events resulting in
MvdV>>> the death of Staphanie Flores.
RW>> Fact is, you've been misled to believe that hype.
MvdV> Fact is that if the FBI had not given him the money, Stephanie
MvdV> Flores would not be dead.
Fact is, if the Arubans had done their job correctly, he wouldn't have
been loose to bother anybody again.
RW>> Fact is, dipshit confessed to the murder of Stephanie Flores
MvdV> Wrong. What he confessed to is having killed her in a fit of rage.
MvdV> That is manslaughter, not murder.
Not according to the Peruvians. That's why the charged him with murder,
not manslaughter.
RW>> and the court dicided that it will stand as evidence at trial.
MvdV> Does not change the fact that it would not have happened had not
MvdV> the FBI paid JvdS.
Fact is, if the Arubans had done their job correctly, he wouldn't have
been loose to bother anybody again.
RW>> The FBI never does covert operations in civil or criminal cases in
RW>> foreign countries without the permission and observation by the host
RW>> authorities.
MvdV> And I have a bridge for sale...
Not interested in your Trojan bridge.
MvdV>>> The recording could not possibly have happened with the advance
MvdV>>> knowledge and consent of the Aruban authorities as such methods
MvdV>>> of law enfrorcement are illegal in Aruba and any evidence would
MvdV>>> have been inadmissible in the court deciding on an extradition
MvdV>>> request.
RW>> Never the less, that's how it occured.
MvdV> So you say, but you provide no non US source to back it up.
Would you be able to understand it if written in Spanish? Spanish
as in a Peruvian version. Doubtful.
RW>> There is to indicate that Dutch or Aruban authorities didn't provide
RW>> assistance to FBI agents.
MvdV> Nor is there any evidence that they did.
Only an eyewitness...
RW>> In fact, everythink leans toward their cooperation.
MvdV> On the contrary.
See eyewitness.
MvdV>>> That is what the US authoritie say, not what the Arubans say.
RW>> The Arubans are telling the same story.
MvdV> Source?
I'm sure you won't have a problem finding this info; afterall it has to be
in Dutch before it is converted into English.
MvdV>>> them about it. They neverintended to get evidence for a charge
MvdV>>> of wire fraud, that was the justification after the fact when
MvdV>>> the undervover operation came to light. They hoped to find the
MvdV>>> body and then when they knewweher it was, set off a chain of
MvdV>>> events that would reopen the Holloway case. Never telling
MvdV>>> anyone how thay got the information regarding the location pf
MvdV>>> the body.
RW>> You've been reading too many Dutch tabloids.
MvdV> I never read tabloids. I do my own research.
There must be more tabloids in the Netherlands than anywhere else in the
world, save for maybe France.
MvdV>>> But the body was not found, JvdS war arrested for the murder of
MvdV>>> Stephanie Flores and told the whole story....
RW>> Except that he admitted giving false info on the Holloway body.
MvdV> He is known to be a pathological liar. His statements add nothing
MvdV> to the already known facts.
You don't know that. Somewhere in his statements he will have slipped up.
One cannot continue to tell lies and keep them straight in their own head,
but they can be recorded and analyzed for fact vs fiction.
MvdV>>> And so now the FBI has no choice but to pretend they had the
MvdV>>> coooperation of the Arubans as they do not want the US voters to
MvdV>>> know they jsut do what ever they damned well please when it
MvdV>>> comes to respecting other county's souvreignty.
RW>> Definately read to many Dutch tabloids.
MvdV> You would not recognise a Dutch tabloid when you see one.
If it's in the Dutch language, it's a tabloid.
MvdV>>> Interveiwing next of kin and (ex) sexual partners of the victim
MvdV>>> is standard procedure in a criminal investigation. Ever so
MvdV>>> often they can provide infpormation relevant to the case.
MvdV>>> Dediding "there is no need" is obstructing the investigation.
RW>> And the FBI or local authorities don't know how to interview?
RW>> Rediculous.
MvdV> As they do not conduct the investigation, they would not know what
MvdV> questions to ask.
LOL! You are naive. Van der Sloot faces 15 to 35 years in prison if he is
convicted of the murder charge in Peru. He would be required to serve only
a third of that time. After that, he would face a possible five- to
10-year sentence on the extortion charges. All totaled, he could
conceivably serve less than 20 years in jail.
However, if convicted in the U.S. for Holloway's murder, he could face
life in prison -- something that gives U.S. officials the edge right now.
Tell him, 'We have enough on you circumstantially already, but by the time
you get out we'll have a lot more, and you'll never see the light of day
again. If you know where the body is, tell us now, and we won't extradite
you on a murder charge.'
RW>>>> Any information he could have provided could have been obtained
RW>>>> from the FBI.
MvdV>>> The FBI provided no information.
RW>> Obviously, there was nothing relevant to give.
MvdV> Or because they did not ask the right questions.
Sure and they're as incompetent as the KGB. BS!
RW>>>> Since the whole idea was to extradite him to the US, the
RW>>>> violation of Dutch law wouldn't enter into it.
MvdV>>> It would come up in the Aruban court decideing on the
MvdV>>> extradition request.
RW>> That's a lost cause. There is no need for an extradition dicision on
RW>> the part of the Arubans.
MvdV> Not at the moment no.
By the time they do, he'll already be on the way to a US prison.
RW>> van der Sloots confession in Peru and the US indictment won't
RW>> involve nor embarrass the Arubans anymore.
MvdV> It will when the Peruvians send him to Aruba or The Netherlands to
MvdV> sit out his sentence there.
Won't happen.
RW>> Joyce Vance is a US Attorney (works for the AG) and spokesperson for
RW>> the US, who was involved in the van der Sloot extortion case.
MvdV> A case that is meaningless as the subject is not in US
MvdV> jurisdiction.
Wrong again.
RW>>>> So you're willing to bet the farm?
MvdV>>> Are you?
RW>> Sure, how much farm do you have as collateral?
MvdV> How much do you want it to be?
Your life for vander Sloot's.
"Peltier was responsible for the close range execution of FBI agents..."
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