Text 11003, 186 rader
Skriven 2013-10-26 17:51:37 av Lee Lofaso (2:203/2)
Kommentar till text 10995 av Gary Perkins (1:393/31.1)
Ärende: Texas Medicaid
Hello Gary,
GP>Since we're on the subject of health benefits, I thought I'd
GP>share my recent experience recertifying for Medicaid.
Not every state agreed to sign up for expanded medicaid ...
GP>I'd been receiving varying levels of assistance ever since my wife
GP>left me and our kids.
For whatever reason(s), most people throughout America receive
assistance of some kind. Such help is usually on a temporary basis,
although there are some who (through no fault of their own) are
totally dependent.
GP>At first, I tried working, but couldn't find reliable sitters
GP>for the kids, and eventually I had to just sit it out until they
GP>both started school. Even then it was tough. Eventually I got
GP>a job offer, but I still had the problem of no daycare. Finally,
GP>I was able to literally BEG someone at the Workforce Center for
GP>help on daycare, and they took ownership of my problem and called
GP>around...she located some extra funds in a general account that
GP>could pay for one month of care, and the childcare people agreed
GP>that if I still had the job after the initial month, they would
GP>jump me ahead of the list.
Making excuses is no excuse. Making excuses is just avoiding
OF ALL HUMAN RIGHTS. The Affordable Care Act is the first time
a US government health care program is based on human rights.
GP>After almost a year, I managed to land a promotion (kind of by
GP>default -- no one else was capable, and they didn't want to hire
GP>outside). Eventually I was almost completely off of government
GP>help, aside from local housing, which I paid half the contract
GP>rent. And then, I get fired.
Why should the right to health care be dependent on if one
is employed? Rich folks who are unemployed have affordable
and accessible health insurance. Why not everybody else?
GP>Now, before, I was receiving SNAP and TANF level medicaid.
Not to worry. SNAP is being gutted and done away with by right
wing fanatics. As such, you'll have to grow your own food ...
GP>The only big difference between now and then is my car note:
GP>while I was employed, I was doing so much driving compared to
GP>before that I started having problems. It was an old 1992
GP>Lincoln Mark VII.
A gas guzzler that ate up all your paycheck ...
GP>So, I traded that one for a 2003 Hyundai Tiburon, which turned
GP>out to be a complete lemon...the fuel system was completely shot,
GPeven needed a new tank.
A clunker that ate up all your paycheck ...
GP>I traded that one in to a real dealership (tee hee hee... managed
GP>to hide the fuel problems!) and got me a 2008 Chevy Cobolt. I had
GP>to get a pretty large loan for this, but being in management, I
GP>*had* to have a reliable vehicle for meetings, deposits, any sort
GP>of emergency run for parts or whatever.
What an idiot! The Obama administration tried to help you with
the Cash for Clunkers program and you took out a large loan from
the bank? That you had no hope of repaying? For another USED
car? What were you thinking?
GP>So, after I lose my job, I restart my benefits. When I go to
GP>recertify a few months later, I run into a snag. My mom had started
GP>paying my car note when it was a few months behind. Added to that,
GP>I was receiving checks from the housing authority for utility
GP>assistance, and my child support of $150.
I will not say it ... I will not say it ... I will not say it ...
GP>Here's the rundown: My utility assistance was $102, which during
GP>the summer doesn't even always cover electricity costs. My car note
GP>runs about $250. I give all of the child support back to my exwife,
GP>since we each have one child with us; the attorney general's office
GP>*still* hasn't settled that matter.
You have got to be making this up. You are making this up. Aren't
you? I sure hope so. Because nobody could come up with a story like
that. Unless he/she is a real storyteller.
GP>The law and the policies listed in HHSC's own books says government
GP>utility assistance should not be counted, and they can discount $75
GP>of child support (even though it's all going back to her). My
GP>research shows theres a rule in the law that money received that is
GP>used to honor contracts should not be counted...specifically: Title
GP>1, Part 15, Rule 366.703, which provides definitions, section 18
GP>which defines Resources, part A: "Cash from income that is not
GP>obligated in the month of receipt." "Obligated" does not seem to
GP>>be defined, but after double checking the accepted legal definition
GP>of it, that sentence seems to me to say that if I receive cash, and
GP>I have contracts that need to be paid, and I use it in that month to
GP>pay my contract obligations (such as a car loan), then it should not
GP>be counted as cash income.
You have two options. Declaring bankruptcy, or having a shrink
certify you as being nuts. It is usually quicker, and much cheaper,
to get the certificate.
GP>In the end, they counted everything as income. I called to ask
GP>for a hearing, and instead they argued with me on the phone about
GP>everything. I never did get my hearing.
You should have opted for the certificate ...
GP>I'm not that desperate for insurance, even though my health isn't
GP>as good as it should be.
"We are all decaying at the same rate." - Debra Winger
GP>I got fairly upset about my treatment...I've already been through
GP>this once before just to get the SNAP benefits. I'm tired of it,
GP>and I've got other things to focus on (such as getting a job)!!
Now why would anybody want to do a damfool thing like that?
Look at me. I haven't had a real job in decades. All I do
is play, play, play ...
GP>I decided to just write a letter explaining everything and send
GP>it to the ombudsman and CC to my representative and senator.
Do you honestly think politicians read that junk? Not a chance.
They have their staffers read it. And then, you get a form letter
in return thanking you for writing ...
GP>I understand that in some US states it's easier to get medical
GP>assistance, but in Texas you have to fall in some sort of group,
GP>such as Medically Needy, Pregnant Woman, some time frame after
GP>having a newborn, or on federal disability. Otherwise you have
GP>to have TANF level resources, which is well under $300 a month
GP>(apparently, in my case, $166 after deductions).
That's not true. It used to be all you had to do was throw a brick
into a window. But nowadays one has to resort to more drastic action.
Such as walking into an elementary school and waving a gun ...
GP>All I know is, I start the month with nothing, I end with nothing.
And yet, you still have clothes to wear. And food to eat. Amazing.
GP>Other than my shelter expenses, and work (job search) expenses,
GP>which are both deductable, the only other thing I do is buy tobacco.
GP>I buy cheap bags of tobacco and roll my own...so that works out to
GP>about $40 a month, max.
One pack of camels can go a long way. But only non-filters. Go
into a bar and show bar tricks with the package of camels. Smoking
the cigs is optional. You would be surprised how much you can make
in one bar trip. Not to mention the free drinks. However, it is
usually best to go to a different bar the next time ...
GP>They can get rid of the entire program for all I care. I'm very
GP>libertarian like that -- it'd be good for the nation, save a lot of
GP>money...could prolly even lower taxes.
Uh-oh. Another Robert Heinlein in the works ...
GP>But if they're gonna offer a program, I'm eligible, and I have
GP>a use for it, then I'll go ahead and take it for the benefit of
GP>my family...
That sure doesn't sound like Robert Heinlein to me. <wiping brow>
GP>but damn it, don't tell my I don't qualify when I'm staring at
GP>the policies and laws on my own computer screen. And if I call
GP>to assert my legal right to a hearing, don't ignore me.
Obfuscate! Obfuscate! That's bureacracy's ticket for success!
GP>The entire situation just pisses me off.
Give it up, Gary. All is lost. Just declare yourself a ward of
the state and let the state do with you what it wants. That should
wake them up. :)
--- MesNews/
* Origin: news://felten.yi.org (2:203/2)