Text 1299, 171 rader
Skriven 2012-07-26 14:18:05 av mark lewis (1:3634/12.0)
Kommentar till text 1265 av Michiel van der Vlist (2:280/5555)
Ärende: dupes!
MvdV>> Yes, so called fully connected polygons use the seen-by to
MvdV>> prevent messages running around in circles. But if susch a
MvdV>> polygon crosses a zone boundery and the zone crossing link
MvdV>> strips the seen by, that doesn't work any more.
ml> right... this is why we have set them up as a "dumbbell" shape in the
ml> past...
MvdV> With only ONE bridge between the islands...
and? your problem is?
MvdV>> For a 3 node ring, one can get away with tiny seen-by
MvdV>> (stripping all but the own node number and those of the direct
MvdV>> links) but for a four or more node polygon that does not work.
MvdV> The context was "zone crossing fully connected polygons". So the
MvdV> above is to be read as:
i know...
MvdV>> For a 3 node zone crossing ring, one can get away with tiny seen-by
MvdV>> (stripping all but the own node number and those of the direct
MvdV>> links) but for a four or more node zone crossing polygon that does
MvdV>> not work.
right... there was never a specific design policy or layout that i'm aware
of... AFAIK, it has always been more of each zone has its own distribution
system and those systems are linked by bridge systems who do all the heavy
hauling across the various ponds...
ml> here in Z1, we had a backbone that was made of 5 or 6 systems in a
ml> fully connected polygon...
MvdV> But not zone crossing...
never intended to be... however the WWB was a zone crosser... i don't know what
their layout was, though... i was a member of it and the Z1B... the WWB was
more hands off on control... when new areas were added to the Z1B, they were
also added to the WWB... when areas were removed from the Z1B, they were also
removed from the WWB... IIRC, the WWB originated in Z3 but i'd have to go dig
to see if i still have that info...
ml> it worked just fine and messages were delivered very rapidly thru the
ml> polygon... then, between the NAB and the Z1B there was one system that
ml> was a member of both... that system handled the passing of the traffic
ml> between the 'bones... this would be similar to one system in one zone
ml> and one system in another zone...
MvdV> However as noted above, one can only have ONE bridge between the
MvdV> zones. If zone B connects to zones A and C, one can not also have
MvdV> a bridge between A and C. So all traffic between A and C goes via
MvdV> B.
yes, you can have bridges between all three... but one or more systems will be
eating dupes...
MvdV> And then when something happens to B, A and C are isolated from
MvdV> each other. This is exactly what happened when the NAB set all
MvdV> outside of Z1 to read only. Islands outside Z1 that connected to
MvdV> the NAB were isolated from each other.
MvdV> This must never ever happen again. No distributor should ever
MvdV> again have that power.
i understand... however, it is much too late to fix, is it not? i'm not giving
up my well known and tested mail tosser for something quite unknown, untested
and with less features...
MvdV>> This crappy system with 2D seen-by and path in a 3D environment
MvdV>> and cross zone SEEN+BY stripping only works as designed when
MvdV>> zones are connected at ONE place only. It utterly fails when
MvdV>> there are zone crossing loops.
ml> there should not be should there?
MvdV> Yes, to avoid having a single party the power to disrupt global
MvdV> echomail distribution.
if something breaks, you connect elsewhere... this is a fact of life... ISP
falls over? connect to another one... internet dies and takes your phone, TV
and email with it, use the landline phone...
MvdV>> But having zones connected at one place - the zonegate - has
MvdV>> the
ml> zonegates are something else entirely... zonegates are for netmail not
ml> echomail...
MvdV> You take the definition to narrow. I call everyting that bridges
MvdV> two zones a zonegate.
that is an incorrect definition and always has been... zonegates had a very
narrow function and that's all they did in their zonegate mode of operation...
i'm using the original definition, BTW:... i may even still have some of their
documentation around here that explains it for those who don't know and insist
on using the term incorrectly...
MvdV>> weakness of placing the distribution at the mercy of the gate
MvdV>> keeper. Too often sysops of such key systems have abused their
MvdV>> power. The NAB coup is only the last in a row of major
MvdV>> incidents in the history of Fidonet.
ml> you definitely weren't around back in the heyday, then... Z1 had huge
ml> "discussions" about echomail and those attempting to control it in
ml> more ways than one...
MvdV> And you think Z1 is the only place were this happened? take a
MvdV> wider view. Back in the 90ties we had fierce CSO wars here. As I
MvdV> was the co-sysop of the Dutch TiptTop gate, I know all about it.
MvdV>> This situation is highly undesirable. In the POTS area with sky
MvdV>> high cost of intercontinental data transport we had little
MvdV>> choice. But now in the age of the internet, with for all
MvdV>> practical purposes zero cost of world wide Fidonet
MvdV>> distribution, we can and should go back to the benign anarchy
MvdV>> that Fidonet once was.
ml> agreed to a point... that point being that we must still work together
ml> for the network to operate smoothly with regard to netmail routing and
ml> echomail distribution...
MvdV> The point is that some do not wish to work together, but wish to
MvdV> impose their will on others.
this is a fact of life... you are, actually doing just this very thing right
now ;)
MvdV> So we should go for a distribution algorithm that does not come
MvdV> to ascreeching halt when some prty does not want t cooperate and
MvdV> impose his/her will on the rest.
cooperation is a two-way street... if one party won't cooperate, that means the
other party is also not cooperating... cooperation means meeting in the middle
ground so that all parties gain some and loose some in roughly equal amounts...
ml> what is being done about gated echos that are gated by more than one
ml> system and each has its own method of generating the MSGID on the
ml> fidonet side? that was a big problem years back...
MvdV> It appears that it is still a problem...
yes, it is... very much so and it is getting worse and worse every time someone
sets up a new system and starts gating stuff into fidonet or some other
ml>> <SIGH> SMH
MvdV>> Sigh as much as you want. It works.
ml> i'm not sighing about whether the system works to move the mail... i'm
ml> sighing because you are assigning a reason that doesn't affect the
ml> system if it exists or not...
MvdV> Whatever. I am not going to tell you how exactly the NADS works.
MvdV> You seem to think that we are all idiots that know nothing about
don't put words in my mouth...
MvdV> echomail distribution and the problems that can arise when
MvdV> parties do not wish to cooperate but wish to dominate instead.
MvdV> Figure it out for yourself, you are the know it all.
and there you go pushing other interested parties away... you would do well to
go ahead and pull the trigger... you still have 10 toes to shoot off :/
* Origin: (1:3634/12)