Text 13695, 266 rader
Skriven 2014-04-01 19:33:00 av Bill McGarrity (6018.2fidonews)
Kommentar till text 13671 av TIM RICHARDSON (1:123/140)
Ärende: Re: Aganist Abortion
TR> @MSGID: <533B41F9.6007.2fidonews@tequilamockingbirdonline.net>
TR> @TZ: 40f0
TR> I can't wait till a few more abortion mills like Gosnell's, are exposed
TR> as the death chambers they really are. And it will happen. I strongly
TR> suspect the Gosnell case is just a scratch on the surface.
BM>On another point that is probably dear to your convictions.... how do you
BM>feel about the Hobby Lobby suit if you freely gave out birth control
BM>pills, some to, according to your words, mentally handicapped who may have
BM>or may not have known exactly what was being given to them.
TR> Hobby Lobby is a business that has nothing whatever to do with caring
TR> for the mentally handicapped, who are not mentally able to make
TR> informed, sensible decisions for themselves.
Never said it did. I asked you what do you think of the suit that Hobby Lobby
has against supplying birth control being you actively participated in
distribution of such.
TR> The people who work at Hobby Lobby are (get ready, folks) WORKING for a
TR> living, earning their OWN money, and making their OWN informed
TR> decisions.
I have no problem with them working for a living and I commend them. And what
if their "informed" decision was they felt Hobby Lobby, as a corporation,
should offer perscription birth control?
TR> Those who are mentally handicapped usually can't even make the decision
TR> to change their SOCKS once a day, without a staff member on their group
TR> home telling them to!
So you were, in theory, possibly giving abortions to each one of those women
without their concent being they were undable to make a decision. I understand
it was through a physician's orders but according to your well stated morals,
it would be against your Chrisitan beliefs.. n'est pas??
TR> There are other methods of controlling pregnancy among the mentally
TR> handicapped, without issuing birth control pills.
Then why wasn't that method used?
TR> By the way...the mentally handicapped who live in group homes get much
TR> better medical care than you or I do. An entire medical staff comes to
TR> one of the group homes my employer's sister operates and a large number
TR> of her clients who live in one of the twenty group homes she owns and
TR> operates, are brought there and recieve examinations, and regular care.
I understand that but that isn't the question at hand.
TR> The females of child-bearing age are prescribed birth control pills,
TR> either by that group of physicians, or in the case of the clients'
TR> family having their OWN physicians (its not rare), the prescription
TR> comes from them.
But again, against your beliefs with regard to abortion, you issued each one of
the female patients a pill that could possibly cause an abortion by restricting
a fertilized egg from attaching itself to the uterus.
TR> As for Hobby Lobby....remember Sandra Fluke?
TR> She got up in front of a Congressional committee, ON camera, in front
TR> of the whole nation, and made the ridiculous claim that her `birth
TR> control costs over $3000 per year'!
How do you know what it costs her? Maybe she has a condition that requires her
to take larger doses that what's normally perscribed by a doctor for birth
control alone. My daughter happens to be one of those who need to be
perscribed a higher dose... it's "medically" required. And what if the drugs
she needs to take is a $10/day pill? Do the math Dr. Tim.
TR> THEN.....got pissed off when a well-known talk radio show host called
TR> her a slut!
Would you not get pissed off is someone called you an idiot? Same chruch..
different pew.
TR> She's a single woman. What she `does' with her body is `her' business.
TR> But...lets look at her `over $3000 per year claim a little:
BLAH BLAH BLAH.... I already discussed this above regarding prices. Costs are
dependent on the perscribed dosage...
TR> So...the price variance reflects WHERE you shop for what you want.
TR> Now...lets get back to Sandra Fluke and her `over $3000 per year for
TR> birth control' claim;
TR> Look at all those birth control prices above.
TR> Do the math.
TR> NONE of those individual items add up to the `over $3000 per year' she
TR> claimed!
Again, are you her physician and know this for certain or are you just blowing
smoke up your ass...
TR> In other words...she LIED to a Congressional committee! Of
TR> course,,,she's a student at LIAR's (law) school!
Again, you know that for a fact? If not, I'm sure Ms. Fluke would be
interested in a libel suit against you.
TR> But...the main point is...the entire argument the democrats presented
TR> (using HER to press their point) is based on a HUGE LIE!
Read above.... you're stepping into libel area... :)
TR> And its been my experience that, when legislation is, or HAS to be,
TR> based on lies to get it passed into law...its not good for anyone, and
TR> almost always turns out bad.
Mmmm..... Iraq comes to mind...
TR> Now lets address Hobby Lobby and its situation regarding this;
TR> A huge question arises right off the bat:
TR> *Sex* is not an activity engaged in at work! *Sex* is an activity
TR> engaged in on someone's own time, in a setting that has nothing
TR> whatever to do with the work place.
Says who? I know for a fact many women at the Bunny Ranch depend on sex at
work to make a living. BTW, it is legal so it's considered "work".
TR> So....what makes the democrat leftists and their cadre come up with the
TR> notion that Hobby Lobby, or any other employer for that matter, becomes
TR> responsible for supplying pregnancy preventives, at the employer's
TR> expense?
Then why would Hobby Lobby be responsible to offer Viagra to you?
TR> And...Hobby Lobby is an outfit that is owned and operated by solidly
TR> believing Christians. By their Christian beliefs, abortion in all its
TR> forms is against what they practice as their religion.
And if they were owned by Muslims you'd be the first in line bashing then for
NOT offering it.
TR> And believe this: IF this were about Islamic women dressing from head
TR> to toe, or sending Islamic girls to public schools wearing that
TR> headdress I see a lot of Islamic school girls made to wear by their
TR> Islamic parents....we wouldn't be having this conversation in the first
TR> place!
So if you feel that way I would suspect you'd have issue with a Catholic priest
wearing vestments to a formal dinner? The Pope walking around St. Peter's
Square dressed in white. Not very Christian of you Tim.
TR> OR...if it was about Jewish children wearing Yarmulks to school (and
TR> where I grew up a LOT of the Jewish children wore Yarmulks to class),
TR> we would ALso not be having this conversation.
TR> The democrats and their cadre are determined to obliterate Christianity
TR> and all its beliefs and teachings, in every way they can.
In just the same manner you're trying to obliterate other reliegions?
TR> But it boils down to this;
TR> I quote in part from the First Amendment of the Constitution of the
TR> United States:
TR> *Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
TR> prohibiting the free exercise thereof;*
Congress has never made or passed a law stating a specific religion is the law
of the land. That is what you, the GOP and the rest of the Tea Party want.
And as stated, ALL citizens have the right to practice their chosen faith,
something you, the GOP and the Tea Party want to abolish. You already had this
discussion with Earlwith regard to a company offering services to the public.
Just as you stated above, sex shouldn't belong in the workplace, someone's
religious beliefs shouldn't either. No religion tops the other, no matter how
much you want it.
TR> Thats pretty plain and un-ambiguous. Pay attention to the `...or
TR> prohibiting the free exercise thereof' part. See that right there?
I saw it and remarked about it....
TR> That, like the entire document...means exactly what it say. Congress
TR> cannot make any law that prohibits the free exercise of a religion.
TR> Christianity is a `religion'. And HAS been for two thousand years! Its
TR> older than Islam by about 600 years!
And Buddhism has been around since the 6th century BC. So I guess by your
logic, Buddhism trumps CHristianity due to the length it's been practiced.
There's actually a theory that CHrist travelled to India as to study with the
Buddhists and Hindus before he started his ministry in Galilee. Tell me, what
was he doing for that 20 years between the Temple and the wedding at Cana?
TR> And before you throw the age of Jewry at me...allow me to point out
TR> that Christianity was established by a JEW...with the help of His
TR> JEWISH followers!
Read above....
TR> The bottom line in all this is simple:
TR> Either the Constitution means what it says...or it doesn't!
The Constitution is for EVERYONE time.. not just your bigoted views.
TR> We either have `freedom of religion' in this country...or we don't!
And you agree a Muslim woman has the right to wear a Hijab as an expression of
their religion? Didn't think so.... afterall, Islam is only 1400 years old.
TR> If this decision makes Hobby Lobby go against its religious standards
TR> and principles, then the Constitution is dead!
The Constitution is dead if they allow Hobby Lobby to get away with their
I for one do not want to live in the Christian state as you perscribe the US
should be. Your views are in direct violation of the First Amendment if you'd
stop and think about it. Think, now there is an oxymoron...
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